Solution for the rights' disaster handout to the worst or the worst in their party.

One does not have to be a partisan hack to see that one party is determined to destroy the country as we have known it and that one is trying to stop the destruction.
That would be Democrats trying to destroy it,
Call me when the yearly deficit is zero like it should be.
Until then, the rest is just pathetic excuses.
Unless it's required, lawmakers will always kick that can down the road.....

....and will never pass term limits on themselves either.
Call me when the yearly deficit is zero like it should be.
Until then, the rest is just pathetic excuses.
Tell me how the deficit is going to collapse this country. When this country owns the debt itself. Do you think we will call back the deficit from ourselves. By the way, I'm not promoting deficit spending. But it is obvious you have no clue what you are talking about. And remember, American debt certificates are the most respected and safest in the world.
Took care of every stupid comment from these q anon bozos , they have no response to my comments other than they don't like me ,think I'm dumb or say it is Hunter Biden's fault. Yuk Yuk!
The hate party people that are still hanging on in these forums get stupider and stupider, making it just that much easier to bury their stupid comments.
The hate party's ultimate solution to everything is the destruction of our democracy and forcing in a dictator for life to get their way. Their last attempt failed and as a country , we have to demand that machine guns be set up at the capital for their next attempt to destroy us . And don't spare the bullets.
Everything that comes out of the house has to be vetoed or not passed by the senate. Nothing should be allowed through without a deal, since they like deals so well, hell McCarthy has promised to lick the feet on everyone who had opposition to voting him in as house speaker. WE shouldn't do anything for them unless they agree to lick the boots of democrats.
Everything that comes out of the house has to be vetoed or not passed by the senate. Nothing should be allowed through without a deal, since they like deals so well, hell McCarthy has promised to lick the feet on everyone who had opposition to voting him in as house speaker. WE shouldn't do anything for them unless they agree to lick the boots of democrats.
Not to worry my son. McCarthy is a Pelosi clone.

The duopoly reigns supreme.
The democrat swamp cartel screams tax cuts for the rich. But the same cartels uses the IRS to target the poor. Get it now.
That's total horse shit (as usual from this poster)

When you starve the IRS of funding like the GOP has...they don't have the money or resources to go after the rich...but they DO have the resources to go after poorer folks. And that exactly what happened and exactly what the rich are pushing the GOP to do more of.

Currently and IRS funds have lessened...audits of the very wealthy have declined and audits of less wealthy folks have stayed relatively same.
You partisan hack, most of the deficit belongs to right wing presidents. You are a blithering idiot.
Nah I have an issue with the debt and deficit spending no matter who is the President. I have called out the Trump administration several times on this site.

Unlike you loons who act like a slight reduction in deficit spending is an accomplishment even though it is still running up the national debt. Want to impress me, balance the fucking budget.
Nah I have an issue with the debt and deficit spending no matter who is the President. I have called out the Trump administration several times on this site.

Unlike you loons who act like a slight reduction in deficit spending is an accomplishment even though it is still running up the national debt. Want to impress me, balance the fucking budget.
Ace the expert tell us how the economy is going to collapse because of the deficit. Like, who in the hell is going to call in the debt when the country holds the dept themselves. Otherwise, you are just full of shit like the rest of you q anon quacks. all you clowns are cartoon characters.
Nah I have an issue with the debt and deficit spending no matter who is the President. I have called out the Trump administration several times on this site.

Unlike you loons who act like a slight reduction in deficit spending is an accomplishment even though it is still running up the national debt. Want to impress me, balance the fucking budget.
By the way, why would anyone be concerned about impressing some schlock redneck hate driven q anon MAGA Maggot.

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