So, why do I find myself on the side of the Democrats, against many of the Republicans, and obama?

I charge this most holy office of capitalism to be bound in superstition, rigid dogma and wishful thinking.

How does that even make sense? Economic freedom is superstition? How left are you, Karl, that you think the natural state is total government control and every freedom must be justified. I believe the exact reverse

I would guess that most of us who have serious issues with free trade based on factual history, have positive feeling for fair trade. That includes protectionism for the American worker. How about you, Kaz?

The best protection for the American worker ... is ... free trade. How do you give people jobs that don't exist? Being a government protected blacksmith may be a way to suffer through a living, but give me the choices of a vibrant, growing economy
I already said NAFTA was but part of a broad policy to cheapen American labor and undercut unions by making us compete directly with sweat shop laborers. Pay attention. I am attacking your entire Friedmanite economic belief system as a false gospel, not just NAFTA.

OK, so then you think the only thing that has happened in our economy is not just NAFTA, you think the only thing that has happened on our economy the last 20 years are free trade agreements. That's no better
You still don't get it. Read this slowly and ponder every word. Our trade policy has only enriched the already wealthy and done nothing positive for any American wage earner. All of your economic beliefs are the same dogmatic bullshit we have been hearing for decades. All of these "free trade" proponents' predictions of widespread prosperity have been either lies or total incompetence. Take your pick.

You still don't get it. Read this slowly and ponder every word. How ... do ... you ... know ... the ... field ... of ... economics ... is ... wrong?
Economics claims to be scientific if not a science. After all this time there should be some agreement on what reaction will result from any sort of action in very general terms, but this is not the case. Instead we have two warring camps who are more interested in pushing their belief systems rather than actually providing some definitive answers to mostly avoid this unstable boom and bust cycle that has made life very difficult for nearly everyone. So in nutshell this is my opinion: Economics should not be treated as anything other than a dubious pseudo-science, like phrenology, until they produce some repeatable results and some straight answers. As long as it is just a bitter polar conflict between greasing the skids for the rich and providing economic protection for the working class everything any of them says is suspect.
Economists can be politicized, just like with people in other professions that deal with issues in society.

Milton Friedman, Keynes, and so on, for good or ill pushed their economic policies through a political ideology, whether they intended to or not. Keynes influenced the New Deal and much of the Post-WW2 rebirth, and Milton Friedman had significant influence on US foreign policy.

This can be very damaging, as when some economists push their political ideology, they can do it on the basis of 'if they aren't with us, they are against us' and snub all criticism.

Certainly economics is politicized. Liberal lawyers believe they know more about economics than anyone. And amazingly it's all self serving to themselves

Certainly the great recession was the product of politicized economists who put their 'free market' beliefs into practice - even if they ran foul of the reality expressed by more objective economists.

Say what?

- The government already inflate housing values with tax deductions
- Then Clinton threatened CEOs to lower their lending standards or face congressional investigations
- Then the Fed flooded the market with free money so the new buyers who were sub prime because they weren't responsible with debt bid up the housing values even more
- Then W came in and said wow, that's a bad idea. And then in typical Republican fashion he continued the policy
- When the first economic blip came, subprime borrowers couldn't pay, which then like dominos brought down the rest of the housing market and the economy with it.

And you call that "free market?" Dude, there isn't any free market anywhere in all that. Take your head out of the kool aid bowl and face reality. Lawyers are ... lying ... to you. Shocking, I know. But you need to start questioning what you are told. Free freaking markets? Wow, delusional
I charge this most holy office of capitalism to be bound in superstition, rigid dogma and wishful thinking.

How does that even make sense? Economic freedom is superstition? How left are you, Karl, that you think the natural state is total government control and every freedom must be justified. I believe the exact reverse

So you believe that the government should be controlled by private industry and wealthy individuals

You are an idiot

and that every freedom should be awarded according to the size of one's contribution to the national GDP?

I don't know what this means, but money can buy things, who'd a thought? However, money has nothing to do with freedom, workers should be free to get the best job and make the most money they can

If the 'little people' don't make it, then they don't get freedom of speech and expression, or a political say.

How very, Roman Republic of you. :eek:

You are an idiot
OK, so then you think the only thing that has happened in our economy is not just NAFTA, you think the only thing that has happened on our economy the last 20 years are free trade agreements. That's no better
You still don't get it. Read this slowly and ponder every word. Our trade policy has only enriched the already wealthy and done nothing positive for any American wage earner. All of your economic beliefs are the same dogmatic bullshit we have been hearing for decades. All of these "free trade" proponents' predictions of widespread prosperity have been either lies or total incompetence. Take your pick.

You still don't get it. Read this slowly and ponder every word. How ... do ... you ... know ... the ... field ... of ... economics ... is ... wrong?
Economics claims to be scientific if not a science. After all this time there should be some agreement on what reaction will result from any sort of action in very general terms, but this is not the case. Instead we have two warring camps who are more interested in pushing their belief systems rather than actually providing some definitive answers to mostly avoid this unstable boom and bust cycle that has made life very difficult for nearly everyone. So in nutshell this is my opinion: Economics should not be treated as anything other than a dubious pseudo-science, like phrenology, until they produce some repeatable results and some straight answers. As long as it is just a bitter polar conflict between greasing the skids for the rich and providing economic protection for the working class everything any of them says is suspect.
Economists can be politicized, just like with people in other professions that deal with issues in society.

Milton Friedman, Keynes, and so on, for good or ill pushed their economic policies through a political ideology, whether they intended to or not. Keynes influenced the New Deal and much of the Post-WW2 rebirth, and Milton Friedman had significant influence on US foreign policy.

This can be very damaging, as when some economists push their political ideology, they can do it on the basis of 'if they aren't with us, they are against us' and snub all criticism.

Certainly the great recession was the product of politicized economists who put their 'free market' beliefs into practice - even if they ran foul of the reality expressed by more objective economists.
Very good, people who have their economics all wrapped up with politics are more of a pain in the ass than people who have religion all wrapped up in politics. Zealots often ruin things for everyone else.

Thinking we should be free to make our own choices and cut the best deal we can is wrapping politics with economics. Your Marxist government will provide for and feed us and make our choices better for us than we can? No politics in that, Homey. Got it
The way we handled trade deals with foreign countries with the ratification on the Senate worked for over 200 years, so why the need for the change................

it goes along with, if it's not broken don't fuck with it.
there has been much said here about Nixon and his petty little crimes (?), in my opinion the worst thing i believe he done was start the friendship and trade with china, all this current trade :bsflag: goes back to that unAmerican deal, e.g.,

President Nixon Goes to China

President Nixon Goes to China
February 21, 1972

On his visit to China, Nixon met with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. The two leaders agreed to expand cultural contacts between their two nations. Nixon also established plans for a permanent U.S. trade mission in China.

President Nixon Goes to China
February 21, 1972

Look at the tags on your clothes or your backpack and see where they were made. There's a chance it was China. Today, the U.S. has an open-trade policy with China, which means goods are traded freely between the two countries, but it wasn't always this way. On February 21, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon arrived in China for an official trip. He was the first U.S. president to visit the People's Republic of China since it was established in 1949. This was an important event because the U.S. was seeking to improve relations with a Communist country during the Cold War. What sorts of issues do you think Nixon discussed?

does anyone else on USMB think/believe as i do ?
list of major companies who have left the United States to incorporate overseas.........

American companies that have incorporated overseas - The Washington Post

They are doing so to stop paying higher taxes............While most of the world has been lowering their Corp tax rates the United States remains high, so as always they will offshore it..................and in many cases move the whole operation overseas......................

I've never argued that these tax laws and regulations need to be try and keep them here...................

But that is not what I'm arguing..................I understand why they are leaving..............but that doesn't change the issue that we are allowing a Foreign entity and court to decide our fate in Trade deals with countries like China.........................I've already shown how China has restricted trade or our goods, and sent subsidized products to our shores with no tariffs whatsoever........................How is this good for the United States when we CHALLENGE THIS IN A FOREIGN COURT........and they REJECT OUR POSITION............even when in cases like NAFTA Federal Courts in the United States have agreed to the legality that was overturned by the courts under NAFTA AND CAFTA..............

This is a sell out of our country to be ruled by foreign entities..............and that is BS no matter how much perfume you put on the pile to say it smells good..............................

Finally, why should we give Free Trade to those that have hauled ass to better venues and still want to sell here..............You left the United States and we have the right to say your product will get a tariff UNDER THE CONSTITUTION if we choose to do so and the WTO BE DAMNED if they don't like it....................

Our Gov't are political WHORES who are performing these deals NOT FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, but for their DONORS and for their Lobbyist.......................

It worked just fine for over 200 years UNTIL SOME DUMB ASSES SAID IT WAS BROKEN.................As Wildman said..........if it isn't broken DON'T FIX IT......................

We need to get out of these deals..................and go back to country by country on trade deals..............If CHINA decides to BLOCK OUR PRODUCTS.............which THEY ARE DOING.................then we SHOULD DO THE SAME TO THEM...............As it was done before this BS...............

We need to end this BS, and the UNFAIR CORP TAX RATES to keep the jobs here...............or it will hose the population even more than it already has...................
China s multiple barriers to American products


The Chinese government imposes high tariffs upon many American products. The report states:

China still maintains high duties on some products that compete with sensitive domestic industries. For example, the tariff on large motorcycles is 30 percent. Likewise, most video, digital video, and audio recorders and players still face duties of approximately 30 percent. Raisins face duties of 35 percent. (p. 60)
Selective Use of VAT

According to the report, China makes selective use of its Value-Added Tax to keep out American phosphate fertilizer:

In 2001, China began exempting all phosphate fertilizers except diammonium phosphate (DAP) from the VAT. DAP, a product that the United States exports to China, competes with other phosphate fertilizers produced in China, particularly monoammonium phosphate. (p. 60)
Procurement Directives

The report points out that China makes use of procurement directives to keep out American telecommunication equipment:

There have been continuing reports of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and China Telecom adopting policies to discourage the use of imported components or equipment. For example, MIIT has reportedly still not rescinded an internal circular issued in 1998 instructing telecommunications companies to buy components and equipment from domestic sources. (p. 60)
QIPs to Keep Out Agricultural Goods

The report points out that the Chinese government uses Quarantine Inspection Permits (QIPs) to keep out American agricultural products, causing costly delays while they sit on the docks:

China’s inspection and quarantine agency, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), and MOFCOM have imposed inspection-related requirements that have led to restrictions on imports of many U.S. agricultural goods....

Because of the commercial necessity to contract for commodity shipments when prices are low, combined with the inherent delays in having QIPs issued, many cargos of products such as soybeans, meat, and poultry arrive in Chinese ports without QIPs, creating delays in discharge and resulting in demurrage bills for Chinese purchasers. In addition, traders report that shipments often are closely scrutinized and are at risk for disapproval if they are considered too large in quantity.(pp. 63-64)

Restricting Market Access to Services.

America has a wide variety of financial and insurance services that American companies could market in China, but the Chinese government simply restricts market access. The report states:

China imposes restrictions in a number of services sectors that prevent or discourage foreign suppliers from gaining or further expanding market access. (p.70)
Keeping out Genuine Materials while they are Pirated

American DVD movies and PC games are quite popular in China. However, American companies rarely get any sales. The report states:

An exacerbating factor contributing to China’s poor IPR protection has been China’s maintenance of restrictions on the right to import and distribute legitimate copyright-intensive products, such as theatrical films, DVDs, music, books, newspapers, and journals. These restrictions impose burdens on legitimate, IPR-protected goods and delay their introduction into the market. These burdens and delays faced by legitimate products create advantages for infringing products and help to ensure that those infringing products continue to dominate markets within China. (p. 71)
Demanding American R&D and Patents

The report briefly mentions China's most recent escalation, its November requirement that American corporations move their R&D and patents to China:

In order to qualify as “indigenous” innovation under the accreditation system, and therefore be entitled to procurement preferences, a product’s intellectual property must originally be registered in China. (p. 69)

Measure at issue: United States’ country of origin labelling (“COOL”) requirements for beef and pork contained in the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, as amended by the Farm Bills 2002 and 2008, and implemented by the USDA through its 2009 Final Rule on Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling (instruments comprising “the COOL measure”); and the letter to “Industry Representative” from the United States Secretary of Agriculture, Thomas J. Vilsack (“Vilsack letter”). • Product at issue: Imported cattle and hogs used in the production of beef and pork in the United States.

The Appellate Body upheld, albeit for modified reasons, the Panel’s finding that the COOL measure was inconsistent with Art. 2.1 because it accorded less favourable treatment to imported livestock than to like domestic livestock. The Appellate Body concluded that the least costly way of complying with the COOL measure was to rely exclusively on domestic livestock, creating an incentive for US producers to use exclusively domestic livestock and thus causing a detrimental impact on the competitive opportunities of imported livestock. The Appellate Body found further that the recordkeeping and verification requirements imposed a disproportionate burden on upstream producers and processors compared to origin information conveyed to consumers. This regulatory distinction drawn by the COOL measure was therefore not legitimate within the meaning of Art. 2.1.

NOT AN FYI ARTICLE....................

I had already mentioned the COOL DISPUTE in this thread.....................

Paragraph 1 above.............OUR LAWS................via CONGRESS and through our processes..........

Paragraph 2..................WTO RULES...............overrules our laws and says we must comply with WTO rules and IGNORE our laws on the books...................

Who are they to SAY we have to forget our Laws..............and OBEY THEIRS.......................

How it used to work....................Canada and Mexico want to sell beef here..................Our rules are label country of origin...............Don't do that and comply with OUR LAWS.................or DON'T SELL YOUR PRODUCTS HERE.

interesting read............can't seem to cut and paste it................

The WTO's purpose is to get rid of poverty in developing nations.............and they will develope modern practices as a page 13...................that is where it is stated.................

and in this states that the trade balance would eventually equal out to a zero sum situation...........maybe in 75 years and that SOCIAL PROGRAMS would have to be available for JOB LOSSES and TECH SUPPORT for BUSINESS GOING UNDER AS A RESULT....................

aka the developed world's labor force IS GOING TO GET IT'S ASS KICKED to ENSURE the NON DEVELOPED world rises to our levels..................the Major corps and players don't give a shit about they just move to the cheap labor and reap the profits and ignore the damage to the populations in the developed world for the BETTER GOOD OF DEVELOPING NATIONS............

aka they make a pile of money by moving..............dump the work force they leave.............and create NEGATIVE wage standards in places like the United States.................

To protectionism.................Major countries of the world have used it over history to their advantage................and it has HELPED THEM become the economic powers they are today..................France, England, Germany, the United States, Japan and etc. have all used it to INCREASE THEIR ECONOMIES by PREVENTING COMPETITION from foreing countries.................

and that worked...........until the advantage of doing so is gone...................
I charge this most holy office of capitalism to be bound in superstition, rigid dogma and wishful thinking.

How does that even make sense? Economic freedom is superstition? How left are you, Karl, that you think the natural state is total government control and every freedom must be justified. I believe the exact reverse
Jesus H Christ you are dense. Have you never really thought about how much of your economic dogma is based on faith? How similar to a religion it is? You ought to. I am an economic atheist, if that shit works then do it, if it didn't work last time then don't keep on with it.

It's not based on faith, numskull. It's based on the laws of economics. Free Enterprise has always worked. It made this country into the richest nation on earth.
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I charge this most holy office of capitalism to be bound in superstition, rigid dogma and wishful thinking.

How does that even make sense? Economic freedom is superstition? How left are you, Karl, that you think the natural state is total government control and every freedom must be justified. I believe the exact reverse

I would guess that most of us who have serious issues with free trade based on factual history, have positive feeling for fair trade. That includes protectionism for the American worker. How about you, Kaz?

You have trouble with free trade based on Marxist propaganda, not history. Most of what you know about the later is a pack of lies.
OK, so then you think the only thing that has happened in our economy is not just NAFTA, you think the only thing that has happened on our economy the last 20 years are free trade agreements. That's no better
You still don't get it. Read this slowly and ponder every word. Our trade policy has only enriched the already wealthy and done nothing positive for any American wage earner. All of your economic beliefs are the same dogmatic bullshit we have been hearing for decades. All of these "free trade" proponents' predictions of widespread prosperity have been either lies or total incompetence. Take your pick.

You still don't get it. Read this slowly and ponder every word. How ... do ... you ... know ... the ... field ... of ... economics ... is ... wrong?
Economics claims to be scientific if not a science. After all this time there should be some agreement on what reaction will result from any sort of action in very general terms, but this is not the case. Instead we have two warring camps who are more interested in pushing their belief systems rather than actually providing some definitive answers to mostly avoid this unstable boom and bust cycle that has made life very difficult for nearly everyone. So in nutshell this is my opinion: Economics should not be treated as anything other than a dubious pseudo-science, like phrenology, until they produce some repeatable results and some straight answers. As long as it is just a bitter polar conflict between greasing the skids for the rich and providing economic protection for the working class everything any of them says is suspect.
Economists can be politicized, just like with people in other professions that deal with issues in society.

Milton Friedman, Keynes, and so on, for good or ill pushed their economic policies through a political ideology, whether they intended to or not. Keynes influenced the New Deal and much of the Post-WW2 rebirth, and Milton Friedman had significant influence on US foreign policy.

This can be very damaging, as when some economists push their political ideology, they can do it on the basis of 'if they aren't with us, they are against us' and snub all criticism.

Certainly the great recession was the product of politicized economists who put their 'free market' beliefs into practice - even if they ran foul of the reality expressed by more objective economists.
Very good, people who have their economics all wrapped up with politics are more of a pain in the ass than people who have religion all wrapped up in politics. Zealots often ruin things for everyone else.

That describes you perfectly, asshole.
Is there a conservative here who can tell this conservative why most in the right are for this thing?

No one "On the Right" which is to say that No Americans are "For this thing". That progs in the GOP are for it, in no way speaks to Americans.
I charge this most holy office of capitalism to be bound in superstition, rigid dogma and wishful thinking.

How does that even make sense? Economic freedom is superstition? How left are you, Karl, that you think the natural state is total government control and every freedom must be justified. I believe the exact reverse

I would guess that most of us who have serious issues with free trade based on factual history, have positive feeling for fair trade. That includes protectionism for the American worker. How about you, Kaz?

You have trouble with free trade based on Marxist propaganda, not history. Most of what you know about the later is a pack of lies.

Here's a link to a report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, read it. I know it might be tough for you do take the time because it's unbiased and it's not one of your favorite ideological friendly biased resources :crybaby:.
You are the a perfect example of someone who doesn't have the ability to think out of the (ideological ) box and is unable to think objectively. Why not surprise me?
I charge this most holy office of capitalism to be bound in superstition, rigid dogma and wishful thinking.

How does that even make sense? Economic freedom is superstition? How left are you, Karl, that you think the natural state is total government control and every freedom must be justified. I believe the exact reverse

I would guess that most of us who have serious issues with free trade based on factual history, have positive feeling for fair trade. That includes protectionism for the American worker. How about you, Kaz?

You have trouble with free trade based on Marxist propaganda, not history. Most of what you know about the later is a pack of lies.

Here's a link to a report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, read it. I know it might be tough for you do take the time because it's unbiased and it's not one of your favorite ideological friendly biased resources :crybaby:.

Instead of making me read a 30 page document, why don't you just paraphrase the point you think it's making and provide a few quotes to support it?

You are the a perfect example of someone who doesn't have the ability to think out of the (ideological ) box and is unable to think objectively. Why not surprise me?

You're the perfect example of a leftwing moron who believes spewing propaganda is the equivalent of thinking.
  • Thanks
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I charge this most holy office of capitalism to be bound in superstition, rigid dogma and wishful thinking.

How does that even make sense? Economic freedom is superstition? How left are you, Karl, that you think the natural state is total government control and every freedom must be justified. I believe the exact reverse

I would guess that most of us who have serious issues with free trade based on factual history, have positive feeling for fair trade. That includes protectionism for the American worker. How about you, Kaz?

You have trouble with free trade based on Marxist propaganda, not history. Most of what you know about the later is a pack of lies.

Here's a link to a report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, read it. I know it might be tough for you do take the time because it's unbiased and it's not one of your favorite ideological friendly biased resources :crybaby:.

Instead of making me read a 30 page document, why don't you just paraphrase the point you think it's making and provide a few quotes to support it?

You are the a perfect example of someone who doesn't have the ability to think out of the (ideological ) box and is unable to think objectively. Why not surprise me?

You're the perfect example of a leftwing moron who believes spewing propaganda is the equivalent of thinking.

Too lazy to read the facts. I'm not surprises at all as a matter of fact I predicted you wouldn't read it. Why? Because that little 30 page report filled with facts basically proves all your assertions are complete bullshit. I challenged you and you failed, but you did show what a lazy no-mind you are.
The Congressional Research Service is unbiased and that's one thing easily manipulated punks like you can't stand.
Propaganda? :laugh: Anything that doesn't come from your ideology is propaganda in your weak and easily manipulated mind.
Do you even have a slight clue about the Congressional Research Service?
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) works exclusively for the United States Congress, providing policy and legal analysis to committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of party affiliation. As a legislative branch agency within the Library of Congress, CRS has been a valued and respected resource on Capitol Hill for more than a century.
CRS is well-known for analysis that is authoritative, confidential, objective and nonpartisan. Its highest priority is to ensure that Congress has 24/7 access to the nation’s best thinking.
Congressional Research Service Library of Congress
How does that even make sense? Economic freedom is superstition? How left are you, Karl, that you think the natural state is total government control and every freedom must be justified. I believe the exact reverse

I would guess that most of us who have serious issues with free trade based on factual history, have positive feeling for fair trade. That includes protectionism for the American worker. How about you, Kaz?

You have trouble with free trade based on Marxist propaganda, not history. Most of what you know about the later is a pack of lies.

Here's a link to a report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, read it. I know it might be tough for you do take the time because it's unbiased and it's not one of your favorite ideological friendly biased resources :crybaby:.

Instead of making me read a 30 page document, why don't you just paraphrase the point you think it's making and provide a few quotes to support it?

You are the a perfect example of someone who doesn't have the ability to think out of the (ideological ) box and is unable to think objectively. Why not surprise me?

You're the perfect example of a leftwing moron who believes spewing propaganda is the equivalent of thinking.

Too lazy to read the facts. I'm not surprises at all as a matter of fact I predicted you wouldn't read it. Why? Because that little 30 page report filled with facts basically proves all your assertions are complete bullshit. I challenged you and you failed, but you did show what a lazy no-mind you are.
The Congressional Research Service is unbiased and that's one thing easily manipulated punks like you can't stand.
Propaganda? :laugh: Anything that doesn't come from your ideology is propaganda in your weak and easily manipulated mind.

The claim that the Congressional Research Service is "unbiased" is too absurd for mere words to describe. If the document has so many undisputed facts, then why can't you quote any? Which facts show that free trade doesn't work? it should be a simple matter for you to post a few since you are so familiar with the document.

Do you even have a slight clue about the Congressional Research Service?
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) works exclusively for the United States Congress, providing policy and legal analysis to committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of party affiliation. As a legislative branch agency within the Library of Congress, CRS has been a valued and respected resource on Capitol Hill for more than a century.
CRS is well-known for analysis that is authoritative, confidential, objective and nonpartisan. Its highest priority is to ensure that Congress has 24/7 access to the nation’s best thinking.
Congressional Research Service Library of Congress

So some government agency says another government agency is "unbiased," and you believe it? If you look up the word "gullible" in the dictionary, you'll find your picture there.
I would guess that most of us who have serious issues with free trade based on factual history, have positive feeling for fair trade. That includes protectionism for the American worker. How about you, Kaz?

You have trouble with free trade based on Marxist propaganda, not history. Most of what you know about the later is a pack of lies.

Here's a link to a report by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, read it. I know it might be tough for you do take the time because it's unbiased and it's not one of your favorite ideological friendly biased resources :crybaby:.

Instead of making me read a 30 page document, why don't you just paraphrase the point you think it's making and provide a few quotes to support it?

You are the a perfect example of someone who doesn't have the ability to think out of the (ideological ) box and is unable to think objectively. Why not surprise me?

You're the perfect example of a leftwing moron who believes spewing propaganda is the equivalent of thinking.

Too lazy to read the facts. I'm not surprises at all as a matter of fact I predicted you wouldn't read it. Why? Because that little 30 page report filled with facts basically proves all your assertions are complete bullshit. I challenged you and you failed, but you did show what a lazy no-mind you are.
The Congressional Research Service is unbiased and that's one thing easily manipulated punks like you can't stand.
Propaganda? :laugh: Anything that doesn't come from your ideology is propaganda in your weak and easily manipulated mind.

The claim that the Congressional Research Service is "unbiased" is too absurd for mere words to describe. If the document has so many undisputed facts, then why can't you quote any? Which facts show that free trade doesn't work? it should be a simple matter for you to post a few since you are so familiar with the document.

Do you even have a slight clue about the Congressional Research Service?
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) works exclusively for the United States Congress, providing policy and legal analysis to committees and Members of both the House and Senate, regardless of party affiliation. As a legislative branch agency within the Library of Congress, CRS has been a valued and respected resource on Capitol Hill for more than a century.
CRS is well-known for analysis that is authoritative, confidential, objective and nonpartisan. Its highest priority is to ensure that Congress has 24/7 access to the nation’s best thinking.
Congressional Research Service Library of Congress

So some government agency says another government agency is "unbiased," and you believe it? If you look up the word "gullible" in the dictionary, you'll find your picture there.

:laugh: What a loser and a lazy one at that.
Run along sonny and be sure to visit all your favorite ideological sites so you can goose-step in unison with the rest of your fellow sheep. You're a proven ideologue follower than does dare to think for themselves.
Oh, I'm a leftist. That's too funny. It seems my many posts showing equal disdain for both political parties and equating Obama with "W" as being the two worse presidents ever, still makes me a leftist. Objective thinking is leftist to you, well I can understand that with mental midgets like yourself.
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