So ... why does Trump care so much about Mueller's investigation?

If someone were investigating you for something that arose out of a fabrication, but the investigation continued anyway, simple because they were given carte blanche to investigate anything and everything they desired to investigate, you figure you'd be comfortable with that?

If your answer is yes, then IMO you're very much a simpleton. Put yourself in Trump's shoes, who has interests all over the map, and he's done business with the tens of thousands.

NOBODY should be comfortable with a witch hunt.

There's your "REAL" answer.
You keep using that word......I don’t think it means what you think it means
There have been 22 indictments, 3 convictions
People are talking

That is not a witch hunt
/----/ You mean the 13 mystery russians and the process crimes used to get something, anything on Trump? You mean those?
If someone were investigating you for something that arose out of a fabrication, but the investigation continued anyway, simple because they were given carte blanche to investigate anything and everything they desired to investigate, you figure you'd be comfortable with that?

If your answer is yes, then IMO you're very much a simpleton. Put yourself in Trump's shoes, who has interests all over the map, and he's done business with the tens of thousands.

NOBODY should be comfortable with a witch hunt.

There's your "REAL" answer.
You keep using that word......I don’t think it means what you think it means
There have been 22 indictments, 3 convictions
People are talking

That is not a witch hunt
/-----/ Try and grasp the concept of a Perjury Trap and why Muller wants to cross examine Trump..
The Perjury Trap

The FBI gathers information about a person, finds facts that the person might want to conceal — not because the facts prove a crime but because they are embarrassing for some other reason — then asks about those facts in an interview, on the expectation that the person will lie and thereby incriminate himself.

If their truth doesn’t match the feds’ truth (which often comes from the mouths of rats, who aren’t always the most reliable sources of information), they could still be prosecuted.
The whole process smacks of entrapment. In such cases, the law-enforcement officers are actually hoping to generate a crime. They want people to lie to them; in fact, they are highly trained in the art of getting the interviewee to tell a lie when he didn’t intend to.

You’re not required to meet with the feds. You have the right to say no. You have the right to get a lawyer, to have the lawyer with you should you decide to have a chat. The lawyer’s job is to warn you of §1001, among many other things.
Now, personally, I have my doubts about Trump's involvement with Russia. I think he has a man-crush on Vladimir Putin, for some reason, but I highly doubt Putin and Trump were conspiring feverishly together, concocting a plan to destroy Hillary Clinton. Trump just isn't smart enough to get away with it for so long.

Let's assume Trump is innocent of any such wrongdoing. The obvious question becomes ... why does he care so much, then? Why does he try to obstruct, derail, and discredit the investigation at every turn? Does he not realize that that sort of behavior just makes him look guilty? I don't get it.

If I were Trump, and I KNEW I didn't do anything wrong, and I knew that the people closest to me also hadn't done anything wrong, I'd WANT Mueller to get to the bottom of the whole Russian thing. I'd be his best friend. Obviously, that's not the route Trump has decided to take.

Which leads one to think that ... maybe he is hiding something. Maybe he's trying to protect someone. Why else would he act the way he is acting? The only reason it's still so prominent in the media is BECAUSE of the way he acts. If he just acted like a normal president and an innocent person, the investigation would be way back in the background and wouldn't interfere with midterms, so don't give me that "he hates Mueller because Mueller will sabotage the republican party" bullshit.

You are a special kind of stupid. Ask Skooter Libby why a special counsel is someothing to be concerned about even if you're innocent.
Scooter took the fall for Cheney
Cheney didn't do anything. In fact, no one did. Idendifying Plame wasn't a crime.

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