Some Countries Still Care about Presidents Birth Certificate


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Wow, I'm surprised that so many took to the streets to protest. See America, you can do it too.


A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes, Arrests, One Death

It appears that only in less-developed nations do the people care about Presidential birth certificates. As GlobalVoices reports, clashes broke out between police and the opposition in Gabon stemming from questions about the legitimacy of President Ali Bongo Ondimba. The publication of a book disputing the origins of the President (claiming him to be Nigerian) has led opposition parties to challenge the authenticity of the birth certificate of the head of state which has sparked widespread protests. The protests left 1 dead and many injured and arrested. As local media note, "if the government continues to refuse to negotiate, things could go very wrong."

As Global Voices reports,

Clashes broke out between police and the opposition in Gabon on December 20 stemming from questions about the legitimacy of President Ali Bongo.

A recent book called “New African Affairs” by French reporter Pierre Péan alleged that President Ali Bongo has Nigerian origins. The book was slammed by the authorities, accusing the reporter of inciting racial hatred in Gabon.

A hundred people were arrested. At least one man died without having now possible to establish in what circumstances. Several photos and videos circulating, showing the wounded in the face, on the roof of a car.

A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes Arrests One Death Zero Hedge
I think you miss-understand the article...the question is not the person's birth certificate. It is the country the person is alleged to have originated from.
Wow, I'm surprised that so many took to the streets to protest. See America, you can do it too.


A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes, Arrests, One Death

It appears that only in less-developed nations do the people care about Presidential birth certificates. As GlobalVoices reports, clashes broke out between police and the opposition in Gabon stemming from questions about the legitimacy of President Ali Bongo Ondimba. The publication of a book disputing the origins of the President (claiming him to be Nigerian) has led opposition parties to challenge the authenticity of the birth certificate of the head of state which has sparked widespread protests. The protests left 1 dead and many injured and arrested. As local media note, "if the government continues to refuse to negotiate, things could go very wrong."

As Global Voices reports,

Clashes broke out between police and the opposition in Gabon on December 20 stemming from questions about the legitimacy of President Ali Bongo.

A recent book called “New African Affairs” by French reporter Pierre Péan alleged that President Ali Bongo has Nigerian origins. The book was slammed by the authorities, accusing the reporter of inciting racial hatred in Gabon.

A hundred people were arrested. At least one man died without having now possible to establish in what circumstances. Several photos and videos circulating, showing the wounded in the face, on the roof of a car.

A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes Arrests One Death Zero Hedge
We'll get there. Slowly, ever so slowly, the American people are taking to the streets for a variety of reasons. I still believe that we'll have to hit the proverbial "rock bottom" before enough people join in to make a difference, and bring about much needed change. In America, the corruption and abuse of power are embedded so deep, that many have accepted it as status quo. But, times are changing, and many citizens are feeling and experiencing the harsh reality of a system gone awry. Yes, Mr. Obama has many questions to answer concerning his origin of birth, and other equally important questions. Remember, the president of the United States is put in place by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Those that want to continue their control, decide which puppet to put in the oval office.

Why would the president of the United States have his/her college records sealed and labeled "off limits"? Why would the president of the United States use a foreign student ID, with a different name ( Barry Sorrento ) to get into college? Why doesn't anyone that attended college at the same time as Mr. Obama remember him? What is Mr. Obama hiding, and why is he hiding it?

Yes, other countries have riots, protests, and civil unrest, and we're certainly not exempt from the same. Given the right circumstances, I can easily see America taking to the streets and demanding change, answers, and much needed representation. Many citizens are very close to the edge, and need only a slight push to get them actively involved and angry enough to take their frustrations to the nth degree. Remember, a cornered animal will try to fight its way out.
Wow, I'm surprised that so many took to the streets to protest. See America, you can do it too.


A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes, Arrests, One Death

It appears that only in less-developed nations do the people care about Presidential birth certificates. As GlobalVoices reports, clashes broke out between police and the opposition in Gabon stemming from questions about the legitimacy of President Ali Bongo Ondimba. The publication of a book disputing the origins of the President (claiming him to be Nigerian) has led opposition parties to challenge the authenticity of the birth certificate of the head of state which has sparked widespread protests. The protests left 1 dead and many injured and arrested. As local media note, "if the government continues to refuse to negotiate, things could go very wrong."

As Global Voices reports,

Clashes broke out between police and the opposition in Gabon on December 20 stemming from questions about the legitimacy of President Ali Bongo.

A recent book called “New African Affairs” by French reporter Pierre Péan alleged that President Ali Bongo has Nigerian origins. The book was slammed by the authorities, accusing the reporter of inciting racial hatred in Gabon.

A hundred people were arrested. At least one man died without having now possible to establish in what circumstances. Several photos and videos circulating, showing the wounded in the face, on the roof of a car.

A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes Arrests One Death Zero Hedge
We'll get there. Slowly, ever so slowly, the American people are taking to the streets for a variety of reasons. I still believe that we'll have to hit the proverbial "rock bottom" before enough people join in to make a difference, and bring about much needed change. In America, the corruption and abuse of power are embedded so deep, that many have accepted it as status quo. But, times are changing, and many citizens are feeling and experiencing the harsh reality of a system gone awry. Yes, Mr. Obama has many questions to answer concerning his origin of birth, and other equally important questions. Remember, the president of the United States is put in place by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Those that want to continue their control, decide which puppet to put in the oval office.

Why would the president of the United States have his/her college records sealed and labeled "off limits"? Why would the president of the United States use a foreign student ID, with a different name ( Barry Sorrento ) to get into college? Why doesn't anyone that attended college at the same time as Mr. Obama remember him? What is Mr. Obama hiding, and why is he hiding it?

Yes, other countries have riots, protests, and civil unrest, and we're certainly not exempt from the same. Given the right circumstances, I can easily see America taking to the streets and demanding change, answers, and much needed representation. Many citizens are very close to the edge, and need only a slight push to get them actively involved and angry enough to take their frustrations to the nth degree. Remember, a cornered animal will try to fight its way out.

Indeed- Imagine if whites decided to 'protest' in the streets. It would be all but over for the secular progressive movement

Wow, I'm surprised that so many took to the streets to protest. See America, you can do it too.


A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes, Arrests, One Death

It appears that only in less-developed nations do the people care about Presidential birth certificates. As GlobalVoices reports, clashes broke out between police and the opposition in Gabon stemming from questions about the legitimacy of President Ali Bongo Ondimba. The publication of a book disputing the origins of the President (claiming him to be Nigerian) has led opposition parties to challenge the authenticity of the birth certificate of the head of state which has sparked widespread protests. The protests left 1 dead and many injured and arrested. As local media note, "if the government continues to refuse to negotiate, things could go very wrong."

As Global Voices reports,

Clashes broke out between police and the opposition in Gabon on December 20 stemming from questions about the legitimacy of President Ali Bongo.

A recent book called “New African Affairs” by French reporter Pierre Péan alleged that President Ali Bongo has Nigerian origins. The book was slammed by the authorities, accusing the reporter of inciting racial hatred in Gabon.

A hundred people were arrested. At least one man died without having now possible to establish in what circumstances. Several photos and videos circulating, showing the wounded in the face, on the roof of a car.

A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes Arrests One Death Zero Hedge
We'll get there. Slowly, ever so slowly, the American people are taking to the streets for a variety of reasons. I still believe that we'll have to hit the proverbial "rock bottom" before enough people join in to make a difference, and bring about much needed change. In America, the corruption and abuse of power are embedded so deep, that many have accepted it as status quo. But, times are changing, and many citizens are feeling and experiencing the harsh reality of a system gone awry. Yes, Mr. Obama has many questions to answer concerning his origin of birth, and other equally important questions. Remember, the president of the United States is put in place by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Those that want to continue their control, decide which puppet to put in the oval office.

Why would the president of the United States have his/her college records sealed and labeled "off limits"? Why would the president of the United States use a foreign student ID, with a different name ( Barry Sorrento ) to get into college? Why doesn't anyone that attended college at the same time as Mr. Obama remember him? What is Mr. Obama hiding, and why is he hiding it?

Yes, other countries have riots, protests, and civil unrest, and we're certainly not exempt from the same. Given the right circumstances, I can easily see America taking to the streets and demanding change, answers, and much needed representation. Many citizens are very close to the edge, and need only a slight push to get them actively involved and angry enough to take their frustrations to the nth degree. Remember, a cornered animal will try to fight its way out.

Indeed- Imagine if whites decided to 'protest' in the streets. It would be all but over for the secular progressive movement

We're getting there. Way too much is wrong in this country for it to go unchallenged forever. Peaceful and civil means don't always produce the desired results. There will come a time when force remains the only option. We'll either have to stand and be counted, or remain passive and surrender to defeat. United we stand, divided we fall.
Weeeeeee! Birthers live......and they wants them some revolution!

Run for zee hills! Heat up that butter!!

Hard for you to run like this.


I think you miss-understand the article...the question is not the person's birth certificate. It is the country the person is alleged to have originated from.

I think you misunderstood the title of the link?


A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes Arrests One Death Zero Hedge

The title of the link or your tag line are irrelevant to the context of the story. The birth certificate itself had little to do with the ongoing unrest...the article by Pierre Péan accusing of President Bongo in being Nigerian was just one of many catalysts to the unrest.

Pr sidentielle gabonaise Gabon pourquoi le pouvoir et l opposition ne s entendront pas - le premier site d information et d actualit sur l Afrique

Believe what you want to. It is clear that your use of the "false birth certificate" narrative was the same as Pierre Péan' place doubt in the President's birth certificate....You just had a different President in mind.
Weeeeeee! Birthers live......and they wants them some revolution!

Run for zee hills! Heat up that butter!!
Really ?? Pleeeeease !

Please what? You don't want violent protest in the streets? You aren't a Birther?

I'm mis-reading your posts?
I was referring to the silly childish nature of your response. Is there something wrong with civil mature conversation and debate? Yes, I would love protests in the streets all across America each and every day of the year until we correct the many wrongs. No, I'm not a "Birther", whatever that is. Do I believe that there are legitimate questions concerning Mr. Obama's birthplace? Yes, I do.
Weeeeeee! Birthers live......and they wants them some revolution!

Run for zee hills! Heat up that butter!!
Really ?? Pleeeeease !

Please what? You don't want violent protest in the streets? You aren't a Birther?

I'm mis-reading your posts?
I was referring to the silly childish nature of your response. Is there something wrong with civil mature conversation and debate? Yes, I would love protests in the streets all across America each and every day of the year until we correct the many wrongs. No, I'm not a "Birther", whatever that is. Do I believe that there are legitimate questions concerning Mr. Obama's birthplace? Yes, I do.

That makes you a Birther. Own it.

Based on that alone.....and apart from the fact that you are calling for civil unrest like they are having in will get childish replies. It is what you deserve. You are not capable of having a mature conversation.
Some countries do much better when it comes to dealing with the mentally ill. We just turn them loose on a computer and let them embarrass themselves ....and their country.
Weeeeeee! Birthers live......and they wants them some revolution!

Run for zee hills! Heat up that butter!!
Really ?? Pleeeeease !

Please what? You don't want violent protest in the streets? You aren't a Birther?

I'm mis-reading your posts?
I was referring to the silly childish nature of your response. Is there something wrong with civil mature conversation and debate? Yes, I would love protests in the streets all across America each and every day of the year until we correct the many wrongs. No, I'm not a "Birther", whatever that is. Do I believe that there are legitimate questions concerning Mr. Obama's birthplace? Yes, I do.

That makes you a Birther. Own it.

Based on that alone.....and apart from the fact that you are calling for civil unrest like they are having in will get childish replies. It is what you deserve. You are not capable of having a mature conversation.
Well, It's obvious that you're certainly not capable. In the first place, when you resort to name calling and/or personal attacks, the level of your conversations and/or responses speak for itself. And secondly, both are totally uncalled for and prove absolutely nothing. It only serves to make the person engaging in such, look foolish and immature. Do you have something against mature and civil conversation? Just curious.
Weeeeeee! Birthers live......and they wants them some revolution!

Run for zee hills! Heat up that butter!!
Really ?? Pleeeeease !

Please what? You don't want violent protest in the streets? You aren't a Birther?

I'm mis-reading your posts?
I was referring to the silly childish nature of your response. Is there something wrong with civil mature conversation and debate? Yes, I would love protests in the streets all across America each and every day of the year until we correct the many wrongs. No, I'm not a "Birther", whatever that is. Do I believe that there are legitimate questions concerning Mr. Obama's birthplace? Yes, I do.

That makes you a Birther. Own it.

Based on that alone.....and apart from the fact that you are calling for civil unrest like they are having in will get childish replies. It is what you deserve. You are not capable of having a mature conversation.
Well, It's obvious that you're certainly not capable. In the first place, when you resort to name calling and/or personal attacks, the level of your conversations and/or responses speak for itself. And secondly, both are totally uncalled for and prove absolutely nothing. It only serves to make the person engaging in such, look foolish and immature. Do you have something against mature and civil conversation? Just curious.

Listen, please.

If you believe that there are "questions" that are unanswered regarding Barack Obama's place of are not a mature adult. I decided long ago that mocking people who believe that is better than trying to get them to grasp the facts of the matter. It's more satisfying and at least pays off with a laugh or two.

Spending even a minute "discussing" Barack Obama's place of birth with someone who questions matter how pleasant and "civil" you simply not something that I will do. Once you go lose ALL credibility. You have none. Zilch. Nada. Engaging you in a serious discussion becomes silly. Get it?

Nothing you ever say here will be viewed by me as coming from an intelligent person. I have no choice but to mock you.

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