Socialism is very popular among the future voters and leaders of this country

What is astonishing is the way American media and corporation money has been so successful in suckering a whole population to support capitalism. With better education, Americans will one day come to embrace socialism as the only system of government that is fit for a civilized society.

The United States is socialist.

The only thing that is astonishing is how the ruling class has conned Americans into believing they were living in a capitalist society.
What is astonishing is the way American media and corporation money has been so successful in suckering a whole population to support capitalism. With better education, Americans will one day come to embrace socialism as the only system of government that is fit for a civilized society.

This is the problem I have with the idea of an "individual right" to free speech. It allows uneducated, bigoted morons to spew their hate freely and mislead the people of the country

I believe in SOCIETY'S right to free speech.By that I mean that people have the right to hear and speak about current events, so long as they are HONEST AND TRUTHFUL, AND NOT BIGOTED. Once you start getting into the territory of hate speech or flat out faux news style lies, that is no longer truthful and honest speech, so it is no longer covered by society's right to free speech, and should be rightfully silenced.

This is why countries such as China or Uruguay have far less debt, better education systems, a shit ton less crime, and a better economy than the U.S, right?
Multiracialism has killed this country.
What is astonishing is the way American media and corporation money has been so successful in suckering a whole population to support capitalism. With better education, Americans will one day come to embrace socialism as the only system of government that is fit for a civilized society.

This is the problem I have with the idea of an "individual right" to free speech. It allows uneducated, bigoted morons to spew their hate freely and mislead the people of the country

I believe in SOCIETY'S right to free speech.By that I mean that people have the right to hear and speak about current events, so long as they are HONEST AND TRUTHFUL, AND NOT BIGOTED. Once you start getting into the territory of hate speech or flat out faux news style lies, that is no longer truthful and honest speech, so it is no longer covered by society's right to free speech, and should be rightfully silenced.
"I support free speech unless I disagree with what's being said!"

So, basically, what the USSR did? They ALLOWED you to speak freely unless you spoke "lies". What they deemed to be lies happened to be what went against their propaganda. You should just move to Russia, the Socialists love it.
I believe in SOCIETY'S right to free speech.By that I mean that people have the right to hear and speak about current events, so long as they are HONEST AND TRUTHFUL, AND NOT BIGOTED. Once you start getting into the territory of hate speech or flat out faux news style lies, that is no longer truthful and honest speech, so it is no longer covered by society's right to free speech, and should be rightfully silenced.

Step one: Replace free speech with truthful and honest speech

Step two: Establish a government bereau to judge what is and is not honest and truthful

Step three: Become corrupted by the ruling class, so now all speech harmful to the interests of the ruling class becomes banned.
Once you start getting into the territory of hate speech or flat out faux news style lies, that is no longer truthful and honest speech, so it is no longer covered by society's right to free speech, and should be rightfully silenced.

Yeah but that "rightfully silenced" thing just never works out.

Once you start getting into the territory of hate speech or flat out faux news style lies, that is no longer truthful and honest speech, so it is no longer covered by society's right to free speech, and should be rightfully silenced.

Yeah but that "rightfully silenced" thing just never works out.

As I said before, the punishment of violent right wing terrorists is something to cheer, not cry, over.
What is astonishing is the way American media and corporation money has been so successful in suckering a whole population to support capitalism. With better education, Americans will one day come to embrace socialism as the only system of government that is fit for a civilized society.

This is the problem I have with the idea of an "individual right" to free speech. It allows uneducated, bigoted morons to spew their hate freely and mislead the people of the country

I believe in SOCIETY'S right to free speech.By that I mean that people have the right to hear and speak about current events, so long as they are HONEST AND TRUTHFUL, AND NOT BIGOTED. Once you start getting into the territory of hate speech or flat out faux news style lies, that is no longer truthful and honest speech, so it is no longer covered by society's right to free speech, and should be rightfully silenced.

This is the problem I have with the idea of an "individual right" to free speech.

Da, comrade, free speech.....bad. Individual rights, bad.

It allows uneducated, bigoted morons to spew their hate freely and mislead the people of the country

But enough about you.
Once you start getting into the territory of hate speech or flat out faux news style lies, that is no longer truthful and honest speech, so it is no longer covered by society's right to free speech, and should be rightfully silenced.

Yeah but that "rightfully silenced" thing just never works out.

As I said before, the punishment of violent right wing terrorists is something to cheer, not cry, over.
What about violent left wing terrorists? Same treatment?
Left-wing statism is an oxymoron. Left-wing politics involve the pursuit of egalitarianism (or equality), and individuals like ChairmanGonzalo want to establish a government hierarchy in order to enforce their egalitarian beliefs.

Until this logical flaw is reconciled, it has to be concluded that state socialism is a broken concept.
The dumb ass masses continue to fall for the politicians promise of taxing the rich and giving to the poor what a scam.
I say moochers and losers keep your paws off MY money, get a job, hell take a bath, cut your hair, wash your filthy clothes, then get a job and stop mooching.
Yeah, which is why the USSR sent the first satellite and first human into space, or how China transformed from an impoverished feudal society to the world's largest economy, or how Cuba brought it's literacy rate from 50 percent to 99 percent (much higher than the estimated 84 percent here in the USA)

Don't forget the Soviet gulags, Mao's Great Leap Forward that killed 45 million people in just 4 years and Fidel's firing squads.


In an effort to unify his people under the ideological yoke of communism, Mao oversaw one of the largest genocides in the annals of human history. Lenin said, “If you want to make an omelet, you must be willing to break a few eggs.” The means Mao employed, however, precluded the possibility of a Leninist utopia: He broke too many eggs.
Mao and The Great Leap Forward | Rutgers–Newark Colleges of Arts & Sciences


Thousands of Cubans have died in front of Castro’s infamous ‘paredón’ (the wall). There was no discrimination, as far as sending people to the firing squad was concerned. Young and old, black and white, rich and poor were sent to ‘el paredón’.
Many of those who helped Castro gain power, like Comandantes Ernesto Sori Marin and William Morgan, an American, were among the thousands who were shot.

The Infamous Firing Squads |

The punishment of reactionary terrorists, who try to violently oppose equality for all people, should be applauded
Current "socialists" are in real trouble then.

You guys never seem to understand that Christians, men and white people are supposed to be a part of that "equality" too.

This is why countries such as China or Uruguay have far less debt, better education systems, a shit ton less crime, and a better economy than the U.S, right?

Research before you make silly comments!

China's debt is worse than you think—but it may not be a problem

"China's total debt-to-GDP ratio is 240 to 270 percent, depending whom you ask, and that's a sizable increase from the roughly 150 percent of a decade ago."

Uruguay has a better educational system? Are you being deliberately ignorant?
YouGov | One third of millennials view socialism favorably

According to a yougov poll, over one third of younger voters support socialism. In fact, this is almost equal to the number of millennials who say that they support capitalism (36- Socialism, 39-capitalism.) This number will only grow in favor of socialism as more and more young Americans get fed up with police brutality against people of color, and are inspired by civil rights movements such as OWS, BLM, and the protests which overthrew a racist, bigoted University of Missouri chancellor last year.

This is in direct contrast to the older generations, which are much more biased in favor of capitalism. This shows that my generation is more open minded, more forward thinking, and as we prepare to take the reigns of leadership in this country, socialism will slowly go from ostracized, to respected, to the American way of life.

Oh, and please don't give me the bullshit about how "people get more conservative as they grow older." That has been PROVEN to be a complete MYTH:

Do People Become More Conservative as They Age?

Mythbusters: People Get More Conservative As They Age. Right?


Fucking Guno :lmao:
This is why countries such as China or Uruguay have far less debt, better education systems, a shit ton less crime, and a better economy than the U.S, right?

Uh no stupid fuck, they sure don't.

What is the per capita GDP in China, shit fer brains?

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