So you want a Civil War?

I don't know of anyone who wants a militaristic "civil war".

I do however know a lot of people, that simply no longer wish to live alongside of people they have deep fundamental differences with.

They do not want to live under the same laws and government who are heading towards gendered language being hate speech.

They do not want to live alongside people who agree that conservative traditional views should not be allowed to be spoken on any American campus.

They do not want to share a country with people who believe America should not protect it's borders, and who believe the worlds entire population of refugees are welcome here.

They do not want to be in a country where the government controls the healthcare needs of the entire population

They are finished trying to get along with people who believe police officers are evil bastards and that their place is society should be replaced by social workers.

They do not want to live in a country where half the population wants the other half to hand over their wealth and for the government to redistribute to those THEY deem are worthy of receiving it.

They are finished living with people who believe the white population are evil, and should be kept from having the freedoms to grow their own wealth and prosperity.

They do not want to live in a country that values choice over the life of an innocent human.

I could go on and on, but what it comes down to, is this nation is no longer united, will not be united again, or at least until the baby boomer generation is completely gone.
It would be best for all of us to have a quick divorce and start negotiating the mechanics of dividing into at least two separate nations.
Boohoo, woe is me!

The other half believes in equality for all, do not want their kids and families killed by crazy loons with machine guns. We want them safe and happy.

They want decent Jobs, good Schools to educate their children, fair taxes, decent Health care for all, taking care of the elderly and children. Birth control so they do not have so many poor children, thus avoiding abortion.

Giving people a hand up when they need it.
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Stay scared sugar.

You are the ones who seem to be living in fear, scared of your own shadow, thinking threats on an internet board worry people.
Nobody cares what others believe.

It appears that you are the one unable to accept the fact that others honestly have beliefs other than your own.

So nobody cares what others believe but you expect me to care what others believe?

Hey buddy, you’re not making any sense.
"They can move.

Or they can grow up and accept that people around them are going to have different beliefs."

Are you not saying that they can either move or accept that their own beliefs are childish? Are you not trying to dictate that they alter their beliefs to aline with yours or move. You also assume that the people around them share your beliefs. How very bigot of you.

Yes their beliefs are childish if they have such a big problem with people around them believing differently. Here in real world, we coexist with people who think differently.

I’m not trying to dictate their beliefs at all. Who am I to tell someone to change their beliefs? I’m explaining what their realistic options are. It’s up to them and I don’t care what they do.

I didn’t assume that their beliefs were mine. I didn’t say make that statement anywhere, you just made that up.

You seem confused. You should read my posts more carefully.

No you don't. You version of coexistence is "agree with us...or else!"

You're an idiot and I support your right to say dumb things.

Pot, meet kettle
Hasn’t he been dead for years?
Live with it,or go to another Country if you are angry and think white men should rule.
And Joe Biden isn't a white man?
Yes, and and one who understands it is not just a white mans world any more. Just like me. Have you seen the people he is selecting? People whose expertise fit their position. Not all old white men are irrational, ignorant bullies. I have many in my family. They are embarrassed by Trump and his cronies.
Communism has noting to do with your skin color. We were founded against tyranny, and we should not live with a boot on our neck.
Trump found that out! Big time!
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No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.

When people start imagining things that are not happening or who vote for and supported the political class that refuses to live by the rules they enact, and deemed itself exempt from the laws that govern this land, and who have stolen elections by voter suppression, then call for civil war because nobody wants that shit to continue, those people are delusional. And that's what has happened to the republican party.
We're already in a civil war. Some of you obviously weren't watching the news this past summer.
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.
There's been minor gang confrontations, but the left doesn't really want to have totally unrestrained confrontations because they know they would get creamed. They're agitators. Their plan is poke, poke, poke, and then when they get flattened they run to mommy and cry about the mean nasty conservatives. Cowards.
You'd be quite surprised by the ass whippin the right would take.
No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.
It's true. War is hell. No one should ever wish for it.

Now, when it comes to motivation, the left has provided PLENTY. So, if war is a must, we're all bloodthirsty enough to carry it out to the filthy, ruthless end.
LOL! The first time one of you actually saw the blood and guts that war brings you would be running for the hills.

Those who served are not encouraging war, only the arm chair warriors who like to play with guns, make them feel manly.
Is that why many women carry feel manly?
View attachment 431203
Funny, but not the truth. Millions of women own a firearm in this country. Better do some research so you don't look any more stupid than you already do.

Sure, many are terrified with the crazy loonies Trump has encouraged on the streets. I am not one of them, I just avoid the nuts.

Your insult is duly noted that I hit home.
No insult intended. You're just plain stupid.
You know nothing about me, but like your Trump friends you expose yourself for what you really are. No reflection on me. I just make you angry because I came back to the board and post what I think.

I am truly pleased to see a decent man come back to the WhiteHouse. I have truly been embarrassed to have such an ignorant buffoon boasting and bragging about his non existent wins for the last 4 years.

Live with it,or go to another Country if you are angry and think white men should rule. They have a place but the world has passed them by. That is why they are angry, like Trump.

And I say this as an old white woman.
Who are you....and exactly why should I care?

Hint: I don't

Do you think anybody actually buys your bullshit about being ready for a civil war? If real war was in your neighborhood you would be hiding and pissing underneath your bed like a coward. Fat, privileged first world people are not ready for war on their doorsteps. You know damn well your expectation and the expectation of other posters is that somebody else would be doing the fighting and dying over this situation. You're more than ready for other people to die. People like you are the lowest of filth. You absolutely disgust me.
Yes it went completely over that one's head.

That one you replied to has gone way past just sounding crazy.

It is very bat crap crazy.

Irrational hate does that to a person after several years.

Do you think the sassy Irish lass is ready to pick up arms and die for Donald Trump, or is she just willing to see other people die? What a coward.
Assholes like you would know about irrational hate wouldn’t you? You’ve flung your bullshit at Trump supporters for 4 years. Now you can STFU and take what’s coming to you.

You fucking lunatics are the ones implying that you want to start killing people. Go fuck yourself. Grow some fucking balls and say it for real you piece of shit.
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No one in their right mind wants a civil war.

However, when the political class refuses to live by the rules they enact, and the political class is exempt from the laws that govern this land, and the political class set up a system where the vote is corrupt, well. Then there is no other option.

Sure there is... you stop whining like a little bitch about it.

There was nothing wrong with the vote, other than in 2016, we put someone in power after the people clearly said no.
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You never hugged a young girl?
And the investigation of his son will Peter out. Barr is leaving and so is Trump.

The WH staff just leaked they were told to stand down on Russia hacking and Pompeo said it was definitely Russia.

Trump kissing Putin to the very end!

No, at this age I don't hug strange young girls or sniff their hair. That's pretty creepy. So what you're saying is that Biden will use his position of power to make sure his sons transgressions will be swept under the rug? How Democrat of you. Yeah, his staff leaked? I guess you have no names as usual. It seems most of anything negative reported about Trump is always by anonymous sources.
It was reported on CNN. My family thinks nothing of relatives and friends hugging each other. I do not have one who ever tried to grab a women’s p! Of course my relatives would ride Trump out of town on a rail.

None of your male relatives are straight?

Or are they all virgins?
Boohoo, woe is me!

The other half believes in equality for all, do not want their kids and families killed by crazy loons with machine guns. We want them safe and happy.

They want decent Jobs, good Schools to educate their children, fair taxes, decent Health care for all, taking care of the elderly and children. Birth control so they do not have so many poor children, thus avoiding abortion.

Giving people a hand up when they need it.

We have most of these things now. If you want government to put this force field around every human being, they don't even have that in Democrat utopias like North Korea and Cuba. However in places like that, the government provides jobs, takes care of the young and elderly, free healthcare, makes sure nobody has anyway to protect themselves in their cradle-to-grave government you desire here. You should move there and try it out first.

Of course if you don't want to move, we have areas like that here; places where you do get free healthcare, don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancy, nobody has guns or money except the government. We call these places prisons, and they're not that difficult to join. The best part for you is, they are full of Democrats already.
I don't know of anyone who wants a militaristic "civil war".

I do however know a lot of people, that simply no longer wish to live alongside of people they have deep fundamental differences with.

They do not want to live under the same laws and government who are heading towards gendered language being hate speech.

They do not want to live alongside people who agree that conservative traditional views should not be allowed to be spoken on any American campus.

They do not want to share a country with people who believe America should not protect it's borders, and who believe the worlds entire population of refugees are welcome here.

They do not want to be in a country where the government controls the healthcare needs of the entire population

They are finished trying to get along with people who believe police officers are evil bastards and that their place is society should be replaced by social workers.

They do not want to live in a country where half the population wants the other half to hand over their wealth and for the government to redistribute to those THEY deem are worthy of receiving it.

They are finished living with people who believe the white population are evil, and should be kept from having the freedoms to grow their own wealth and prosperity.

They do not want to live in a country that values choice over the life of an innocent human.

I could go on and on, but what it comes down to, is this nation is no longer united, will not be united again, or at least until the baby boomer generation is completely gone.
It would be best for all of us to have a quick divorce and start negotiating the mechanics of dividing into at least two separate nations.
Not into two separate nations, but into multiple small nations so that none can attain the power the current empire has.
Boohoo, woe is me!

The other half believes in equality for all, do not want their kids and families killed by crazy loons with machine guns. We want them safe and happy.

They want decent Jobs, good Schools to educate their children, fair taxes, decent Health care for all, taking care of the elderly and children. Birth control so they do not have so many poor children, thus avoiding abortion.

Giving people a hand up when they need it.

We have most of these things now. If you want government to put this force field around every human being, they don't even have that in Democrat utopias like North Korea and Cuba. However in places like that, the government provides jobs, takes care of the young and elderly, free healthcare, makes sure nobody has anyway to protect themselves in their cradle-to-grave government you desire here. You should move there and try it out first.

Of course if you don't want to move, we have areas like that here; places where you do get free healthcare, don't have to worry about unwanted pregnancy, nobody has guns or money except the government. We call these places prisons, and they're not that difficult to join. The best part for you is, they are full of Democrats already.
No. What we have now is a government entirely controlled by the ultra wealthy for the benefit of the ultra wealthy. Sadly, people like you refuse to accept this reality, as you’re blinded by your dogma.
No. What we have now is a government entirely controlled by the ultra wealthy for the benefit of the ultra wealthy. Sadly, people like you refuse to accept this reality, as you’re blinded by your dogma.

You people watch too many television shows and read too many conspiracy articles.
No. What we have now is a government entirely controlled by the ultra wealthy for the benefit of the ultra wealthy. Sadly, people like you refuse to accept this reality, as you’re blinded by your dogma.

You people watch too many television shows and read too many conspiracy articles.
Yeah it’s just a nutty conspiracy that the ultra rich control the government. LMFAO.

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