Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!

Capitalism is not the disease. You cannot control human nature. You can only harness it and make it useful.
Which aspect of "human nature" explains the last forty years of finance capitalism? Over that time CEOs and corporate boards have loaded up their companies with debt to raise the value of their stock options.

If you believe the role of government is to make rich people richer and human nature reduces to letting markets decide, you should be able to explain how a political economy premised on individual desires is capable of solving the social nature of a pandemic.

The simple fact is capitalism doesn't solve social problems; it creates them.
Name the economic system that will solve "social problems."

You can't fix envy.

You can't stop selfishness.

You will never make people "equal" no matter how hard you try.

Somebody will always be better looking, more talented, smarter, stronger, faster, etc.

Your commie-shit attempts to suppress envy or greed will fail EVERY FUCKING TIME.

So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?
That is another lie. It is funded by profits from drugs such as Lipitor and your fave, the Blue Pill. Know your facts. And Govt monies comes from taxes on capitalism. You’re so uneducated.

Nope, in the biz over a quarter of a decade in both academia, the corporate side, as well as the academic funded by pharma paradigm. He's/she's correct, you simply are not.

Apologies, over a quarter of a century.
And I provide sources of debt to these companies. You’re dead wrong. 100%. You need to STFU. You fat loser. They are incorrect and so are you.
No hon, I've see it from the inside, you want a linkoff? Pffffffffffffffffffffffffft, I've lived it. Need to call me names like a child again now?
Capitalism is not the disease. You cannot control human nature. You can only harness it and make it useful.
Which aspect of "human nature" explains the last forty years of finance capitalism? Over that time CEOs and corporate boards have loaded up their companies with debt to raise the value of their stock options.

If you believe the role of government is to make rich people richer and human nature reduces to letting markets decide, you should be able to explain how a political economy premised on individual desires is capable of solving the social nature of a pandemic.

The simple fact is capitalism doesn't solve social problems; it creates them.
Name the economic system that will solve "social problems."

You can't fix envy.

You can't stop selfishness.

You will never make people "equal" no matter how hard you try.

Somebody will always be better looking, more talented, smarter, stronger, faster, etc.

Your commie-shit attempts to suppress envy or greed will fail EVERY FUCKING TIME.

So what you're saying is that America and americans are not an exceptional society and people, merely the shitty petty predatory savages one finds the world over. Interesting. And then there is really no such thing as or a need for societies in which humans have organized themselves.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?
That is another lie. It is funded by profits from drugs such as Lipitor and your fave, the Blue Pill. Know your facts. And Govt monies comes from taxes on capitalism. You’re so uneducated.

Nope, in the biz over a quarter of a decade in both academia, the corporate side, as well as the academic funded by pharma paradigm. He's/she's correct, you simply are not.

Apologies, over a quarter of a century.
And I provide sources of debt to these companies. You’re dead wrong. 100%. You need to STFU. You fat loser. They are incorrect and so are you.
No hon, I've see it from the inside, you want a linkoff? Pffffffffffffffffffffffffft, I've lived it. Need to call me names like a child again now?
Go to EDGAR and see the R&D expenses of publicly traded Pharma companies. Then get back to me. I am living it now. Pharma is funded by capitalism. Cash flow, debt, and VC equity. Capitalism. I am calling you names because you are blatantly lying.
Socialism is the government telling businesses they must close shop so yeah it fucking sucks.
Name the economic system that will solve "social problems."

You can't fix envy.

You can't stop selfishness.

Socialism solves social problems like class division, for example. Capitalism divides the population into those who own the wealth and the means to produce wealth and the remaining 99% sell their labor to produce the 1%'s profits.

Under socialism productive employees would become more entitled to corporate profits than parasitic shareholders.

Those who produce the wealth should own it, right?

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary

"Here’s the basic formula you’ll find on financial statements:

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

"Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)

"In other words, the company could just as easily be optimized to maximize employee income."
You will never make people "equal" no matter how hard you try.

Somebody will always be better looking, more talented, smarter, stronger, faster, etc.

Your commie-shit attempts to suppress envy or greed will fail EVERY FUCKING TIME.
Socialism will guarantee a more level, well regulated playing field where everyone competing receives an equal opportunity to succeed, You don't have to look any further than the imbecilic, pathological liar currently living in the White House to recognize how capitalism rewards an accident of birth.
Name the economic system that will solve "social problems."

You can't fix envy.

You can't stop selfishness.
Socialism solves social problems like class division, for example. Capitalism divides the population into those who own the wealth and the means to produce wealth and the remaining 99% sell their labor to produce the 1%'s profits.

Under socialism productive employees would become more entitled to corporate profits than parasitic shareholders.

Those who produce the wealth should own it, right?

The Divine Right of Capital by Marjorie Kelly: A Summary

"Here’s the basic formula you’ll find on financial statements:

"Capital Income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Employee income + Cost of materials)

"Kelly uses some simple algebra to show that this formula could just as easily be re-written as:

"Employee income + Retained earnings = Revenue – (Capital income + Cost of materials)

"In other words, the company could just as easily be optimized to maximize employee income."

Socialism solves social problems like class division, for example.

That's funny.

Any examples?

Those who produce the wealth should own it, right?


Those who work for wages should get wages.

"In other words, the company could just as easily be optimized to maximize employee income."

Marjorie should start such a company, instead of working at a non-profit.
You will never make people "equal" no matter how hard you try.

Somebody will always be better looking, more talented, smarter, stronger, faster, etc.

Your commie-shit attempts to suppress envy or greed will fail EVERY FUCKING TIME.
Socialism will guarantee a more level, well regulated playing field where everyone competing receives an equal opportunity to succeed, You don't have to look any further than the imbecilic, pathological liar currently living in the White House to recognize how capitalism rewards an accident of birth

Socialism will guarantee a more level, well regulated playing field where everyone competing receives an equal opportunity to succeed,

Hey, if it worked in the USSR..…..
Socialism is the government telling businesses they must close shop so yeah it fucking sucks.
Capitalism stops democracy dead at the door of every workplace. The interests of business owners and their insatiable drive for profits take precedence over the rights of workers.

Socialism means workers gain democratic control over their workplaces within a framework of democratic control of the economy, prioritizing human and environmental needs over shareholder profits.
Socialism is the government telling businesses they must close shop so yeah it fucking sucks.
Capitalism stops democracy dead at the door of every workplace. The interests of business owners and their insatiable drive for profits take precedence over the rights of workers.

Socialism means workers gain democratic control over their workplaces within a framework of democratic control of the economy, prioritizing human and environmental needs over shareholder profits.

The interests of business owners and their insatiable drive for profits take precedence over the rights of workers.

You're damn right.

Socialism means ….. prioritizing human and environmental needs over shareholder profits.

Exactly. No gulags or environmental disasters in the old USSR, right? Because profits are evil.

That reminds me, the EPA said you should stop huffing paint.
Socialism is the government telling businesses they must close shop so yeah it fucking sucks.
Capitalism stops democracy dead at the door of every workplace. The interests of business owners and their insatiable drive for profits take precedence over the rights of workers.

Socialism means workers gain democratic control over their workplaces within a framework of democratic control of the economy, prioritizing human and environmental needs over shareholder profits.
No socialism is the government taking ownership of businesses.

No one is being forced to work anywhere. if you or anyone else does not want to work your employer cannot force you to do so.
Hey, if it worked in the USSR..…..
In spite of two global (capitalists) wars and one heroic, capitalist invasion the Soviet Union rose to superpower status.

Imagine the heights the US economy will reach when socialism comes to here?

Economy of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

"Both the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later the Soviet Union were countries in the process of industrialization.

"For both, this development occurred slowly and from a low initial starting-point.

"Because of World War I (1914–1918), the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the ensuing Russian Civil War (1917–1922), industrial production had only managed to barely recover its 1913 level by 1926.[38]

"By this time, about 18% of the population lived in non-rural areas, although only about 7.5% were employed in the non-agricultural sector. The remainder remained stuck in low-productivity agriculture."
Hey, if it worked in the USSR..…..
In spite of two global (capitalists) wars and one heroic, capitalist invasion the Soviet Union rose to superpower status.

Imagine the heights the US economy will reach when socialism comes to here?

Economy of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

"Both the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later the Soviet Union were countries in the process of industrialization.

"For both, this development occurred slowly and from a low initial starting-point.

"Because of World War I (1914–1918), the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the ensuing Russian Civil War (1917–1922), industrial production had only managed to barely recover its 1913 level by 1926.[38]

"By this time, about 18% of the population lived in non-rural areas, although only about 7.5% were employed in the non-agricultural sector. The remainder remained stuck in low-productivity agriculture."
Rose to power then the command economy used by Communists imploded

There's an old saying about building castles built on sand you might want to look up
Did y’all catch Trumps presser ? Whole lotta commie socialist talk going on. Tests for everyone ? Bailouts ? Billion dollar aid packages ?!?

When push comes to shove , socialist type programs ain’t so bad . Or should we rely on capitalism alone to save us with price gouging?

Italy's socialist medical system is responsible for the high number of deaths.
Hey, if it worked in the USSR..…..
In spite of two global (capitalists) wars and one heroic, capitalist invasion the Soviet Union rose to superpower status.

Imagine the heights the US economy will reach when socialism comes to here?

Economy of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

"Both the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later the Soviet Union were countries in the process of industrialization.

"For both, this development occurred slowly and from a low initial starting-point.

"Because of World War I (1914–1918), the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the ensuing Russian Civil War (1917–1922), industrial production had only managed to barely recover its 1913 level by 1926.[38]

"By this time, about 18% of the population lived in non-rural areas, although only about 7.5% were employed in the non-agricultural sector. The remainder remained stuck in low-productivity agriculture."

In spite of two global (capitalists) wars and one heroic, capitalist invasion the Soviet Union rose to superpower status.

Yeah, but the workers didn't get the profits. Especially the workers in the gulag.

Imagine the heights the US economy will reach when socialism comes to here?

I can imagine! As high as Cuba? Maybe Venezuela?
Hey, if it worked in the USSR..…..
In spite of two global (capitalists) wars and one heroic, capitalist invasion the Soviet Union rose to superpower status.

Imagine the heights the US economy will reach when socialism comes to here?

Economy of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

"Both the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later the Soviet Union were countries in the process of industrialization.

"For both, this development occurred slowly and from a low initial starting-point.

"Because of World War I (1914–1918), the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the ensuing Russian Civil War (1917–1922), industrial production had only managed to barely recover its 1913 level by 1926.[38]

"By this time, about 18% of the population lived in non-rural areas, although only about 7.5% were employed in the non-agricultural sector. The remainder remained stuck in low-productivity agriculture."

The soviet union only survived because we gave them so much stuff. GAVE. Only a capitalist society could have done what we did.

What the Soviets were good at was killing off tremendous numbers of their own soldiers through gross incompetence.
The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?
That is another lie. It is funded by profits from drugs such as Lipitor and your fave, the Blue Pill. Know your facts. And Govt monies comes from taxes on capitalism. You’re so uneducated.

Nope, in the biz over a quarter of a decade in both academia, the corporate side, as well as the academic funded by pharma paradigm. He's/she's correct, you simply are not.

Apologies, over a quarter of a century.

Academic pharma IS -- because of the stigma of taking grants from private pharma. And a preference in academia to working grants from the govt. BOTH are sources of funding.. The govt funding is STRATEGIC and more vague.. While the industrial funding is TACTICAL and TARGETED...

They work nicely together.. Don't PRETEND that one dominates the other.... Also from someone who has worked biomedical research and engineering in their career...
It should it's what ewe voted for and defend every day on this board. Wallow in it.
Ewe voted for his fascism. Wallow in it.
I would not assume gipper voted for Trump. Or Clinton.

His unvarnished defense of his Orange God/King says different.
LOL. You have me confused with someone else.

No, no one here does.

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