Sodomites Kicked Out Of Texas Bar For Dancing With Each Other To Country Music

There's no excuse for violence other than for self defense. Gays dancing isn't a threat.
There's no excuse for violence other than for self defense. Gays dancing isn't a threat.

There may be no excuse for violence, but that is not the bar or club owners problem. The owner is responsible for the safety of customers. Any activity that is percieved as offensive to patrons to the point of instigating possible altercations between patrons has to be dealt with. That is why in this kind of business in particular the owner does not have to have a reason to insist a patron or group of patrons vacate the premises. If the owner percieves that certain activity by one patron or group of patrons will cause an atercation with other patrons it is his duty to take action in regards to the predictable altercation. If the owner knew of a specific patron or patrons that would start the altercation, they would have the option of asking those patrons to leave, but if there were many patrons angry at the activity of the dancing gays and the perpertrators of the probable and predictiable altercation, the owner would have little choice but to remove the spark that would cause the altercation. Most jurisdictions give bar owners and staff great leaway in making these type decisions. A "sense of trouble" with a patron is enough.
I searched "women thrown out of Texas bar for dancing with each other" and nothing came up.

Now I'm ALL for woman on woman action... but it's amazing how insecure gay bashers also happen to be for that :cool:

Bar Kicks Out Gay Couple For Dancing - Crossroads Today

"He told me they have a policy that states that they don't allow males to dance with males to country songs. I said just country, and he said yes,” Douglas said.

The couple said they were told they were not allowed to dance together because they were men and for security reasons.

"I said will you please show me your policy but he kept brushing it under the table," Meyer said.

Newscenter 25's Nicole Hickl spoke with Roger Gearhart, a corporate spokesperson for Cactus Canyon about that policy. Gearhart said, "For many decades it's acceptable for women to dance together in all kind of clubs...but it's not acceptable for men to dance together in the type of business that we run."
"However, we'd be more than happy to see you two young ladies cut a rug. Eat a carpet. Whatever."

Beat me to it! :lol:

LOL me too. But, ya know what, kudos to the management for kicking those butt fuckers out. They should have a right to deny.

The right to NOT accept is as powerful as the right of acceptance.

Rights are relevant and they should be kept so.

That's right....his property, he decides who is allowed on it. Same as a party, somebody starts freaking the other guests they gotta go...out the door or through the window, their choice.
Why didn't the 2 queers just go to gay bar to dance?? ...... :cool:

Because it is acceptable there and the rest of the patrons won't be offended and give them grounds for a law suit.

Look people! I promise that in the future, I will not go to a gay bar and engage in possibly offensive heterosexual behavior. OK?
I can imagine the horror of having to witness these sodomites and what type of dancing they were engaged in that got them kicked out. The bars spokesman stated:

“It's not acceptable for men to dance together in the type of business that we run,”

One of the sodomites then said:

“Why should we feel like we are afraid to go out in public just because of the way we were born?”
Douglas said.

The way we were born?

1. You and others like you were not born gay.

2. Why should the business be afraid to make rules that you disagree with?

Tom Hargis of the Texas ACLU said they would investigate the incident further.

"We encourage all people to stand up for their individual rights," Hargis said.

I say what about the rights of those of the majority that don't want to have to see that vile crap?

I believe since GLAAD pulled their stunt on Phil Robertson, we are having a Christian awakening across the country and are rising up against these sodomites that are trying to push their indecent lifestyle upon the masses.

Gay Couple Thrown Out of Texas Club For Dancing

You do realize sodomy isn't limited to homosexuals right? And includes oral sex? Like getting a hummer form your gf? You're a sodomite. Always funny when ignorant hicks try to bash and fail so spectacularly.

Sodomy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sodomy is anal sex ,not oral, with women or men. If someone threw oral in there, that's not the traditional definition, and certainly not the biblical definition, and there is nothing in our bible, the Torah (old testament) on two women together, no prohibition, it doesn't address it. As far as throwing someone out? the owner has the right if these people are disrupting his business .the same way he could if it were a male female dancing inappropriately.
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Is it easier for a gay to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a camel to enter the kingdom of Heaven?
I can imagine the horror of having to witness these sodomites and what type of dancing they were engaged in that got them kicked out. The bars spokesman stated:

“It's not acceptable for men to dance together in the type of business that we run,”

One of the sodomites then said:

“Why should we feel like we are afraid to go out in public just because of the way we were born?”
Douglas said.

The way we were born?

1. You and others like you were not born gay.

2. Why should the business be afraid to make rules that you disagree with?

Tom Hargis of the Texas ACLU said they would investigate the incident further.

"We encourage all people to stand up for their individual rights," Hargis said.

I say what about the rights of those of the majority that don't want to have to see that vile crap?

I believe since GLAAD pulled their stunt on Phil Robertson, we are having a Christian awakening across the country and are rising up against these sodomites that are trying to push their indecent lifestyle upon the masses.

Gay Couple Thrown Out of Texas Club For Dancing

My reaction is - why in the hell would they go into the bar in the first place? Are they so stupid they thought they could get away with it? Or, was this a premeditated act to stir things up and perhaps bring suit against the business?

I think the latter is the main thrust of the action. [No pun intended.] :eusa_whistle:
Just country, wow. So they can dance together for anything but country, but if they dance together for country, people will get offended?

Sorry. In logic land, that makes no sense.
Just country, wow. So they can dance together for anything but country, but if they dance together for country, people will get offended?

Sorry. In logic land, that makes no sense.

Some people get offended by men and women dirty dancing so? who are you to say who should be offended by what?
Curious would gay rights laws prevent this? Do people have a right to make PDAs in a private establishment?
Just country, wow. So they can dance together for anything but country, but if they dance together for country, people will get offended?

Sorry. In logic land, that makes no sense.

Nobody can be this stupid ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ oh, it's Boop?

nevermind. :eusa_shhh:
They were there to start trouble, they wanted to make a "gay" issue out of this. Too bad they didnt get there asses kicked.
Does them dancing turn you on? Why do you think people should get attacked for that?

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