So you want a Civil War?

This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Well said and true for sure. Many trumpers are not able to see the big picture that you have just outlined in very understandable language. You pointed out the scenario that will definitely unfold if they carry out their threats of violence.

I watched citizens get attacked for simply wearing a MAGA cap. Go fuck yourself.

Does that mean that you are going to get even? 2 wrongs? Fuck you. Those "MAGA" hats that you wear
when you attend your armed "non-violent" protests tell a different story and are inciteful, which is exactly what you want.

Hats are inciteful?

Maybe y'all should learn to control your emotions. No one else is obligated to do it for you.

No, your approach is inciteful. Maybe you should learn to control your actions instead of threatening
violence and looking for trouble.

Pot meet kettle. Wearing a hat is not an incitement to violence. The fact that people, like you, decide that the 1st Amendment no longer applies to you is the problem.

Wearing a hat, in itself, is not an incitement for violence. The fact that people, like you, "protest"
while armed and shouting threats AND wearing trump hats is the problem. Tells a story.

Hmm, no one who was wearing a hat was armed and was attacked by YOUR assholes. Had they been armed, I really doubt that your silly folk would have had the balls to attack them. So, it looks like going armed prevents the violence that YOUR people love to engage in.

let's understand each other, asshole. They are not my people and they deserve to be squashed.
I don't care what their political preferences are or what YOUR preferences are, because this is not about politics in my view. It is about behaving like adults in a Democratic society, and not about behaving like hooligans. PEACEFUL protests don't include arms, threats. or intimidation.

And yet YOUR side has engaged in rioting, arson, looting, physical assault, and murder. Asshole.
Obama brought back the automobile industry. You live in a closet.

Obama did not put coal out of business. You are a liar; Once and for all: Obama didn’t crush US coal, and Trump can’t save it

DumBama didn't bring back shit. All he did was reward his union voters. Without our involvement, they would have went through the standard bankruptcy process, a judge would have ordered a restructure of the company, and everybody would have been fine.

Coal would have eventually gone down but not because of some idiot President. In 2016 and thanks to fracking, natural gas started to replace coal because of price, but until that time, miners would have still had a job and time to plan ahead.

This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Well said and true for sure. Many trumpers are not able to see the big picture that you have just outlined in very understandable language. You pointed out the scenario that will definitely unfold if they carry out their threats of violence.

I watched citizens get attacked for simply wearing a MAGA cap. Go fuck yourself.

Does that mean that you are going to get even? 2 wrongs? Fuck you. Those "MAGA" hats that you wear
when you attend your armed "non-violent" protests tell a different story and are inciteful, which is exactly what you want.

Hats are inciteful?

Maybe y'all should learn to control your emotions. No one else is obligated to do it for you.

No, your approach is inciteful. Maybe you should learn to control your actions instead of threatening
violence and looking for trouble.

Pot meet kettle. Wearing a hat is not an incitement to violence. The fact that people, like you, decide that the 1st Amendment no longer applies to you is the problem.

Wearing a hat, in itself, is not an incitement for violence. The fact that people, like you, "protest"
while armed and shouting threats AND wearing trump hats is the problem. Tells a story.

So you think only the left has the protection of the 1st amendment? Of what you complained about, what do you not consider perfectly legal?

I don't care about the protection of the first amendment. Did I say that the left is entitled to first amendment protection? Where did I say that? Nobody is entitled to behave in a warlike manner in my opinion. Did the first amendment allow for arms, threats, intimidation? Behave yourself.
I realize that trump is egging you on, but he is an anarchist who wants an autocracy with him as the dictator. That won't happen, nor should it happen. You are easily conned.

"Nobody is entitled to behave in a warlike manner in my opinion."
That's your problem. You have a wildly inflated notion about the value of your opinion. Our system is based on law and the Constitution; not the whims of your opinion. You are the anarchist and wannabe dictator when you insist that your whims should carry the force of law. If I am easily conned it is certainly not by the likes of you.
Just a thought Snipers will do the heavy lifting taking out specific targets. The war would be over sooner than you could imagine
Sorry, Dummy, I have a degree in history from the University of Illinois...
Did you keep the receipt? Maybe you could get your money back.

Oh, but you do hate being white. And you insist other white people should hate themselves, too.

Racist non-whites appreciate the passionate ass-kissing, but they still hate you.
Actually, quite the reverse.... A lot of people who've I've treated decently have returned the favor in my life, including people of color. On the other hand, most of the misery that's been inflicted on me has come from other white males. .
Probably because you tried to talk them into hating themselves.
You don't get a receipt, hotshot. Education is the name of the game along with the social stimulation that goes with it---exactly what you are lacking.
No receipt? Too bad. He's definitely got a case for educational malpractice.

How do you know I lack social stimulation? I've lived and worked all over the world. I think you're letting your irrational hatred of conservatives do your thinking for you, and thus no thinking is getting done..
I am a moderate and an independent and do not hate conservatives. Trumpets are not conservatives. They are whatever trump tells them to be. Let's not forget that trump was a liberal Democrat who supported abortion and contributed to the Clinton campaign. He may change his tune in the morning
if he can make money from it.
I submit you know little about conservatives and Trump supporters and rely solely on what the leftist media tells you about both.
I don't need the media to see what trump is doing to our country. Listen to him and if you are going to ask me "what is he doing?" then don't bother. Just keep watching Hannity and Tucky.
You need to change the channel.
Trump killed the bad guys (notice there haven’t been any muslim mass murder to report?), he lifted regulations that have allowed us to become energy independent which has led to prosperity. The only issue has been this calculated and propagated virus. Not his fault at all. Total chicom/democrat thing.
The poor handling of the virus is indeed his fault.
There are plenty of bad organizations floating around that are not Muslim that he has not killed, and has in fact supported. The FBI has reported that the white supremacists are a serious problem and trump refused to allow the FBI to tackle this terror group.
Lifting environmental regulations in the name of money only serve to hurt the environment and will come back to haunt us.
Factbox: U.S. oil and gas regulatory rollbacks under Trump ... › us-usa-climate-regulations-factbox

Aug 29, 2019 — The Trump administration has moved broadly to relax Obama-era rules ... drilling safety, fuel economy and wetlands rules that impact oil, gas and ... failed to consider potential damage to offshore safety and the environment.

Trump's fracking rules allow chemicals like VOCs linked to ... › trump-epa-fracking-pollution-regulati...

Oct 27, 2020 — Trump's pullback of pollution controls is even more hazardous than you think ... is also ground zero for the worst oil and gas air pollution in the country. ... by environmentalists, had a little-noticed side effect: Experts say it could lead to ... and said the regulations would have “virtually no impact” on reducing ...

The country was on its way back to prosperity when trump took office. He goosed an already recovering economy and that will come back haunt us. Also, prosperity is in the hands of the wealthy while the rest of the country is getting by. The middle class is on its way to extinction and we will be left with rich.....and poor. Not good.
Obama opposed the efforts that led to prosperity. Obama caused the economic hardship. Obama abetted Muslim terrorism.
You go broke and abet Muslim murder. Just keep me out of it.
Obama got us out of the great recession and on the way to prosperity. The great recession was a
product of the Bush administration. Obama did not abet Muslim terrorism.
You go on believing your nonsense and never mind the facts.
The Great Recession was a media concoction. They wanted to make it sound like The Great Depression. That way when things got better they could make Obama out to be the next FDR (as though that’s a good thing). In reality, the housing market collapse was a market correction. Much like an intense bubble burst of 1999. Obama’s reimplementation of the recently lifted fossil fuel extraction restrictions was the cause of prolonged economic hardship. Fracking, which Obama opposed but was unable to prohibit, started the recovery. Trump expanded upon that.
I only recall one question asked of Obama when high gas prices during his reign were so much higher than when he took office. His explanation was the terrible economy he inherited. If that were true, the price would still have been low, not $4/gallon because the economy was still in the toilet. No follow up question to that effect, though. That would have been racist.
Sorry, Dummy, I have a degree in history from the University of Illinois...
Did you keep the receipt? Maybe you could get your money back.

Oh, but you do hate being white. And you insist other white people should hate themselves, too.

Racist non-whites appreciate the passionate ass-kissing, but they still hate you.
Actually, quite the reverse.... A lot of people who've I've treated decently have returned the favor in my life, including people of color. On the other hand, most of the misery that's been inflicted on me has come from other white males. .
Probably because you tried to talk them into hating themselves.
You don't get a receipt, hotshot. Education is the name of the game along with the social stimulation that goes with it---exactly what you are lacking.
No receipt? Too bad. He's definitely got a case for educational malpractice.

How do you know I lack social stimulation? I've lived and worked all over the world. I think you're letting your irrational hatred of conservatives do your thinking for you, and thus no thinking is getting done..
I am a moderate and an independent and do not hate conservatives. Trumpets are not conservatives. They are whatever trump tells them to be. Let's not forget that trump was a liberal Democrat who supported abortion and contributed to the Clinton campaign. He may change his tune in the morning
if he can make money from it.
I submit you know little about conservatives and Trump supporters and rely solely on what the leftist media tells you about both.
I don't need the media to see what trump is doing to our country. Listen to him and if you are going to ask me "what is he doing?" then don't bother. Just keep watching Hannity and Tucky.
You need to change the channel.
Trump killed the bad guys (notice there haven’t been any muslim mass murder to report?), he lifted regulations that have allowed us to become energy independent which has led to prosperity. The only issue has been this calculated and propagated virus. Not his fault at all. Total chicom/democrat thing.
The poor handling of the virus is indeed his fault.
There are plenty of bad organizations floating around that are not Muslim that he has not killed, and has in fact supported. The FBI has reported that the white supremacists are a serious problem and trump refused to allow the FBI to tackle this terror group.
Lifting environmental regulations in the name of money only serve to hurt the environment and will come back to haunt us.
Factbox: U.S. oil and gas regulatory rollbacks under Trump ... › us-usa-climate-regulations-factbox

Aug 29, 2019 — The Trump administration has moved broadly to relax Obama-era rules ... drilling safety, fuel economy and wetlands rules that impact oil, gas and ... failed to consider potential damage to offshore safety and the environment.

Trump's fracking rules allow chemicals like VOCs linked to ... › trump-epa-fracking-pollution-regulati...

Oct 27, 2020 — Trump's pullback of pollution controls is even more hazardous than you think ... is also ground zero for the worst oil and gas air pollution in the country. ... by environmentalists, had a little-noticed side effect: Experts say it could lead to ... and said the regulations would have “virtually no impact” on reducing ...

The country was on its way back to prosperity when trump took office. He goosed an already recovering economy and that will come back haunt us. Also, prosperity is in the hands of the wealthy while the rest of the country is getting by. The middle class is on its way to extinction and we will be left with rich.....and poor. Not good.
Obama opposed the efforts that led to prosperity. Obama caused the economic hardship. Obama abetted Muslim terrorism.
You go broke and abet Muslim murder. Just keep me out of it.
Obama gave us 4.7% unemployment, How is that opposing prosperity? How exactly did Obama cause economic hardship? We need documented details. You can't provide them.
If you think O was good for working people, you need to think again. He kicked 5 million Americans out of their homes, while enriching the rich on Wall Street. His policies prolonged the Great Recession. He took two wars and made it seven. No potus was more controlled by the ultra wealthy, big corporations, and the MIC than O.

He truly was “the black mascot for Wall Street.” When progressives accept this they won’t be such hypocrites.
Did Trump Create or Inherit the Strong Economy? › public › _cache › files › did-tru...

Job growth: By the end of the Obama administration, the economy had experienced 76 ... most significant economic policy, his $1.9 trillion tax cuts, did not take effect until ... on many accounts: it didn't eradicate all import tariffs, it didn't address ...

Your info is skewed.
Trump inherited an economy on the upswing. That upswing was a result of fracking, which Obama opposed but could not prohibit. Trump expanded on that upswing by lifting regulations and restrictions resulting in energy independence and an economy unseen since the 1960’s.
The Great Recession was a media concoction. They wanted to make it sound like The Great Depression.

I couldn't agree more. I lived through the Reagan recession as well as the Obama recession. The recession under Reagan was much worse. You couldn't even get a McDonald's job back then. Outside of medical, there were very few want adds for employment. Unlike Obama, Reagan didn't have the feds pumping trillions of dollars into the market to not only keep it alive, but increasing it's value.
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write.
No its not, if you finished the quote it would have said "We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit on by people like you". The way you edited it was deceitful and meant to make it look like he was saying literally the opposite thing. You are a very weak debater.
Who the hell asked you? I was replying to the other dumbass and he knew what he wrote.
I dont require your permission to point out lies.
I always tell the truth, you people just don't want to hear it.
Your lie is right there for everyone to see. Also, you just lied AGAIN.
After the last four years any claim that the right respects the constitution is a lie. It's not even debatable. So take your fake outrage and shove it. I'll say what I want and edit the posts I am replying to in any way I wish to make any point I am trying to make. If you don't like it the ignore button is fairly easy to find.
What the fuck are you talking about? The right has always been and always will be the party that supports the constitution. :cuckoo:
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write.
No its not, if you finished the quote it would have said "We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit on by people like you". The way you edited it was deceitful and meant to make it look like he was saying literally the opposite thing. You are a very weak debater.
Who the hell asked you? I was replying to the other dumbass and he knew what he wrote.
I dont require your permission to point out lies.
I always tell the truth, you people just don't want to hear it.
Your lie is right there for everyone to see. Also, you just lied AGAIN.
After the last four years any claim that the right respects the constitution is a lie. It's not even debatable. So take your fake outrage and shove it. I'll say what I want and edit the posts I am replying to in any way I wish to make any point I am trying to make. If you don't like it the ignore button is fairly easy to find.
What the fuck are you talking about? The right has always been and always will be the party that supports the constitution. :cuckoo:
Even if that were true you all traded it for a reality show con man.
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write.
No its not, if you finished the quote it would have said "We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit on by people like you". The way you edited it was deceitful and meant to make it look like he was saying literally the opposite thing. You are a very weak debater.
Who the hell asked you? I was replying to the other dumbass and he knew what he wrote.
I dont require your permission to point out lies.
I always tell the truth, you people just don't want to hear it.
Your lie is right there for everyone to see. Also, you just lied AGAIN.
After the last four years any claim that the right respects the constitution is a lie. It's not even debatable. So take your fake outrage and shove it. I'll say what I want and edit the posts I am replying to in any way I wish to make any point I am trying to make. If you don't like it the ignore button is fairly easy to find.
What the fuck are you talking about? The right has always been and always will be the party that supports the constitution. :cuckoo:
Even if that were true you all traded it for a reality show con man.

Who actually followed the COTUS, unlike your hero, the obummer, who violated it any time he felt like it.
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write.
No its not, if you finished the quote it would have said "We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit on by people like you". The way you edited it was deceitful and meant to make it look like he was saying literally the opposite thing. You are a very weak debater.
Who the hell asked you? I was replying to the other dumbass and he knew what he wrote.
I dont require your permission to point out lies.
I always tell the truth, you people just don't want to hear it.
Your lie is right there for everyone to see. Also, you just lied AGAIN.
After the last four years any claim that the right respects the constitution is a lie. It's not even debatable. So take your fake outrage and shove it. I'll say what I want and edit the posts I am replying to in any way I wish to make any point I am trying to make. If you don't like it the ignore button is fairly easy to find.
What the fuck are you talking about? The right has always been and always will be the party that supports the constitution. :cuckoo:
Even if that were true you all traded it for a reality show con man.

Who actually followed the COTUS, unlike your hero, the obummer, who violated it any time he felt like it.
You know what you voted for and it was not for someone to follow the constitution.
Sorry, Dummy, I have a degree in history from the University of Illinois...
Did you keep the receipt? Maybe you could get your money back.

Oh, but you do hate being white. And you insist other white people should hate themselves, too.

Racist non-whites appreciate the passionate ass-kissing, but they still hate you.
Actually, quite the reverse.... A lot of people who've I've treated decently have returned the favor in my life, including people of color. On the other hand, most of the misery that's been inflicted on me has come from other white males. .
Probably because you tried to talk them into hating themselves.
You don't get a receipt, hotshot. Education is the name of the game along with the social stimulation that goes with it---exactly what you are lacking.
No receipt? Too bad. He's definitely got a case for educational malpractice.

How do you know I lack social stimulation? I've lived and worked all over the world. I think you're letting your irrational hatred of conservatives do your thinking for you, and thus no thinking is getting done..
I am a moderate and an independent and do not hate conservatives. Trumpets are not conservatives. They are whatever trump tells them to be. Let's not forget that trump was a liberal Democrat who supported abortion and contributed to the Clinton campaign. He may change his tune in the morning
if he can make money from it.
I submit you know little about conservatives and Trump supporters and rely solely on what the leftist media tells you about both.
I don't need the media to see what trump is doing to our country. Listen to him and if you are going to ask me "what is he doing?" then don't bother. Just keep watching Hannity and Tucky.
You need to change the channel.
Trump killed the bad guys (notice there haven’t been any muslim mass murder to report?), he lifted regulations that have allowed us to become energy independent which has led to prosperity. The only issue has been this calculated and propagated virus. Not his fault at all. Total chicom/democrat thing.
The poor handling of the virus is indeed his fault.
There are plenty of bad organizations floating around that are not Muslim that he has not killed, and has in fact supported. The FBI has reported that the white supremacists are a serious problem and trump refused to allow the FBI to tackle this terror group.
Lifting environmental regulations in the name of money only serve to hurt the environment and will come back to haunt us.
Factbox: U.S. oil and gas regulatory rollbacks under Trump ... › us-usa-climate-regulations-factbox

Aug 29, 2019 — The Trump administration has moved broadly to relax Obama-era rules ... drilling safety, fuel economy and wetlands rules that impact oil, gas and ... failed to consider potential damage to offshore safety and the environment.

Trump's fracking rules allow chemicals like VOCs linked to ... › trump-epa-fracking-pollution-regulati...

Oct 27, 2020 — Trump's pullback of pollution controls is even more hazardous than you think ... is also ground zero for the worst oil and gas air pollution in the country. ... by environmentalists, had a little-noticed side effect: Experts say it could lead to ... and said the regulations would have “virtually no impact” on reducing ...

The country was on its way back to prosperity when trump took office. He goosed an already recovering economy and that will come back haunt us. Also, prosperity is in the hands of the wealthy while the rest of the country is getting by. The middle class is on its way to extinction and we will be left with rich.....and poor. Not good.
Obama opposed the efforts that led to prosperity. Obama caused the economic hardship. Obama abetted Muslim terrorism.
You go broke and abet Muslim murder. Just keep me out of it.
Obama gave us 4.7% unemployment, How is that opposing prosperity? How exactly did Obama cause economic hardship? We need documented details. You can't provide them.
If you think O was good for working people, you need to think again. He kicked 5 million Americans out of their homes, while enriching the rich on Wall Street. His policies prolonged the Great Recession. He took two wars and made it seven. No potus was more controlled by the ultra wealthy, big corporations, and the MIC than O.

He truly was “the black mascot for Wall Street.” When progressives accept this they won’t be such hypocrites.
Did Trump Create or Inherit the Strong Economy? › public › _cache › files › did-tru...

Job growth: By the end of the Obama administration, the economy had experienced 76 ... most significant economic policy, his $1.9 trillion tax cuts, did not take effect until ... on many accounts: it didn't eradicate all import tariffs, it didn't address ...

Your info is skewed.
Trump inherited an economy on the upswing. That upswing was a result of fracking, which Obama opposed but could not prohibit. Trump expanded on that upswing by lifting regulations and restrictions resulting in energy independence and an economy unseen since the 1960’s.
That upswing was a result of a ten year stimulus plan, not fracking. Fracking was not opposed by Obama. It was opposed on federal land. You are a liar. Once and for all: Obama didn’t crush US coal, and Trump can’t save it
Last edited:
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write.
No its not, if you finished the quote it would have said "We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit on by people like you". The way you edited it was deceitful and meant to make it look like he was saying literally the opposite thing. You are a very weak debater.
Who the hell asked you? I was replying to the other dumbass and he knew what he wrote.
I dont require your permission to point out lies.
I always tell the truth, you people just don't want to hear it.
Your lie is right there for everyone to see. Also, you just lied AGAIN.
After the last four years any claim that the right respects the constitution is a lie. It's not even debatable. So take your fake outrage and shove it. I'll say what I want and edit the posts I am replying to in any way I wish to make any point I am trying to make. If you don't like it the ignore button is fairly easy to find.
What the fuck are you talking about? The right has always been and always will be the party that supports the constitution. :cuckoo:
Even if that were true you all traded it for a reality show con man.

Who actually followed the COTUS, unlike your hero, the obummer, who violated it any time he felt like it.
You know what you voted for and it was not for someone to follow the constitution.

How wrong you are. Obummer, your hero, made it a point to not just violate the COTUS, but to make demonstration of his mockery of that document.

Trump, on the other hand, scrupulously followed it. That makes him by far the best president we have had in decades.
Obama brought back the automobile industry. You live in a closet.

Obama did not put coal out of business. You are a liar; Once and for all: Obama didn’t crush US coal, and Trump can’t save it

DumBama didn't bring back shit. All he did was reward his union voters. Without our involvement, they would have went through the standard bankruptcy process, a judge would have ordered a restructure of the company, and everybody would have been fine.

Coal would have eventually gone down but not because of some idiot President. In 2016 and thanks to fracking, natural gas started to replace coal because of price, but until that time, miners would have still had a job and time to plan ahead.

Fox news is not a real news outlet. They pedal in lies and conspiracy theories. Once and for all: Obama didn’t crush US coal, and Trump can’t save it

Obama regulations accounted for 5%. You do not have the correct information.

Coal companies never needed to beg Obama for mercy, because Obama had nothing to do with it. It was the market demand, not Obama.
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write.
No its not, if you finished the quote it would have said "We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit on by people like you". The way you edited it was deceitful and meant to make it look like he was saying literally the opposite thing. You are a very weak debater.
Who the hell asked you? I was replying to the other dumbass and he knew what he wrote.
I dont require your permission to point out lies.
I always tell the truth, you people just don't want to hear it.
Your lie is right there for everyone to see. Also, you just lied AGAIN.
After the last four years any claim that the right respects the constitution is a lie. It's not even debatable. So take your fake outrage and shove it. I'll say what I want and edit the posts I am replying to in any way I wish to make any point I am trying to make. If you don't like it the ignore button is fairly easy to find.
What the fuck are you talking about? The right has always been and always will be the party that supports the constitution. :cuckoo:
Even if that were true you all traded it for a reality show con man.

Who actually followed the COTUS, unlike your hero, the obummer, who violated it any time he felt like it.
You know what you voted for and it was not for someone to follow the constitution.

How wrong you are. Obummer, your hero, made it a point to not just violate the COTUS, but to make demonstration of his mockery of that document.

Trump, on the other hand, scrupulously followed it. That makes him by far the best president we have had in decades.
Specifically, from a Constitutional perspective, what exactly did Obama violate? And Trump was/is the most lawless president in US history.

Without actually citing Obama's unconstitutional, documented acts, you are spreading lies. We will wait to see if you are a liar or not.
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write.
No its not, if you finished the quote it would have said "We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit on by people like you". The way you edited it was deceitful and meant to make it look like he was saying literally the opposite thing. You are a very weak debater.
Who the hell asked you? I was replying to the other dumbass and he knew what he wrote.
I dont require your permission to point out lies.
I always tell the truth, you people just don't want to hear it.
Your lie is right there for everyone to see. Also, you just lied AGAIN.
After the last four years any claim that the right respects the constitution is a lie. It's not even debatable. So take your fake outrage and shove it. I'll say what I want and edit the posts I am replying to in any way I wish to make any point I am trying to make. If you don't like it the ignore button is fairly easy to find.
What the fuck are you talking about? The right has always been and always will be the party that supports the constitution. :cuckoo:
Even if that were true you all traded it for a reality show con man.
Why are you moving away from the constitution all of a sudden? Before you were saying that the right is against it. What the fuck are you talking about?
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write.
No its not, if you finished the quote it would have said "We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit on by people like you". The way you edited it was deceitful and meant to make it look like he was saying literally the opposite thing. You are a very weak debater.
Who the hell asked you? I was replying to the other dumbass and he knew what he wrote.
I dont require your permission to point out lies.
I always tell the truth, you people just don't want to hear it.
Your lie is right there for everyone to see. Also, you just lied AGAIN.
After the last four years any claim that the right respects the constitution is a lie. It's not even debatable. So take your fake outrage and shove it. I'll say what I want and edit the posts I am replying to in any way I wish to make any point I am trying to make. If you don't like it the ignore button is fairly easy to find.
What the fuck are you talking about? The right has always been and always will be the party that supports the constitution. :cuckoo:
Even if that were true you all traded it for a reality show con man.
Why are you moving away from the constitution all of a sudden? Before you were saying that the right is against it. What the fuck are you talking about?
If you support Trump, you are against the Constitution. Period!
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write.
No its not, if you finished the quote it would have said "We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit on by people like you". The way you edited it was deceitful and meant to make it look like he was saying literally the opposite thing. You are a very weak debater.
Who the hell asked you? I was replying to the other dumbass and he knew what he wrote.
I dont require your permission to point out lies.
I always tell the truth, you people just don't want to hear it.
Your lie is right there for everyone to see. Also, you just lied AGAIN.
After the last four years any claim that the right respects the constitution is a lie. It's not even debatable. So take your fake outrage and shove it. I'll say what I want and edit the posts I am replying to in any way I wish to make any point I am trying to make. If you don't like it the ignore button is fairly easy to find.
What the fuck are you talking about? The right has always been and always will be the party that supports the constitution. :cuckoo:
Even if that were true you all traded it for a reality show con man.

Who actually followed the COTUS, unlike your hero, the obummer, who violated it any time he felt like it.
You know what you voted for and it was not for someone to follow the constitution.

How wrong you are. Obummer, your hero, made it a point to not just violate the COTUS, but to make demonstration of his mockery of that document.

Trump, on the other hand, scrupulously followed it. That makes him by far the best president we have had in decades.
Tell your lies to people who do not know any better. Were Trump to declare himself president for life and throw the constitution in the trash you would back him 1000% percent.
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write.
No its not, if you finished the quote it would have said "We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land, being shit on by people like you". The way you edited it was deceitful and meant to make it look like he was saying literally the opposite thing. You are a very weak debater.
Who the hell asked you? I was replying to the other dumbass and he knew what he wrote.
I dont require your permission to point out lies.
I always tell the truth, you people just don't want to hear it.
Your lie is right there for everyone to see. Also, you just lied AGAIN.
After the last four years any claim that the right respects the constitution is a lie. It's not even debatable. So take your fake outrage and shove it. I'll say what I want and edit the posts I am replying to in any way I wish to make any point I am trying to make. If you don't like it the ignore button is fairly easy to find.
What the fuck are you talking about? The right has always been and always will be the party that supports the constitution. :cuckoo:
Even if that were true you all traded it for a reality show con man.

Who actually followed the COTUS, unlike your hero, the obummer, who violated it any time he felt like it.
You know what you voted for and it was not for someone to follow the constitution.

How wrong you are. Obummer, your hero, made it a point to not just violate the COTUS, but to make demonstration of his mockery of that document.

Trump, on the other hand, scrupulously followed it. That makes him by far the best president we have had in decades.
Specifically, from a Constitutional perspective, what exactly did Obama violate? And Trump was/is the most lawless president in US history.

Without actually citing Obama's unconstitutional, documented acts, you are spreading lies. We will wait to see if you are a liar or not.

DACA, using the IRS against his personal enemies, weaponizing the DOJ against his enemies, taking over the auto companies in every way but name. Forcing car dealerships to close that were profitable, killing car companies, cash for clunkers.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

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