So Why All the Lying About Russia?

uranium one - - - debunked.

but i was talking about obama's so called 'incriminating' video.
Debunked? how? the collusion story was debunked, there was a real investigation and you got me the investigation into Uranium One?

The House committee said they were investigating in 2017.

So, you claim Hillarty was bribed for your approval vote on the foreign investments committee.

What did the other 8 members get?

So, you claim Hillarty was bribed for your approval vote on the foreign investments committee.

Why do you think the bribes were only for that?

So what did the other 8 get???

What else were the "bribes" for? Lessen sanctions on Russia? Permission to build a Clinton Tower? Get low interst loans from Russian banks?

What else were the "bribes" for?

Everyone and their uncle were buying access to the next President.
Why do you think she needed the private server?

Getting next to the President.... like staying ion his hotels & resorts? Like booking events there? You mean stuff like that? You mean like Trump doubling membership fees at Mir-a-lago after he won? Maybe when the Saudis booked & paid for a bunch of rooms they never used?
The Mueller report is a shame, the investigation a fake at least in the end. I suppose it's possible Barr shut it down and dictated the conclusions, but I really think it was never meant to go anywhere to start with.

I think you're wrong.

I have a lot of faith in Mueller. He may be a Republican but he is a serious and principled investigator. I doubt that he approached his investigation as a "get Trump" task but I have no doubt he was serious about it.

We don't KNOW what he found.

All we have is Barr's bullshit 4 page memo ...supposedly summarizing 2 years worth of investigation in less than 48 hours.

Barr did what he was hired to do. We need to see the Report.
Trump has been "exonerated" but Graham & the rest will do anything in their power to stop Mueller's report from seeing the light of day. Personally I kinda hope they succeed, thereby casting more suspicion on Trump & causing voters in 2020 to wonder just what the hell their hiding from the American people.

Be careful what ya wish for, Trumptards, you just may get it!
Are you high?
So where did Graham say that...give us a link
And again, when the report is released, it's just going to disappoint you .........there was ZERO evidence of collusion.......what are you hoping to find?
This will be a shocker, but people listen to the news, read articles & stuff & they learn shit. You should try it sometime.

Yep, and it's becoming quite clear liberals ain't learned shit.
They lied to Congress

They lied to the FBI

They lied to the American people.

They risked JAIL for these lies.

Why would they do that?

This could be explained but Trump's Butt Boy Barr is resisting releasing the report to Congress.
What are they trying to hide?

Attorney general expected to miss deadline for giving Mueller report to Congress, will not commit to releasing it in full
So...yes, Clinton sold Uranium rights to the Russians.

Thank you!

uranium one - - - debunked.

but i was talking about obama's so called 'incriminating' video.
Debunked? how? the collusion story was debunked, there was a real investigation and you got me the investigation into Uranium One?

So where does Mueller say that Trump did not collude??? I thought it said they found no evidence of collusion.
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
what's the difference? but is hard to find something that was made up. her security clearance should have been pulled.

Trump appointed Barr AG to run interference on Mueller's report and not release it.
Barr wrote a memo calling out the Special Counsel a few months after it was opened, criticizing it.
That's how you get to Trump: Flatter him.
Barr learned well from Putin and Kim Jong Un.
Let's face facts. Not only was Hitlery caught using a private server, but she was using that server to pass along TS information.

no such thing was ever said, nor was she ever in a million years accused of such.
You are such a liar.

Of course she's been accused of it, you fucking liar. Over and over and over again.

And yes, it has been said. Over and over and over again.

Fucking lying piece of filth.

"An FBI examination of Clinton's server found over 100 emails containing classified information, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret". An additional 2,093 emails not marked classified were retroactively classified by the State Department."

Hillary Clinton email controversy - Wikipedia
She did not use her server to pass along top secret information to the enemy or in any kind of espionage way... her staff, who are the ones who were passing secret information back and forth about the drone program, all had TOP SECRET clearance.... they passed this information from their emails, to her.... in some cases, 2 years of them sending emails along to each other before they ever even sent it to her.

And yes, her staff was sending emails back and forth on secret info, but NONE of it was taken from its Proper Place.... none was from the gvt's top secret/secret files and server that held them, it was her staff simply discussing things....with each other.... loose lips for certain, but not taken from some secure server.
Ok, then why did she have a makeshift server in her basement and ignore tons of DoS protocol with devices and other stuff? Let me guess, Chelsea's wedding plans were that much of a secret....Jesus you guys will believe ANYTHING they have NO CRITICAL THINKING skills at all.
Why was it make-shift?

No evidence it was hacked.
there was evidence she violated the law by having a government server in her basement. confirmed and a crime!!!!!
uranium one - - - debunked.

but i was talking about obama's so called 'incriminating' video.
Debunked? how? the collusion story was debunked, there was a real investigation and you got me the investigation into Uranium One?

So where does Mueller say that Trump did not collude??? I thought it said they found no evidence of collusion.
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
what's the difference? but is hard to find something that was made up.

In one case, you find no evidence and the other you find proof they didn't.

Trump is sa very experienced crook.
The Mueller report is a shame, the investigation a fake at least in the end. I suppose it's possible Barr shut it down and dictated the conclusions, but I really think it was never meant to go anywhere to start with.

I think you're wrong.

I have a lot of faith in Mueller. He may be a Republican but he is a serious and principled investigator. I doubt that he approached his investigation as a "get Trump" task but I have no doubt he was serious about it.

We don't KNOW what he found.

All we have is Barr's bullshit 4 page memo ...supposedly summarizing 2 years worth of investigation in less than 48 hours.

Barr did what he was hired to do. We need to see the Report.
Trump has been "exonerated" but Graham & the rest will do anything in their power to stop Mueller's report from seeing the light of day. Personally I kinda hope they succeed, thereby casting more suspicion on Trump & causing voters in 2020 to wonder just what the hell their hiding from the American people.

Be careful what ya wish for, Trumptards, you just may get it!
Are you high?
So where did Graham say that...give us a link
And again, when the report is released, it's just going to disappoint you .........there was ZERO evidence of collusion.......what are you hoping to find?
This will be a shocker, but people listen to the news, read articles & stuff & they learn shit. You should try it sometime.
when do you start your education then?
Debunked? how? the collusion story was debunked, there was a real investigation and you got me the investigation into Uranium One?

So where does Mueller say that Trump did not collude??? I thought it said they found no evidence of collusion.
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
what's the difference? but is hard to find something that was made up.

In one case, you find no evidence and the other you find proof they didn't.

Trump is sa very experienced crook.
exactly, now what is the evidence against trump? hitlery committed a crime with the server in her basement, evidence in hand by the FBI.
Trump admiistration people will first redact the Mueller Report before sending it to Congress.
The Mueller report is a shame, the investigation a fake at least in the end. I suppose it's possible Barr shut it down and dictated the conclusions, but I really think it was never meant to go anywhere to start with.

I think you're wrong.

I have a lot of faith in Mueller. He may be a Republican but he is a serious and principled investigator. I doubt that he approached his investigation as a "get Trump" task but I have no doubt he was serious about it.

We don't KNOW what he found.

All we have is Barr's bullshit 4 page memo ...supposedly summarizing 2 years worth of investigation in less than 48 hours.

Barr did what he was hired to do. We need to see the Report.
Trump has been "exonerated" but Graham & the rest will do anything in their power to stop Mueller's report from seeing the light of day. Personally I kinda hope they succeed, thereby casting more suspicion on Trump & causing voters in 2020 to wonder just what the hell their hiding from the American people.

Be careful what ya wish for, Trumptards, you just may get it!
Are you high?
So where did Graham say that...give us a link
And again, when the report is released, it's just going to disappoint you .........there was ZERO evidence of collusion.......what are you hoping to find?
This will be a shocker, but people listen to the news, read articles & stuff & they learn shit. You should try it sometime.
when do you start your education then?

Why don't you point out all my stuff that is not true and prove it.
So where does Mueller say that Trump did not collude??? I thought it said they found no evidence of collusion.
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
what's the difference? but is hard to find something that was made up.

In one case, you find no evidence and the other you find proof they didn't.

Trump is sa very experienced crook.
exactly, now what is the evidence against trump? hitlery committed a crime with the server in her basement, evidence in hand by the FBI.
The server was not illegal.

Trump appointed Barr AG to run interference on Mueller's report and not release it.
Barr wrote a memo calling out the Special Counsel a few months after it was opened, criticizing it.
That's how you get to Trump: Flatter him.
Barr learned well from Putin and Kim Jong Un.

Not releasing the shit out of it!!!
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
what's the difference? but is hard to find something that was made up.

In one case, you find no evidence and the other you find proof they didn't.

Trump is sa very experienced crook.
exactly, now what is the evidence against trump? hitlery committed a crime with the server in her basement, evidence in hand by the FBI.
The server was not illegal.

Putting and keeping classified information onto it was illegal.
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
what's the difference? but is hard to find something that was made up.

In one case, you find no evidence and the other you find proof they didn't.

Trump is sa very experienced crook.
exactly, now what is the evidence against trump? hitlery committed a crime with the server in her basement, evidence in hand by the FBI.
The server was not illegal.
I never said it was. it's where it was that was illegal since it had classified documents on it.
So...yes, Clinton sold Uranium rights to the Russians.

Thank you!

uranium one - - - debunked.

but i was talking about obama's so called 'incriminating' video.
Debunked? how? the collusion story was debunked, there was a real investigation and you got me the investigation into Uranium One?

So where does Mueller say that Trump did not collude??? I thought it said they found no evidence of collusion.
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
did not find enough evidence to ESTABLISH a crime, without a reasonable doubt, does not mean there was no evidence...

people keep jumping over that ''establish'' word...

the administration and Barr, played right in to the Russian hands of continuing to divide us, by not releasing the Mueller report, at the same time as Barr's summary, and by Barr not following the ethics rule of recusing himself on this issue... after he had written a 19 page job interview for Trump's lawyers stating basically a President can never obstruct and break the law.... only if they are Democrats like Bill Clinton, can this happen.... :rolleyes:
uranium one - - - debunked.

but i was talking about obama's so called 'incriminating' video.
Debunked? how? the collusion story was debunked, there was a real investigation and you got me the investigation into Uranium One?

So where does Mueller say that Trump did not collude??? I thought it said they found no evidence of collusion.
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
did not find enough evidence to ESTABLISH a crime, without a reasonable doubt, does not mean there was no evidence...

people keep jumping over that ''establish'' word...

the administration and Barr, played right in to the Russian hands of continuing to divide us, by not releasing the Mueller report, at the same time as Barr's summary, and by Barr not following the ethics rule of recusing himself on this issue... after he had written a 19 page job interview for Trump's lawyers stating basically a President can never obstruct and break the law.... only if they are Democrats like bill Clinton, can this happen.... :rolleyes:
ESTABLISH a crime, without a reasonable doubt, does not mean there was no evidence..

what else does it mean?
uranium one - - - debunked.

but i was talking about obama's so called 'incriminating' video.
Debunked? how? the collusion story was debunked, there was a real investigation and you got me the investigation into Uranium One?

So where does Mueller say that Trump did not collude??? I thought it said they found no evidence of collusion.
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
did not find enough evidence to ESTABLISH a crime, without a reasonable doubt, does not mean there was no evidence...

people keep jumping over that ''establish'' word...

the administration and Barr, played right in to the Russian hands of continuing to divide us, by not releasing the Mueller report, at the same time as Barr's summary, and by Barr not following the ethics rule of recusing himself on this issue... after he had written a 19 page job interview for Trump's lawyers stating basically a President can never obstruct and break the law.... only if they are Democrats like Bill Clinton, can this happen.... :rolleyes:

and by Barr not following the ethics rule of recusing himself on this issue...

Can you post the ethics rule that says an appointee can't have a legal opinion?
Debunked? how? the collusion story was debunked, there was a real investigation and you got me the investigation into Uranium One?

So where does Mueller say that Trump did not collude??? I thought it said they found no evidence of collusion.
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
did not find enough evidence to ESTABLISH a crime, without a reasonable doubt, does not mean there was no evidence...

people keep jumping over that ''establish'' word...

the administration and Barr, played right in to the Russian hands of continuing to divide us, by not releasing the Mueller report, at the same time as Barr's summary, and by Barr not following the ethics rule of recusing himself on this issue... after he had written a 19 page job interview for Trump's lawyers stating basically a President can never obstruct and break the law.... only if they are Democrats like bill Clinton, can this happen.... :rolleyes:
ESTABLISH a crime, without a reasonable doubt, does not mean there was no evidence..

what else does it mean?
It means there was not enough evidence or they were unable to establish "intent"....


is that there was NO evidence...

it means that there was evidence of wrong doing....but not enough to leave some reasonable doubt,

the opposite of what President Trump is saying and getting you guys to repeat, like good little minions.
So where does Mueller say that Trump did not collude??? I thought it said they found no evidence of collusion.
Can you gusy do a Google search at all? Jesus the left is lazy as wonder you are all on welfare. And no wonder you vote for the left, you don't try to find anything out.....
Mueller was clear in finding no collusion, but punted on the matter of obstruction

On coordination with the Russians, special counsel Robert Mueller was clear, according to the attorney general's letter to Congress Sunday: He did not find "that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

Based on that, Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, decided that the evidence collected by Mueller did not establish that Trump committed the crime of obstruction of justice.

I mean he didn't do it, we all knew it......can you guys THINK for once? Look at multiple sources....I just posted NBC......a source I hate....but I do look at their stuff in case my side is full of shit.......which it rarely is.....

you guys really are in the Matrix......just sitting there sucking up what Rachel Maddow says and that's it.

Muelerr said that "did not find...", not that Trump didn't.
did not find enough evidence to ESTABLISH a crime, without a reasonable doubt, does not mean there was no evidence...

people keep jumping over that ''establish'' word...

the administration and Barr, played right in to the Russian hands of continuing to divide us, by not releasing the Mueller report, at the same time as Barr's summary, and by Barr not following the ethics rule of recusing himself on this issue... after he had written a 19 page job interview for Trump's lawyers stating basically a President can never obstruct and break the law.... only if they are Democrats like bill Clinton, can this happen.... :rolleyes:
ESTABLISH a crime, without a reasonable doubt, does not mean there was no evidence..

what else does it mean?
It means there was not enough evidence or they were unable to establish "intent"....


is that there was NO evidence...

it means that there was evidence of wrong doing....but not enough to leave some reasonable doubt,

the opposite of what President Trump is saying and getting you guys to repeat, like good little minions.
dude, if you have no evidence, you have no evidence. he had no evidence. I know, I know, it's disappointing to you. they should have had counselors ready when this report came out so the leftists TDS'rs had some relief.

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