Socialism = Capitalism plus

Listen, commies.

We will never let you have your revolution here. Give it up. You'll live a lot longer if you simply go to a place where they already have socialism top to bottom. It is never happening here. We will make deadly certain.

This is why socialists are so dangerous.
That's why we must exterminate them.

You don't understand irony.

Did you just pull out the old "I'm rubber, you're glue" response, you worthless commie?

You're calling other people dangerous while advocating for their extermination. You have eluded to violence probably 5 times in this thread. It's lunatics like you that are dangerous.
Listen, commies.

We will never let you have your revolution here. Give it up. You'll live a lot longer if you simply go to a place where they already have socialism top to bottom. It is never happening here. We will make deadly certain.

That would be right here.
Did you just pull out the old "I'm rubber, you're glue" response, you worthless commie?

You're calling other people dangerous while advocating for their extermination. You have eluded to violence probably 5 times in this thread. It's lunatics like you that are dangerous.
No wonder there is so much more domestic terrorism in this country.
You go ahead and try your communist revolution. See how far it gets you.

Um, not sure you've noticed, but Socialism has been a fact of life since FDR, and even more so in the last forty years because of corporate takeovers of our political system. Corporatism has long shredderd Capitalism in this country. If you can't see that, you are lost to the wilderness.
You're the only one in this thread talking about killing people.
WRONG. You are the one advocating for violent or threat of violent plunder. If I try to resist your communist government from stealing from me and enslaving me, what do you think will happen?

YOU are the one advocating violence!!!

Um, not sure you've noticed, but Socialism has been a fact of life since FDR, and even more so in the last forty years because of corporate takeovers of our political system. Corporatism has long shredderd Capitalism in this country. If you can't see that, you are lost to the wilderness.
Then why do you need more?

You're the only one in this thread talking about killing people.
WRONG. You are the one advocating for violent or threat of violent plunder. If I try to resist your communist government from stealing from me and enslaving me, what do you think will happen?

YOU are the one advocating violence!!!

One could take your line of thinking and say any form of taxation is advocating violence. Taxes of some sort are necessary to run a nation. Your point of view is dumb.

You should move out of my country.
Did you just pull out the old "I'm rubber, you're glue" response, you worthless commie?

You're calling other people dangerous while advocating for their extermination. You have eluded to violence probably 5 times in this thread. It's lunatics like you that are dangerous.

And if he were a Bernie Sanders fan, he would probably act on it by trying to take out Congress with a gun.

Luckily, conservatives tend to think logically and rationally.
One could take your line of thinking and say any form of taxation is advocating violence. Taxes of some sort are necessary to run a nation. Your point of view is dumb.
Taking from one and giving to another is theft no matter how you slice it. Government is for the mutual benefit and protection of all, not the legal pilfering device of the useless.

You should make me move.

Once again the lies and straw men...Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.....A gigantic welfare/vassal state, being taxed to the point that your economies are utterly moribund, nearly non-existent economic mobility and disposable income, is greatly different from The State owning and operating the means of production.

Talk about others not knowing what socialism is.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
One could take your line of thinking and say any form of taxation is advocating violence. Taxes of some sort are necessary to run a nation. Your point of view is dumb.
Taking from one and giving to another is theft no matter how you slice it. Government is for the mutual benefit and protection of all, not the legal pilfering device of the useless.

You should make me move.

90% top rate under Eisenhower 70% under Kennedy then Reagan had success with 50%, then he gave us the kiss of death with 28% which is about what it is now. Not enough to invest in America infrastructure and ccitizens.So now we have the biggest inequality and worst upward Mobility ever and in the modern world great job.

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