So you want a Civil War?

Nobody cares what others believe.

It appears that you are the one unable to accept the fact that others honestly have beliefs other than your own.

So nobody cares what others believe but you expect me to care what others believe?

Hey buddy, youā€™re not making any sense.
"They can move.

Or they can grow up and accept that people around them are going to have different beliefs."

Are you not saying that they can either move or accept that their own beliefs are childish? Are you not trying to dictate that they alter their beliefs to aline with yours or move. You also assume that the people around them share your beliefs. How very bigot of you.

Yes their beliefs are childish if they expect others to conform to their way of thinking.

Iā€™m not trying to dictate their beliefs at all. Iā€™m explaining what their options are. Itā€™s up to them and I donā€™t care what they do.

I didnā€™t assume that their beliefs were mine. I didnā€™t say make that statement anywhere, you just made that up.

You seem confused. You should read my posts more carefully.
Maybe you should consider what you post more carefully. Where was it said that they expected anyone to conform to their way of thinking? Nowhere. You attacked their beliefs; not any expectation that others would conform to them. And no, you assumed that the others who lived around them did not share their beliefs.

My post was perfectly clear. Itā€™s not my fault you didnā€™t understand it.
Yes, you made it perfectly clear that you are intolerant of people who believe differently than you.
Nobody cares what others believe.

It appears that you are the one unable to accept the fact that others honestly have beliefs other than your own.

So nobody cares what others believe but you expect me to care what others believe?

Hey buddy, youā€™re not making any sense.
"They can move.

Or they can grow up and accept that people around them are going to have different beliefs."

Are you not saying that they can either move or accept that their own beliefs are childish? Are you not trying to dictate that they alter their beliefs to aline with yours or move. You also assume that the people around them share your beliefs. How very bigot of you.

Yes their beliefs are childish if they expect others to conform to their way of thinking.

Iā€™m not trying to dictate their beliefs at all. Iā€™m explaining what their options are. Itā€™s up to them and I donā€™t care what they do.

I didnā€™t assume that their beliefs were mine. I didnā€™t say make that statement anywhere, you just made that up.

You seem confused. You should read my posts more carefully.
Maybe you should consider what you post more carefully. Where was it said that they expected anyone to conform to their way of thinking? Nowhere. You attacked their beliefs; not any expectation that others would conform to them. And no, you assumed that the others who lived around them did not share their beliefs.

My post was perfectly clear. Itā€™s not my fault you didnā€™t understand it.
Yes, you made it perfectly clear that you are intolerant of people who believe differently than you.

Thatā€™s nice. You think what you want. I tolerate your right to be wrong.
You never hugged a young girl?
And the investigation of his son will Peter out. Barr is leaving and so is Trump.

The WH staff just leaked they were told to stand down on Russia hacking and Pompeo said it was definitely Russia.

Trump kissing Putin to the very end!

No, at this age I don't hug strange young girls or sniff their hair. That's pretty creepy. So what you're saying is that Biden will use his position of power to make sure his sons transgressions will be swept under the rug? How Democrat of you. Yeah, his staff leaked? I guess you have no names as usual. It seems most of anything negative reported about Trump is always by anonymous sources.
It was reported on CNN. My family thinks nothing of relatives and friends hugging each other. I do not have one who ever tried to grab a womenā€™s p! Of course my relatives would ride Trump out of town on a rail.
No one really wants a civil war but the far right definitely wants to be feared. They talk all this hogwash hoping that we will think they are going postal if they don't get what they want.
Like the left has done all summer?

Actually the Progressive Marxist/DSA 'Democrat' Left has conducted a Civil War on America since November 2016..
Try watching real news on CBS NBC ABC BBC France 24 PBS and rejoin the real world, brainwashed functional moron. Or any media in the world not owned by Rupert Murdoch and hangers on here in the United States only.

You're a perfect mushroom, living in the dark, feeding on the shit your masters toss down to you.
The usual stupid talking points bigotry vulgarity from the ignoramus GOP base. I listen to every kind of media and law enforcement. Try it sometime. Idiot. Take all your phony scandals and conspiracy theories grab your assault rifles and go out and get shot by your local constabulary LOL
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.

You're a nobody. You can't do anything and you don't represent anybody.

Thank you.

I've tried to tell those crazy people that they are no one. They have no authority or power to do anything they want to do. Those in power don't even know those crazy people exist. Nor do they care about those crazy people.

That is their problem and the root of their hate.
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.

You're a nobody. You can't do anything and you don't represent anybody.

Thank you.

I've tried to tell those crazy people that they are no one. They have no authority or power to do anything they want to do. Those in power don't even know those crazy people exist. Nor do they care about those crazy people.

That is their problem and the root of their hate.

You'd perish in a civil war....deep down you know it.

You're just a blabbering left loon hag
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.

You're a nobody. You can't do anything and you don't represent anybody.

Thank you.

I've tried to tell those crazy people that they are no one. They have no authority or power to do anything they want to do. Those in power don't even know those crazy people exist. Nor do they care about those crazy people.

That is their problem and the root of their hate.

You'd perish in a civil war....deep down you know it.

You're just a blabbering left loon hag

What she said seems to have completely gone over your head. You just sound crazy.
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.

You're a nobody. You can't do anything and you don't represent anybody.

Thank you.

I've tried to tell those crazy people that they are no one. They have no authority or power to do anything they want to do. Those in power don't even know those crazy people exist. Nor do they care about those crazy people.

That is their problem and the root of their hate.

You'd perish in a civil war....deep down you know it.

You're just a blabbering left loon hag

What she said seems to have completely gone over your head. You just sound crazy.

Who are you....and exactly why should I care?

Hint: I don't
I do however know a lot of people, that simply no longer wish to live alongside of people they have deep fundamental differences with.

They do not want to live under the same laws and government who are heading towards gendered language being hate speech.

They do not want to live alongside people who agree that conservative traditional views should not be allowed to be spoken on any American campus.

They do not want to share a country with people who believe America should not protect it's borders, and who believe the worlds entire population of refugees are welcome here.

They do not want to be in a country where the government controls the healthcare needs of the entire population

They are finished trying to get along with people who believe police officers are evil bastards and that their place is society should be replaced by social workers.

They do not want to live in a country where half the population wants the other half to hand over their wealth and for the government to redistribute to those THEY deem are worthy of receiving it.

They are finished living with people who believe the white population are evil, and should be kept from having the freedoms to grow their own wealth and prosperity.

They do not want to live in a country that values choice over the life of an innocent human.

They can move.

Or they can grow up and accept that people around them are going to have different beliefs.
Nobody cares what others believe. The conflict comes when people think they are free to deprive others of their rights guaranteed by the US Constitution. You need to accept the fact that people honestly believe that the election was fixed and that doing so was high treason. It appears that you are the one unable to accept the fact that others honestly have beliefs other than your own. Don't be such a bigot.
Here's the deal. We are tired of the Constitution, that governs this land,
That's all you need to write. It's the constitutional rights of people you disagree with that you really see as a threat. Their votes, their speech, their very existence is a threat to your white bread single party view of what the country ought to be. Bring it on you stupid inbred fuck or shut the hell up. I fear none of you and your impotent rage.
That is weapon grade stupid. Don't reply unless you have actually read and understood the post you quoted.
The right has embraced the stupid, the racist, the fearful and the violent as their preferred voters. Until you people jettison the crazies and start talking sense I'm treating you all like dumbass, cousin fucking hillbillies.
Your inability to control your emotions does not obligate anyone else to do it for you.
I do however know a lot of people, that simply no longer wish to live alongside of people they have deep fundamental differences with.

They do not want to live under the same laws and government who are heading towards gendered language being hate speech.

They do not want to live alongside people who agree that conservative traditional views should not be allowed to be spoken on any American campus.

They do not want to share a country with people who believe America should not protect it's borders, and who believe the worlds entire population of refugees are welcome here.

They do not want to be in a country where the government controls the healthcare needs of the entire population

They are finished trying to get along with people who believe police officers are evil bastards and that their place is society should be replaced by social workers.

They do not want to live in a country where half the population wants the other half to hand over their wealth and for the government to redistribute to those THEY deem are worthy of receiving it.

They are finished living with people who believe the white population are evil, and should be kept from having the freedoms to grow their own wealth and prosperity.

They do not want to live in a country that values choice over the life of an innocent human.

They can move.

Or they can grow up and accept that people around them are going to have different beliefs.
Nobody cares what others believe.

Not according to the post I responded to.
Wrong. The people described have as much right to the beliefs described as you do your own. And I agree with most.
Leftists feel it's not faaaaaair that people are allowed to disagree with them.
No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.
Indeed,nobody wants it,it is the last resort.But if it comes down to where that is the only option left to be a free country again which we have not ever sense 1913 and when we offically became a banana republican dictatership on nov 22nd 1963 where our right to freely elect our own leaders was taken away from us that day by the elite and the lying media has particpated and covered up that event for our government sense them,to have a real investigation into that important event not to mention other government corruption by our corrupt government the last several decades,to have justice done and the truth finally told about those events,if that was the last resort and what it took with no other options left,then I am all for it.I am tired of this fascist dictatership we live in and moving to another country does no good either sense this is obviously GLOBALLY planned.
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.

You're a nobody. You can't do anything and you don't represent anybody.

Thank you.

I've tried to tell those crazy people that they are no one. They have no authority or power to do anything they want to do. Those in power don't even know those crazy people exist. Nor do they care about those crazy people.

That is their problem and the root of their hate.

You'd perish in a civil war....deep down you know it.

You're just a blabbering left loon hag

What she said seems to have completely gone over your head. You just sound crazy.

Yes it went completely over that one's head.

That one you replied to has gone way past just sounding crazy.

It is very bat crap crazy.

Irrational hate does that to a person after several years.
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.

You're a nobody. You can't do anything and you don't represent anybody.

Thank you.

I've tried to tell those crazy people that they are no one. They have no authority or power to do anything they want to do. Those in power don't even know those crazy people exist. Nor do they care about those crazy people.

That is their problem and the root of their hate.

You'd perish in a civil war....deep down you know it.

You're just a blabbering left loon hag

What she said seems to have completely gone over your head. You just sound crazy.

Yes it went completely over that one's head.

That one you replied to has gone way past just sounding crazy.

It is very bat crap crazy.

Irrational hate does that to a person after several years.
Assholes like you would know about irrational hate wouldnā€™t you? Youā€™ve flung your bullshit at Trump supporters for 4 years. Now you can STFU and take whatā€™s coming to you.
Nobody cares what others believe.

It appears that you are the one unable to accept the fact that others honestly have beliefs other than your own.

So nobody cares what others believe but you expect me to care what others believe?

Hey buddy, youā€™re not making any sense.
"They can move.

Or they can grow up and accept that people around them are going to have different beliefs."

Are you not saying that they can either move or accept that their own beliefs are childish? Are you not trying to dictate that they alter their beliefs to aline with yours or move. You also assume that the people around them share your beliefs. How very bigot of you.

Yes their beliefs are childish if they have such a big problem with people around them believing differently. Here in real world, we coexist with people who think differently.

Iā€™m not trying to dictate their beliefs at all. Who am I to tell someone to change their beliefs? Iā€™m explaining what their realistic options are. Itā€™s up to them and I donā€™t care what they do.

I didnā€™t assume that their beliefs were mine. I didnā€™t say make that statement anywhere, you just made that up.

You seem confused. You should read my posts more carefully.

No you don't. Your version of coexistence is "agree with us...or else!"
Last edited:
Nobody cares what others believe.

It appears that you are the one unable to accept the fact that others honestly have beliefs other than your own.

So nobody cares what others believe but you expect me to care what others believe?

Hey buddy, youā€™re not making any sense.
"They can move.

Or they can grow up and accept that people around them are going to have different beliefs."

Are you not saying that they can either move or accept that their own beliefs are childish? Are you not trying to dictate that they alter their beliefs to aline with yours or move. You also assume that the people around them share your beliefs. How very bigot of you.

Yes their beliefs are childish if they have such a big problem with people around them believing differently. Here in real world, we coexist with people who think differently.

Iā€™m not trying to dictate their beliefs at all. Who am I to tell someone to change their beliefs? Iā€™m explaining what their realistic options are. Itā€™s up to them and I donā€™t care what they do.

I didnā€™t assume that their beliefs were mine. I didnā€™t say make that statement anywhere, you just made that up.

You seem confused. You should read my posts more carefully.

No you don't. You version of coexistence is "agree with us...or else!"

You're an idiot and I support your right to say dumb things.
Nobody cares what others believe.

It appears that you are the one unable to accept the fact that others honestly have beliefs other than your own.

So nobody cares what others believe but you expect me to care what others believe?

Hey buddy, youā€™re not making any sense.
"They can move.

Or they can grow up and accept that people around them are going to have different beliefs."

Are you not saying that they can either move or accept that their own beliefs are childish? Are you not trying to dictate that they alter their beliefs to aline with yours or move. You also assume that the people around them share your beliefs. How very bigot of you.

Yes their beliefs are childish if they have such a big problem with people around them believing differently. Here in real world, we coexist with people who think differently.

Iā€™m not trying to dictate their beliefs at all. Who am I to tell someone to change their beliefs? Iā€™m explaining what their realistic options are. Itā€™s up to them and I donā€™t care what they do.

I didnā€™t assume that their beliefs were mine. I didnā€™t say make that statement anywhere, you just made that up.

You seem confused. You should read my posts more carefully.

No you don't. You version of coexistence is "agree with us...or else!"

You're an idiot and I support your right to say dumb things.

Pot, meet kettle

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