Socialism = Capitalism plus

All income over 60k in scandanavia is confiscated at 60 percent. Thats ridiculous.

60k in Scandinavia goes a long way because your healthcare and a bunch of other things are already paid for. Also the young people there are able to get educated without taking on severe debt. Oh, and the old people don't have to worry about losing everything to an illness. The goal over there is societal comfort and stability. It's not perfect and they are still making adjustments, but I think their way is better for society at large.

EDIT: And there are other European countries I'd entertain emulating too. I think a lot of them are doing it better than us, and it's time we caught up.

Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

Here's how I see socialism. You know how the US economy is dominated by large corporations? Well, under socialism, the government owns those corporations instead of shareholders. That's really the core of it. Socialism takes power away from capitalists and transfers it to government.
All income over 60k in scandanavia is confiscated at 60 percent. Thats ridiculous.

60k in Scandinavia goes a long way because your healthcare and a bunch of other things are already paid for. Also the young people there are able to get educated without taking on severe debt. Oh, and the old people don't have to worry about losing everything to an illness. The goal over there is societal comfort and stability. It's not perfect and they are still making adjustments, but I think their way is better for society at large.

EDIT: And there are other European countries I'd entertain emulating too. I think a lot of them are doing it better than us, and it's time we caught up.
America's working pretty good the way it is. You don't like it -- move.

Bye now.

Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

Shut the fuck up, commie.

YOU don't know what socialism is.


Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

Shut the fuck up, commie.

YOU don't know what socialism is.


Neither do Republicans;

Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

Shut the fuck up, commie.

YOU don't know what socialism is.


No need for such anger. You live in a socialist/capitalist society. It's not killin ya.
Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

Hey get a job and pay your own goddamn bills you mooching freeloading losers. :anj_stfu:

Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

"Happiness isn't just about what you HAVE. It's also about what you don't have to WORRY ABOUT". Bingo.

He specifically says "socialist-friendly". The term has clearly changed. It now means including more "socialist" elements within the capitalist structure.

But boy, that's just too dang complicated.

Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.


Let's do that then.

I find it comical when beggars try to package socialism as something it's not...there's just no way to dress it up...Socialism is OTHER PEOPLE PAYING FOR OTHER PEOPLES SHIT....plain and fucking simple.
Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.


Let's do that then.

The US has the largest GDP in the world and the highest debt.

Take on the Scandinavian model and what you will wind up with is a much lower GDP with an exponentially increasing debt.

Not to mention that places like Scandinavia depend on the US to defend them militarily from people like Putin. It must be nice spending all your money on health care not having to field and army.
All income over 60k in scandanavia is confiscated at 60 percent. Thats ridiculous.

By the way where are you getting that number? I'm sure it varies depending on the country but the stuff I'm finding doesn't put it anywhere near that. Norway seems to be quite a bit lower even at much higher income levels.

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