Sodomite Suppression Act of California

Penal Code section 39 a) The abominable crime against nature known as buggery, called also sodomy, is a monstrous evil that Almighty God, giver of freedom and liberty, commands us to suppress on pain of our utter destruction even as he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrha.

...the People of California wisely command, in the fear of God, that any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method. (Sodomy).pdf

Filed by a bona fide lawyer of Sodom California.

It will be interesting to see how many signatures this American Taliban whackjob guy gets on his ballot initiative.
One must admire his values if not his penalties.
Actually not.

His 'values' are anathema to the fundamental tenets of individual liberty safeguarded by the Constitution.
The US Constitution is not a suicide pact.

It allows us to censure a great many kinds of 'undesirables', perverts and freaks.

We've just lost our way for a little while, in connection with one of those sub-categories.

We'll get it sorted, sooner or later.

Then get your conservative goons in politics to propose legislation to outlaw homosexual sex outright.

It already was...the SCOTUS struck it down. This is yet another reason this bigot's petition will go no where.

This guy has a history of coo coo bananapuffs crap. He tried to get the King James bible allowed to be used in schools as literary text.

He's a religious extremist.
Still waiting.

I'll help you. Tell us what harm to society two men or two women do if they legally marry in a jurisdiction where such a marriage is legal.

PLEASE be clear, concise, and specific.

Let's review:

LOL! No you're not. What you're pretending is that you haven't been told ad nauseum that treating deceit as truth, is axiomatically harmful... .

BUT! In fairness... you only do so because you've no means to do anything else.

Perhaps we should go over it once more just to be sure its been adequately published:

LOL! No you're not. What you're pretending is that you haven't been told ad nauseum that treating deceit as truth, is axiomatically harmful... .

BUT! In fairness... you only do so because you've no means to do anything else.

Once more? Good idea...

LOL! No you're not. What you're pretending is that you haven't been told ad nauseum that treating deceit as truth, is axiomatically harmful... .

BUT! In fairness... you only do so because you've no means to do anything else.

Still not sure? Let's not take a chance...

LOL! No you're not. What you're pretending is that you haven't been told ad nauseum that treating deceit as truth, is axiomatically harmful... .

BUT! In fairness... you only do so because you've no means to do anything else.


Yes. Where's your FIRST example of how same sex marriage harms society?

OH! Good question...

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. Therefore society is harmed where two men are said to be suitable for something which is by definition, unsuited for them. Because it is deceit, being advanced as truth... which is axiomatically harmful, because it DECEIVES... which is to say it intentionally misinforms, misguides, defrauds and as such robs the individual and by extension, the culture... of truth, thus is a delusion which can only result in chaos, calamity and catastrophe... which is the product common to evil.


You have to answer the question without your baseless subjective immaterial bias injected into the answer.

So again. What is your first example of how same sex marriage harms society?
Because it violates society's fundamental and enduring definition of the basic building block of its own stability.

You're claiming that a society where opposite sex couples can enter into civil unions called marriage, but same sex couples can't,

is demonstrably more stable than a society where opposite sex couples and same sex couples can enter into civil unions called marriage.

lol, then demonstrate that. Start with a detailed account of the destabilization of Vermont, which has had same sex marriage now for almost 15 years.

Be specific.
When enough people come to believe that... whatever culture that is: IS GONE!

when RW's stop trying to run other peoples lives, and run their own they are gone..

Well, you should know, there is no right to perpetuate perverse reasoning. And that is because their is no potential for a right to injure the means of another to exercise their own rights and perverse reasoning, does just that.

See how that works?

Has your right to perpetuate perverse reasoning been infringed?
...Then get your conservative goons in politics to propose legislation to outlaw homosexual sex outright.
More like a matter of resurrecting old and time-honored laws...

Give 'em time... it's coming... the road back to sanity in this context will be traveled one step at a time... probably beginning January 20, 2017.
Penal Code section 39 a) The abominable crime against nature known as buggery, called also sodomy, is a monstrous evil that Almighty God, giver of freedom and liberty, commands us to suppress on pain of our utter destruction even as he overthrew Sodom and Gomorrha.

...the People of California wisely command, in the fear of God, that any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method. (Sodomy).pdf

Filed by a bona fide lawyer of Sodom California.

It will be interesting to see how many signatures this American Taliban whackjob guy gets on his ballot initiative.

Biblical sodomy wasn't gay sex. Or rather, not just gay sex. Included any non-reproductive sexual acts. Like oral sex, anal sex, and beastiality whether gay or straight didn't matter.

If you're gonna use the Bible, how about reading it first? Geez. :)
This guy has a history of coo coo bananapuffs crap. He tried to get the King James bible allowed to be used in schools as literary text.

He's a religious extremist.

Don't be so limited on your thinking. Don't think tactically, think strategically.

What would be the long term consequences if this measure did receive enough signatures to be on the ballot, the resulting campaign, and the and to social discussion that would result from such a discussion.

Do you think it would aid the side of those who are against gays and lesbians or do you think it would have an overall positive outcome.


Has your right to perpetuate perverse reasoning been infringed?

Reader, what you're seeing in the above cited contribution, is the public profession that the author of such feels... that sound reasoning appears > TO THEM < to be: PERVERSION!

Now, understand that what that means is that the individual is, quite literally suffering an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

The same contributor is an advocate of Normalizing Sexual Abnormality, as well as a proponent of the addled notion that "THE SKY IS FALLING", Climate Change, Global Warming... and the OH SO POPULAR: Existing establishes a right to other people's property, with absolutely no correlating responsibility, of any kind whatsoever ... .

See how that works?

The 'perspectives'; which is to say 'the reasoning' of the homosexual, the progressive, the liberal, the socialists are all nearly identical and that is because they are all the consequence of a disordered mind; a perverse species of human reasoning.

Which explains why, every example of culture wherein such has found popularity, that culture has perished... and without so much as a single exception.

So, go figure, everything the Left IS... is based upon insanity. And applied insanity results in chaos, then if left unchecked it turns into calamity and given sufficient tolerance, it consumes everything... inevitably bursting into CATASTROPHE.

For those keeping score, the United States entered chaos in the 60s and is presently in the latter stages of calamity, standing upon the precipice of catastrophe. And the ONLY way that we MIGHT avoid that END... is to reject the Ideological Left, in its ENTIRETY... by FINALLY coming to recognize that Left-think is the presentation of perverse reasoning; OKA: a mental disorder.

And that there is NO RIGHT to advocate for or otherwise promote insanity. And that THE REASON that there is no right to promote the product of the disordered mind, is that such INJURES THE MEANS OF OTHERS TO EXERCISE THEIR GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS.

See how that works? Do you understand that what we're dealing with here is little more than evil... . And that the only means that evil has to do what it does, is THAT GOOD PEOPLE TOLERATE IT; meaning that people of reason, just get complacent and tired and allow the insane to rant, because it is simply easier to do that, than to recognize them for what they are and tell it like it is.

The best part of doing that, is that evil has no means to compete with it.
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This guy has a history of coo coo bananapuffs crap. He tried to get the King James bible allowed to be used in schools as literary text.

The King James Bible WAS "School" for MOST of American History.

The interesting part... the part where the United States was viable.

Hmm... Isn't that interesting. The US was viable when it was comprised of people who were taught from the Bible... and since that has fallen out of popularity, the US is failing and failing fast.

Huh... If there were just SOME WAY of fixing this mess. But HOW CAN WE "KNOW" WHAT THAT MIGHT BE?

OH! Life is such an endless puzzle with so many missing pieces.
Yeah, after the Romans accepted homosexuality, it only took the fags 800 years to bring the Empire down.

ROFLMNAO! Adorable...

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the defining elements of mental disorder, claiming that the Roman Republic was defined by Sexual Abnormality. Feeling that it can redefine history, just as it redefined "Gay"... . The Empire represented the decline of Rome. It was defined by decadence, debauchery and hedonism and it came and went over four centuries.

And this in a world which moved at what would appear to modernity, to be FIXED; inanimate, motionless.

Perverse reasoning; the madness which took four hundred years to destroy what was civilization, two millennia ago, today spreads at the speed of light... .

In truth, there is no example in human history wherein the normalizing of abnormality has not resulted in the death of whatever culture embraced it.

"It only took the fags 800 years to bring the Roman Empire down."


I say it here and it comes out THERE!
This guy has a history of coo coo bananapuffs crap. He tried to get the King James bible allowed to be used in schools as literary text.

He's a religious extremist.

Don't be so limited on your thinking. Don't think tactically, think strategically.

What would be the long term consequences if this measure did receive enough signatures to be on the ballot, the resulting campaign, and the and to social discussion that would result from such a discussion.

Do you think it would aid the side of those who are against gays and lesbians or do you think it would have an overall positive outcome.



I'd love for this to make it to a ballot...but I actually am smart enough to know it won't.

The guy that introduced it is no friend to gays regardless.
Yeah, after the Romans accepted homosexuality, it only took the fags 800 years to bring the Empire down.

ROFLMNAO! Adorable...

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the defining elements of mental disorder, claiming that the Roman Republic was defined by Sexual Abnormality. Feeling that it can redefine history, just as it redefined "Gay"... . The Empire represented the decline of Rome. It was defined by decadence, debauchery and hedonism and it came and went over four centuries.

And this in a world which moved at what would appear to modernity, to be FIXED; inanimate, motionless.

Perverse reasoning; the madness which took four hundred years to destroy what was civilization, two millennia ago, today spreads at the speed of light... .

In truth, there is no example in human history wherein the normalizing of abnormality has not resulted in the death of whatever culture embraced it.

"It only took the fags 800 years to bring the Roman Empire down."


I say it here and it comes out THERE!

There isn't a credible historian anywhere who attributes gay marriage or the acceptance of homosexuality as a cause of the fall of the Roman Empire.

You are just plain retarded.
...The guy that introduced it is no friend to gays...
Most people aren't, when you get right down to where the bear shits in the woods.

Most people will pander to PC polls and say one thing, and think quite another.

The true test is how many trust their kids to homosexuals, and, better yet, how many want their kids to become homosexuals.

Remember... you're 3-5% of the total population...

That leaves 95-97% who don't think and act like you do, in connection with sexual behaviors and related lifestyle practices.


If you think most of that 95-97% are on your side just because of a few recent sampling polls, think again.

One need look no further than a variety of State Referendums on Gay Marriage, that the courts had to intervene in, in order to discern the real truth about such numbers.

You can't hold-back the sea with a broom...

New ways will be found, within a legal framework, to press the Reset Button on some of this...

But, meanwhile, feel free to continue to delude yourself that the majority of Americans are on your side in such matters...

"...Smiling faces..."


" But... but... but... some of my best friends are Gay !!! "

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There's an Italian Catholic historian who said when Rome conquered Carthage in the second century BC, the Roman Empire became infected with homosexuality and this led to it being overrun by barbarians in 410 AD.

So, okay. It didn't take the fags 800 years. It only took them 600 years.

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There isn't a credible historian anywhere who attributes gay marriage or the acceptance of homosexuality as a cause of the fall of the Roman Empire.

There isn't a credible historian that doesn't recognize that the Roman Empire was the representation of the decline of Rome.

Part and parcel of that decline was the normalization of abnormality; debauchery, deviancy, hedonism... subjectivism, being set above the essential objective requirements of any viable culture.

That you can't find the strength of character to recognize that homosexuality is the embodiment of precisely that, is merely you demonstrating yourself to be a classic representation of the very same problem that inevitably sacked the Romans. Thus such is you represented as a classic example of "THE MODERN PROBLEM" expressed in the same old terms that have always defined evil; as such is the definition of evil.

Evil: profound immorality, wickedness, and depravity; profoundly immoral and malevolent. :deal:
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There's an Italian Catholic historian who said when Rome conquered Carthage in the second century BC, the Roman Empire became infected with homosexuality and this led to it being overrun by barbarians in 410 AD.

So, okay. It didn't take the fags 800 years. It only took them 600 years.


ROFLMNAO! Adorable...

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the defining elements of mental disorder, claiming that the Roman Republic was defined by Sexual Abnormality. Feeling that it can redefine history, just as it redefined "Gay"... . The Empire represented the decline of Rome. It was defined by decadence, debauchery and hedonism and it came and went over four centuries.

And this in a world which moved at what would appear to modernity, to be FIXED; inanimate, motionless.

Perverse reasoning; the madness which took four hundred years to destroy what was civilization, two millennia ago, today spreads at the speed of light... .

In truth, there is no example in human history wherein the normalizing of abnormality has not resulted in the death of whatever culture embraced it, simply because it represents that which is FALSE, AS TRUTH. And there's no other possible answer for that equation... .

"It only took the fags 800... No wait... it only too 600 years to bring the Roman Empire down."


I say it here and it comes out THERE!
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...The guy that introduced it is no friend to gays...
Most people aren't, when you get right down to where the bear shits in the woods.

Most people will pander to PC polls and say one thing, and think quite another.

The true test is how many trust their kids to homosexuals, and, better yet, how many want their kids to become homosexuals.

Remember... you're 3-5% of the total population...

That leaves 95-97% who don't think and act like you do, in connection with sexual behaviors and related lifestyle practices.


If you think most of that 95-97% are on your side just because of a few recent sampling polls, think again.

One need look no further than a variety of State Referendums on Gay Marriage, that the courts had to intervene in, in order to discern the real truth about such numbers.

You can't hold-back the sea with a broom...

New ways will be found, within a legal framework, to press the Reset Button on some of this...

But, meanwhile, feel free to continue to delude yourself that the majority of Americans are on your side in such matters...

"...Smiling faces..."


" But... but... but... some of my best friends are Gay !!! "


Are you saying Charlton Heston is gay?
T'was not homosexuality that destroyed Rome.

Rome destroyed itself when the people found they could vote themselves largess.

Look around you and see it happening again.....
Those who accept and encourage such abnormal behavior are subjectivist hedonists who do not follow any morality. Society will collapse from the excessive weight such behavior requires to justify itself.

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