Socialism sucks! (Virus hits). Socialism save us!!


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?
That is another lie. It is funded by profits from drugs such as Lipitor and your fave, the Blue Pill. Know your facts. And Govt monies comes from taxes on capitalism. You’re so uneducated.

Nope, in the biz over a quarter of a decade in both academia, the corporate side, as well as the academic funded by pharma paradigm. He's/she's correct, you simply are not.

Apologies, over a quarter of a century.
By the time you reach a point where your only choice is between two evils, you've lost your opportunity to do anything different.

Now is the time to be thinking about who the better people are.

If you take Biden out of the picture, who do the demoncrats have in the on-deck circle ? Kamala Harris ?

They won't be winning anything for a long time.

At the same time the GOP is no better in terms of planning and succession.

There is no real frontrunner out there and if Mitt Romney runs again, I am leaving the party.

I hear conventional wisdom is expecting Nikki Haley to run in 2024.

I'm not really concerned about needing a "clear frontrunner", especially not this far out. I would much prefer to have a strong field of candidates and let the voters decide who the frontrunner is, than to have the party tell us who we should like and support.
She's crooked enough, the donor class would be into her.

Looking at the leaders of the Democrat Party for the last couple of decades, I have only one response to you trying to dismiss anyone as "crooked":


It is utterly bipartisan and ubiquitous isn't it, that's rather the point. That's why all partisanshitheads have is quibbling over who is less corrupt.

How do you feel about your political class hiding the pandemic that they knew was coming from the public so they could get their insider trading wrapped up?

Pretty sure the point where I called you a blathering hypocrite went right over your pointy head.

Call me when you notice that two of the members of "my political class" were Democrats, twerp.
Was the question to chafing to answer?
LOL. You have me confused with someone else.
I have to agree. While you did vote for Trump, I would not consider you one of the Trump-can-do-no-wrong crowd.
I did vote for the asshole, but only because he was the lesser evil. Not sure he still is, which has me thinking I won’t bother voting again. If it’s Biden v Trump in November, I definitely won’t vote. Very little difference between them, though Biden clearly is senile.
I am a fiscal conservative, and somewhat socially moderate, with a strong libertarian streak.

I feel my vote has to be earned. I refuse to vote for the "lesser of two evils" because it has resulted in more and more evil choices. A downward spiral.

Also, "lesser of two EVILS" means voting for EVIL. Fuck that.

So I vote for Snoopy or Pat Paulsen or anyone but the evil assholes the tard herd keeps falling for.

I can't even vote Libertarian because they are whackadoos.

By the time you reach a point where your only choice is between two evils, you've lost your opportunity to do anything different.

Now is the time to be thinking about who the better people are.

If you take Biden out of the picture, who do the demoncrats have in the on-deck circle ? Kamala Harris ?

They won't be winning anything for a long time.

At the same time the GOP is no better in terms of planning and succession.

There is no real frontrunner out there and if Mitt Romney runs again, I am leaving the party.

I hear conventional wisdom is expecting Nikki Haley to run in 2024.

I'm not really concerned about needing a "clear frontrunner", especially not this far out. I would much prefer to have a strong field of candidates and let the voters decide who the frontrunner is, than to have the party tell us who we should like and support.

I am good with that.

A strong field means better than Rubio/Bush.
And the Feds are not competent to even RUN CONGRESS... Don't want more of that...

Exactly, a soviet monopoly will always be inefficient at best and genocidal on average.

Look at CDC. A tiny Germany company was making test kits the first week of January. CDC is only doing it now long after virus has spread widely.

All these leftists screaming about "government, government! The government needs to fix this!" are missing the lesson that the most effective and fastest assistance people are seeing is coming on the private level. While the federal and state governments are sitting around discussing plans and laws and money, private companies and individuals have swung into action, reorganizing our entire way of doing things on the fly, shifting to work-at-home programs to help employees self-quarantine without losing their income or implementing emergency sick leave programs, making free educational programs available for kids who are out of school, creating shopping cooperatives to keep friends and neighbors and acquaintances supplied with essentials . . . the list goes on and on.

If we had become the "socialist utopia" leftists have demanded for years, we wouldn't have the mindset or the capacity to rise up and act as a community of individuals. We'd just sit around, waiting for the government to take care of everything.

It comes down the fundamental difference between "big muscular govt" leftists and the risk of us... It's one word..


Risk in ANY form is unacceptable to them.. Starting a biz requires risk.. Making your own decisions involves risk. Allowing "stupider" people to make economic mistakes is too much risk.. Drinking TAP water is "too much risk".. Not having a collection of "power crystals" ---- might be risky... :biggrin:

State of california recently wanted to list acetaminophen and meat as "possible carcinogenic" RISK....

And the thinking is that the Federal govt is SMART enough, QUICK enough, EFFICIENT enough, MOTIVATED enough -- or CAPABLE of taking ALL RISK out of people's lives...

There's ZERO evidence to believe in ANY of that... And the reaction of big muscular govt to emergencies is to immediately become MORE Authoritarian and protective of it own bureaucracies...

How anyone can look at our federal government and think, "Yeah, boy, that's who I want running my day-to-day life, they're so quick and efficient and smart" is beyond me.

But the dicks on the left deciced they needed to run our health insurance system.
corporations who receive federal bailout money as part of a stimulus package should be barred from stock buybacks or executive bonuses
This adherence to 'capitalism' as if it were some kind of faith is perplexing. Historically, 'socialism' and Marxism have been essentially intellectual attempts to effect economic change. Capitalism is something that just gradually developed, somewhat out of necessity, beginning really about the end of the so-called Middle Ages. It allowed for great improvements in liquidity and, thus, expansion in business and infrastructure. But, it grew organically, bit by bit, into various niches and endeavors. Its flaws, mostly as a result of avarice and other human faults, soon became apparent, but there were no controls (other than spotty religious limits on Simony) and no one to enforce any, anyway. It was only after literally centuries that capitalism was approached and studied academically.
We know today what happens when human passions and defects are not reigned in by social constraints. Much as we may feel uncomfortable with that reality, much as we may regret that people have to have limits imposed because of their personal limits in self control, those constraints seem to be absolutely necessary.
The 'free market' illusion is a self contradictory thing. If people were absolutely free to function in markets, someone would gain an upper hand and limit the 'freedom' of others in order to accrue ever more to him/her self. That is what happened in the past.
Because constraints that had been gradually put into place were liberalized, markets 'naturally' went to the extremes that crashed themselves around 2008.
Capitalism is neither your friend nor enemy. Capitalism is one way of functioning, and for humans no single thing is always and everywhere the best thing.
We are all well aware of extremes that occurred under totalitarian régimes often under the banner of 'socialism' and derivative terms. These are no different than the extremes of 'capitalism', the result of human faults and gluttony for power. Such extremes are to be avoided. Anything that makes the state the center of all is false, a deception. If we humans are to escape self destruction, we are going to have to arrive at adopting eclectic systems that take into account our best and worst traits and find ways to weave a harmonious social fabric. 'Capitalism' or 'socialism' by themselves can only at best be elements in this. They are most certainly not the way.
Capitalism is not the disease. You cannot control human nature. You can only harness it and make it useful.
Which aspect of "human nature" explains the last forty years of finance capitalism? Over that time CEOs and corporate boards have loaded up their companies with debt to raise the value of their stock options.

If you believe the role of government is to make rich people richer and human nature reduces to letting markets decide, you should be able to explain how a political economy premised on individual desires is capable of solving the social nature of a pandemic.

The simple fact is capitalism doesn't solve social problems; it creates them.
Call it socialism all you want, but what the Trump administration is doing is the right thing.

The economy is on the verge of collapse. Standing aside and letting it happen would be criminal.

The argument has always been that there are people who needed help but that argument was dismissed until now that those who condemned socialism have come to understand that Trump is also a socialist.

The battle has been lost (if you believe like the above). There is no way an UHC is going to
Call it socialism all you want, but what the Trump administration is doing is the right thing.

The economy is on the verge of collapse. Standing aside and letting it happen would be criminal.

The argument has always been that there are people who needed help but that argument was dismissed until now that those who condemned socialism have come to understand that Trump is also a socialist.

The battle has been lost (if you believe like the above). There is no way a UHC plan won't be passed now.
Capitalism is not the disease. You cannot control human nature. You can only harness it and make it useful.
Which aspect of "human nature" explains the last forty years of finance capitalism? Over that time CEOs and corporate boards have loaded up their companies with debt to raise the value of their stock options.

If you believe the role of government is to make rich people richer and human nature reduces to letting markets decide, you should be able to explain how a political economy premised on individual desires is capable of solving the social nature of a pandemic.

The simple fact is capitalism doesn't solve social problems; it creates them.
We can agree that 'capitalism' is capable of creating some problems, but these are really only aggravations of basic human tendencies. And, in certain instances, the application of 'capitalism' can be used to solve certain problems. It is most certainly not a panacea, not is 'socialism'. No "ism" is!
We need to intelligently evaluate what truly works for our best. Now, 'best' is very open to discussion, admittedly. Human nature is highly complex and finding what leads to greatest creativity will take patience and tolerance. But, if we fail to do this we will auto-destruct, probably before any malady, comet or volcano does it for us.
If we are going to bail out companies we need to make sure all employees benefit from a turnaround, not just execs

any government assistance used by companies to pay executives — including equity or re-pricing existing stock options — should not be allowed unless all employees benefit

this would be a step toward income equality
We can debate the merits and deficiencies of socialism and capitalism, but the reality is the system we have today is neither.

All one needs do is research what our criminal government did in 2008, to know our system is terribly flawed. When rich assholes can commit blatant fraud that crashes the economy harming millions of Americans, and NOT face any consequences but be enriched beyond their wildest dreams by government, something stinks in Denmark.
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.

DISMANTLE, ABOLISH the gargantuan welfare/warfare theocratic police state . Restore then enforce the Constitution (1787) Return to the government we had prior to 1900.

The Coronavirus Is Not the Plague: The Plague Is US

Ask yourself: Where is the news about U.S. military operations in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia, etc.? There is none in the corporate mainstream media, and little in the alternative media as well. Have those operations ceased? Of course not. It’s just that the news about them, little that it was, has disappeared.

Now it is all about us and the coronavirus panic. It is about how many of us might die. It is about stocking toilet paper. For the rich, it is about getting to their second or third houses where they can isolate themselves in splendor. As I write, 150 or so Americans are said to have died of Covid-19, and by the time you will read this the number will have climbed, but the number will be minuscule compared to the number of people in the U.S.A. and those numbers will be full of contradictions that few comprehend unless, rather than reacting in fear, they did some comprehensive research.
Yes, there are some corporations that have corruption. You think the businesses in Communist China do not have corruption? you think they dont abuse inhabitants of regions from which they operate? Governments, corporations and businesses are all made up of nothing more than people... you want to believe that blindly handing over your freedoms to a government master is going to bring peace, prosperity and health to the world??
Capitalism incentivizes short term profit at the expense of virtually everything else. Capitalists operating within that framework grab every possible dollar as soon as they can knowing, should disaster strike, government will bail them out. Since the political system this government operates within condones the purchase of politicians for those who can afford the price, corruption is baked into the political process. As bad as all that is, government in the US at least provides a measure of democratic control that corporations and state capitalists in China do not.

Capitalism incentivizes short term profit at the expense of virtually everything else.

What does communism incentivize?

I have no idea what the hell is wrong with leftists, that they feel this compulsive need to demand that total strangers "care" about them personally. That's what all this hatred for capitalism boils down to: they're just outraged at the idea that someone might have a thought or priority that isn't about them.
Leadership from the White House is scary!


And yet you and other leftists are screeching about the wonders of government top-down control and the need for more of it.

“Imagine if America was a dictatorship. You could let 1% of the people have all the nation's wealth. You could help your rich friends get richer by cutting their taxes, and bailing them out when they gamble and lose. You could ignore the needs of the poor for health care and education. Your media would appear free, but would secretly be controlled by one person and his family! You could wiretap phones. You could torture foreign prisoners. You could have rigged elections. You could lie about why you go to war. You could fill your prisons with one particular racial group, and no one would complain. You could use the media to scare the people into supporting policies that are against their interests!”
- Admiral General Aladeen, 2012

So your thought is that the first time you said it, I thought you were an ignorant joke, but if you repeat it, THIS time I'm suddenly going to realize how brilliant you are? Was that your plan?
Capitalism holds solutions to all our problems is a given for right wingers. Everything has always been boiled down to "CAPITALISM GOOD --- SOCIALISM BAD", yet the only steps we are taking are things that the right has condemned as anti-American for years. Not a single capitalist idea in the batch . Why not? Surely some of the smart right wingers here have figured out several ways that capitalism can easily get us beyond this problem. Here's your chance. Show us how capitalism can solve this.


Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

It's also what gives us the ability to weather emergencies like this, and to recover when it's over.

If we were dumb enough to believe the socialists who look at this mess and say, "Wow, this is amazing. We should pass laws to make life this all the time!", would we be better off when this passes?

Capitalism was abandoned in favor of fascism in the 1900's.

After 1900, virtually all public policy proposals called for more extensive governmental guidance.

Perhaps the television talksters could benefit from a bit of homeschooling. An excellent source of data is Crisis and Leviathan: Critical Episode in the Growth of American Government by Robert Higgs (1987). The time frame of the period up to and into the 1920s, in other words those years before the Great Depression, included WWI. That dramatic episode birthed government expansion and intervention, much of which remained in regulatory force after the generating crisis had past.

A partial list of interventions — those government economic regulations — would include:

    • Bureau of Corporations (1903)
    • Interstate Commerce Act major amendments (1903, 1906, 1910)
    • Meat Inspection Act (1906)
    • Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
    • Corporation Tax (1911)
    • Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1913) (Income Tax)
    • Federal Reserve System (1913)
    • Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
    • Federal Trade Commission (1914)
    • U.S. Immigration (cut to a trickle during 1915—1920)
    • Adamson Act (1916) (railroad labor wage rates)
    • Shipping Act (1916)
    • National Defense Act (1916)
    • Army Appropriations Act (1916) (later took over railroads)
    • Selective Service Act (1917)
    • Espionage Act (1917)
    • Lever Act (1917) (food and fuel) (prohibited alcohol)
    • Overman Act (1918) (executive powers)
    • War Finance Corporation Act (1918)
    • President’s Mediation Commission (1917) (labor relations)
    • Federal Control Act (1918)
    • Sedition Act (1918)
Does this look like a laissez-faire list?


The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants,

Really? How much do they spend each year? Link?

Who Is Responsible for Funding Biomedical Research?

The pharmaceutical industry is the largest contributor to funding research, funding over 60 percent. The government contributes to about a third of the costs, with foundations, advocacy organizations and individual donors responsible for the remaining investments.

According to a March 2011 report issued by the industry trade group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and Burrill & Company, biopharmaceutical research companies invested $67.4 billion in research and development of new vaccines and medicines in 2010.
There isn't much doubt that the right strongly embraces capitalism, no matter what I might write. I'm just asking what capitalism has to offer us in this situation. So far, I have been informed about several companies that are normally capitalist behaving in completely socialist ways. I am pleased and impressed that they are voluntarily ignoring their profit to give back to the people, but without the goal of profit, their current admirable actions are not capitalism.

A free market system is not going to offer you anything directly.... as far as what you keep repeatedly asking. Nor is it supposed to. A free market system made up of companies, corporations, individual business owners, employees etc can act with various actions as they see fit .... as human beings whether you want to call their actions "socialist" or "capitalist". The fact that we have a free market system means that we have more economic freedom and growth than a place like China. Not sure why you keep insinuating that is a bad thing because we would have been much worse off that we are now.
The fact that we have a free market capitalist system for example, means that we have also various places to get food, diverse types of shopping centers. You can get food from places like Walmart, Raleys, Safeway,Food max, Luckys, even dollar stores, plus fast food restaurants that are open. there are independent food distribution systems as well, and farms other food suppliers all independent of each other who are capable of distribution. Capitalism provides you with diversity of supply, thus ensuring you dont have to stand in line for your government issued toilet paper.
If we were a government run system right now you would be screwed.

Good. Finally an honest answer even if it was somewhat incomplete. Since capitalism is helpless in situations like this, what kind of system do you think would be best to get us through our current virus problems, as well as all the other difficulties that we face as a country, but that can't be helped by capitalism or a free market?
Since capitalism is helpless in situations like this, what kind of system do you think would be best to get us through our current virus problems

China hasn't been doing so well either.....what system do you want?

I asked your opinion.

I predict that capitalist countries will handle the virus better than communist countries, like China, Cuba and Venezuela.

About the only thing socialist/communist countries have going for them is that their populations are used to living in misery and poverty.
The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?
That is another lie. It is funded by profits from drugs such as Lipitor and your fave, the Blue Pill. Know your facts. And Govt monies comes from taxes on capitalism. You’re so uneducated.

Nope, in the biz over a quarter of a decade in both academia, the corporate side, as well as the academic funded by pharma paradigm. He's/she's correct, you simply are not.

Apologies, over a quarter of a century.

Too bad the actual facts and studies and statistics all disagree with and trump (you should pardon the expression) your little anecdotal "You have to believe me because I can claim this on the Internet" ploy.
I hear conventional wisdom is expecting Nikki Haley to run in 2024.

I'm not really concerned about needing a "clear frontrunner", especially not this far out. I would much prefer to have a strong field of candidates and let the voters decide who the frontrunner is, than to have the party tell us who we should like and support.
She's crooked enough, the donor class would be into her.

Looking at the leaders of the Democrat Party for the last couple of decades, I have only one response to you trying to dismiss anyone as "crooked":


It is utterly bipartisan and ubiquitous isn't it, that's rather the point. That's why all partisanshitheads have is quibbling over who is less corrupt.

How do you feel about your political class hiding the pandemic that they knew was coming from the public so they could get their insider trading wrapped up?

Pretty sure the point where I called you a blathering hypocrite went right over your pointy head.

Call me when you notice that two of the members of "my political class" were Democrats, twerp.
Was the question to chafing to answer?

No, it was being asked by a blindered hypocrite who doesn't deserve to have his propaganda taken seriously.

Let me reiterate: anything you say on this subject that doesn't excoriate Feinstein and Loeffler as well is an automatic admission of defeat.
Capitalism is not the disease. You cannot control human nature. You can only harness it and make it useful.
Which aspect of "human nature" explains the last forty years of finance capitalism? Over that time CEOs and corporate boards have loaded up their companies with debt to raise the value of their stock options.

If you believe the role of government is to make rich people richer and human nature reduces to letting markets decide, you should be able to explain how a political economy premised on individual desires is capable of solving the social nature of a pandemic.

The simple fact is capitalism doesn't solve social problems; it creates them.

Big corporations and big business are in bed so deep you'd need a flashlight to find them.

When does the left figure out that government is not immune (and, in fact, is prone) to corruption by bigbusiness.
The Fascists/Socialist/Communist Axis of Evil can't accept the fact that "capitalism" has NOTHING to do with the sorry-asssed response to the coronavirus hoax.


So what type system do you think will bail us out this time, like all the other times the capitalist system failed us? Seems the capitalist system isn't so great after all. It's time for some good old socialism to save our asses.
Capitalism didn’t fail us. Try again. Capitalism is what allows us to invest in R&D and innovate.

You understand that the vast majority of medical R/D is funded by government grants, don't you?
That is another lie. It is funded by profits from drugs such as Lipitor and your fave, the Blue Pill. Know your facts. And Govt monies comes from taxes on capitalism. You’re so uneducated.

Nope, in the biz over a quarter of a decade in both academia, the corporate side, as well as the academic funded by pharma paradigm. He's/she's correct, you simply are not.

Apologies, over a quarter of a century.
And I provide sources of debt to these companies. You’re dead wrong. 100%. You need to STFU. You fat loser. They are incorrect and so are you.

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