Sodomites Kicked Out Of Texas Bar For Dancing With Each Other To Country Music

How many gay guys should the owner allow, before his bar becomes a gay bar?

If heterosexual homophobes were more secure with their own sexuality, they wouldn't have a problem with gays. If they didn't have a problem with gays, they would continue to patronize such an establishment and it would never become a gay bar. The biggest problem gay haters have is that they are afraid they might catch a gay person's gayness. We have always tried to quarantine things that we are afraid of.

If gays are comfortable with their sexuality, how come they need gay bars? Are they afraid they may catch a person's straightness?

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And, so it begins.

2 weeks or less ago, it probably would have been tolerated. Now? Not any more.

Thanks GLAAD for all your help to the gay community. Not.
How many gay guys should the owner allow, before his bar becomes a gay bar?

If heterosexual homophobes were more secure with their own sexuality, they wouldn't have a problem with gays. If they didn't have a problem with gays, they would continue to patronize such an establishment and it would never become a gay bar. The biggest problem gay haters have is that they are afraid they might catch a gay person's gayness. We have always tried to quarantine things that we are afraid of.

If gays are comfortable with their sexuality, how come they need gay bars? Are they afraid they may catch a person's straightness?


Safety from right wingers who call them sodomites and compare them to murderers and humandogfucking. Thought that was obvious.

I never heard of gays attacking straight people for being straight. Have you?
"Sodomites" now??
First a thread using "negroes" in the title, now "sodomites"? What are you, three thousand years old?

Watch your back Novasteve -- you gots competition for Board Wackadoodle.

Typical Republican.
If heterosexual homophobes were more secure with their own sexuality, they wouldn't have a problem with gays. If they didn't have a problem with gays, they would continue to patronize such an establishment and it would never become a gay bar. The biggest problem gay haters have is that they are afraid they might catch a gay person's gayness. We have always tried to quarantine things that we are afraid of.

If gays are comfortable with their sexuality, how come they need gay bars? Are they afraid they may catch a person's straightness?


Safety from right wingers who call them sodomites and compare them to murderers and humandogfucking. Thought that was obvious.

I never heard of gays attacking straight people for being straight. Have you?
LOL. All those right violent right wingers in West Hollywood and San Francisco. They need protection you see!
[However, Dillender said the club does have to “maintain the peace” under its obligation to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. . .]

The sodomite couple were deliberately engaging in behavior aimed at provoking patrons of the bar into a confrontation, possibly violent. This was done either for publicity or a lawsuit or both.
[However, Dillender said the club does have to “maintain the peace” under its obligation to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. . .]

The sodomite couple were deliberately engaging in behavior aimed at provoking patrons of the bar into a confrontation, possibly violent. This was done either for publicity or a lawsuit or both.

Because dancing leads to violence just like pot leads to heroin.

Sodomites! Yea verily, smite them! Smite them good!

[However, Dillender said the club does have to “maintain the peace” under its obligation to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. . .]

The sodomite couple were deliberately engaging in behavior aimed at provoking patrons of the bar into a confrontation, possibly violent. This was done either for publicity or a lawsuit or both.

Because dancing leads to violence just like pot leads to heroin.

Sodomites! Yea verily, smite them! Smite them good!


Reminds me of Steve Taylor (any excuse to play him, really);

[ame=]Steve Taylor - I Blew Up The Clinic Real Good - YouTube[/ame]
The gay lobby has become so lame and mainstream. Opposing homosexual marriage and public displays of homosexuality is far more edgy, counter-culture and anti-establishment. I predict a conservative counter cultural revolution in the near future, we will smash the work of those baby boomers, their "summer of love, 69" crap, and a new era will come.
..having two hands makes men accepting of lesbianism. After all, holding a bird in the hand does not compare to holding two chicks by the bush! When I see two girls titillating each other, I imagine myself in between.
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I can imagine the horror of having to witness these sodomites and what type of dancing they were engaged in that got them kicked out. The bars spokesman stated:

“It's not acceptable for men to dance together in the type of business that we run,”

One of the sodomites then said:

“Why should we feel like we are afraid to go out in public just because of the way we were born?”
Douglas said.

The way we were born?

1. You and others like you were not born gay.

2. Why should the business be afraid to make rules that you disagree with?

Tom Hargis of the Texas ACLU said they would investigate the incident further.

"We encourage all people to stand up for their individual rights," Hargis said.

I say what about the rights of those of the majority that don't want to have to see that vile crap?

I believe since GLAAD pulled their stunt on Phil Robertson, we are having a Christian awakening across the country and are rising up against these sodomites that are trying to push their indecent lifestyle upon the masses.

Gay Couple Thrown Out of Texas Club For Dancing

Wow, so much hate.

The fear you live in must be, at times, overwhelming. How is it you are able to get out from under your bed and leave the house? All those gays and Blacks and Mexicans and Asians... You must wear depends just in case your fear gets the better of you and you shit your pants...

So sad and pathetic really...
I can imagine the horror of having to witness these sodomites and what type of dancing they were engaged in that got them kicked out. The bars spokesman stated:

“It's not acceptable for men to dance together in the type of business that we run,”

One of the sodomites then said:

“Why should we feel like we are afraid to go out in public just because of the way we were born?”
Douglas said.

The way we were born?

1. You and others like you were not born gay.

2. Why should the business be afraid to make rules that you disagree with?

Tom Hargis of the Texas ACLU said they would investigate the incident further.

"We encourage all people to stand up for their individual rights," Hargis said.

I say what about the rights of those of the majority that don't want to have to see that vile crap?

I believe since GLAAD pulled their stunt on Phil Robertson, we are having a Christian awakening across the country and are rising up against these sodomites that are trying to push their indecent lifestyle upon the masses.

Gay Couple Thrown Out of Texas Club For Dancing

You do realize sodomy isn't limited to homosexuals right? And includes oral sex? Like getting a hummer form your gf? You're a sodomite. Always funny when ignorant hicks try to bash and fail so spectacularly.

Sodomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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