Sodomites Kicked Out Of Texas Bar For Dancing With Each Other To Country Music

They were there to start trouble, they wanted to make a "gay" issue out of this. Too bad they didnt get there asses kicked.

Which is why the term "homophobic" is fucking ridiculous....nobody normal is afraid of a queer, or secretly a queer, or any of the other garbage the progs claim. Fact of the matter is, throughout the animal kingdom, of which we are a part (I don't care if God looks like a monkey although I doubt He does), normal behavior is to KILL something that is acting ridiculous. Ever seen a "crow's court"? The flock gathers in a tree, they start chattering, and all at once they swoop down on an offensive crow, and kill it's ass.

Therefore, I suggest the next time a prog says you are "homophobic", you should reply that no, you're "homopathic" and would enjoy killing them. :eusa_angel:
I searched "women thrown out of Texas bar for dancing with each other" and nothing came up.

Now I'm ALL for woman on woman action... but it's amazing how insecure gay bashers also happen to be for that :cool:
Don't worry, you can still get your guy on guy action online, or in person, whatever floats your boat. Just apparently not in this bar. I think you'll live.

Meanwhile, another local country bar, the Two-Step Nightclub and Lounge, let Meyer and Douglas know that they are welcome to show off their moves there

Seperate but equal.

They should probably also have their own drinking fountains.
Anybody who uses the term sodomites is definately homophobic. It is positively archaic and very ugly. Not to mention dopey.
Yep, separate, just like country bars and rock bars, or hip hop bars. You have a target clientele, you cater to that clientele and make it the place your target demographic wants to go.
Anybody who uses the term sodomites is definately homophobic. It is positively archaic and very ugly. Not to mention dopey.

What to you, indicates some sort of fear or has the term phobic completely lost its meaning?

Does someone with coulrophobia secretly harbor a desire to be a clown?
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Curious would gay rights laws prevent this? Do people have a right to make PDAs in a private establishment?

Did A&E have the right to suspend Phil Robertson?

I guess that would depend on the PR clauses they offer any of their other, um, ahem, "stars." While I don't think private contract law falls under the same purview as equal protection of the civil rights laws in re employment, past practice could be used by Robertson to contest his suspension. Unless A&E operates in a right to work state - then he's pretty much ass out. Anyway, I don't think challenging and overcoming his suspension would feed the same poutrage his suspension does. Where's the martyrdom?
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Anybody who uses the term sodomites is definately homophobic. It is positively archaic and very ugly.
The word 'sodomite' can be found in almost every home in America.

That's because the word is in the Bible.

And is a legitimate term to describe people who practice the homo lifestyle. .... :cool:
If the term sodomite is homophobic is everyone who speaks negatively of Israel an antisemitic? They use all sorts of terms
They were there to start trouble, they wanted to make a "gay" issue out of this. Too bad they didnt get there asses kicked.

Which is why the term "homophobic" is fucking ridiculous....nobody normal is afraid of a queer, or secretly a queer, or any of the other garbage the progs claim.Fact of the matter is, throughout the animal kingdom, of which we are a part (I don't care if God looks like a monkey although I doubt He does), normal behavior is to KILL something that is acting ridiculous. Ever seen a "crow's court"? The flock gathers in a tree, they start chattering, and all at once they swoop down on an offensive crow, and kill it's ass.

Therefore, I suggest the next time a prog says you are "homophobic", you should reply that no, you're "homopathic" and would enjoy killing them. :eusa_angel:

Well, apparently that scratches your itch as well. Textbook. lols, That's another "dirty' word to you, eh? Meanwhile,
nobody normal is afraid of a queer, or secretly a queer, or any of the other garbage the progs claim

Top Five Republican Gay Sex Scandals | Badmouth

Q: How many Republican politicians can you fit in the closet?
A: Evidently, all of them.

You can challenge the source and call me a filthy liar, but you'll simple force me to post every last video (found at the link!)

Top Five Republican Gay Sex Scandals | Badmouth
Anybody who uses the term sodomites is definately homophobic. It is positively archaic and very ugly.
The word 'sodomite' can be found in almost every home in America.

That's because the word is in the Bible.

And is a legitimate term to describe people who practice the homo lifestyle. .... :cool:

Hetro's practice sodomy every time they go downtown :eusa_whistle:

or use the back door :eek::eusa_hand:
I believe since GLAAD pulled their stunt on Phil Robertson, we are having a Christian awakening across the country and are rising up against these sodomites that are trying to push their indecent lifestyle upon the masses.

Tell the truth, you were halfway there just typing that.


Rising up



Therefore, I suggest the next time a prog says you are "homophobic", you should reply that no, you're "homopathic" and would enjoy killing them. :eusa_angel:

Well, apparently that scratches your itch as well. Textbook. lols, That's another "dirty' word to you, eh?

It's pretty obvious I'm better schooled and smarter than you are, Ms Feminazi. We all know why man-haters like you enjoy queers.
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If you want a good laugh read about. 'Womyn born womyn' it's a big cat fight between feminazis and trannies
Curious would gay rights laws prevent this? Do people have a right to make PDAs in a private establishment?

Did A&E have the right to suspend Phil Robertson?

I guess that would depend on the PR clauses they offer any of their other, um, ahem, "stars." While I don't think private contract law falls under the same purview as equal protection of the civil rights laws in re employment, past practice could be used by Robertson to contest his suspension. Unless A&E operates in a right to work state - then he's pretty much ass out. Anyway, I don't think challenging and overcoming his suspension would feed the same poutrage his suspension does. Where's the martyrdom?

A&E had a right to suspend Phil Robertson. They just thought they could do it without suffering any consequences. They thought it would be like Paul Deen, meeting with public approval. They never dreamed there would be a backlash. They also have a right to suffer that backlash. No matter what basis Phil Robertson has to contest the suspension it's obvious that he isn't going to use any of them. The whole family will just withdraw as well.

This show brings in $400 million dollars to A&E in merchandising alone. Add to that another $80 million from advertisers. Those advertisers have indicated that they will withdraw their advertising from the network. This isn't like Rush Limbaugh where advertisers didn't want their product advertised on his show, this is pulling all advertising from the entire network no matter where it appears. It's doubtful that A&E could survive that kind of financial loss. Even if they could recover and get new advertisers, it wouldn't be soon enough to prevent a meltdown of the entire network.

The Robertsons, on the other hand, really don't care. As one television executive said "There's no fear in them".

Gays overplayed their hand. They think that at 1% of the population they have more support than they really do. Now they know. The majority can hurt A&E very badly, gays can't hurt the Robertsons at all.
If you want a good laugh read about. 'Womyn born womyn' it's a big cat fight between feminazis and trannies

I got a good laugh when I first saw women spelled "womyn". I had a girlfriend who spent some time with the NOW cows....she said all they did was hit on her. :lol:
=Samson;8355287Seperate but equal.

They should probably also have their own drinking fountains.

Maybe they should since they found out the AIDS virus is found in saliva, something the queers sure didn't want known. :eusa_hand:
Did A&E have the right to suspend Phil Robertson?

I guess that would depend on the PR clauses they offer any of their other, um, ahem, "stars." While I don't think private contract law falls under the same purview as equal protection of the civil rights laws in re employment, past practice could be used by Robertson to contest his suspension. Unless A&E operates in a right to work state - then he's pretty much ass out. Anyway, I don't think challenging and overcoming his suspension would feed the same poutrage his suspension does. Where's the martyrdom?

A&E had a right to suspend Phil Robertson. They just thought they could do it without suffering any consequences. They thought it would be like Paul Deen, meeting with public approval. They never dreamed there would be a backlash. They also have a right to suffer that backlash. No matter what basis Phil Robertson has to contest the suspension it's obvious that he isn't going to use any of them. The whole family will just withdraw as well.

This show brings in $400 million dollars to A&E in merchandising alone. Add to that another $80 million from advertisers. Those advertisers have indicated that they will withdraw their advertising from the network. This isn't like Rush Limbaugh where advertisers didn't want their product advertised on his show, this is pulling all advertising from the entire network no matter where it appears. It's doubtful that A&E could survive that kind of financial loss. Even if they could recover and get new advertisers, it wouldn't be soon enough to prevent a meltdown of the entire network.

The Robertsons, on the other hand, really don't care. As one television executive said "There's no fear in them".

Gays overplayed their hand. They think that at 1% of the population they have more support than they really do. Now they know. The majority can hurt A&E very badly, gays can't hurt the Robertsons at all.

You and your kind aren't the majority anymore sparky, You're a (thankfully) dying breed, as the (voting) kids aren't invested in your social prejudices anymore. Attrition is NOT your friend.
Therefore, I suggest the next time a prog says you are "homophobic", you should reply that no, you're "homopathic" and would enjoy killing them. :eusa_angel:

Well, apparently that scratches your itch as well. Textbook. lols, That's another "dirty' word to you, eh?

It's pretty obvious I'm better schooled and smarter than you are, Ms Feminazi. We all know why man-haters like you enjoy queers.

I don't hate MEN, I have one at home.


I mean, he's an ACTUAL man, without all of YOUR insecurities...


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