Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?
so, I thought I'd pop in to tell you that on this, you make a fair point

I have mixed feelings here, on the one hand, giving taxpayers their own money back is OK

but we seem to have a crisis that forces us to spend more than we take in every couple.of months....

how we going to pay for all of this?

and is a total shut down an overreaction?

truth is, I don't know

I do know that I hope that neither I nor any of of my loved ones gets this Chinese Virus....

I think whether or not a total shutdown is an overreaction depends on where it is. San Francisco? LA? Probably makes sense. Montana? Not so much.

How are we going to pay for this? I don't know. But I don't know how we can not do it, either.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers.
So what is your noise now, BULLQUACK, that the Right is all about Capitalism and the Left is about Socialism? You admitting the Democrats are the Commie Party?
Do you have any idea that if it wasn't for our STRONG Capitalism, we wouldn't have the money nor the market to endure spending billions of dollars on aid and solutions, nor the market to endure thousands of points drop?

There isn't much doubt that the right strongly embraces capitalism, no matter what I might write. I'm just asking what capitalism has to offer us in this situation. So far, I have been informed about several companies that are normally capitalist behaving in completely socialist ways. I am pleased and impressed that they are voluntarily ignoring their profit to give back to the people, but without the goal of profit, their current admirable actions are not capitalism.

A free market system is not going to offer you anything directly.... as far as what you keep repeatedly asking. Nor is it supposed to. A free market system made up of companies, corporations, individual business owners, employees etc can act with various actions as they see fit .... as human beings whether you want to call their actions "socialist" or "capitalist". The fact that we have a free market system means that we have more economic freedom and growth than a place like China. Not sure why you keep insinuating that is a bad thing because we would have been much worse off that we are now.
The fact that we have a free market capitalist system for example, means that we have also various places to get food, diverse types of shopping centers. You can get food from places like Walmart, Raleys, Safeway,Food max, Luckys, even dollar stores, plus fast food restaurants that are open. there are independent food distribution systems as well, and farms other food suppliers all independent of each other who are capable of distribution. Capitalism provides you with diversity of supply, thus ensuring you dont have to stand in line for your government issued toilet paper.
If we were a government run system right now you would be screwed.

Good. Finally an honest answer even if it was somewhat incomplete. Since capitalism is helpless in situations like this, what kind of system do you think would be best to get us through our current virus problems, as well as all the other difficulties that we face as a country, but that can't be helped by capitalism or a free market?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.

Uh, I guess you're unaware of the contributions that the private medical sector has made and is making in the effort to deal with the corona virus?

Furthermore, when state and local governments step in and order all sorts of absurd bans and restrictions on huge sectors of the economy, the private sector's ability to respond is limited. In my state, our idiotic governor has issued orders that have forced the closure of bowling alleys, movie theaters, swimming pools, arcades, amusement parks, skating rinks, etc.

And who do you think advised all those things? The private medical sector did.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


I think that you are missing the point. The issue under discussion is more about the solution to the collapsing economy.

The collapsing economy is partially caused by the virus.

Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


I think that you are missing the point. The issue under discussion is more about the solution to the collapsing economy.

Read the Libertarian Party Statement of Principles


THAT'S ABOUT 99.9 % of the Laws adopted after 1900.


Not even slightly curious about Libertarian nonsense.

I fully understand that Americans are narcotized , reason Comrade Sanders is doing so well , Biden has adopted most of Sanders' platform without calling himself a socialist.

Meanwhile NY, Illinois, Pennsylvania and California declared medical martial Law without a factual basis and the shepple obediently complies



Yes, I know fox and the president has been saying there was no reason to do any of that up until a day or two ago. They have changed their minds. I wonder why.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


I think that you are missing the point. The issue under discussion is more about the solution to the collapsing economy.

The collapsing economy is partially caused by the virus.
It's caused by the fake news media, shithead.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


I think that you are missing the point. The issue under discussion is more about the solution to the collapsing economy.

Read the Libertarian Party Statement of Principles


THAT'S ABOUT 99.9 % of the Laws adopted after 1900.


Not even slightly curious about Libertarian nonsense.
That's because you are dumbass who is proud to be ignorant.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers.
So what is your noise now, BULLQUACK, that the Right is all about Capitalism and the Left is about Socialism? You admitting the Democrats are the Commie Party?
Do you have any idea that if it wasn't for our STRONG Capitalism, we wouldn't have the money nor the market to endure spending billions of dollars on aid and solutions, nor the market to endure thousands of points drop?

There isn't much doubt that the right strongly embraces capitalism, no matter what I might write. I'm just asking what capitalism has to offer us in this situation. So far, I have been informed about several companies that are normally capitalist behaving in completely socialist ways. I am pleased and impressed that they are voluntarily ignoring their profit to give back to the people, but without the goal of profit, their current admirable actions are not capitalism.

A free market system is not going to offer you anything directly.... as far as what you keep repeatedly asking. Nor is it supposed to. A free market system made up of companies, corporations, individual business owners, employees etc can act with various actions as they see fit .... as human beings whether you want to call their actions "socialist" or "capitalist". The fact that we have a free market system means that we have more economic freedom and growth than a place like China. Not sure why you keep insinuating that is a bad thing because we would have been much worse off that we are now.
The fact that we have a free market capitalist system for example, means that we have also various places to get food, diverse types of shopping centers. You can get food from places like Walmart, Raleys, Safeway,Food max, Luckys, even dollar stores, plus fast food restaurants that are open. there are independent food distribution systems as well, and farms other food suppliers all independent of each other who are capable of distribution. Capitalism provides you with diversity of supply, thus ensuring you dont have to stand in line for your government issued toilet paper.
If we were a government run system right now you would be screwed.

Good. Finally an honest answer even if it was somewhat incomplete. Since capitalism is helpless in situations like this, what kind of system do you think would be best to get us through our current virus problems, as well as all the other difficulties that we face as a country, but that can't be helped by capitalism or a free market?
Since capitalism is helpless in situations like this, what kind of system do you think would be best to get us through our current virus problems

China hasn't been doing so well either.....what system do you want?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


I think that you are missing the point. The issue under discussion is more about the solution to the collapsing economy.

The collapsing economy is partially caused by the virus.
It's caused by the fake news media, shithead.

That isn't the dumbest thing you ever said, but it's among the top ten.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?
Only if you don't count all the billions that drug companies spend.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers.
So what is your noise now, BULLQUACK, that the Right is all about Capitalism and the Left is about Socialism? You admitting the Democrats are the Commie Party?
Do you have any idea that if it wasn't for our STRONG Capitalism, we wouldn't have the money nor the market to endure spending billions of dollars on aid and solutions, nor the market to endure thousands of points drop?

There isn't much doubt that the right strongly embraces capitalism, no matter what I might write. I'm just asking what capitalism has to offer us in this situation. So far, I have been informed about several companies that are normally capitalist behaving in completely socialist ways. I am pleased and impressed that they are voluntarily ignoring their profit to give back to the people, but without the goal of profit, their current admirable actions are not capitalism.

A free market system is not going to offer you anything directly.... as far as what you keep repeatedly asking. Nor is it supposed to. A free market system made up of companies, corporations, individual business owners, employees etc can act with various actions as they see fit .... as human beings whether you want to call their actions "socialist" or "capitalist". The fact that we have a free market system means that we have more economic freedom and growth than a place like China. Not sure why you keep insinuating that is a bad thing because we would have been much worse off that we are now.
The fact that we have a free market capitalist system for example, means that we have also various places to get food, diverse types of shopping centers. You can get food from places like Walmart, Raleys, Safeway,Food max, Luckys, even dollar stores, plus fast food restaurants that are open. there are independent food distribution systems as well, and farms other food suppliers all independent of each other who are capable of distribution. Capitalism provides you with diversity of supply, thus ensuring you dont have to stand in line for your government issued toilet paper.
If we were a government run system right now you would be screwed.

Good. Finally an honest answer even if it was somewhat incomplete. Since capitalism is helpless in situations like this, what kind of system do you think would be best to get us through our current virus problems, as well as all the other difficulties that we face as a country, but that can't be helped by capitalism or a free market?
Since capitalism is helpless in situations like this, what kind of system do you think would be best to get us through our current virus problems

China hasn't been doing so well either.....what system do you want?

I asked your opinion.

Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


I think that you are missing the point. The issue under discussion is more about the solution to the collapsing economy.

The collapsing economy is partially caused by the virus.
It's caused by the fake news media, shithead.

That isn't the dumbest thing you ever said, but it's among the top ten.
By "dumbest" you mean the smartest. I fully understand that you believe facts are dumb.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants,

Really? How much do they spend each year? Link?
So what is your noise now, BULLQUACK, that the Right is all about Capitalism and the Left is about Socialism? You admitting the Democrats are the Commie Party?
Do you have any idea that if it wasn't for our STRONG Capitalism, we wouldn't have the money nor the market to endure spending billions of dollars on aid and solutions, nor the market to endure thousands of points drop?

There isn't much doubt that the right strongly embraces capitalism, no matter what I might write. I'm just asking what capitalism has to offer us in this situation. So far, I have been informed about several companies that are normally capitalist behaving in completely socialist ways. I am pleased and impressed that they are voluntarily ignoring their profit to give back to the people, but without the goal of profit, their current admirable actions are not capitalism.

A free market system is not going to offer you anything directly.... as far as what you keep repeatedly asking. Nor is it supposed to. A free market system made up of companies, corporations, individual business owners, employees etc can act with various actions as they see fit .... as human beings whether you want to call their actions "socialist" or "capitalist". The fact that we have a free market system means that we have more economic freedom and growth than a place like China. Not sure why you keep insinuating that is a bad thing because we would have been much worse off that we are now.
The fact that we have a free market capitalist system for example, means that we have also various places to get food, diverse types of shopping centers. You can get food from places like Walmart, Raleys, Safeway,Food max, Luckys, even dollar stores, plus fast food restaurants that are open. there are independent food distribution systems as well, and farms other food suppliers all independent of each other who are capable of distribution. Capitalism provides you with diversity of supply, thus ensuring you dont have to stand in line for your government issued toilet paper.
If we were a government run system right now you would be screwed.

Good. Finally an honest answer even if it was somewhat incomplete. Since capitalism is helpless in situations like this, what kind of system do you think would be best to get us through our current virus problems, as well as all the other difficulties that we face as a country, but that can't be helped by capitalism or a free market?
Since capitalism is helpless in situations like this, what kind of system do you think would be best to get us through our current virus problems

China hasn't been doing so well either.....what system do you want?

I asked your opinion.

I predict that capitalist countries will handle the virus better than communist countries, like China, Cuba and Venezuela.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
I'll bet you claim you aren't a communist.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?
That is another lie. It is funded by profits from drugs such as Lipitor and your fave, the Blue Pill. Know your facts. And Govt monies comes from taxes on capitalism. You’re so uneducated.
I have to agree. While you did vote for Trump, I would not consider you one of the Trump-can-do-no-wrong crowd.
I did vote for the asshole, but only because he was the lesser evil. Not sure he still is, which has me thinking I won’t bother voting again. If it’s Biden v Trump in November, I definitely won’t vote. Very little difference between them, though Biden clearly is senile.
I am a fiscal conservative, and somewhat socially moderate, with a strong libertarian streak.

I feel my vote has to be earned. I refuse to vote for the "lesser of two evils" because it has resulted in more and more evil choices. A downward spiral.

Also, "lesser of two EVILS" means voting for EVIL. Fuck that.

So I vote for Snoopy or Pat Paulsen or anyone but the evil assholes the tard herd keeps falling for.

I can't even vote Libertarian because they are whackadoos.

By the time you reach a point where your only choice is between two evils, you've lost your opportunity to do anything different.

Now is the time to be thinking about who the better people are.

If you take Biden out of the picture, who do the demoncrats have in the on-deck circle ? Kamala Harris ?

They won't be winning anything for a long time.

At the same time the GOP is no better in terms of planning and succession.

There is no real frontrunner out there and if Mitt Romney runs again, I am leaving the party.
I left the GOP after Trump was elected. After 9/11, I waited for several years for the GOP to return to sanity and get back to principles.

When the tard herd chose Trump, I realized the GOP is dead and gone. So I left.

After a lifetime membership in the GOP, I am now a registered independent.
I did exactly the opposite of you. I went from Independent to Republican when Trump became a candidate. Voted for him in both the primary and general election.

What exactly are you unhappy about ? What "principles" are you talking about ?

Trump has principles. He should put that shit on a hat next. He has none.

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