Social Security is Not a Ponzi Scheme, Mr. Perry

When Perry was asked about why Texas was last in health care, he said if Obamacare didn't force people to have health care, everyone in Texas would. So, less is "more"?

Of course, everyone is forced to have car insurance. Oops.

Actually the truth is you have to buy car insurance only IF you "choose" to buy a car. Can you show me a case where an individual, who chooses mass transit as their only means of transportation (therby never owning a car) is still forced to have car insurance? Oops.

Now you can't make that claim about Obamacare: the government FORCES you to buy it or you have to pay a fine - there isn't a choice (which is why it has been ruled as being unconstitutional and is currently on appeal by the Obama Administration). Nice effort though.

You can't 'choose' not to be involved in an accident or 'choose' not to contract a serious illness.

When the uninsured are treated in a hospital, people who pay insurance premiums cannot ''choose' to withhold the percentage of that premium that PAYS for the uninsured.
For the SS is not a Ponzi scheme crowd.

One, a Ponzi scheme collects money from new investors and uses it to pay previous investors—minus a fee. But Social Security collects money from new investors, uses some of it to pay previous investors, and spends the surplus on programs for politically favored groups—minus the cost of supporting a massive bureaucracy. Over the years, trillions of dollars have been spent on these groups and bureaucrats. Two, participation in Ponzi schemes is voluntary. Not so with Social Security. The government automatically withholds payroll taxes and “invests” them for you.
Three: When a Ponzi scheme can’t con new investors in sufficient numbers to pay the previous investors, it collapses. But when Social Security runs low on investors—also called poor working stiffs—it raises taxes.

Social Security is Not a Ponzi Scheme, Mr. Perry - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

You are right. Calling SSI a Ponzi Scheme is an insult to Ponzi Schemes.
It is to Republicans. Even many on Social Security. Only they don't know it's Social Security. They think it's from "fans".

Social Security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Maddof ever thought of.

For all your working life--you and your employer pay 12..4% of your gross wages into this fund. If you're lucky enough to make it to 67 years old they will give you back diddly sqaut on your investment--and should you meet your demise early and are single they simply confiscate your contribution. The Federal Government uses this fund to pay for wars--foreign aid--disaster relief--and about anything and everything other than what it was intended for--the well being of the elderly in this country.

That's why Rick Perry is right--he won't win election on his stance--because so many are dependent on social security today.

I think he needs to spell out more how he plans to fix it. Since even Obama has admitted there needs to be changes, it isn't as big of a stretch.

The real reason why it doesn't work any more is that when it was implemented, the average American Life Span was 62. So even making it to 65 was the exception, not the rule.

Today the average life span is 78. So you will get 13 years on average on the taxpayer's expense.
It is to Republicans. Even many on Social Security. Only they don't know it's Social Security. They think it's from "fans".

Social Security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Maddof ever thought of.

For all your working life--you and your employer pay 12..4% of your gross wages into this fund. If you're lucky enough to make it to 67 years old they will give you back diddly sqaut on your investment--and should you meet your demise early and are single they simply confiscate your contribution. The Federal Government uses this fund to pay for wars--foreign aid--disaster relief--and about anything and everything other than what it was intended for--the well being of the elderly in this country.

That's why Rick Perry is right--he won't win election on his stance--because so many are dependent on social security today.
And Maddof went to jail for what he did...the only reason the government gets away with it is we let them.
It is to Republicans. Even many on Social Security. Only they don't know it's Social Security. They think it's from "fans".

Social Security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Maddof ever thought of.

For all your working life--you and your employer pay 12..4% of your gross wages into this fund. If you're lucky enough to make it to 67 years old they will give you back diddly sqaut on your investment--and should you meet your demise early and are single they simply confiscate your contribution. The Federal Government uses this fund to pay for wars--foreign aid--disaster relief--and about anything and everything other than what it was intended for--the well being of the elderly in this country.

That's why Rick Perry is right--he won't win election on his stance--because so many are dependent on social security today.

I think he needs to spell out more how he plans to fix it. Since even Obama has admitted there needs to be changes, it isn't as big of a stretch.

The real reason why it doesn't work any more is that when it was implemented, the average American Life Span was 62. So even making it to 65 was the exception, not the rule.

Today the average life span is 78. So you will get 13 years on average on the taxpayer's expense.

Well, since they only had 90 seconds to speak they had no time to explain shit. Expecting anything other then soundbites from this cluster is asking too much.
Social security is the greatest thing America does for America, to deny that is have no heart and no soul. It helps many who through death, accident, or sickness need help. The heartless republicans only think of the rich, as the rich is where they are, or where they want to be. Empathy is missing from their soul.

And SS runs well - minus the morons in congress who haven't a friggin clue what they are talking about.

"For 45 years, the defense-industry analyst paid into the system until his retirement in 1994. But with all the recent hoopla over reform, Mr. Logue, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate, decided to go back and check his own records. Would he have done better investing his money than the bureaucrats at the Social Security Administration?

He recorded all the payroll taxes he paid into the system (including the matching amount from his employer), tracked down the return the Social Security Trust Fund earned for each of the 45 years, and then compared the result with what he would have gotten had he been able to invest the same amount of payroll tax money over the same period in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (including dividends).

To his surprise, the Social Security investment won out: $261,372 versus $255,499, a difference of $5,873." One man's retirement math: Social Security wins / The Christian Science Monitor -

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Social Security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Maddof ever thought of.

For all your working life--you and your employer pay 12..4% of your gross wages into this fund. If you're lucky enough to make it to 67 years old they will give you back diddly sqaut on your investment--and should you meet your demise early and are single they simply confiscate your contribution. The Federal Government uses this fund to pay for wars--foreign aid--disaster relief--and about anything and everything other than what it was intended for--the well being of the elderly in this country.

That's why Rick Perry is right--he won't win election on his stance--because so many are dependent on social security today.

I think he needs to spell out more how he plans to fix it. Since even Obama has admitted there needs to be changes, it isn't as big of a stretch.

The real reason why it doesn't work any more is that when it was implemented, the average American Life Span was 62. So even making it to 65 was the exception, not the rule.

Today the average life span is 78. So you will get 13 years on average on the taxpayer's expense.

Well, since they only had 90 seconds to speak they had no time to explain shit. Expecting anything other then soundbites from this cluster is asking too much.

I agree, and that's why I hate this format.

Gingrich, Cain, Huntsman, Paul, Santorum, even Bachmann have no chance of ever being the nominee.

So why are we giving them as much time as the only two guys who have a reasonable chance.
Social security is the greatest thing America does for America, to deny that is have no heart and no soul. It helps many who through death, accident, or sickness need help. The heartless republicans only think of the rich, as the rich is where they are, or where they want to be. Empathy is missing from their soul.

And SS runs well - minus the morons in congress who haven't a friggin clue what they are talking about.

"For 45 years, the defense-industry analyst paid into the system until his retirement in 1994. But with all the recent hoopla over reform, Mr. Logue, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate, decided to go back and check his own records. Would he have done better investing his money than the bureaucrats at the Social Security Administration?

He recorded all the payroll taxes he paid into the system (including the matching amount from his employer), tracked down the return the Social Security Trust Fund earned for each of the 45 years, and then compared the result with what he would have gotten had he been able to invest the same amount of payroll tax money over the same period in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (including dividends).

To his surprise, the Social Security investment won out: $261,372 versus $255,499, a difference of $5,873." One man's retirement math: Social Security wins / The Christian Science Monitor -


Okay....just give me a check for the whole amount and we'll call it quits.
There shouldn't be any more shining example of poor government is at at delivering services or how completely blind and obtuse liberals can be to it's abject failure, than SS.

What is SS goal? A safety net for the elderly and disabled.

Is the fund being used for that? NO

Is it solvent? NO

Is it the best a person can do to ensure income after retirement. HELL NO.

Is it a shining example of how blind liberals can be in their attempt to be 'compassionate' via government? YES

You love to spew propaganda that has NO basis in facts.

Social Security is a model of efficiency. The annual costs of running Social Security amount to less than 1 percent of its benefit payments.

The life insurance industry has costs that average 12 to 14 percent of benefits, an indication of what would lie in store for a privatized Social Security system.

The only 'ponzi scheme' being proposed is privatization of Social Security.

The problem with Social Security is when it was first implemented, the ratio was 159.4 workers for every beneficiary in 1940, 41.9 workers per beneficiary in 1945. During the 70s through to the 90s that ratio dropped to an average ratio of 3.3, and as of 2010 it holds a 2.9 ratio. The system cannot sustain itself in the manner it was first created, especially now that all the baby boomers are retiring. Add to that, future taxpayers lost through Roe vs Wade (you really DO reap what you sow) and then welfare, and it gets even worse. Social Security is a dinosaur system that is in desperate need to be either overhauled into a NEW system (personal retirement accounts is a good idea) or face bankruptcy. You can't expect tax payers to pay into a "sinking ship": Medicare, Medicade, and Social Security already makes up 43% of Federal Spending with Defense Spending at 20% (2007), 43% to 25% (2011). These figures don't include the added expense of Obamacare, which will burden taxpayers even further. Unfortunately this is the "curse" that follows any government "entitlement" program.

Social Security Online - HISTORY
File:U.S. Federal Spending - FY 2007.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2011 - Charts
When Perry was asked about why Texas was last in health care, he said if Obamacare didn't force people to have health care, everyone in Texas would. So, less is "more"?

Of course, everyone is forced to have car insurance. Oops.

Actually the truth is you have to buy car insurance only IF you "choose" to buy a car. Can you show me a case where an individual, who chooses mass transit as their only means of transportation (therby never owning a car) is still forced to have car insurance? Oops.

Now you can't make that claim about Obamacare: the government FORCES you to buy it or you have to pay a fine - there isn't a choice (which is why it has been ruled as being unconstitutional and is currently on appeal by the Obama Administration). Nice effort though.

You can't 'choose' not to be involved in an accident or 'choose' not to contract a serious illness.

You still haven't proven an individual choosing mass transit over owning a vehicle, being forced to also buy auto insurance. There is still a difference between that an Obamacare, already established through the courts as unconstitutional (waiting on appeal).
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There shouldn't be any more shining example of poor government is at at delivering services or how completely blind and obtuse liberals can be to it's abject failure, than SS.

What is SS goal? A safety net for the elderly and disabled.

Is the fund being used for that? NO

Is it solvent? NO

Is it the best a person can do to ensure income after retirement. HELL NO.

Is it a shining example of how blind liberals can be in their attempt to be 'compassionate' via government? YES

You love to spew propaganda that has NO basis in facts.

Social Security is a model of efficiency. The annual costs of running Social Security amount to less than 1 percent of its benefit payments.

The life insurance industry has costs that average 12 to 14 percent of benefits, an indication of what would lie in store for a privatized Social Security system.

The only 'ponzi scheme' being proposed is privatization of Social Security.

The problem with Social Security is when it was first implemented, the ratio was 159.4 workers for every beneficiary in 1940, 41.9 workers per beneficiary in 1945. During the 70s through to the 90s that ratio dropped to an average ratio of 3.3, and as of 2010 it holds a 2.9 ratio. The system cannot sustain itself in the manner it was first created, especially now that all the baby boomers are retiring. Add to that, future taxpayers lost through Roe vs Wade (you really DO reap what you sow) and then welfare, and it gets even worse. Social Security is a dinosaur system that is in desperate need to be either overhauled into a NEW system (personal retirement accounts is a good idea) or face bankruptcy. You can't expect tax payers to pay into a "sinking ship": Medicare, Medicade, and Social Security already makes up 43% of Federal Spending with Defense Spending at 20% (2007), 43% to 25% (2011). These figures don't include the added expense of Obamacare, which will burden taxpayers even further. Unfortunately this is the "curse" that follows any government "entitlement" program.

Social Security Online - HISTORY
File:U.S. Federal Spending - FY 2007.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2011 - Charts

The biggest problem with Social Security is that it is mandated and you'll never collect everything they took out.....and some who never paid into it will be receive the most benefit from it. It is also the primary reason we're in debt today because they keep using it for other then it's intended purpose.
It is to Republicans. Even many on Social Security. Only they don't know it's Social Security. They think it's from "fans".

Social Security is a bigger and better ponzi scheme than Bernie Maddof ever thought of.

For all your working life--you and your employer pay 12..4% of your gross wages into this fund. If you're lucky enough to make it to 67 years old they will give you back diddly sqaut on your investment--and should you meet your demise early and are single they simply confiscate your contribution. The Federal Government uses this fund to pay for wars--foreign aid--disaster relief--and about anything and everything other than what it was intended for--the well being of the elderly in this country.

That's why Rick Perry is right--he won't win election on his stance--because so many are dependent on social security today.

If you are old, $1,800.00 a month is nothing to sneeze at.

Save that money yourself and you'll have a hell of a lot more than 1800 a month.
Definition for ponzi scheme:
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from any actual profit earned.

GOPers may intend on defrauding the elderly,which fits the GOP MO bit Democrats plan on meeting their obligations.
Definition for ponzi scheme:
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to separate investors from their own money or money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from any actual profit earned.

GOPers may intend on defrauding the elderly,which fits the GOP MO bit Democrats plan on meeting their obligations.

They may plan on it....but it rarely materializes.

Just remember....intentions are more valuable then results.
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Sorry bout that,

1. It is kinda a *ponzi scheme* everyone gets in, not everyone gets something out of it, they die young in car wrecks, etc, its the lucky ones who make it to retirement.
2. Its just life, you just don't know what you will get out of it, its being blessed to those who know God though.
3. If you live to 60 these days you did something, but you still have nearly 7 years in order to collect full retirement.
4. You could go at anytime.
5. And people do go, and never collect anything.
6. Live long and prosper.

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Entitlement programs are basically promises that the government makes to special interest groups.

When it becomes evident that too many fall into that group they restrict the qualifications for being in that group so that a smaller segment of the original beneficiaries can ever collect.

Calling it a ponzi-scheme is calling a spade a spade.

It's refreshing to hear a politician not beat around the bush. Doesn't happen very often.
When Perry was asked about why Texas was last in health care, he said if Obamacare didn't force people to have health care, everyone in Texas would. So, less is "more"?

Of course, everyone is forced to have car insurance. Oops.

You're forced by the Federal Government to have car insurance? Yeah?

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