Soldier's mother confirms "Trump did disrespect my son..."

As a 30-year vet, let me say the President is right about 1 thing - when we sign up and join the military, we ALL know what we are singning up for. You may think it may never happen to you, but you know it could.

But a condolence call doesn't blame the victim. He knew the job was dangerous when he took it.
My family doesn't need a President to remind them of that.

When I go, if still in, I will remember I did not serve so in the end someone can say nice words over me or say 'thank you'. I did not join for gratitude, platitude, wealth, or medals.

Another day, another person 'offended' by something...

God bless my brother-in-arms and his family.
Yeah, it's weird. President Trump is suddenly acting like a liberal, refusing to accept personal accountability.
Dude, if you are injured by a politician not fawning over you after you die then you sure as hell do not belong in the combat military.
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

Meh, everyone knows that Trump has more respect for the military than ANY democrat politician.
That's why he dodged the draft when the nation needed him?

Is there any other reason you need to make unsubstantiated claims? He cannot "dodge the draft" by getting a medical classification. Other people make that decision.

His bone spurs disappeared....without an operation. It was divine intervention!!!!

My wife had bone spurs also. She could barely walk. Over time, they disappeared.

Now, you were saying?
Lol....he was banging chicks , playing golf and running around just fine. A spoiled millionaire like him won't go to Vietnam and die there , is you and the rest of the fools that gets drafted.
Dude, if you are injured by a politician not fawning over you after you die then you sure as hell do not belong in the combat military.

‘Failed’: Jake Tapper destroys Trump for disrespecting families of dead soldiers with ‘reckless’ words
Like I said, pu$$y liberals drag the country into unconstitutional and illegal Wars and send Real Americans off to those Wars to fight them.

Those who go to war don't do it for money, ribbons, gratitude, or platitude.

If you are so injured and offended that some politician doesn't praise you or kiss your ass for making the ultimate sacrifice in fighting their Wars I suggest you stay out of the military.
Meh, everyone knows that Trump has more respect for the military than ANY democrat politician.
That's why he dodged the draft when the nation needed him?

Is there any other reason you need to make unsubstantiated claims? He cannot "dodge the draft" by getting a medical classification. Other people make that decision.

His bone spurs disappeared....without an operation. It was divine intervention!!!!

My wife had bone spurs also. She could barely walk. Over time, they disappeared.

Now, you were saying?
Lol....he was banging chicks , playing golf and running around just fine. A spoiled millionaire like him won't go to Vietnam and die there , is you and the rest of the fools that gets drafted.
For a second there I couldn't tell if you were talking about Bill Clinton or Barack Obama...

It was the 'banging chicks' thing that gave it away, as it is known from Obama's books that he experimented in a little bit of ... um... 'everything', shall we say, back in college?! :p
Just like John McCain misinterpreted that Trump said he wasn't a hero. Or the Khan family misinterpreted what Trump said about them.

You must love wallowing in Trump shit.

Something to ponder about the orange clown.....

Years before running for President, Trump boasted on Howard Stern’s show about surviving his brave challenges of sleeping around with women who might have sexually transmitted diseases.

“It is a dangerous world out there — it's scary, like Vietnam,” he said in a 2004 clip dug up by BuzzFeed News.

“It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
As a 30-year vet, let me say the President is right about 1 thing - when we sign up and join the military, we ALL know what we are singning up for. You may think it may never happen to you, but you know it could.

You're right. We who have served in the military do understand that it is a job that can get you killed. We even make grim jokes about it on occasion when the shit hits the fan.

But it's not something that you say to a grieving widow.

Hey.................quick question....................police officers know that they are signing up for a job where they can get shot or murdered. When cops are gunned down, can we then tell the grieving widows of murdered cops that "well, they knew what they were getting into when they signed up"?
As a 30-year vet, let me say the President is right about 1 thing - when we sign up and join the military, we ALL know what we are singning up for. You may think it may never happen to you, but you know it could.

You're right. We who have served in the military do understand that it is a job that can get you killed. We even make grim jokes about it on occasion when the shit hits the fan.

But it's not something that you say to a grieving widow.

Hey.................quick question....................police officers know that they are signing up for a job where they can get shot or murdered. When cops are gunned down, can we then tell the grieving widows of murdered cops that "well, they knew what they were getting into when they signed up"?
Snowflakes say it's wrong to politicize an American soldiers death, but what do you think they are doing now?
The big problem I see with Trump is he tends to say things that HE THINKS is a nice attempt at being kind. However, it comes out wrong. His comments about McCain not being a hero cause he was captured for instance. Just a dumb thing to say.

He believes he was saying something decent. Pretty sure.
I like those who were not captured was snarky and Trump knew what he was saying
As a 30-year vet, let me say the President is right about 1 thing - when we sign up and join the military, we ALL know what we are singning up for. You may think it may never happen to you, but you know it could.

You're right. We who have served in the military do understand that it is a job that can get you killed. We even make grim jokes about it on occasion when the shit hits the fan.

But it's not something that you say to a grieving widow.

Hey.................quick question....................police officers know that they are signing up for a job where they can get shot or murdered. When cops are gunned down, can we then tell the grieving widows of murdered cops that "well, they knew what they were getting into when they signed up"?
Snowflakes say it's wrong to politicize an American soldiers death, but what do you think they are doing now?

If Trump had actually shown a little compassion and not made such a stupid statement, there wouldn't be any controversy.

Trump is the one who blew up this shit bomb, and he did it to himself.
As a 30-year vet, let me say the President is right about 1 thing - when we sign up and join the military, we ALL know what we are singning up for. You may think it may never happen to you, but you know it could.

You're right. We who have served in the military do understand that it is a job that can get you killed. We even make grim jokes about it on occasion when the shit hits the fan.

But it's not something that you say to a grieving widow.

Hey.................quick question....................police officers know that they are signing up for a job where they can get shot or murdered. When cops are gunned down, can we then tell the grieving widows of murdered cops that "well, they knew what they were getting into when they signed up"?
Snowflakes say it's wrong to politicize an American soldiers death, but what do you think they are doing now?

If Trump had actually shown a little compassion and not made such a stupid statement, there wouldn't be any controversy.

Trump is the one who blew up this shit bomb, and he did it to himself.
Personally, I don't see why everyone is making such a big deal about this. Trump is not a bright shiny polished turd that does everything and says everything politically correctly like the other POS politicians in Washington.

We all knew this before he was elected, we knew this when he was elected, and we still know it now, but he is still our president.

Being an uncouth a****** is not grounds for impeachment, for if it was most of Congress and several previous presidents would have been impeached.

It was a shame what he said but in the grand scheme of things it's not enough to completely divide the nation, which the media has proven recently Democrats and liberal groups have been paid by the Russians to do.

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