Socialism = Capitalism plus

One could take your line of thinking and say any form of taxation is advocating violence. Taxes of some sort are necessary to run a nation. Your point of view is dumb.
Taking from one and giving to another is theft no matter how you slice it. Government is for the mutual benefit and protection of all, not the legal pilfering device of the useless.

You should make me move.


What happens to the people left behind in Appalachia now that the coal mines are all shutting down? You've worked your fingers to the bone all your life doing backbreaking, dangerous labor and some guy in spandex riding a bicycle calls you useless because you're out of work.
It's all a big motherfucking game dude, and this partisan bullshit everybody is stuck in prevents us from banding together and striking down the real problems.

Fuck big bipartisan efforts to improve the entire fucking world! SOME MOTHERFUCKER REFUSED TO BAKE A CAKE FOR GAY PEOPLE!!!
Dumb motherfuckers like you want to enforce all your "bright ideas" at the point of a gun.

Fucking despot.
Once again the lies and straw men...Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.....A gigantic welfare/vassal state, being taxed to the point that your economies are utterly moribund, nearly non-existent economic mobility and disposable income, is greatly different from The State owning and operating the means of production.

Talk about others not knowing what socialism is.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
Blow it out your ass, commie moonbat.
Many capitalist systems worldwide are mixed economies, i.e., they combine private and public corporations.
You're the only one in this thread talking about killing people.
WRONG. You are the one advocating for violent or threat of violent plunder. If I try to resist your communist government from stealing from me and enslaving me, what do you think will happen?

YOU are the one advocating violence!!!

What Communist government? Are you talking about the Socialist part of this so called Capitalist society where people pay for entitlements out of their pockets that isn't free? I'm not sure what you are ranting about? If you want to talk about stealing, then go back to my segment on Sports Socialism and the Farm Bill. Now that's stealing.

If you want to blame the poorest of the poor for not working, blame the economic failure of Corporatism and tax cuts for that. The two are directly linked to one another. You maybe trying to blame the "symptom" with poor people, instead of the cause, which is the Corporate wealth and power system we havev today? Don't be so confused about something that is so obvious.
Many capitalist systems worldwide are mixed economies, i.e., they combine private and public corporations.
Obviously there are way too many people in this country who do not understand that.
One could take your line of thinking and say any form of taxation is advocating violence. Taxes of some sort are necessary to run a nation.

Taxation is coercive in nature - there's no way around it. That's why we should minimize the practice, and only use it when it's truly necessary.
Once again the lies and straw men...Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.....A gigantic welfare/vassal state, being taxed to the point that your economies are utterly moribund, nearly non-existent economic mobility and disposable income, is greatly different from The State owning and operating the means of production.

Talk about others not knowing what socialism is.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
That is the real problem. These dopers do not understand the core difference between the two. You just pointed it out. Thanks!

Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

Sure seems to be an easy fix to this mess....move to one of those "happy" places....dumbass.
One could take your line of thinking and say any form of taxation is advocating violence. Taxes of some sort are necessary to run a nation.

Taxation is coercive in nature - there's no way around it. That's why we should minimize the practice, and only use it when it's truly necessary.
When I am taxed for roads, bridges, police, fire departments, clean water, safe food, etc. how is that coercive?
One could take your line of thinking and say any form of taxation is advocating violence. Taxes of some sort are necessary to run a nation.

Taxation is coercive in nature - there's no way around it. That's why we should minimize the practice, and only use it when it's truly necessary.
When I am taxed for roads, bridges, police, fire departments, clean water, safe food, etc. how is that coercive?

If you don't pay them the government will either take the money from you by force or put you in jail for refusing. Did you really not know that?

Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

Sure seems to be an easy fix to this mess....move to one of those "happy" places....dumbass.

So, your argument is to present no argument, and attack me for spelling out what you can't argue about. Now isn't that rich. Lol!

My prediction was right. No Republican has yet presented any intelligent rebuttal to the OP I presented.
Once again the lies and straw men...Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.....A gigantic welfare/vassal state, being taxed to the point that your economies are utterly moribund, nearly non-existent economic mobility and disposable income, is greatly different from The State owning and operating the means of production.

Talk about others not knowing what socialism is.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
One could take your line of thinking and say any form of taxation is advocating violence. Taxes of some sort are necessary to run a nation.

Taxation is coercive in nature - there's no way around it. That's why we should minimize the practice, and only use it when it's truly necessary.
When I am taxed for roads, bridges, police, fire departments, clean water, safe food, etc. how is that coercive?

If you don't pay them the government will either take the money from you by force or put you in jail for refusing. Did you really not know that?
If I don't pay them, they won't be putting me in jail, because there was no money paid out to have the jail or the road to take me there.

We pay these things from a need, not because we are forced. Without these services, everything comes to a hault. Are you telling us you do not understand that?
Once again the lies and straw men...Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.....A gigantic welfare/vassal state, being taxed to the point that your economies are utterly moribund, nearly non-existent economic mobility and disposable income, is greatly different from The State owning and operating the means of production.

Talk about others not knowing what socialism is.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
That is the real problem. These dopers do not understand the core difference between the two. You just pointed it out. Thanks!
Coming from the cement head who knows nothing about the Fed and high finance.

The "difference" between the two is that one has a pretense of benevolence while the other does not....That's it.
Once again the lies and straw men...Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.....A gigantic welfare/vassal state, being taxed to the point that your economies are utterly moribund, nearly non-existent economic mobility and disposable income, is greatly different from The State owning and operating the means of production.

Talk about others not knowing what socialism is.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
View attachment 253787
Being silly is only showing your own failure to debate. Ha, good for me, bad for you.

Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

Sure seems to be an easy fix to this mess....move to one of those "happy" places....dumbass.

So, your argument is to present no argument, and attack me for spelling out what you can't argue about. Now isn't that rich. Lol!

My prediction was right. No Republican has yet presented any intelligent rebuttal to the OP I presented.

Really!? Are you that fricken stupid? You know implementing Socialism in this country would be extremely tough, lives lost and money flushed at the very least. Wouldn't it be much easier for those that want socialism to move to a country that already has socialism.
Once again the lies and straw men...Scandinavia isn't socialist....They all have market-based economies.....A gigantic welfare/vassal state, being taxed to the point that your economies are utterly moribund, nearly non-existent economic mobility and disposable income, is greatly different from The State owning and operating the means of production.

Talk about others not knowing what socialism is.
that is communism not socialism as defined by the modern world for years now, everywhere but here in GOP dupe world.
That is the real problem. These dopers do not understand the core difference between the two. You just pointed it out. Thanks!
Coming from the cement head who knows nothing about the Fed and high finance.

The "difference" between the two is that one has a pretense of benevolence while the other does not....That's it.
The problem you have is recognizing which one does what?

Instead of going on a rant trying to get Republicans to understand what Socialism actually is, and that without it, there is no Capitalism, I wonder if Republicans will ever understand the easy explanation that Bill Maher points out here? That in fact, for most of us, to be happy and to have piece of mind financially, it is in fact Socialism that delivers real Capitalism to most Americans? Let's see how many of them get it? And then, let's see how many of them can deliver an intelligent argument against it?

Sure seems to be an easy fix to this mess....move to one of those "happy" places....dumbass.

So, your argument is to present no argument, and attack me for spelling out what you can't argue about. Now isn't that rich. Lol!

My prediction was right. No Republican has yet presented any intelligent rebuttal to the OP I presented.

Really!? Are you that fricken stupid? You know implementing Socialism in this country would be extremely tough, lives lost and money flushed at the very least. Wouldn't it be much easier for those that want socialism to move to a country that already has socialism.

We already do. We've had it ever since FDR. The fact that you do not know the definition of Socialism is on you. Why move somewhere else when we already have it?

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