Sodomites Kicked Out Of Texas Bar For Dancing With Each Other To Country Music

I guess that would depend on the PR clauses they offer any of their other, um, ahem, "stars." While I don't think private contract law falls under the same purview as equal protection of the civil rights laws in re employment, past practice could be used by Robertson to contest his suspension. Unless A&E operates in a right to work state - then he's pretty much ass out. Anyway, I don't think challenging and overcoming his suspension would feed the same poutrage his suspension does. Where's the martyrdom?

A&E had a right to suspend Phil Robertson. They just thought they could do it without suffering any consequences. They thought it would be like Paul Deen, meeting with public approval. They never dreamed there would be a backlash. They also have a right to suffer that backlash. No matter what basis Phil Robertson has to contest the suspension it's obvious that he isn't going to use any of them. The whole family will just withdraw as well.

This show brings in $400 million dollars to A&E in merchandising alone. Add to that another $80 million from advertisers. Those advertisers have indicated that they will withdraw their advertising from the network. This isn't like Rush Limbaugh where advertisers didn't want their product advertised on his show, this is pulling all advertising from the entire network no matter where it appears. It's doubtful that A&E could survive that kind of financial loss. Even if they could recover and get new advertisers, it wouldn't be soon enough to prevent a meltdown of the entire network.

The Robertsons, on the other hand, really don't care. As one television executive said "There's no fear in them".

Gays overplayed their hand. They think that at 1% of the population they have more support than they really do. Now they know. The majority can hurt A&E very badly, gays can't hurt the Robertsons at all.

You and your kind aren't the majority anymore sparky, You're a (thankfully) dying breed, as the (voting) kids aren't invested in your social prejudices anymore. Attrition is NOT your friend.

Now we get the bandwagon approach....GONG! Wrong again manophobe; once young men get free of the public school agenda, they see these disgusting practices for what they are. It's YOU who's losing public support same as nobody thinks Hussein is anything but a lying punk or that there's "global warming" anymore. Your lies are being're becoming dinosaurs and you know how it turned out for those lizards. :cool:
=Samson;8355287Seperate but equal.

They should probably also have their own drinking fountains.

Maybe they should since they found out the AIDS virus is found in saliva, something the queers sure didn't want known. :eusa_hand:

Uh, everyone knew that already. Tears too. If you didn't it's because you never thought to read up on it and how it's transmitted to help protect yourself. But saliva, once swallowed, even with HIV cells in it is destroyed by stomach acid.

Worry about transmission orally is if you have bleeding gums or some other 'into the blood' point of entry. Why you shouldn't brush your teeth prior to sex since raw gums can act as that entry-point.
Well, apparently that scratches your itch as well. Textbook. lols, That's another "dirty' word to you, eh?

It's pretty obvious I'm better schooled and smarter than you are, Ms Feminazi. We all know why man-haters like you enjoy queers.

I don't hate MEN, I have one at home.


I mean, he's an ACTUAL man, without all of YOUR insecurities...


Bullshit. And if there is a "male" around your hovel, his hair is probably longer than yours and he makes bread and cleans house while you work. :lol:
=Samson;8355287Seperate but equal.

They should probably also have their own drinking fountains.

Maybe they should since they found out the AIDS virus is found in saliva, something the queers sure didn't want known. :eusa_hand:

Uh, everyone knew that already. Tears too. If you didn't it's because you never thought to read up on it and how it's transmitted to help protect yourself. But saliva, once swallowed, even with HIV cells in it is destroyed by stomach acid.

Worry about transmission orally is if you have bleeding gums or some other 'into the blood' point of entry. Why you shouldn't brush your teeth prior to sex since raw gums can act as that entry-point.

Uh, no they didn't know about saliva for the first few years. And please, post your tips about queer sex someplace more appropriate than this forum...we find you and your ilk disgusting. :doubt:
no matter how gorgeous it is, if it has tits or an engine it's going to give you trouble.

Is derivative of:

"If it has tires or testicles it's going to give you trouble."

YOUR equivalent is NOT what your tag is, as that attempt is stupid, but "some guy is already sick of putting up with her shit."
no matter how gorgeous it is, if it has tits or an engine it's going to give you trouble.

Is derivative of:

"If it has tires or testicles it's going to give you trouble."

YOUR equivalent is NOT what your tag is, as that attempt is stupid, but "some guy is already sick of putting up with her shit."

:lol: I bet you got one of those fish and a bicycle t-shirts don't ya, Ms Manophobe?
Maybe they should since they found out the AIDS virus is found in saliva, something the queers sure didn't want known. :eusa_hand:

Uh, everyone knew that already. Tears too. If you didn't it's because you never thought to read up on it and how it's transmitted to help protect yourself. But saliva, once swallowed, even with HIV cells in it is destroyed by stomach acid.

Worry about transmission orally is if you have bleeding gums or some other 'into the blood' point of entry. Why you shouldn't brush your teeth prior to sex since raw gums can act as that entry-point.

Uh, no they didn't know about saliva for the first few years. And please, post your tips about queer sex someplace more appropriate than this forum...we find you and your ilk disgusting. :doubt:

most find you and your ilk disgusting.
no matter how gorgeous it is, if it has tits or an engine it's going to give you trouble.

Is derivative of:

"If it has tires or testicles it's going to give you trouble."

YOUR equivalent is NOT what your tag is, as that attempt is stupid, but "some guy is already sick of putting up with her shit."

:lol: I bet you got one of those fish and a bicycle t-shirts don't ya, Ms Manophobe?

You aren't paying attention (shocked I am, and appalled). I have a man at home.
Unfortunately for some here, their taunts and jeers register much as a child's would. But given their attitude that's not very surprising. Never argue with a child, or adult with the mind of one.
They were there to start trouble, they wanted to make a "gay" issue out of this. Too bad they didnt get there asses kicked.

Which is why the term "homophobic" is fucking ridiculous....nobody normal is afraid of a queer, or secretly a queer, or any of the other garbage the progs claim. Fact of the matter is, throughout the animal kingdom, of which we are a part (I don't care if God looks like a monkey although I doubt He does), normal behavior is to KILL something that is acting ridiculous. Ever seen a "crow's court"? The flock gathers in a tree, they start chattering, and all at once they swoop down on an offensive crow, and kill it's ass.

Therefore, I suggest the next time a prog says you are "homophobic", you should reply that no, you're "homopathic" and would enjoy killing them. :eusa_angel: sailors are funnier than all hell. I was stationed down in Ft. Sill with some of you goofy sailor cats (I was in the U.S. Army Field Artillery school) and we thought your ridiculous fascination and obsession with the 175 long tube was some weird phallic envy.

Sort of explains your problem. To your credit, y'all march well and stop at the same time. have you ever thought of joining a choreography group.
They were there to start trouble, they wanted to make a "gay" issue out of this. Too bad they didnt get there asses kicked.

Which is why the term "homophobic" is fucking ridiculous....nobody normal is afraid of a queer, or secretly a queer, or any of the other garbage the progs claim. Fact of the matter is, throughout the animal kingdom, of which we are a part (I don't care if God looks like a monkey although I doubt He does), normal behavior is to KILL something that is acting ridiculous. Ever seen a "crow's court"? The flock gathers in a tree, they start chattering, and all at once they swoop down on an offensive crow, and kill it's ass.

Therefore, I suggest the next time a prog says you are "homophobic", you should reply that no, you're "homopathic" and would enjoy killing them. :eusa_angel: sailors are funnier than all hell. I was stationed down in Ft. Sill with some of you goofy sailor cats (I was in the U.S. Army Field Artillery school) and we thought your ridiculous fascination and obsession with the 175 long tube was some weird phallic envy.

Sort of explains your problem. To your credit, y'all march well and stop at the same time. have you ever thought of joining a choreography group.

I'm Joe, Bull's brother....he's up in Colorado until Monday so I'm holding down the office. I wouldn't advise you to call a Marine a "sailor" in person....especially Bull. I was 1/7 AC/AM and I would tell you Marines loved us because we often saved their bacon because we used the same battle tactics as other words, if you REMFers getting overrun, you wouldn't have got a tap on the shoulder to haul ass from us or'd have looked around and everybody would have been gone. :lol:
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[However, Dillender said the club does have to “maintain the peace” under its obligation to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. . .]

The sodomite couple were deliberately engaging in behavior aimed at provoking patrons of the bar into a confrontation, possibly violent. This was done either for publicity or a lawsuit or both.

Because dancing leads to violence just like pot leads to heroin.

Sodomites! Yea verily, smite them! Smite them good!


Blame the dancers if they get assaulted.....yep. It's Texas alright.
Why didn't the 2 queers just go to gay bar to dance?? ...... :cool:

Because it is acceptable there and the rest of the patrons won't be offended and give them grounds for a law suit.

Look people! I promise that in the future, I will not go to a gay bar and engage in possibly offensive heterosexual behavior. OK?

Why not? Straights visit gay bars and dance all the time.

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