So you want a Civil War?

This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

Stay scared sugar.

You are the ones who seem to be living in fear, scared of your own shadow, thinking threats on an internet board worry people.

Who are "you" and "your"?

Are they in the room with you now?

Are they telling you what to type?
Yeah it’s just a nutty conspiracy that the ultra rich control the government. LMFAO.

If they controlled the government they wouldn't have paid all the taxes they did until Trump got in. They wouldn't have Bibles of regulations against their businesses. They may have money, but politicians get their power from voters, which the wealthy are very few in light of the entire country.
Yeah it’s just a nutty conspiracy that the ultra rich control the government. LMFAO.

If they controlled the government they wouldn't have paid all the taxes they did until Trump got in. They wouldn't have Bibles of regulations against their businesses. They may have money, but politicians get their power from voters, which the wealthy are very few in light of the entire country.
Lol. You don’t even know the ultra wealthy pay a fraction of their wealth in taxes, thanks to the fact that they designed the tax system. Sadly, you’re too dumb to know this obvious fact.
Lol. You don’t even know the ultra wealthy pay a fraction of their wealth in taxes, thanks to the fact that they designed the tax system. Sadly, you’re too dumb to know this obvious fact.

The top 20% of income earners pay over 80% of all income taxes for the rest of us in this country. I hardly call that a fraction. It's just this wealth jealousy you people on the left have.
Yes it went completely over that one's head.

That one you replied to has gone way past just sounding crazy.

It is very bat crap crazy.

Irrational hate does that to a person after several years.

Do you think the sassy Irish lass is ready to pick up arms and die for Donald Trump, or is she just willing to see other people die? What a coward.

That one will hide under it's bed screaming it's all the "liberals" fault.
Lol. You don’t even know the ultra wealthy pay a fraction of their wealth in taxes, thanks to the fact that they designed the tax system. Sadly, you’re too dumb to know this obvious fact.

The top 20% of income earners pay over 80% of all income taxes for the rest of us in this country. I hardly call that a fraction. It's just this wealth jealousy you people on the left have.
And yet they pay lower tax rates than lower income classes.

...and there it is again. The cons common retort of jealousy. How can they be so dumb?
You never hugged a young girl?
And the investigation of his son will Peter out. Barr is leaving and so is Trump.

The WH staff just leaked they were told to stand down on Russia hacking and Pompeo said it was definitely Russia.

Trump kissing Putin to the very end!

No, at this age I don't hug strange young girls or sniff their hair. That's pretty creepy. So what you're saying is that Biden will use his position of power to make sure his sons transgressions will be swept under the rug? How Democrat of you. Yeah, his staff leaked? I guess you have no names as usual. It seems most of anything negative reported about Trump is always by anonymous sources.
It was reported on CNN. My family thinks nothing of relatives and friends hugging each other. I do not have one who ever tried to grab a women’s p! Of course my relatives would ride Trump out of town on a rail.

None of your male relatives are straight?

Or are they all virgins?
They have Sons. Does that answer your question? And we all hug each other,or did before the virus Trump failed to admit existed. Ignorant people who confuse honest feelings for the young but back a batshit liar that brags about grabbing women’s P!

Do not try and turn your twisted thoughts on me. Even you do not believe it. You have just invested so much in orange combover you are ashamed to admit it.

He is now having screaming matches in the WH because he knows his lifetime of greed and crime are catching up with him.
I don't know of anyone who wants a militaristic "civil war".

I do however know a lot of people, that simply no longer wish to live alongside of people they have deep fundamental differences with.

They do not want to live under the same laws and government who are heading towards gendered language being hate speech.

They do not want to live alongside people who agree that conservative traditional views should not be allowed to be spoken on any American campus.

They do not want to share a country with people who believe America should not protect it's borders, and who believe the worlds entire population of refugees are welcome here.

They do not want to be in a country where the government controls the healthcare needs of the entire population

They are finished trying to get along with people who believe police officers are evil bastards and that their place is society should be replaced by social workers.

They do not want to live in a country where half the population wants the other half to hand over their wealth and for the government to redistribute to those THEY deem are worthy of receiving it.

They are finished living with people who believe the white population are evil, and should be kept from having the freedoms to grow their own wealth and prosperity.

They do not want to live in a country that values choice over the life of an innocent human.

I could go on and on, but what it comes down to, is this nation is no longer united, will not be united again, or at least until the baby boomer generation is completely gone.
It would be best for all of us to have a quick divorce and start negotiating the mechanics of dividing into at least two separate nations.
Boohoo, woe is me!

The other half believes in equality for all, do not want their kids and families killed by crazy loons with machine guns. We want them safe and happy.

They want decent Jobs, good Schools to educate their children, fair taxes, decent Health care for all, taking care of the elderly and children. Birth control so they do not have so many poor children, thus avoiding abortion.

Giving people a hand up when they need it.
Great idea! So what's stopping you from providing those things? The problem comes in when you expect someone else to ruin their own lives to pay for the things you want.
And yet they pay lower tax rates than lower income classes.

...and there it is again. The cons common retort of jealousy. How can they be so dumb?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck.........

I have no concern about what other people make. If they do better than I do, they are lauded by me whereas you express contempt. If I'm upset because you have a beautiful wife, the only reason it bothers me is because she is more beautiful than my wife. Pure jealousy.

Lower income people pay no income tax at all. In fact slightly less than half of our people don't pay any income tax. Payroll taxes, property taxes, gasoline taxes, cigarette and alcohol taxes, yes, we pay those, but those taxes go for things we use everyday or save up for our later years in life. If you live the average lifespan in this country, you will get back every dollar you and your employer paid into Social Security and Medicare and much more. However income taxes are what operates our federal government, bureaucracies, welfare programs, military, and distribution to states who need it. Half of us don't pay anything into the actual federal government outside of SS and Medicare which again, we get back anyway.
Yeah it’s just a nutty conspiracy that the ultra rich control the government. LMFAO.

If they controlled the government they wouldn't have paid all the taxes they did until Trump got in. They wouldn't have Bibles of regulations against their businesses. They may have money, but politicians get their power from voters, which the wealthy are very few in light of the entire country.
Lol. You don’t even know the ultra wealthy pay a fraction of their wealth in taxes, thanks to the fact that they designed the tax system. Sadly, you’re too dumb to know this obvious fact.
I have little doubt that what you say is true. But increasing the taxes of the average American does not address this problem and increasing the taxes on the ultra wealthy only results in them removing themselves their wealth and/or their business enterprises to other countries. Globalization in action.
Yeah it’s just a nutty conspiracy that the ultra rich control the government. LMFAO.

If they controlled the government they wouldn't have paid all the taxes they did until Trump got in. They wouldn't have Bibles of regulations against their businesses. They may have money, but politicians get their power from voters, which the wealthy are very few in light of the entire country.
Lol. You don’t even know the ultra wealthy pay a fraction of their wealth in taxes, thanks to the fact that they designed the tax system. Sadly, you’re too dumb to know this obvious fact.
I have little doubt that what you say is true. But increasing the taxes of the average American does not address this problem and increasing the taxes on the ultra wealthy only results in them removing themselves their wealth and/or their business enterprises to other countries. Globalization in action.
Tax the fuck out of the wealthy. Prevent them from sheltering their wealth or moving it offshore. It’s not hard to do, but requires a government properly run and not controlled by the ultra wealthy. So, it won’t happen here thanks to dumb cons and neolibs. It does happen all the time in other western nations. USA is too corrupt.
We need to restore our representative democracy peacefully but that is difficult when the election system is rigged.
The one who tried to rig the election was impeached. Did you forget already?

That impeachment was a total fiasco based solely on Trump Derangement Syndrome by the Dems in the House of Representatives.

Trump did not rig our last election. It is obvious he won in a landslide but the Democrats were able to overcome his lead by cheating. Consequently half this nation will not accept Joe Biden is really our president and feel we no longer live in a functioning representative democracy. Now our nation is on the verge of breaking apart. If this perception that our elections are rigged is not resolved by totally fair elections in the future the breakup will start in the next ten years if not before.
We're already in a civil war. Some of you obviously weren't watching the news this past summer.
Right, but so far, we the adults have kept our composure and discipline. The question remains as to whether the war will move into open hostilities.
There's been minor gang confrontations, but the left doesn't really want to have totally unrestrained confrontations because they know they would get creamed. They're agitators. Their plan is poke, poke, poke, and then when they get flattened they run to mommy and cry about the mean nasty conservatives. Cowards.
You'd be quite surprised by the ass whippin the right would take.
Whatever. BOO!
Yeah it’s just a nutty conspiracy that the ultra rich control the government. LMFAO.

If they controlled the government they wouldn't have paid all the taxes they did until Trump got in. They wouldn't have Bibles of regulations against their businesses. They may have money, but politicians get their power from voters, which the wealthy are very few in light of the entire country.
Lol. You don’t even know the ultra wealthy pay a fraction of their wealth in taxes, thanks to the fact that they designed the tax system. Sadly, you’re too dumb to know this obvious fact.
I have little doubt that what you say is true. But increasing the taxes of the average American does not address this problem and increasing the taxes on the ultra wealthy only results in them removing themselves their wealth and/or their business enterprises to other countries. Globalization in action.
Tax the fuck out of the wealthy. Prevent them from sheltering their wealth or moving it offshore. It’s not hard to do, but requires a government properly run and not controlled by the ultra wealthy. So, it won’t happen here thanks to dumb cons and neolibs. It does happen all the time in other western nations. USA is too corrupt.
So then the ultra wealthy leave and you're stuck eating bugs and straw. Parasites like you can't survive without a host.
Tax the fuck out of the wealthy. Prevent them from sheltering their wealth or moving it offshore. It’s not hard to do, but requires a government properly run and not controlled by the ultra wealthy. So, it won’t happen here thanks to dumb cons and neolibs. It does happen all the time in other western nations. USA is too corrupt.

If the federal income tax rate were 0%, the federal government would collect 0 dollars. If the federal income tax rate were 100%, the federal government would still collect 0 dollars because who would be stupid enough to create wealth to begin with?

Discourage wealth creation and you discourage job creation, investing, charitable contributions, new businesses. The bottom line is everybody hurts when we limit or don't give anybody the ability to create money. If those evil rich people are not investing in the stock market, my IRA is fucked. I want my IRA to grow so I'll be able to take care of myself when I'm no longer capable of making money on my own.

Money is a reward. It's why people go to work or make investments. The less reward, the less people want to work or make those investments.
Yeah it’s just a nutty conspiracy that the ultra rich control the government. LMFAO.

If they controlled the government they wouldn't have paid all the taxes they did until Trump got in. They wouldn't have Bibles of regulations against their businesses. They may have money, but politicians get their power from voters, which the wealthy are very few in light of the entire country.
Lol. You don’t even know the ultra wealthy pay a fraction of their wealth in taxes, thanks to the fact that they designed the tax system. Sadly, you’re too dumb to know this obvious fact.
I have little doubt that what you say is true. But increasing the taxes of the average American does not address this problem and increasing the taxes on the ultra wealthy only results in them removing themselves their wealth and/or their business enterprises to other countries. Globalization in action.
Tax the fuck out of the wealthy. Prevent them from sheltering their wealth or moving it offshore. It’s not hard to do, but requires a government properly run and not controlled by the ultra wealthy. So, it won’t happen here thanks to dumb cons and neolibs. It does happen all the time in other western nations. USA is too corrupt.
So then the ultra wealthy leave and you're stuck eating bugs and straw. Parasites like you can't survive without a host.
Con logic always fails, but the ultra wealthy love you for your ignorance.
You never hugged a young girl?
And the investigation of his son will Peter out. Barr is leaving and so is Trump.

The WH staff just leaked they were told to stand down on Russia hacking and Pompeo said it was definitely Russia.

Trump kissing Putin to the very end!

No, at this age I don't hug strange young girls or sniff their hair. That's pretty creepy. So what you're saying is that Biden will use his position of power to make sure his sons transgressions will be swept under the rug? How Democrat of you. Yeah, his staff leaked? I guess you have no names as usual. It seems most of anything negative reported about Trump is always by anonymous sources.
It was reported on CNN. My family thinks nothing of relatives and friends hugging each other. I do not have one who ever tried to grab a women’s p! Of course my relatives would ride Trump out of town on a rail.

None of your male relatives are straight?

Or are they all virgins?
They have Sons. Does that answer your question? And we all hug each other,or did before the virus Trump failed to admit existed. Ignorant people who confuse honest feelings for the young but back a batshit liar that brags about grabbing women’s P!

Do not try and turn your twisted thoughts on me. Even you do not believe it. You have just invested so much in orange combover you are ashamed to admit it.

He is now having screaming matches in the WH because he knows his lifetime of greed and crime are catching up with him.

The "pussy" comment was in the context of a discussion about how woman treat rich and famous men.

That means consensual sex. That you pretend it meant something else, is you admitting that you have to lie in order to justify your hysterical opposition to the President.

You are the one behaving in a disgusting manner, you personally and you as a member of the group, leftards.
This ex-military guy wrote this Twitter thread. All the fantasy tough guys should read it before grabbing your next bag of Cheetos.

Are you calling for civil war?

You’ve clearly never seen what civil war can wreak, because you don’t want that shit for your people.

You can’t handle wearing a mask for a few minutes, but you think you’ll be fine when power goes out, telecommunications are cut?

You think it will be fun hiking to the nearest semi uncontaminated water source because water’s been knocked out and your shitter hasn’t flushed in a month? You’ll be ok waiting in line with thousands of others for food while hoping a bomb didn’t drop off target and hit you?

Every one of you thinks you’ll be the tough warlord while you’re at best likely to end up as someone’s supply mule, forced to cough up whatever you’ve scraped up to some badder thug than you, because 99.9% chances are you ain’t the top dog

You think you’ll be ok because you’ve got a bunch of guns and you’ve been training, but what happens to your kids, your mom combattant family? No matter how tough things can be now, they’ll be a thousand times worse for everyone if SHTF.

Looking for a place to stay alive in February when your house is a bombed out husk or has been burnt to the ground is fucking awesome, trust me.

Think you’re too well prepared and that won’t happen to you and your family? Check out the civil wars that have happened in other countries in the past 20 years. A 2.0 will be just as bad or worse.

You may think you want that. To live your little adventure sticking it to libs or whatever, but reality will hit you in the face like a sledge hammer at some point, and you’ll realize that this is all way more than you bargained for.

If you think you have nothing to lose, I guarantee you’ll look back and realize how much you had and just tossed it into America’s funeral pyre so that you could satisfy a fantasy rather than dealing with reality.

So that you could do everything America’s enemies have been praying and pushing for America to do: tear itself apart. Because that is the only way it can be defeated.

You’re a patriot that wants America to be strong and relevant? Then don’t let it come to this, because the biggest loser will be America, and you’ll be handing victory to those enemies on a silver platter.

I'm glad this thread is resonating.

I don't have a SoundCloud, but remember that climate change amplifies all the issues that lead to conflict and has led to the collapse of many mighty civilizations in the past.

It's a national security imperative to address it.

Presenting my excuses to all my brothers and sisters in arms commenting on here. This thread has blown up and I don’t have time to write to each of you. Thank you so much for your response & your input.

You all have important stories to tell to help bring the national conversation back to reality and help bring people back from the edge of the chasm we are edging toward.

The original tweet:

So we're supposed to let the communists among us (Democrat Party) just take our country without resistance. Thou Fool

You never hugged a young girl?
And the investigation of his son will Peter out. Barr is leaving and so is Trump.

The WH staff just leaked they were told to stand down on Russia hacking and Pompeo said it was definitely Russia.

Trump kissing Putin to the very end!

No, at this age I don't hug strange young girls or sniff their hair. That's pretty creepy. So what you're saying is that Biden will use his position of power to make sure his sons transgressions will be swept under the rug? How Democrat of you. Yeah, his staff leaked? I guess you have no names as usual. It seems most of anything negative reported about Trump is always by anonymous sources.
It was reported on CNN. My family thinks nothing of relatives and friends hugging each other. I do not have one who ever tried to grab a women’s p! Of course my relatives would ride Trump out of town on a rail.

None of your male relatives are straight?

Or are they all virgins?
They have Sons. Does that answer your question? And we all hug each other,or did before the virus Trump failed to admit existed. Ignorant people who confuse honest feelings for the young but back a batshit liar that brags about grabbing women’s P!

Do not try and turn your twisted thoughts on me. Even you do not believe it. You have just invested so much in orange combover you are ashamed to admit it.

He is now having screaming matches in the WH because he knows his lifetime of greed and crime are catching up with him.
Your rant has no basis in fact----------------what crime do you think trump has committed in the White House? You need to check to your delusions....
You never hugged a young girl?
And the investigation of his son will Peter out. Barr is leaving and so is Trump.

The WH staff just leaked they were told to stand down on Russia hacking and Pompeo said it was definitely Russia.

Trump kissing Putin to the very end!

No, at this age I don't hug strange young girls or sniff their hair. That's pretty creepy. So what you're saying is that Biden will use his position of power to make sure his sons transgressions will be swept under the rug? How Democrat of you. Yeah, his staff leaked? I guess you have no names as usual. It seems most of anything negative reported about Trump is always by anonymous sources.
It was reported on CNN. My family thinks nothing of relatives and friends hugging each other. I do not have one who ever tried to grab a women’s p! Of course my relatives would ride Trump out of town on a rail.
Geebus---------trust me if your family is having kids and not all homosexual----there was some pussy grabbing somewhere.

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