Solution for the rights' disaster handout to the worst or the worst in their party.

The hate party's ultimate solution to everything is the destruction of our democracy and forcing in a dictator for life to get their way. Their last attempt failed and as a country , we have to demand that machine guns be set up at the capital for their next attempt to destroy us . And don't spare the bullets.
Yes YESSSS. Bring this pus pocket to an end. Democrats, you owe it to yourselves, to the nation, to the world, out and out warfare.
Whatever hack.
Ace the expert tell us how the economy is going to collapse because of the deficit. Like, who in the hell is going to call in the debt when the country holds the dept themselves. Otherwise, you are just full of shit like the rest of you q anon quacks. all you clowns are cartoon characters.
Nah I have an issue with the debt and deficit spending no matter who is the President.
Then you are one in a thousand.

The vast majority of Republicans and especially Trumper Republicans either didn't say shit when Trump exploded the debt...or excused it
The democrat swamp cartel screams tax cuts for the rich. But the same cartels uses the IRS to target the poor. Get it now.
Geezsus christ you're a sycophant

Dude, the Democratic party wants the rich to pay their share. By funding, modernizing and staffing the IRS it will go after tax cheats like the former 1-term fuckup.
The solution is be more fiscally responsible, avoiding a government shutdown.

A shut-down government is the ultimate in fiscal responsibility.

They can't possibly away OUR money if they're sitting on their hands at home.

Shut them down for a decade and we might be back to a balanced budget.
A shut-down government is the ultimate in fiscal responsibility.

They can't possibly away OUR money if they're sitting on their hands at home.

Shut them down for a decade and we might be back to a balanced budget.
It is the ultimate in IRresponsibility

It's akin to running up credit card bills and then deciding to just not pay them.

What happens in that case?
Ace the expert tell us how the economy is going to collapse because of the deficit. Like, who in the hell is going to call in the debt when the country holds the dept themselves. Otherwise, you are just full of shit like the rest of you q anon quacks. all you clowns are cartoon characters.
Credit rating drops, out of control inflation, and a 100 other things why massive debit can fuck up a country. Look what happened to Greece. It doesn't take an expert, it just takes a little common sense.
Credit rating drops, out of control inflation, and a 100 other things why massive debit can fuck up a country. Look what happened to Greece. It doesn't take an expert, it just takes a little common sense.
Comparing our economy to that of Greece is like comparing apples to grains of sand

Are "conservatives" all that dumb?
The disaster of the deals made and the positions given to the worst of the worst of the republicans in the house. It can be solved, They want to cut money from the budget, so it can be used as tax cuts for the wealthy, in fact that is literally the only thing the right has existed for in decades. So what will stop them is the threat to the wealthy of a potential collapse of our economy because of their planned holdout on the next budget for this country. Right now, democrats start to effect the direction that the tax cuts will have on the wealthy and big business. IF you force the cutting to as many aspects of the wealthy and big business as you can, the effect will get to them faster. So set it up for the most pressure possible on big b and the wealthy, and they will eat that right wing alive and spit out the remnants that is left of them. The democrats should hold out, set up and direct the pressure so when they hold the economy and country captive by not passing a budget . They can be stopped from destroying us.
"They want to cut money from the budget to make tax cuts for the wealthy"

What in the fuckity fuck are you talking about? :laugh:

It sounds to me like they are trying to be fiscally responsible. Why are you trying to turn "not overspending" into a bad thing?
Comparing our economy to that of Greece is like comparing apples to grains of sand

Are "conservatives" all that dumb?
Greece spent their way into a hole. Spending more than you take in will cause problems no matter what type of economy you have that's just common sense. You may want to rethink calling others dumb.
Greece spent their way into a hole. Spending more than you take in will cause problems no matter what type of economy you have that's just common sense. You may want to rethink calling others dumb.
Again...if you're comparing our economy to Greece you are truly an imbecile.

Greece is pinned to the Euro for starters. We are not.

I doubt you understand how much different that makes the two economies
It's akin to running up credit card bills and then deciding to just not pay them.

Actually, it's akin to CUTTING up your spouse's credit cards which she's already run up to an astronomical amount.

Geezsus christ you're a sycophant

Dude, the Democratic party wants the rich to pay their share. By funding, modernizing and staffing the IRS it will go after tax cheats like the former 1-term fuckup.

Nope. It was going after the side hustle. The gig worker and the family selling old baby clothes on eBay. That's who cheats on taxes.
It would sure be nice if the English language had one single word to describe a combination of mental illness, extreme stupidity and utter dishonesty.

In situations like these, it would save me a lot of typing.

I propose that we coin a new word, for exactly this meaning.

I propose that the word we use shall be jbander.
If America wishes to remain a leader in this world against china we better spend money on ourselves.
-Rebuild and modernize our infrastructure
-invest into our children
-Invest into education
-Invest into science

This idea that we shouldn't spend no money is one that will lead us to being very weak and third world like.
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Credit rating drops, out of control inflation, and a 100 other things why massive debit can fuck up a country. Look what happened to Greece. It doesn't take an expert, it just takes a little common sense.
Credit rating drops , we have the most secure treasuries in the world and by far the best and most important debt instrument in the world. You literally have no idea what you are talking about. and you have no idea how a economy works., In fact you are a joke. So ace they are printing money, is that your worry , then worry not because printing money increases the amount of money in the market , doing that lowers its value and lowering its value and increasing the supply lowers interest rates and increases the ability to export goods . Because of the devaluation of the dollar. You have no clue and your just a joke. You don't know what you are talking about. Greece now that's a hoot. They owed money to other countries, so when they called the debt it caused a problem. But the problem was all the reasons that caused them to not have the money to pay the debt. Which doesn't exist here even. Our debt is in our debt instruments, as is much of the world's debt is in our debt instrument. , because it is the most secure debt in the world. Go ahead and Tell me that the US will call our debt on ourselves. What a idiot.
"They want to cut money from the budget to make tax cuts for the wealthy"

What in the fuckity fuck are you talking about? :laugh:

It sounds to me like they are trying to be fiscally responsible. Why are you trying to turn "not overspending" into a bad thing?
I said nothing idiot that even suggests that overspending is a good thing. That's lame. The right exist for one reason, and that reason is the transfer of wealth to the golden few. All the rest is hate crap that draws in the haters for their vote.

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