Social Justice

GE made over $14 billion in profit in 2010, and paid $0 in taxes.

General Electric Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010 - ABC News

One may be forgiven for suspecting that the USA tax code is stacked against the poor and middle class.

GE is a big obama supporter, think there is any connection?

the poor pay zero taxes, the very rich pay 15-20%, the corporate rate is 35% of net income. Are we to believe that GE had zero net income? Or should we realize that the tax code, which was written largely be democrats, picks winners and losers?
"According to the Center for Responsive Politics, GE made over $2 million in political contributions in the 2010 election cycle (most coming from the company's political action committee). The top recipient was Republican Senate candidate Rob Portman from Ohio. The company has also spent $32 million on lobbying this year, and contributed over $1 million to the successful "No on 24" campaign against a California ballot initiative aimed at eliminating tax loopholes for major corporations (New York Times, 11/1/10)."

General Electric: Summary | OpenSecrets

2012 GE contribution to Democrates=36%, to republicans, 64%
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"Or should we realize that the tax code, which was written largely be democrats, picks winners and losers?"

Link, please.

What kind of link? What are you doubting? That the tax code picks winners and losers? Or that Democrats helped create it?
I'd really rather avoid the left/right nonsense in this thread, and focus merely on the concepts involved. In particular, I'm interested in the perceived differences between social justice and ordinary justice. If there is no substantive difference, why do we bother with different terms?

One is an oxymoron at best, a ponzi scheme at worst.

A takes from B, gets a cut, and gives some to C to keep C happy and dependent, like a trained seal. A gets both the honor of paying out, and the blame for all of B's failures and bad accounting skills.
dblack -

While I think most people would agree that there should be a single concept of law and justice for everyone, it also makes complete sense that the extreme injustice and racism such as the US experienced up until the mid-1960's requires special protection for the victims - otherwise the racism would never end.

I would say the same about Jews from 1945, both in Europe and the US.

I don't feel the US now requires special protection for those groups.


Those things you describe happened 50 years ago, and the people that thought that way are now completely marginalized by society. Insisting we need to protect a small group from an even smaller group only makes sense if we assume that society will suddenly put that small group in power again.

That is not going to happen.
It does make me laugh that posters who are probably old enough to remember the Freedom Buses and lynchings seem to think white men need protection from non-whites.

That's not the issue at all. The issue is that "special laws and protections" undermine the concept of equal protection in ways that will come back to haunt us (already are, actually). Corporatism is not a joke. It's serious, and mostly unnoticed, threat to the foundations of liberal democracy.

We used to have laws that guaranteed preferential treatment for white males. We ended up repealing those laws. That didn't mean everyone was now treated equal. We still had a societal preference for white males

Any laws tha attempt to remove that preference are protested by certain rightwing males

If we actually had a societal preference for white males there would not be a black man in the White House.
dblack -

While I think most people would agree that there should be a single concept of law and justice for everyone, it also makes complete sense that the extreme injustice and racism such as the US experienced up until the mid-1960's requires special protection for the victims - otherwise the racism would never end.

I would say the same about Jews from 1945, both in Europe and the US.

I don't feel the US now requires special protection for those groups.

I agree, but the left wing of our population is determined to use "social justice" to achieve income and wealth equality and to remove individual rights to keep what has been earned.

social justice is marxism in its current form

It is not a question of confiscating existing wealth but one of why our society continues laws and regulations that encourage the rich to get richer?

Shouldn't society encourage everyone to get richer? Maybe the problem is not that the laws encourage rich to get richer, maybe it is that , in attempting to help the poor, we are actually discouraging them from getting rich.
I agree, but the left wing of our population is determined to use "social justice" to achieve income and wealth equality and to remove individual rights to keep what has been earned.

social justice is marxism in its current form

It is not a question of confiscating existing wealth but one of why our society continues laws and regulations that encourage the rich to get richer?

Shouldn't society encourage everyone to get richer? Maybe the problem is not that the laws encourage rich to get richer, maybe it is that , in attempting to help the poor, we are actually discouraging them from getting rich.

We have a winner !!!!!!!!!!!! :clap2::clap2:
Absolutely a tax code that allows the wealthy to pay the lowest tax rates in history.
Add in subsidies, easing of environmental regulations, labor laws, holding down the minimum wage, access to lobbyists

Agreed (with the exception of the "holding down the minimum wage" - no law does that). Unequal treatment under the law isn't just 'social' injustice, it's a plain old injustice. And that's what we should be fighting - both left and right.

Instead, we're rapidly descending into a mode of government where unequal treatment is SOP.

Redistribution of wealth is already happening. It is moving from the working class to our wealthiest Americans. Why are we continuing policies that contribute to it?

People keep saying that, an no one offers any evidence of it.

Can you explain how the fact that we currently have more millionaires, both in actual number and as a percentage of the population, yet still have the same percentage of poor, proves that we are transferring wealth from the working class to the rich? How is the middle class moving up in the world wealth redistribution? Why aren't the poor moving up at about the same rate?
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GE made over $14 billion in profit in 2010, and paid $0 in taxes.

General Electric Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010 - ABC News

One may be forgiven for suspecting that the USA tax code is stacked against the poor and middle class.

The paid so little in taxes because the tax bill for corporations is complicated by the tax code, and it literally takes years, sometimes decades, to figure out exactly how much they owe. In the meantime, they sill have to pay estimated taxes on their dross income, and the government gets to keep that until they decide how much they actually owe.
If we were to tax everyone at a flat rate of, say, 10% the the rich would be pying many times more than the poor and middle class.
10% of $15000 = $1500
10% 0f $60000 = $6000
10% of $ 1000000 = $100000
10% of $100000000 = $10000000
And for corporations 10% of $50000000000 = $5000000000

Is that just? Is it fair?
I agree, but the left wing of our population is determined to use "social justice" to achieve income and wealth equality and to remove individual rights to keep what has been earned.

social justice is marxism in its current form

It is not a question of confiscating existing wealth but one of why our society continues laws and regulations that encourage the rich to get richer?

Shouldn't society encourage everyone to get richer? Maybe the problem is not that the laws encourage rich to get richer, maybe it is that , in attempting to help the poor, we are actually discouraging them from getting rich.

That is so true...

We need to ensure that wealth is concentrated at the top. That way it will trickle down in wealth and prosperity for all. No poor person ever gave me a job.....

Am I right? Am I right?
If we were to tax everyone at a flat rate of, say, 10% the the rich would be pying many times more than the poor and middle class.
10% of $15000 = $1500
10% 0f $60000 = $6000
10% of $ 1000000 = $100000
10% of $100000000 = $10000000
And for corporations 10% of $50000000000 = $5000000000

Is that just? Is it fair?

Hell, no! But such is still not considered "fair" by the liberal/progressive establishment.
From my understanding, one of the distinguishing priorities of modern liberal/progressives is the desire to pursue "social justice" as a policy goal of government. In another thread, it was suggested that this term has been polluted by propagandists. I wasn't really aware that there was any dispute as to it's meaning, but the issue seems worthy of it's own thread.

So, what is social justice? How does it differ from ordinary justice? Is it something we should work toward as a society? Is it something for which government should be responsible?

and the stupid people like you keep proving how stupid you can be .. this years winner of being the stupidest person to date ...

Social Justice

Social work is a practical profession aimed at helping people address their problems and matching them with the resources they need to lead healthy and productive lives.

Beneath this practicality lies a strong value system that can be summarized in two words: social justice. Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Social workers aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.

A brief glance at the many roles of social workers shows how this value system underscores everything they do. With homeless clients, for example, social workers make sure their clients have access to food stamps and health care. The same is true for elderly clients: Social workers may work to protect them from financial abuse or to ensure that they are receiving the health and financial benefits that are rightfully theirs.

Social workers also apply social-justice principles to structural problems in
the social service agencies in which they work. Armed with the long-term goal of empowering their clients, they use knowledge of existing legal principles and organizational structure to suggest changes to protect their clients, who are often powerless and underserved. For example, social workers may learn organizational ethics to ensure that clients are treated respectfully by staff or they may examine the organization’s policies on personal client information to make sure it is held in confidence.

Often, social workers bring social justice concepts into the wider social and political arena. Following the September 11, 2001, attacks in New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington an international group of social workers issued statements condemning terrorism but calling for examination of possible underlying causes. In particular, the statements suggested that terrorism may be fueled in part by global practices that led to poverty and rage among millions of Middle Eastern citizens.

Indeed, from the beginning of their profession, social workers have been involved in “connecting the dots” between peace and social justice. According to social work philosophy … Peace is not possible where there are gross inequalities of money and power, whether between workers and managers, nations and nations or men and women.
If we were to tax everyone at a flat rate of, say, 10% the the rich would be pying many times more than the poor and middle class.
10% of $15000 = $1500
10% 0f $60000 = $6000
10% of $ 1000000 = $100000
10% of $100000000 = $10000000
And for corporations 10% of $50000000000 = $5000000000

Is that just? Is it fair?

Hell, no! But such is still not considered "fair" by the liberal/progressive establishment.

as it should be ...
It is not a question of confiscating existing wealth but one of why our society continues laws and regulations that encourage the rich to get richer?

Shouldn't society encourage everyone to get richer? Maybe the problem is not that the laws encourage rich to get richer, maybe it is that , in attempting to help the poor, we are actually discouraging them from getting rich.

That is so true...

We need to ensure that wealth is concentrated at the top. That way it will trickle down in wealth and prosperity for all. No poor person ever gave me a job.....

Am I right? Am I right?

So much the exact opposite of what I said, thanks for paying attention.
GE made over $14 billion in profit in 2010, and paid $0 in taxes.

General Electric Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010 - ABC News

One may be forgiven for suspecting that the USA tax code is stacked against the poor and middle class.

The paid so little in taxes because the tax bill for corporations is complicated by the tax code, and it literally takes years, sometimes decades, to figure out exactly how much they owe. In the meantime, they sill have to pay estimated taxes on their dross income, and the government gets to keep that until they decide how much they actually owe.

Which is, as my link clearly states, turns ourt to be $0 on $14.2 in profits. And the Right whines that our corporate taxes are killing jobs.....

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