So YOU support Newsom?

I'm not a Republican, fuckwad, and sniveling "cuz cuz Republicans do it too!!!! Nyah nyah Nyah!!!' is just typical of how mentally retarded Democrats are, not a real response .

You committed a lie of omission and I called you on it, douche.

And, it ain't Republicans running around lying to their base of dimwits like you all about how they're going 'tax the rich and give you free stuff!!!', while in real life they're handing them $16K for buying a crappy over-priced EV few Americans can afford except rich people, moron.
Yeah, Republicans don't tell the rubes they are going to tax the rich. TInstead, they tell the rubes they are going to cut spending, end the deficit, believe in family values, and will shrink the government.

Then they commence to skyrocket the deficit, enlarge the government, and sell their souls a thoroughly unrepentant, thrice married, serial adulterer and pathological liar who bears false witness against others on practically a daily basis. They lick the shoes of an unapologetic con artist who made his fortune by exploiting every human weakness with gambling houses, contests of the flesh, and a reality TV show, and robbed the elderly through a fake university. And they slander other Republican who they once vociferously supported.
Over politized? Hello? We are talking about Democrats here! They politicize everything. Refuse collection, animal control, teachers unions up to bus drivers . The Democrats have left the chat, they don't care, they OWN the system like a criminal syndicate and they run rackets and manipulate the system like the mafia. It would have been a huge surprise if Newsom lost the recall. Please.
Yes democrats do politicize a lot but in this case we are not talking about democrats we are talking about republicans. They were responsible for this recall BS
Yes democrats do politicize a lot but in this case we are not talking about democrats we are talking about republicans. They were responsible for this recall BS
Um, HELLO! The Democrats destroyed California. Time for a change.
Um, HELLO! The Democrats destroyed California. Time for a change.
That’s great, do it next election. That’s how it should be done. The recall was nothing more than fund raising beef up for the campaign machine. Nothing more
You committed a lie of omission and I called you on it, douche.

Yeah, Republicans don't tell the rubes they are going to tax the rich. TInstead, they tell the rubes they are going to cut spending, end the deficit, believe in family values, and will shrink the government.

Then they commence to skyrocket the deficit, enlarge the government, and sell their souls a thoroughly unrepentant, thrice married, serial adulterer and pathological liar who bears false witness against others on practically a daily basis. They lick the shoes of an unapologetic con artist who made his fortune by exploiting every human weakness with gambling houses, contests of the flesh, and a reality TV show, and robbed the elderly through a fake university. And they slander other Republican who they once vociferously supported.

You're a moron and got called on it, faggot. You and your fellow deviants are too stupid to be allowed to vote. And, you Democrat heroes are doing nothing about any deficit, nor are they going to tax their fellow criminals on Wall Street, moron. Trump owns your head.
You're a moron and got called on it, faggot. You and your fellow deviants are too stupid to be allowed to vote. And, you Democrat heroes are doing nothing about any deficit, nor are they going to tax their fellow criminals on Wall Street, moron. Trump owns your head.
You sound full of hate and anger. Maybe you need a nice hug
Why? The leader of the party that is singlehandedly destroying freedom and California. Are you that stupid?
The people of his State wanted to keep him and the other choice ( Larry Elder ) couldn’t win a dog catcher job here in Texas, so what other choice did Kaliforna have?

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