Anti gay GOP store owners must post "No Gays Allowed" signs. GREAT IDEA!

Read it again. It was a democrat who proposed an amendment which would require business establishments to post "no homosexuals allowed" signs.

I think that part went straight over Dean-o's head.
That's why I wrote this part: They like to do their hate in secret. Make them put it out there where everyone can see.

That's why the Democrat added the amendment. Not too bright, are ya?
"The free market in the end can work this stuff out and everybody wins, but politicians and professional victim groups won't let that happen."

Yup, like it did before. Oh . . . wait.
Why to right wingers want to hide racism and hate behind "freedom". What happens when Right wingers are the minority? Will they want the same treatment they give to others?
Read it again. It was a democrat who proposed an amendment which would require business establishments to post "no homosexuals allowed" signs.

I think that part went straight over Dean-o's head.
That's why I wrote this part: They like to do their hate in secret. Make them put it out there where everyone can see.

That's why the Democrat added the amendment. Not too bright, are ya?

Yes, Dean-o, it's a game of gotcha. We're all well aware of this. Not too sure you were, though, when you created the thread.
Read it again. It was a democrat who proposed an amendment which would require business establishments to post "no homosexuals allowed" signs.

I think that part went straight over Dean-o's head.
That's why I wrote this part: They like to do their hate in secret. Make them put it out there where everyone can see.

That's why the Democrat added the amendment. Not too bright, are ya?
Yeah...I love the hand clapping by certain posters...waiting for the.................."wait a minute.....hey!"
"The free market in the end can work this stuff out and everybody wins, but politicians and professional victim groups won't let that happen."

Yup, like it did before. Oh . . . wait.

It was never given the opportunity before because the government actively aided and abetted the discrimination and the violence.
I worked as a bartender for many years. And believe me, not once was someone refused service because they were homosexual. Now if they were drunk you damn right they would be refused service. ANYONE would be
I worked as a bartender for many years. And believe me, not once was someone refused service because they were homosexual. Now if they were drunk you damn right they would be refused service. ANYONE would be

a bartending lunch lady :alcoholic:
If you believe in personal freedom and liberty, which the OP, of course, does not because he's a fascist, you'd support the rights of a business owner to deny service to anyone for any reason. That said, were I a business owner I would never refuse service to homosexuals because it's just stupid. Why would you want to turn away a paying customer? Conversely, why would a homosexual want to give their money to a business owner who they know despises them?

The free market in the end can work this stuff out and everybody wins, but politicians and professional victim groups won't let that happen.
It's a shock and awe post, nothing more. It goes from the GOP HAS done this to the GOP MIGHT do this and farther backward from there.

This is the very reason the CDZ IS such a great idea. you need "game" to go there. Facts/links or history ALL the things this lacks.
How is it free to force everyone to accept everything??

Pretty soon we will be accepting people that fuck their mothers and 5 year old children.

How will you feel about that??? We're already forcing people to accept a man that is now a "dickless" it that thinks it is a woman.
Pretty soon we will be accepting people that fuck their mothers and 5 year old children.

Next up, No Breeders, No Catholics, No Jews, No Muslims, No Irish, No *******, No Wetbacks, No Chinks, and No Christians. Love it. Let's do it.
Now you're taking, sounds good to me.

Then we could all smile as word gets around and ultimately those places go in the shitter, naturally, appropriately.

But no, the PC Police would first jump to issue consequences to those stores whose signs referred to their pet Identity groups.


Funny how Guno's nasty, non-stop bigotry goes unnoticed by the PC Police.

Oh, just kidding, we all know why.


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