Soldier's mother confirms "Trump did disrespect my son..."

Still more than ANY democrat.

here you fucking lowlife........

Democrat Sen. Tammy Duckworth.....

That's why he dodged the draft when the nation needed him?

Is there any other reason you need to make unsubstantiated claims? He cannot "dodge the draft" by getting a medical classification. Other people make that decision.

His bone spurs disappeared....without an operation. It was divine intervention!!!!

My wife had bone spurs also. She could barely walk. Over time, they disappeared.

Now, you were saying?
Lol....he was banging chicks , playing golf and running around just fine. A spoiled millionaire like him won't go to Vietnam and die there , is you and the rest of the fools that gets drafted.
For a second there I couldn't tell if you were talking about Bill Clinton or Barack Obama...

It was the 'banging chicks' thing that gave it away, as it is known from Obama's books that he experimented in a little bit of ... um... 'everything', shall we say, back in college?! :p
Open another thread about Obama. You are in the wrong address.
Sounds like she would have said that no matter what Trump did.

Well just judging from the way Trump talks 99.9% of the time, it's definitely sounds like something he would have said---:dig: and an elected council woman confirmed what was said.

Sgt. La David T. Johnson’s mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, told The Washington Post that she was present during the call from the White House on Tuesday to Johnson’s widow, Myeshia Johnson. She also stood by an account of the call from Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) that Trump told Myeshia Johnson that her husband “must have known what he signed up for.”
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

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Why is the MSM pronouncing NIE-JER, KNEE-SHARE? Are they that afraid of the so-called n-word? Folks from Portugal actually pronounce it with a soft i, instead of a hard i.
Why is the MSM pronouncing NIE-JER, KNEE-SHARE? Are they that afraid of the so-called n-word? Folks from Portugal actually pronounce it with a soft i, instead of a hard i.

Go light a cross'll feel better.....LOL
Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

The mother of a soldier killed in an ambush in Africa said Wednesday that President Trump "did disrespect my son" with remarks in a condolence telephone call a day earlier.

Sgt. La David T. Johnson's mother, Cowanda Jones-Johnson, told The Post on Wednesday that she was present during the call from the White House on Tuesday to Johnson's widow, Myeshia Johnson. She stood by an account of the call from Rep. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Fla.) that Trump told Johnson's widow that her husband “must have known what he signed up for.”

"President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband," Jones-Johnson said in an exchange with the Post.

Trump denied Wilson's account in a Twitter message Wednesday. He said he had "proof" that the exchange did not go as Wilson had said. He did not elaborate, but the claim again raised questions about whether the president tapes calls and conversations.

His widow cried that Trump didn't even remember his name. I guess he prefers the soldiers who aren't killed.

But um, no one cares. Notice you didn't stay home from the mall in his honor. Na, just use the dead green beret's memory to get brownie points on a message board. Makes your type smell a fuzz worse then the swamp thing from Florida.
Just more dumbocrat lies and bellyaching....the congress bitch that lied should be recalled.
American Patriot Steve McGarrett has arrived at the thread after a successful morning of deer hunting

Here's the problem with this situation:

1. The wife is a negro.
2. The lawmaker riding in the car is a negro.
3. The negro lawmaker has such hatred for Trump, she refused to attend his inauguration.
4. That mother is dishonoring her patriotic son — and doing it for political reasons. Disgusting!
5. There’s nothing disrespectful about what Trump said......they just love to create stories to flame and sustain the fires of their deep seeded hatred that Hillary lost the election. Demorats will fuel anything to keep the fire of hatred flaming....that is who they are and what they do.
6. What Trump said was consoling and encouraging. It means this soldier’s death, sacrificing self for country, was part of his ultimate mission.
7. Did I say these are negroes we're dealing with here?

And finally!

Enough said.
Boy Scouts: Top leaders didn't call Trump to praise speech as the president said

What about Boy Scouts? They called Trump a liar too. Do you believe Trump, a man who stiffs his workers, over the Boy Scouts of America?

Something is terribly wrong with these ignorant Alt Right white wingers.
Trump is the epitome of a moral truth telling courageous American Patriot of White European heritage. He is the true leader the founders envisioned to lead this country.

I believe Orange is an immoral, constantly lying sociopath. A terrible leader. A worse human being. He is an embarrassment and a national disgrace. Your opinion is noted.

But enough about your fantasies...
Trump today:

- threatens John McCain: "At some point I fight back, and it won't be pretty"

- tells widow of fallen Sgt. La David Johnson: "He knew what he signed for"

But kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful to the troops..
Meh, everyone knows that Trump has more respect for the military than ANY democrat politician.
That's why he dodged the draft when the nation needed him?

Is there any other reason you need to make unsubstantiated claims? He cannot "dodge the draft" by getting a medical classification. Other people make that decision.

His bone spurs disappeared....without an operation. It was divine intervention!!!!

My wife had bone spurs also. She could barely walk. Over time, they disappeared.

Now, you were saying?
Lol....he was banging chicks , playing golf and running around just fine. A spoiled millionaire like him won't go to Vietnam and die there , is you and the rest of the fools that gets drafted.

So you knew Trump when he graduated from college? No? Then everything you said is bullshit!
Please, when are you people going to learn that you cannot recall or impeach members of Congress
Well you are just flat out wrong...Her constituents can recall her with enough signatures...look it up.

I have taught the US Constitution for over 20 years. Try reading it instead of believing what someone posts on a message board.

Show me in the Constitution where a member of Congress can be recalled. It isn't there. The process is well-defined.
As a 30-year vet, let me say the President is right about 1 thing - when we sign up and join the military, we ALL know what we are singning up for. You may think it may never happen to you, but you know it could.

You're right. We who have served in the military do understand that it is a job that can get you killed. We even make grim jokes about it on occasion when the shit hits the fan.

But it's not something that you say to a grieving widow.

Hey.................quick question....................police officers know that they are signing up for a job where they can get shot or murdered. When cops are gunned down, can we then tell the grieving widows of murdered cops that "well, they knew what they were getting into when they signed up"?
Snowflakes say it's wrong to politicize an American soldiers death, but what do you think they are doing now?

If Trump had actually shown a little compassion and not made such a stupid statement, there wouldn't be any controversy.

Trump is the one who blew up this shit bomb, and he did it to himself.

You don't know shit about what he said. You ASSUME.
His “ bedside manner MAY be lacking?”

The understatement of the century.
That is like saying Jeffrey Dahmer was not a gourmand.

You really think General Kelly would have allowed the President to insult and trash talk this soldier and his family. Fucking wow! You are insane.
Kelly was hired to be the prez babysitter ( as if that’s not damning enough) but you can’t always intercept all the stupid things he does on a daily basis.
Kelly has stopped many tweets of the adolescent that were too abrasive.
Could it be any more embarrassing the fact that we need a baby sitter in the Adult daycare White House?
Rep Fredericka Wilson:
I still stand by my account of the call b/t @realDonaldTrump and Myeshia Johnson. That is her name, Mr. Trump. Not "the woman" or "the wife"

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