So you are a Army EV tank commander fighting in a foreign country, where do you get the electricity to charge the tank in the midst of a battle?

This is f'ing brilliant! Power our heavy armor with generators that can be disabled with small arms fire. Fuel trucks can come and go many miles, whereas you wouldn't be able to run charging cables a fraction of that distance. Liberals are seriously the dumbest creatures on the planet.
Seriously. Where do they find gasoline in the desert??? Everywhere the tanks go, a fuel tanker goes with them.

There's no reason why they can't take a portable charging station with them. And having a solar powered charging station is not out of the question.

You dumb broad. Why take a generator and the fuel to run it when you can just put the fuel in the vehicle?
As I stated before - to me the idea of an all EV MBT with the present available technology isn't feasible. Therefore IMO it will not happen - however a Hybrid is feasible and a fully EV capable MBT powered by Hydrogen would be feasible as well. BTW a present generation Abrams weights above 70 tons.
Why put a battery in it at all?

That is the dumb idea.
I hear we are just weeks away from solar powered submarines.
Right! The way they are going to do that is an additional periscope component will spread out let's see... average 3 ft X 5 ft solar panel puts out in sunlight hours about 5 hrs of 1.3 kWh. The power of a nuclear-powered submarine is around the 150-200 MW or 200,000 kWh equal to thermal power,”
So.. if one nuke submarine needs 200,000 kWh of power per day BUT using solar panels will require attached to the periscope of the submarine,
260,000 Solar Panels at 15 sq feet per panel OR 3,900,000 sq. feet. Oh sure totally doable!
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You dumb broad. Why take a generator and the fuel to run it when you can just put the fuel in the vehicle?
And just a refresher to a previous comment I made to a Granholm believer that Abrams' tanks will be EVs...
So where will the EV charging tankers get the electricity?
A 3 foot by 5 foot solar panel generates with five hours of direct sunlight each day, your equation would look like this: five hours x 250 watts = 1,250 watt-hours or about 1.3 kilowatt-hours daily per panel.
Hmmm so how many re-charging trucks with a 3x5 solar panel generating 1.3 kWh/day /panel with each panel needing 15 square feet.
Well a standard flatbed trailer is 48 feet long and 8.5 feet wide, providing more than 400 square feet of surface to support a load.

HM... 400 square feet divided by 15 square per panel would be 26 solar panels each generating 1.3 kWh or a total of 34 kWh.
So 34 kWh divided by 2 kWh to go 1 mile, would mean the Flatbed semi-truck with 26 solar panels would be able to travel 17 miles BUT will have exhausted
the 34 kWh created by the 26 solar panels... leaving nothing to charge a SINGLE Abrams tank that will require 33 kWh to travel 1 mile!
A analysis that provides some questions that have yet to be answered!
And of course the flat bed truck is an EV ...But it also uses according these experts:
The Class 8 entry is estimated to charge up to 70% level in 30 minutes and consumes less than 2 kWh per mile
So the EV re-charging truck using the electricity IT's solar panels created would be able to travel in day day before using up it's own stored in solar panel batteries the 34 kWh generated by the panels!
So how can a EV Semi-truck traveling 17 miles and consuming the 34 kWh it's 26 solar panels created be able to charge the Abrams EV?
a l arge gasoline Class 8 Truck can then fuel typically have capacities ranging from 5,500 to 11,600 US gallons
An Abrams tank gas tank holds 504.4 US gallons (1,909 and uses 0.6 miles per gallon to go one mile.
Thus ONE gasoline tanker can fuel from 10 to 21 Abrams tanks... while 1 EV recharging tanker can charge 1 EV Abrams tank!
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The Potatohead administration are absolutely the dumbest people to ever be in power.

The idea of using EVs for the military has to be the dumbest idea ever.

I don't think that using EVs for military vehicles ever made Sun Tzu The Art of War strategy, did it?

The only thing that I can think of is that Biden's Chinese handlers gave him orders to do it. "Sun Tzu - "pay off the leader of your enemies to use EVs".

That is the only rational justification I can think of.

When Potatohead stole the election he really fucked this nation, didn't he?

These idiots that voted for Potatoheaed are the dumbest SOBs on the planet, aren't they?
A major problem Biden administration has is they truly don't know how electricity is generated!
Sure we have solar panels and wind turbines.
But there is ONLY one way that people either don't have the money for WTs or Solar to get electricity!
That is through the transmission grid connected to 11,070 power generating stations which generated
4,165,030,000,000 kWh in USA in 2021 by all power plants Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
This 4.165 trillion kWh is used by households and businesses. That's basically today.
If the USA has 50% (114,100,000) of EV cars drive 14,263 miles/car per year and EV Trucks driving 84,433 each the total additional kWh needed:14,166,852,075,000 !
That is nearly 3 1/2 times the amount produced today OR with the average electric plant generating 376,244,805 kWh in a year it will require
(Divide 14,166,852,075,000 by 376,244,805 per plant OR 37,653 NEW power plants at a cost of $37,653,282,802,344
Building a large solar farm costs about $800,000 to $1.36 million for 1,000,000 kWh of power per plant or $1 Million time 37,653 plants

A typical new 69 kV overhead single-circuit transmission line costs approximately $285,000 per mile as opposed to $1.5 million per mile for a new 69 kV underground line (without the terminals).
The U.S. electric transmission network consists of about 700,000 circuit miles of lines.
15 years ago.
"EV's only get 40 MPC if you can't see how stupid EVs are you're a moron."
Time's a funny thing. It clearly demonstrates who the moron is, moron.
I showed you military expert opinions that EV tanks is "asinine". Post #109

You type stupid shit. Thanks for playing. EV tanks is just one more disaster to put on Biden's list.
Then you are doing what I've illustrated with your point that the MSM like YOU take parts of a story and emphasis what supports their position!
AGAIN try to follow this... Where did I lie?
I wrote: So you like Granholm think a new generation of EV Abram tanks will be ALL developed, produced and ready for action by 2030? And you call that a LIE? I DID NOT make a STATEMENT that usually ends with a period or exclamation point BUT NOT a question mark ?...!
Not let me prove you are wrong when you call me a liar!
You should use a question mark at the end of every sentence that asks a direct question.

Can a question be a lie? An empirical investigation​

In several recent papers and a monograph, Andreas Stokke argues that questions can be misleading, but that they cannot be lies. The aim of this paper is to show that ordinary speakers disagree. We show that ordinary speakers judge certain kinds of insincere questions to be lies, namely questions carrying a believed false presupposition the speaker intends to convey.

AGAIN as I've repeatedly reminded you provide substantiating sources for your subjective, personal comments!?
Let me correct it for you...

"I wrote: So you, like Granholm, think a new generation of EV Abram tanks will be ALL developed, produced and ready for action by 2030? "

It is a statement. The statement is a lie. Anything beyond your lie is unworthy of discussion.
I showed you military expert opinions that EV tanks is "asinine". Post #109

You type stupid shit. Thanks for playing. EV tanks is just one more disaster to put on Biden's list.
Military experts are still fighting the last war.
That's why your "experts" in Russia are getting their asses kicked by an inferior force.

Tell me...How well are those Russian tanks doing in Ukraine?

Times change, technology evolves.
Only the stupid refuse to see it, stupid.
I just read where solar powered subs are out, they are going with windmills.
Why put a battery in it at all?
Because ALL vehicles actually already have batteries in them.

The Leo II A7V has additionally a 20 kw Auxiliary Power Unit - making it 100% combat capable in a static function. Why would someone want to switch on the engine to e.g. use the air-conditioning and/or it's electronic-hydraulic battle systems, in a static role?
A static combat capability adds a significant advantage towards acoustic and thermal detection. The logical next step is to provide that advantage also for a moving tank e.g. 20-50km, based on it's auxiliary power unit in conjunction with a hybrid concept.
That is the dumb idea.
Personally I do not support this battery EV hype - as long as the vast majority of battery energy source derives from fossils. Whilst at the same time Libs/Lefties&greenies object to nuclear energy. Since even a donkey should be able to realize that the present and future solar/wind and hydro energy providers can't meet/secure the overall energy demand.

IMO it's hydrogen that will provide the actual-realistic solution - in the next 10-20 years. As such a battery-hydrogen based concept would make a 70ton tank feasible. And in order to be updated in regards to new energy concepts - continuous developments are needed. I do not believe that those "actually in charge at the MoD " are going support/subsidize a sole battery EV tank concept in the weight class of an Abrams or Leo, but in a future next stage being a hybrid powered vehicle.
Military experts are still fighting the last war.
That's why your "experts" in Russia are getting their asses kicked by an inferior force.
Tell me...How well are those Russian tanks doing in Ukraine?
Times change, technology evolves.
Only the stupid refuse to see it, stupid.
Military experts know the subject matter better than you do, moron.

The stupid Marxists in the WH have no clue WTF EV tanks' weaknesses are, they just want a "green" military no matter how many soldiers it kills in battle.

This subject will cost Biden veteran's votes in 2024. Vets know stupid when they see it.

How are the US and German tanks doing in Ukraine? None of them are EV dumbass.
Electric tanks are a fool's folly
Environmentalist cult insanity, national security forfeited for the cult aendas.

Is it me or does anyone else find it humorous that eco-cultists are worried about saving tbe planet in the middle if a war by worrying about the power source of a weapon of death and destruction blowing up things & killing people, firing HIE and radioactive rounds?!
Democrats are a fools folly. And quite damaging to our national security
In this case nobody could be so stupid as to advocate EVs for military use. Even Joe Potatohead is not that stupid and he is known for being an idiot.

It is simply pandering to the filthy ass Environmental Wacko assholes without any regard to the consequences.

Potatohead may know that EVs are shitty technology but it is more important to him to kiss the ass of the Wackos than do right for the country.

Either that or he is doing the bidding of the Chinese that made his family rich.

Granholm's call for 100% EV military puts 'electric tanks,' green agenda before national security: critics​

I saw her comments about tanks being EVs
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm received blowback from critics this week after she testified before the Senate in support of a plan to fully establish an all-electric vehicle fleet in the U.S. military by the 2030s, leading some observers to wonder if the Biden administration believes politics trumps national security.
An Abrams tank uses about a 2 gallons of fuel to go over 1 mile at Maximum Speed: 42 mph with a Range: 265 mi.
M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank - Specifications.
So if an EV uses 1 mi/kWh = a car traveling 33.705 Miles for one gallon of gas... then an EV to equal traveling 33 miles /gallon
would require 33 kWh.
So to travel the 265 miles range of an Abrams tank would require the equivalent of 33 kWh X 265 miles or 8,745 kWh.
A 100 kWh battery pack in the Model S weighs 1,377 pounds How Much Does a Tesla Battery Weigh?
An Abrams tank using 8,745 kWh to travel 265 miles (8,745kWh/85kWh) or another 60 tons to the weight.
M1 Abrams Tank - First Division Museum
So not only would the over 6,000 Abrams takes now weigh an additional 60 tons for the 87 batteries to the U.S. Army is believed to have 2,509 Abrams in various versions, with an additional 3,700 in storage.

But each tank would use 8,745 kWh per tank to travel 265 miles per tank.
Where will the 52,470,000 kWh come from especially in a winter season when EVs have trouble traveling in the cold?

OR where will the military's 170,000 non-tactical vehicles — the cars and trucks we use on our bases, get the electricity?

Remember electricity is NOT made by the re-chargers. Electricity is generated by solar panels (each 3'ftX5'Ft panel generates
Most residential solar panels on today’s market are rated to produce between 250 and 400 watts each per hour or in a sunny day
With an average of 3348 hours of sunlight per year one panel at 400 watts/hour will generate 1,339 kWh.

AGAIN where will all the electricity come from to power military EVs especially in foreign countries? And how will that electricity get to the
re-chargers? OH... yea right... fossil fuel converted into gasoline power generators. RIGHT!!!

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