So Why Is Israel Allowed To Possess Chemical And Nuclear Weapons?...

But you'll approve of it if they do? You do know that most other nations on earth have ratified these treaties, right? That includes nations like Syria and Iran.

They don't have to, they are the "chosen ones" and they control the US foreign affairs apparatchik.


Yeah, i do worry about these folks. It does appear they're willing to defend anything Israel does. It's getting to the point where i'm not sure if we're controlling our own Foreign Policy. Sometimes i do get the feeling Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East. I'm not comfortable with that. And i know our Founding Fathers wouldn't be either.

Sometimes i do get the feeling Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East.

Well, yeah, after they got Bush to invade Iran and destroy their nuclear capacity.....oh wait.


a few facts you need to consider and which has prevented the Judeo-American axis of evil to act

1- Iran's nuclear facilities are underground
2- the US has bunker buster bombs but WHERE do they drop them, Iran is huge
3- Syria is NOT yet under Israhell's control - so Syria can immediately RETALIATE
4- Lebanon is still not under Israhell's control so Hezbollah can immediately RETALIATE
5- Putin is not going to allow zionut expansionism

Fuck you now


Show me on this doll where the mean Jew touched you.
Prove they have chemical weapons and nukes. No one has proven it yet. :dunno:
(Oh just to make sure, unsubstantiated allegations and flights of fancy do not constitute proof).

Why hasn't Israel ratified weapons treaties like the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty? It's one of the very few nations on earth that hasn't signed on to some of these treaties.
Because it exists in a sea of hostility.

So you would approve of them using Chemical Weapons?
I sincerely hope they never have to.

He has no problem with the islamist using them he actually favors them:wtf:

You're obviously still missing the point. I'm not favoring anyone. I'm fine with us having a close relationship with Israel. I want that with all nations in the world. But our current foreign policy in the Middle East does reflect a biased hypocritical double standard. It's perfectly reasonable for others in the region to be resentful of that.

We need a more balanced approach. We also need to dramatically scale back our meddling. And we have to be careful allowing another nation to dictate our foreign policy in a region. I'm not interested in going to war everytime Israel demands it. If it wants war, it can go ahead and wage it on its own. I'm with possibly our wisest Founding Father...

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -entangling alliances with none." - President Thomas Jefferson.
Why hasn't Israel ratified weapons treaties like the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty? It's one of the very few nations on earth that hasn't signed on to some of these treaties.
Because it exists in a sea of hostility.

So you would approve of them using Chemical Weapons?
I sincerely hope they never have to.

He has no problem with the islamist using them he actually favors them:wtf:

You're obviously still missing the point. I'm not favoring anyone. I'm fine with us having a close relationship with Israel. I want that with all nations in the world. But our current foreign policy in the Middle East does reflect a biased hypocritical double standard. It's perfectly reasonable for others in the region to be resentful of that.

We need a more balanced approach. We also need to dramatically scale back our meddling. And we have to be careful allowing another nation to dictate our foreign policy in a region. I'm not interested in going to war everytime Israel demands it. If it wants war, it can go ahead and wage it on its own. I'm with possibly our wisest Founding Father...

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -entangling alliances with none." - President Thomas Jefferson.

Yeah..Yeah..The Jews control our foreign policy right? And Jefferson fought the islamofascist..

First Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Because it exists in a sea of hostility.

So you would approve of them using Chemical Weapons?
I sincerely hope they never have to.

He has no problem with the islamist using them he actually favors them:wtf:

You're obviously still missing the point. I'm not favoring anyone. I'm fine with us having a close relationship with Israel. I want that with all nations in the world. But our current foreign policy in the Middle East does reflect a biased hypocritical double standard. It's perfectly reasonable for others in the region to be resentful of that.

We need a more balanced approach. We also need to dramatically scale back our meddling. And we have to be careful allowing another nation to dictate our foreign policy in a region. I'm not interested in going to war everytime Israel demands it. If it wants war, it can go ahead and wage it on its own. I'm with possibly our wisest Founding Father...

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -entangling alliances with none." - President Thomas Jefferson.

Yeah..Yeah..The Jews control our foreign policy right? And Jefferson fought the islamofascist..

First Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're favoring too much. We need a balanced approach, and definitely less meddling over there. We should listen to Thomas Jefferson.
But you'll approve of it if they do? You do know that most other nations on earth have ratified these treaties, right? That includes nations like Syria and Iran.

They don't have to, they are the "chosen ones" and they control the US foreign affairs apparatchik.


Yeah, i do worry about these folks. It does appear they're willing to defend anything Israel does. It's getting to the point where i'm not sure if we're controlling our own Foreign Policy. Sometimes i do get the feeling Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East. I'm not comfortable with that. And i know our Founding Fathers wouldn't be either.

Sometimes i do get the feeling Israel is calling our Foreign Policy shots in the Middle East.

Well, yeah, after they got Bush to invade Iran and destroy their nuclear capacity.....oh wait.


a few facts you need to consider and which has prevented the Judeo-American axis of evil to act

1- Iran's nuclear facilities are underground
2- the US has bunker buster bombs but WHERE do they drop them, Iran is huge
3- Syria is NOT yet under Israhell's control - so Syria can immediately RETALIATE
4- Lebanon is still not under Israhell's control so Hezbollah can immediately RETALIATE
5- Putin is not going to allow zionut expansionism

Fuck you now


Show me on this doll where the mean Jew touched you.

My wallet

FDR warned in 1937 that recognizing Israhell would force the US to permanently protect it, so he refused to recognize it.

a few facts you need to consider and which has prevented the Judeo-American axis of evil to act

1- Iran's nuclear facilities are underground
2- the US has bunker buster bombs but WHERE do they drop them, Iran is huge
3- Syria is NOT yet under Israhell's control - so Syria can immediately RETALIATE
4- Lebanon is still not under Israhell's control so Hezbollah can immediately RETALIATE
5- Putin is not going to allow zionut expansionism

Fuck you now
'Mutually Assured Destruction.' Iran's no dummy. It's actually quite the opposite. Having a nuclear capability will prevent Israel and others in the region from attacking it.

Shouldn't you be more worried about how Puerto Rico is going to survive being bankrupt, and less consumed with Jew hatred?
So islamofascist are rational to you?:wtf:

Absolutely . The following HISTORICAL FACTS support their effort: to RETALIATE:

1- The Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 , determined to disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary

2- In 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey - he accepted a 2 million dollar donation from Ben Gurion and assurances that he would get the Jewish vote - subsequently he made 2 million Palestinians foreigners in their own homeland

3- The US has been financing the Palestinian Holocaust since 1949

4- in 1990 the US invaded Iraq under false pretenses and remained there for 18 years - the US slaughtered millions of Iraqis

5- The US invaded the Afpak region where it has slaughtered thousand of Muslims

6- The US invaded Syria where it completely destroyed the country . According to recently disclosed emails , Ms Clinton stated that Syria was invaded in order to defend Israel


The US government must adhere to Constitutional restraints which DOES NOT authorize it to

A) meddle in the internal affairs of other nations


B) support and defend any country especially one which is a THEOCRATIC state


The Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 , determined to disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary

That's awful! How many fewer Arabs are there now, compared to 1925?

The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.7

Norman G Finkelstein
US Historian and "self hating Jew

Shouldn't you be more worried about a bankrupt Puerto Rico than the Jews?

I can walk and chew gum at the same time.

Because it exists in a sea of hostility.

So you would approve of them using Chemical Weapons?
I sincerely hope they never have to.

But you'll approve of it if they do? You do know that most other nations on earth have ratified these treaties, right? That includes nations like Syria and Iran.

They don't have to, they are the "chosen ones" and they control the US foreign affairs apparatchik.

I bet you're always the best dressed gent at all the conspiracy theory seminars. :thup:


Is this you?

So you would approve of them using Chemical Weapons?
I sincerely hope they never have to.

But you'll approve of it if they do? You do know that most other nations on earth have ratified these treaties, right? That includes nations like Syria and Iran.

They don't have to, they are the "chosen ones" and they control the US foreign affairs apparatchik.

I bet you're always the best dressed gent at all the conspiracy theory seminars. :thup:


Is this you?

Nope, you took that picture while looking in a mirror. Don't you remember? Really bad short term memory loss eh? you should get that checked out. :thup:
Why hasn't Israel ratified weapons treaties like the Chemical Weapons Ban Treaty? It's one of the very few nations on earth that hasn't signed on to some of these treaties.
Because it exists in a sea of hostility.

So you would approve of them using Chemical Weapons?
I sincerely hope they never have to.

He has no problem with the islamist using them he actually favors them:wtf:

You're obviously still missing the point. I'm not favoring anyone. I'm fine with us having a close relationship with Israel. I want that with all nations in the world. But our current foreign policy in the Middle East does reflect a biased hypocritical double standard. It's perfectly reasonable for others in the region to be resentful of that.

We need a more balanced approach. We also need to dramatically scale back our meddling. And we have to be careful allowing another nation to dictate our foreign policy in a region. I'm not interested in going to war everytime Israel demands it. If it wants war, it can go ahead and wage it on its own. I'm with possibly our wisest Founding Father...

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -entangling alliances with none." - President Thomas Jefferson.
Obviously you live in Jefferson's fantasy world. A more balanced approach? You do understand that world politics is Machiavellian at best? No of course you don't.
Shouldn't you be more worried about how Puerto Rico is going to survive being bankrupt, and less consumed with Jew hatred?
So islamofascist are rational to you?:wtf:

Absolutely . The following HISTORICAL FACTS support their effort: to RETALIATE:

1- The Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 , determined to disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary

2- In 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey - he accepted a 2 million dollar donation from Ben Gurion and assurances that he would get the Jewish vote - subsequently he made 2 million Palestinians foreigners in their own homeland

3- The US has been financing the Palestinian Holocaust since 1949

4- in 1990 the US invaded Iraq under false pretenses and remained there for 18 years - the US slaughtered millions of Iraqis

5- The US invaded the Afpak region where it has slaughtered thousand of Muslims

6- The US invaded Syria where it completely destroyed the country . According to recently disclosed emails , Ms Clinton stated that Syria was invaded in order to defend Israel


The US government must adhere to Constitutional restraints which DOES NOT authorize it to

A) meddle in the internal affairs of other nations


B) support and defend any country especially one which is a THEOCRATIC state


The Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 , determined to disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary

That's awful! How many fewer Arabs are there now, compared to 1925?

The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.7

Norman G Finkelstein
US Historian and "self hating Jew

Shouldn't you be more worried about a bankrupt Puerto Rico than the Jews?

I can walk and chew gum at the same time.


I think we have an invasion of Puerto Ricans to the mainland. People are fleeing, are you concerned? Are the Jews responsible for that too?
Because it exists in a sea of hostility.

So you would approve of them using Chemical Weapons?
I sincerely hope they never have to.

He has no problem with the islamist using them he actually favors them:wtf:

You're obviously still missing the point. I'm not favoring anyone. I'm fine with us having a close relationship with Israel. I want that with all nations in the world. But our current foreign policy in the Middle East does reflect a biased hypocritical double standard. It's perfectly reasonable for others in the region to be resentful of that.

We need a more balanced approach. We also need to dramatically scale back our meddling. And we have to be careful allowing another nation to dictate our foreign policy in a region. I'm not interested in going to war everytime Israel demands it. If it wants war, it can go ahead and wage it on its own. I'm with possibly our wisest Founding Father...

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -entangling alliances with none." - President Thomas Jefferson.
Obviously you live in Jefferson's fantasy world. A more balanced approach? You do understand that world politics is Machiavellian at best? No of course you don't.

I'll go with Jefferson. Folks like you are only gonna lead us to WWIII carnage and misery.
Absolutely . The following HISTORICAL FACTS support their effort: to RETALIATE:

1- The Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 , determined to disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary

2- In 1949 Harry S Truman was in a tight race against Dewey - he accepted a 2 million dollar donation from Ben Gurion and assurances that he would get the Jewish vote - subsequently he made 2 million Palestinians foreigners in their own homeland

3- The US has been financing the Palestinian Holocaust since 1949

4- in 1990 the US invaded Iraq under false pretenses and remained there for 18 years - the US slaughtered millions of Iraqis

5- The US invaded the Afpak region where it has slaughtered thousand of Muslims

6- The US invaded Syria where it completely destroyed the country . According to recently disclosed emails , Ms Clinton stated that Syria was invaded in order to defend Israel


The US government must adhere to Constitutional restraints which DOES NOT authorize it to

A) meddle in the internal affairs of other nations


B) support and defend any country especially one which is a THEOCRATIC state


The Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 , determined to disappear the Palestinians by any means necessary

That's awful! How many fewer Arabs are there now, compared to 1925?

The goal of “disappearing” the indigenous Arab population points to a virtual truism buried beneath a mountain of apologetic Zionist literature: what spurred Palestinians’ opposition to Zionism was not anti-Semitism in the sense of an irrational hatred of Jews but rather the prospect—very real—of their expulsion. In his magisterial study of Palestinian nationalism, Yehoshua Porath suggests that the “major factor nourishing” Arab anti-Semitism “was not hatred for the Jews as such but opposition to Jewish settlement in Palestine”.7

Norman G Finkelstein
US Historian and "self hating Jew

Shouldn't you be more worried about a bankrupt Puerto Rico than the Jews?

I can walk and chew gum at the same time.


I think we have an invasion of Puerto Ricans to the mainland. People are fleeing, are you concerned? Are the Jews responsible for that too?

You'll being paying for a Puerto Rico Bailout soon. It's on the way. It's not like you have a choice or anything.
So you would approve of them using Chemical Weapons?
I sincerely hope they never have to.

He has no problem with the islamist using them he actually favors them:wtf:

You're obviously still missing the point. I'm not favoring anyone. I'm fine with us having a close relationship with Israel. I want that with all nations in the world. But our current foreign policy in the Middle East does reflect a biased hypocritical double standard. It's perfectly reasonable for others in the region to be resentful of that.

We need a more balanced approach. We also need to dramatically scale back our meddling. And we have to be careful allowing another nation to dictate our foreign policy in a region. I'm not interested in going to war everytime Israel demands it. If it wants war, it can go ahead and wage it on its own. I'm with possibly our wisest Founding Father...

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -entangling alliances with none." - President Thomas Jefferson.
Obviously you live in Jefferson's fantasy world. A more balanced approach? You do understand that world politics is Machiavellian at best? No of course you don't.

I'll go with Jefferson. Folks like you are only gonna lead us to WWIII carnage and misery.
As usual you miss the point pollyanna. Obama has the same level of nativity, he thinks he can change world politics to a nicer, kinder, gentler game, a laudable goal. The problem is it takes most to play along so you need to focus elsewhere if you want to find and affix the most blame. The world is not a kind place and like you most Americans believe it is and have their head in the sand and their ass in the clouds.
As for you idiotic "WWIII" statement......... Well it was ignorant if not outright stupid.
I sincerely hope they never have to.

He has no problem with the islamist using them he actually favors them:wtf:

You're obviously still missing the point. I'm not favoring anyone. I'm fine with us having a close relationship with Israel. I want that with all nations in the world. But our current foreign policy in the Middle East does reflect a biased hypocritical double standard. It's perfectly reasonable for others in the region to be resentful of that.

We need a more balanced approach. We also need to dramatically scale back our meddling. And we have to be careful allowing another nation to dictate our foreign policy in a region. I'm not interested in going to war everytime Israel demands it. If it wants war, it can go ahead and wage it on its own. I'm with possibly our wisest Founding Father...

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -entangling alliances with none." - President Thomas Jefferson.
Obviously you live in Jefferson's fantasy world. A more balanced approach? You do understand that world politics is Machiavellian at best? No of course you don't.

I'll go with Jefferson. Folks like you are only gonna lead us to WWIII carnage and misery.
As usual you miss the point pollyanna. Obama has the same level of nativity, he thinks he can change world politics to a nicer, kinder, gentler game, a laudable goal. The problem is it takes most to play along so you need to focus elsewhere if you want to find and affix the most blame. The world is not a kind place and like you most Americans believe it is and have their head in the sand and their ass in the clouds.
As for you idiotic "WWIII" statement......... Well it was ignorant if not outright stupid.

Thomas Jefferson was a wise brilliant man. You? Not so much so. I'm going with him over folks like you. I know where you're taking us.
He has no problem with the islamist using them he actually favors them:wtf:

You're obviously still missing the point. I'm not favoring anyone. I'm fine with us having a close relationship with Israel. I want that with all nations in the world. But our current foreign policy in the Middle East does reflect a biased hypocritical double standard. It's perfectly reasonable for others in the region to be resentful of that.

We need a more balanced approach. We also need to dramatically scale back our meddling. And we have to be careful allowing another nation to dictate our foreign policy in a region. I'm not interested in going to war everytime Israel demands it. If it wants war, it can go ahead and wage it on its own. I'm with possibly our wisest Founding Father...

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -entangling alliances with none." - President Thomas Jefferson.
Obviously you live in Jefferson's fantasy world. A more balanced approach? You do understand that world politics is Machiavellian at best? No of course you don't.

I'll go with Jefferson. Folks like you are only gonna lead us to WWIII carnage and misery.
As usual you miss the point pollyanna. Obama has the same level of nativity, he thinks he can change world politics to a nicer, kinder, gentler game, a laudable goal. The problem is it takes most to play along so you need to focus elsewhere if you want to find and affix the most blame. The world is not a kind place and like you most Americans believe it is and have their head in the sand and their ass in the clouds.
As for you idiotic "WWIII" statement......... Well it was ignorant if not outright stupid.

Thomas Jefferson was a wise brilliant man. You? Not so much so. I'm going with him over folks like you. I know where you're taking us.
I'm taking us? I'm a realist with years of experience in this area. I never said Jefferson wasn't a brilliant man but even brilliant men have their blind spots usually centered around a certain ideology. Try again.
You're obviously still missing the point. I'm not favoring anyone. I'm fine with us having a close relationship with Israel. I want that with all nations in the world. But our current foreign policy in the Middle East does reflect a biased hypocritical double standard. It's perfectly reasonable for others in the region to be resentful of that.

We need a more balanced approach. We also need to dramatically scale back our meddling. And we have to be careful allowing another nation to dictate our foreign policy in a region. I'm not interested in going to war everytime Israel demands it. If it wants war, it can go ahead and wage it on its own. I'm with possibly our wisest Founding Father...

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations -entangling alliances with none." - President Thomas Jefferson.
Obviously you live in Jefferson's fantasy world. A more balanced approach? You do understand that world politics is Machiavellian at best? No of course you don't.

I'll go with Jefferson. Folks like you are only gonna lead us to WWIII carnage and misery.
As usual you miss the point pollyanna. Obama has the same level of nativity, he thinks he can change world politics to a nicer, kinder, gentler game, a laudable goal. The problem is it takes most to play along so you need to focus elsewhere if you want to find and affix the most blame. The world is not a kind place and like you most Americans believe it is and have their head in the sand and their ass in the clouds.
As for you idiotic "WWIII" statement......... Well it was ignorant if not outright stupid.

Thomas Jefferson was a wise brilliant man. You? Not so much so. I'm going with him over folks like you. I know where you're taking us.
I'm taking us? I'm a realist with years of experience in this area. I never said Jefferson wasn't a brilliant man but even brilliant men have their blind spots usually centered around a certain ideology. Try again.

The 'Blind Spot' is us committing to too many Entangling Alliances. It's gonna be the death of us. Israel's Foreign Policy should be its own. It doesn't have to be ours. If Israel wants war, than so be it. It can wage its wars on its own. We're not obligated to commit to all wars Israel wants us to pursue.

The two Foreign Policies need to be seperate and independent. We need to have a more balanced approach. Our bias double standard policies only antagonize the rest of the countries in the Middle East. We need to back off and begin a disengagement process in the Middle East.
Obviously you live in Jefferson's fantasy world. A more balanced approach? You do understand that world politics is Machiavellian at best? No of course you don't.

I'll go with Jefferson. Folks like you are only gonna lead us to WWIII carnage and misery.
As usual you miss the point pollyanna. Obama has the same level of nativity, he thinks he can change world politics to a nicer, kinder, gentler game, a laudable goal. The problem is it takes most to play along so you need to focus elsewhere if you want to find and affix the most blame. The world is not a kind place and like you most Americans believe it is and have their head in the sand and their ass in the clouds.
As for you idiotic "WWIII" statement......... Well it was ignorant if not outright stupid.

Thomas Jefferson was a wise brilliant man. You? Not so much so. I'm going with him over folks like you. I know where you're taking us.
I'm taking us? I'm a realist with years of experience in this area. I never said Jefferson wasn't a brilliant man but even brilliant men have their blind spots usually centered around a certain ideology. Try again.

The 'Blind Spot' is us committing to too many Entangling Alliances. It's gonna be the death of us. Israel's Foreign Policy should be its own. It doesn't have to be ours. If Israel wants war, than so be it. It can wage its wars on its own. We're not obligated to commit to all wars Israel wants us to pursue.

The two Foreign Policies need to be seperate and independent. We need to have a more balanced approach. Our bias double standard policies only antagonize the rest of the countries in the Middle East. We need to back off and begin a disengagement process in the Middle East.
You have a truly clueless view of the Middle East and how much Israel affects our foreign policy in that region. How many Israeli wars have we sent troops to help fight? None that I know of. You want a reality check? Oil is currently the world life blood, it equals power and all that entails. Ask yourself who you want exerting the most control over it, China? Russia? Iran? Your ideology would ultimately lead to the US becoming a second world country much faster than it will happen naturally.
Just a reminder, the JEWS had spies in America in the 50's and actually stole nuclear material in the 60's'. They are really great allies! :p
I'll go with Jefferson. Folks like you are only gonna lead us to WWIII carnage and misery.
As usual you miss the point pollyanna. Obama has the same level of nativity, he thinks he can change world politics to a nicer, kinder, gentler game, a laudable goal. The problem is it takes most to play along so you need to focus elsewhere if you want to find and affix the most blame. The world is not a kind place and like you most Americans believe it is and have their head in the sand and their ass in the clouds.
As for you idiotic "WWIII" statement......... Well it was ignorant if not outright stupid.

Thomas Jefferson was a wise brilliant man. You? Not so much so. I'm going with him over folks like you. I know where you're taking us.
I'm taking us? I'm a realist with years of experience in this area. I never said Jefferson wasn't a brilliant man but even brilliant men have their blind spots usually centered around a certain ideology. Try again.

The 'Blind Spot' is us committing to too many Entangling Alliances. It's gonna be the death of us. Israel's Foreign Policy should be its own. It doesn't have to be ours. If Israel wants war, than so be it. It can wage its wars on its own. We're not obligated to commit to all wars Israel wants us to pursue.

The two Foreign Policies need to be seperate and independent. We need to have a more balanced approach. Our bias double standard policies only antagonize the rest of the countries in the Middle East. We need to back off and begin a disengagement process in the Middle East.
You have a truly clueless view of the Middle East and how much Israel affects our foreign policy in that region. How many Israeli wars have we sent troops to help fight? None that I know of. You want a reality check? Oil is currently the world life blood, it equals power and all that entails. Ask yourself who you want exerting the most control over it, China? Russia? Iran? Your ideology would ultimately lead to the US becoming a second world country much faster than it will happen naturally.

Israel has been a driving force behind pushing us into war with Iraq, Syria, and Iran. But when does it end? How many more countries over there would it like us to go to war with?

But don't get me wrong, i's not just Israel pushing for more war. We have a whole lotta rabid Warmongers right here at home. So i'm not blaming Israel solely. We just need our foreign policies to be seperate and independent.
As usual you miss the point pollyanna. Obama has the same level of nativity, he thinks he can change world politics to a nicer, kinder, gentler game, a laudable goal. The problem is it takes most to play along so you need to focus elsewhere if you want to find and affix the most blame. The world is not a kind place and like you most Americans believe it is and have their head in the sand and their ass in the clouds.
As for you idiotic "WWIII" statement......... Well it was ignorant if not outright stupid.

Thomas Jefferson was a wise brilliant man. You? Not so much so. I'm going with him over folks like you. I know where you're taking us.
I'm taking us? I'm a realist with years of experience in this area. I never said Jefferson wasn't a brilliant man but even brilliant men have their blind spots usually centered around a certain ideology. Try again.

The 'Blind Spot' is us committing to too many Entangling Alliances. It's gonna be the death of us. Israel's Foreign Policy should be its own. It doesn't have to be ours. If Israel wants war, than so be it. It can wage its wars on its own. We're not obligated to commit to all wars Israel wants us to pursue.

The two Foreign Policies need to be seperate and independent. We need to have a more balanced approach. Our bias double standard policies only antagonize the rest of the countries in the Middle East. We need to back off and begin a disengagement process in the Middle East.
You have a truly clueless view of the Middle East and how much Israel affects our foreign policy in that region. How many Israeli wars have we sent troops to help fight? None that I know of. You want a reality check? Oil is currently the world life blood, it equals power and all that entails. Ask yourself who you want exerting the most control over it, China? Russia? Iran? Your ideology would ultimately lead to the US becoming a second world country much faster than it will happen naturally.

Israel has been a driving force behind pushing us into war with Iraq, Syria, and Iran. But when does it end? How many more countries over there would it like us to go to war with? But don't get me wrong, i's not just Israel pushing for more war. We have a whole lotta rabid Warmongers right here at home. So i'm not blaming Israel solely. We just need our foreign policies to be seperate and independent.
Your blinders and lack of real foreign relations knowledge is obvious and based on a pollyannish world view, laudable but foolish. War is and has been the nature of humankind since time immemorial, realists like me have always worked to prevent war whenever possible, appeasers and isolationists have historically been the ones who help create the scenarios that allow open war to happen. How you might ask? Because those in power in other countries see it as a weakness and take advantage of it, they don't have our best interests at heart.........

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