Social Justice

GE made over $14 billion in profit in 2010, and paid $0 in taxes.

General Electric Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010 - ABC News

One may be forgiven for suspecting that the USA tax code is stacked against the poor and middle class.

The paid so little in taxes because the tax bill for corporations is complicated by the tax code, and it literally takes years, sometimes decades, to figure out exactly how much they owe. In the meantime, they sill have to pay estimated taxes on their dross income, and the government gets to keep that until they decide how much they actually owe.

Which is, as my link clearly states, turns ourt to be $0 on $14.2 in profits. And the Right whines that our corporate taxes are killing jobs.....

Your link did not state that. I will admit that it does imply that though.

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