Soldier's mother confirms "Trump did disrespect my son..."

The big problem I see with Trump is he tends to say things that HE THINKS is a nice attempt at being kind. However, it comes out wrong. His comments about McCain not being a hero cause he was captured for instance. Just a dumb thing to say.

He believes he was saying something decent. Pretty sure.
All she did was report what Trump told the widow on speakerphone.
how would she know what he said?

She was in the car with the widow, going to meet her dead husbands body.
and said this:
He said, ‘Well, I guess you knew’—something to the effect that ‘he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.’ You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die. That’s the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid.”

What does something to the effect of, mean? it isn't verbatim is what that means. And it means Wilson didn't hear him.
My wife had bone spurs also. She could barely walk. Over time, they disappeared.

Now, you were saying?

Trump had no mobility problems through college, he only devoloped bone spurs when his college deferments ended, and was walking again as soon as he got his medical deferment.

He really wanted to go to Vietnam, but, since he could not, he risked his life repeatedly by sleeping with many women, any one of which might have been carrying VD. It was a dangerous mission, but somebody had to do it.
I believe Orange is an immoral, constantly lying sociopath. A terrible leader. A worse human being. He is an embarrassment and a national disgrace. Your opinion is noted.
who would have thought an Orange draft-dodging known liar would be this dishonest and self-serving and disgraceful ....
The big problem I see with Trump is he tends to say things that HE THINKS is a nice attempt at being kind. However, it comes out wrong. His comments about McCain not being a hero cause he was captured for instance. Just a dumb thing to say.

He believes he was saying something decent. Pretty sure.
Donald Trump "doing something decent for a Military Family" after their loss , as played by John Belushi
All she did was report what Trump told the widow on speakerphone.
She was in the car with the widow, going to meet her dead husbands body.
and said this:
He said, ‘Well, I guess you knew’—something to the effect that ‘he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.’ You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die. That’s the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid.”

What does something to the effect of, mean? it isn't verbatim is what that means. And it means Wilson didn't hear him.

It means she doesn't have a photographic memory.

But her recollection was the same as the widows.
All she did was report what Trump told the widow on speakerphone.
She was in the car with the widow, going to meet her dead husbands body.
and said this:
He said, ‘Well, I guess you knew’—something to the effect that ‘he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.’ You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die. That’s the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid.”

What does something to the effect of, mean? it isn't verbatim is what that means. And it means Wilson didn't hear him.

It means she doesn't have a photographic memory.

But her recollection was the same as the widows.
so in other words, maybe they miss understood the courtesy of the call and his intent to console her and her loss. That's really what you meant to say right?
so in other words, maybe they miss understood the courtesy of the call and his intent to console her and her loss. That's really what you meant to say right?

Just like John McCain misinterpreted that Trump said he wasn't a hero. Or the Khan family misinterpreted what Trump said about them.

You must love wallowing in Trump shit.
so in other words, maybe they miss understood the courtesy of the call and his intent to console her and her loss. That's really what you meant to say right?
We know how Trump always takes responsibility for things that go wrong.
As a 30-year vet, let me say the President is right about 1 thing - when we sign up and join the military, we ALL know what we are singning up for. You may think it may never happen to you, but you know it could.
As a 30-year vet, let me say the President is right about 1 thing - when we sign up and join the military, we ALL know what we are singning up for. You may think it may never happen to you, but you know it could.

But a condolence call doesn't blame the victim. He knew the job was dangerous when he took it.
Trump had no mobility problems through college, he only devoloped bone spurs when his college deferments ended, and was walking again as soon as he got his medical deferment.

Trump had five. So did Biden. Go ahead and insult Biden now.

They had medical deferments (doctors notes) do you have a citation?

He had 5 student and then one for asthma as a teenager. Although he was no longer a teenager. This was allowed.

And an FYI I don't hold it against anyone for following the rules and avoiding going to that hell hole that was not a real war but a police action by that asshole Johnson ok? I had two very good friends who went to Vietnam. One came back alright. The other came home a shell of a man.

To this day, I have no problem with those that followed the rules to avoid serving in a war that the government didn't want to win.
All she did was report what Trump told the widow on speakerphone.
She was in the car with the widow, going to meet her dead husbands body.
and said this:
He said, ‘Well, I guess you knew’—something to the effect that ‘he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.’ You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die. That’s the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid.”

What does something to the effect of, mean? it isn't verbatim is what that means. And it means Wilson didn't hear him.

It means she doesn't have a photographic memory.

But her recollection was the same as the widows.

The widow hasn't spoken.
They had medical deferments (doctors notes) do you have a citation?

He had 5 student and then one for asthma as a teenager. Although he was no longer a teenager. This was allowed.

Biden deferred, disqualified from Vietnam duty

A month after undergoing a physical exam in 1968, Biden received a Selective Service classification of 1-Y, meaning he was available for service only in the event of national emergency.

"As a result of a physical exam on April 5, 1968, Joe Biden was classified 1-Y and disqualified from service because of asthma as a teenager," said David Wade, a campaign spokesman.

That was a draft physical, not a doctors note like Trump got making him 4-F

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