Soldier's mother confirms "Trump did disrespect my son..."

This is purely anecdotal, so take it for what it is worth. I volunteer working with special operations units from the various services. I have never heard a positive comment made regarding President Obama. None. He was constantly ridiculed and the butt of many off-color comments. Trump garnered no such negative attention.

My daughter tells me that discussion of politics is strictly forbidden in her Army unit as everyone is still scared shitless of the Obama PC police that still infests the ranks. No one even jokes around for fear their comments will land their ass in hot water.
Odd....I heard the exact opposite from my friends in then and now.

I have ten years experience with these groups. I have yet to meet anyone associated with the military who admits they voted for Hillary.

Do you live in a military town? Do you have relatives in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and several in Air and Army National Guard units? Do most of your friends work for the military like mine? Is your church predominantly all retired veterans? Are you a member of the American Legion?

The answers to all of these questions for me is a big YES!
Miramar to the South and Camp Pendleton to the East. wife, my father in law, many of my friends I go out with to eat are retired or former military.......I don't go to a church. I was a member of the Legion when we lived in the Bay Area....not here when I showed up with my DD214 and they handed me an Auxilary App.

So, you live in the People's Republic of Mexifornia, and have very little contact with the military compared to me.

I'd say you backed up assertion that you are clueless on this topic very well. Thank you for your service!
Surrounded by Marines "very little contact with the military"......:lol: Yeah.....ok.

So you have a lot in common with Japanese soldiers in WWII!
Read the thread and you would have seen it.

That he had people in the room? Sounds like the both have the same defense, but only one room was full of politicians, military officials and government executives.

Why would they lie?

The Congresswoman and the grieving family have plenty of reasons.

Why would the government lie about the the death of American soldiers?

Holy Christ...

Now you're just fucking with me, right?
I don't know, we never got through the Benghazi lies. obummer interfered.

Almost a year into Trump's presidency and not a step closer. I guess this is one more thing he lied about pursuing. At least we still have "fake news". The gift that keeps on giving in Trumpiverse.
but don't think it's dead. we're just finding out about the actual russia collusion. And hitlery is involved in that as well. so time is truly forever with DC.
American Patriot Steve McGarrett has arrived at the thread after a successful morning of deer hunting

Here's the problem with this situation:

1. The wife is a negro.
2. The lawmaker riding in the car is a negro.
3. The negro lawmaker has such hatred for Trump, she refused to attend his inauguration.
4. That mother is dishonoring her patriotic son — and doing it for political reasons. Disgusting!
5. There’s nothing disrespectful about what Trump said......they just love to create stories to flame and sustain the fires of their deep seeded hatred that Hillary lost the election. Demorats will fuel anything to keep the fire of hatred flaming....that is who they are and what they do.
6. What Trump said was consoling and encouraging. It means this soldier’s death, sacrificing self for country, was part of his ultimate mission.
7. Did I say these are negroes we're dealing with here?

And finally!

Enough said.

Good enough for me
Well I think he said it because it sounds exactly like the shit that comes out of his fat ass. I don't think he meant any disrespect, or that he had any ill will towards the widow. JFK could talk off the cuff on stuff like this, and the thing was people might not like what he said, but he'd tell it like it was. (he was also a womanizer and drug dependent) Reagan was a very empathetic man, and expressed himself well. but he'd either have a staffer write him what to say, or he'd put aside everything else on his mind and ... concentrate for god's sake. (and he used fake homilies that verged on racism)
Well, he's in a league of his own on this stuff. Again, it wouldn't surprise me for a moment, but I don't have proof he said it.

Without an exception every veteran posting on any board I was on and I was on many all said that what Trump said was proper. That it was not only an acknowledgement of every service member's bravery knowing that they could lose their lives by volunteering but then acknowledging the pain that comes despite that knowledge.

EVERY veteran? Really? Because I'm a 20 year vet, and I think that what Trump said was pretty disrespectful.

Yeah, everyone in the military knows that being killed is a possibility with serving, and on occasion, when things are going like crap, we tell each other that we knew what might happen when we signed up, but that is more like black humor, and doesn't belong on a condolence call.

What Trump should have said is that he was liked and respected in his command, that his service was appreciated and that he was a good soldier and will be sorely missed.

Not that he knew what he was getting into when he signed up.

Like I said, I understood what the possibilities were when I signed up, and I did it anyway because I wanted to travel. But if I had died on active duty, saying something like that to my family may have gotten someone punched.

You were a titless WAVE and your conduct on this forum denigrates veterans just about every time you touch your keyboard.

The greatest danger you ever faced was a papercut!
WAVE? You're just like those American Legion fossils that handed me an Auxilary App. :lol:

I guess you being a nasal radiator never heard PNs and YNs called titless WAVES?

They probably took one look at you at the Legion and said, looks too feminine. Must have a wife who is a vet!
Why would they lie?

The Congresswoman and the grieving family have plenty of reasons.

Why would the government lie about the the death of American soldiers?

Holy Christ...

Now you're just fucking with me, right?
I don't know, we never got through the Benghazi lies. obummer interfered.

Almost a year into Trump's presidency and not a step closer. I guess this is one more thing he lied about pursuing. At least we still have "fake news". The gift that keeps on giving in Trumpiverse.
It is hard to get the truth when someone deletes 30,000 e-mails.

You honestly think that our FBI can't recover deleted emails?
bleach bit, probably not. I do know from last night on Tucker that the DOJ has many thousands of more emails they have not released from hitlery. why?
Odd....I heard the exact opposite from my friends in then and now.

I have ten years experience with these groups. I have yet to meet anyone associated with the military who admits they voted for Hillary.

Do you live in a military town? Do you have relatives in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and several in Air and Army National Guard units? Do most of your friends work for the military like mine? Is your church predominantly all retired veterans? Are you a member of the American Legion?

The answers to all of these questions for me is a big YES!
Miramar to the South and Camp Pendleton to the East. wife, my father in law, many of my friends I go out with to eat are retired or former military.......I don't go to a church. I was a member of the Legion when we lived in the Bay Area....not here when I showed up with my DD214 and they handed me an Auxilary App.

So, you live in the People's Republic of Mexifornia, and have very little contact with the military compared to me.

I'd say you backed up assertion that you are clueless on this topic very well. Thank you for your service!
Surrounded by Marines "very little contact with the military"......:lol: Yeah.....ok.

So you have a lot in common with Japanese soldiers in WWII!
The White House is already backtracking. About that "proof" Trump has less than 10 hours ago...

White House says Trump did not record call to soldier's widow

The Chief of Staff was present.

From YOUR link:

"General Kelly was present for the call and thought it was completely appropriate. He thought the call was respectful and he thought that the president did the best job he could under those circumstances to offer condolences on the part of the country," she said.

He never claimed to have recorded the call. Now who is backtracking?

He claimed to have PROOF. Hearsay is not PROOF.
but the congresscritter wasn't on the phone. see post #94.

Trump denies family claim he disrespected fallen soldier

President Donald Trump on Wednesday denied telling the widow of a fallen soldier during a condolence call that the serviceman "must've known what he signed up for" — a claim made by a Florida congresswoman who was present for the call.

Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., told NBC Miami Tuesday night that she heard the president's comment to Sgt. La David T. Johnson's widow, Myeshia, on a speakerphone as they were traveling together in a car to meet his body.

"He said, 'But you know he must've known what he signed up for,'" Wilson recounted Trump saying more than once during the minutes-long call to express his sympathy.
American Patriot Steve McGarrett has arrived at the thread after a successful morning of deer hunting

Here's the problem with this situation:

1. The wife is a negro.
2. The lawmaker riding in the car is a negro.
3. The negro lawmaker has such hatred for Trump, she refused to attend his inauguration.
4. That mother is dishonoring her patriotic son — and doing it for political reasons. Disgusting!
5. There’s nothing disrespectful about what Trump said......they just love to create stories to flame and sustain the fires of their deep seeded hatred that Hillary lost the election. Demorats will fuel anything to keep the fire of hatred flaming....that is who they are and what they do.
6. What Trump said was consoling and encouraging. It means this soldier’s death, sacrificing self for country, was part of his ultimate mission.
7. Did I say these are negroes we're dealing with here?

And finally!

Enough said.
Boy Scouts: Top leaders didn't call Trump to praise speech as the president said

What about Boy Scouts? They called Trump a liar too. Do you believe Trump, a man who stiffs his workers, over the Boy Scouts of America?

Something is terribly wrong with these ignorant Alt Right white wingers.
Trump is the epitome of a moral truth telling courageous American Patriot of White European heritage. He is the true leader the founders envisioned to lead this country.

I believe Orange is an immoral, constantly lying sociopath. A terrible leader. A worse human being. He is an embarrassment and a national disgrace. Your opinion is noted.
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Meh, everyone knows that Trump has more respect for the military than ANY democrat politician.
That's why he dodged the draft when the nation needed him?

Is there any other reason you need to make unsubstantiated claims? He cannot "dodge the draft" by getting a medical classification. Other people make that decision.

His bone spurs disappeared....without an operation. It was divine intervention!!!!

My wife had bone spurs also. She could barely walk. Over time, they disappeared.

Now, you were saying?

...and I believe every word!

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