Some Countries Still Care about Presidents Birth Certificate

Indeed- Imagine if whites decided to 'protest' in the streets. It would be all but over for the secular progressive movement

We're getting there. Way too much is wrong in this country for it to go unchallenged forever. Peaceful and civil means don't always produce the desired results. There will come a time when force remains the only option. We'll either have to stand and be counted, or remain passive and surrender to defeat. United we stand, divided we fall.
Sonny would you give me some time-scale for this uprising as I like to visit America at least once a year ?
I have no idea as to a time scale. But, I do know that at some point, citizens will say enough is enough. It may not even happen in my lifetime, but, I feel very strongly that at some point, it will happen. Almost everyone has a sense of right and wrong. People, some people, do stand on justice and fair play, even where our government is concerned. I feel that at some point, someone will take the lead, and many will follow. Those that believe that our present corruption and anti-America leadership will go unchallenged forever, obviously hasn't kept informed, and more than likely has their heads buried in the sand.

We can see signs of frustration and anxiety all across this nation. The fact is that citizens aren't happy with government, our injustices in the judicial system, forced poverty and dependency, a forced lower standard of living, non-representation by those elected to ensure America's well-being, and recently, law enforcement agencies. We are not happy campers, to say the least. I do not believe that Americans are willing to take giant steps backwards after fighting for progress and equality for over 200 years. We've come a long way since 1775. We moved to the front of the line in many areas, and now we're sliding ever so slowly to the rear. America has a certain amount of pride, and a willingness to fight for what's right and just. Throughout history, a suppressed people has revolted against injustices, taxation without representation, and corrupt leadership.

As it stands now, we're laughed at by many nations that once feared and respected us. We were once the center of industrialization and innovation. We were the envy of the world. America will not forget its roots, its sacrifices, nor its founding principles. America will stand and be counted at some point in time.

No substance, you sir are a cheap defamer. You pule with the rest of your deluded scum. America gained massive respect just for electing a fine President.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it.
You are entitled to be willfully stupid...its your constitutional right ...and it is my right to mock laugh sneer and smirk at your absolute stupidity...
We're getting there. Way too much is wrong in this country for it to go unchallenged forever. Peaceful and civil means don't always produce the desired results. There will come a time when force remains the only option. We'll either have to stand and be counted, or remain passive and surrender to defeat. United we stand, divided we fall.
Sonny would you give me some time-scale for this uprising as I like to visit America at least once a year ?
I have no idea as to a time scale. But, I do know that at some point, citizens will say enough is enough. It may not even happen in my lifetime, but, I feel very strongly that at some point, it will happen. Almost everyone has a sense of right and wrong. People, some people, do stand on justice and fair play, even where our government is concerned. I feel that at some point, someone will take the lead, and many will follow. Those that believe that our present corruption and anti-America leadership will go unchallenged forever, obviously hasn't kept informed, and more than likely has their heads buried in the sand.

We can see signs of frustration and anxiety all across this nation. The fact is that citizens aren't happy with government, our injustices in the judicial system, forced poverty and dependency, a forced lower standard of living, non-representation by those elected to ensure America's well-being, and recently, law enforcement agencies. We are not happy campers, to say the least. I do not believe that Americans are willing to take giant steps backwards after fighting for progress and equality for over 200 years. We've come a long way since 1775. We moved to the front of the line in many areas, and now we're sliding ever so slowly to the rear. America has a certain amount of pride, and a willingness to fight for what's right and just. Throughout history, a suppressed people has revolted against injustices, taxation without representation, and corrupt leadership.

As it stands now, we're laughed at by many nations that once feared and respected us. We were once the center of industrialization and innovation. We were the envy of the world. America will not forget its roots, its sacrifices, nor its founding principles. America will stand and be counted at some point in time.

No substance, you sir are a cheap defamer. You pule with the rest of your deluded scum. America gained massive respect just for electing a fine President.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it.
You are entitled to be willfully stupid...its your constitutional right ...and it is my right to mock laugh sneer and smirk at your absolute stupidity...
May I ask your age? So, a difference of opinion automatically means stupid? May I strongly suggest that you try to learn what civil mature discussion, conversation, and debate is, and practice the same? Personal attacks and name calling neither proves one's point, nor does it add to or encourage further discussion. Please try to be civil and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
Sonny would you give me some time-scale for this uprising as I like to visit America at least once a year ?
I have no idea as to a time scale. But, I do know that at some point, citizens will say enough is enough. It may not even happen in my lifetime, but, I feel very strongly that at some point, it will happen. Almost everyone has a sense of right and wrong. People, some people, do stand on justice and fair play, even where our government is concerned. I feel that at some point, someone will take the lead, and many will follow. Those that believe that our present corruption and anti-America leadership will go unchallenged forever, obviously hasn't kept informed, and more than likely has their heads buried in the sand.

We can see signs of frustration and anxiety all across this nation. The fact is that citizens aren't happy with government, our injustices in the judicial system, forced poverty and dependency, a forced lower standard of living, non-representation by those elected to ensure America's well-being, and recently, law enforcement agencies. We are not happy campers, to say the least. I do not believe that Americans are willing to take giant steps backwards after fighting for progress and equality for over 200 years. We've come a long way since 1775. We moved to the front of the line in many areas, and now we're sliding ever so slowly to the rear. America has a certain amount of pride, and a willingness to fight for what's right and just. Throughout history, a suppressed people has revolted against injustices, taxation without representation, and corrupt leadership.

As it stands now, we're laughed at by many nations that once feared and respected us. We were once the center of industrialization and innovation. We were the envy of the world. America will not forget its roots, its sacrifices, nor its founding principles. America will stand and be counted at some point in time.

No substance, you sir are a cheap defamer. You pule with the rest of your deluded scum. America gained massive respect just for electing a fine President.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it.
You are entitled to be willfully stupid...its your constitutional right ...and it is my right to mock laugh sneer and smirk at your absolute stupidity...
May I ask your age? So, a difference of opinion automatically means stupid? May I strongly suggest that you try to learn what civil mature discussion, conversation, and debate is, and practice the same? Personal attacks and name calling neither proves one's point, nor does it add to or encourage further discussion. Please try to be civil and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
Do not tell me what to do dude ... I have the Right to mock you for stubbornly hanging on to a stupid hope that Obama is not American...what is your opinion is the world flat or round?
They are going to remove Obama from office any day now, any day.

And his political career is over.


I hear Donald Trump has the goods on Obama

Boy is that Obama gunna get his!

Yep, and Arpaio joined Trump's trumpeting.

This is gonna be BIG and I'm sure President Obama is ...


Obummer knows that The Donald and Sheriff Joe have the goods on him. His days are numbered

They are just waiting for the correct moment
Sonny would you give me some time-scale for this uprising as I like to visit America at least once a year ?
I have no idea as to a time scale. But, I do know that at some point, citizens will say enough is enough. It may not even happen in my lifetime, but, I feel very strongly that at some point, it will happen. Almost everyone has a sense of right and wrong. People, some people, do stand on justice and fair play, even where our government is concerned. I feel that at some point, someone will take the lead, and many will follow. Those that believe that our present corruption and anti-America leadership will go unchallenged forever, obviously hasn't kept informed, and more than likely has their heads buried in the sand.

We can see signs of frustration and anxiety all across this nation. The fact is that citizens aren't happy with government, our injustices in the judicial system, forced poverty and dependency, a forced lower standard of living, non-representation by those elected to ensure America's well-being, and recently, law enforcement agencies. We are not happy campers, to say the least. I do not believe that Americans are willing to take giant steps backwards after fighting for progress and equality for over 200 years. We've come a long way since 1775. We moved to the front of the line in many areas, and now we're sliding ever so slowly to the rear. America has a certain amount of pride, and a willingness to fight for what's right and just. Throughout history, a suppressed people has revolted against injustices, taxation without representation, and corrupt leadership.

As it stands now, we're laughed at by many nations that once feared and respected us. We were once the center of industrialization and innovation. We were the envy of the world. America will not forget its roots, its sacrifices, nor its founding principles. America will stand and be counted at some point in time.

No substance, you sir are a cheap defamer. You pule with the rest of your deluded scum. America gained massive respect just for electing a fine President.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it.
You are entitled to be willfully stupid...its your constitutional right ...and it is my right to mock laugh sneer and smirk at your absolute stupidity...
May I ask your age? So, a difference of opinion automatically means stupid? May I strongly suggest that you try to learn what civil mature discussion, conversation, and debate is, and practice the same? Personal attacks and name calling neither proves one's point, nor does it add to or encourage further discussion. Please try to be civil and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.

Before you call out others, you just might want to read the outrageous lies and ignorance in this post.

I have no idea as to a time scale. But, I do know that at some point, citizens will say enough is enough. It may not even happen in my lifetime, but, I feel very strongly that at some point, it will happen. Almost everyone has a sense of right and wrong. People, some people, do stand on justice and fair play, even where our government is concerned. I feel that at some point, someone will take the lead, and many will follow. Those that believe that our present corruption and anti-America leadership will go unchallenged forever, obviously hasn't kept informed, and more than likely has their heads buried in the sand.

We can see signs of frustration and anxiety all across this nation. The fact is that citizens aren't happy with government, our injustices in the judicial system, forced poverty and dependency, a forced lower standard of living, non-representation by those elected to ensure America's well-being, and recently, law enforcement agencies. We are not happy campers, to say the least. I do not believe that Americans are willing to take giant steps backwards after fighting for progress and equality for over 200 years. We've come a long way since 1775. We moved to the front of the line in many areas, and now we're sliding ever so slowly to the rear. America has a certain amount of pride, and a willingness to fight for what's right and just. Throughout history, a suppressed people has revolted against injustices, taxation without representation, and corrupt leadership.

As it stands now, we're laughed at by many nations that once feared and respected us. We were once the center of industrialization and innovation. We were the envy of the world. America will not forget its roots, its sacrifices, nor its founding principles. America will stand and be counted at some point in time.

No substance, you sir are a cheap defamer. You pule with the rest of your deluded scum. America gained massive respect just for electing a fine President.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it.
You are entitled to be willfully stupid...its your constitutional right ...and it is my right to mock laugh sneer and smirk at your absolute stupidity...
May I ask your age? So, a difference of opinion automatically means stupid? May I strongly suggest that you try to learn what civil mature discussion, conversation, and debate is, and practice the same? Personal attacks and name calling neither proves one's point, nor does it add to or encourage further discussion. Please try to be civil and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
Do not tell me what to do dude ... I have the Right to mock you for stubbornly hanging on to a stupid hope that Obama is not American...what is your opinion is the world flat or round?
I didn't tell you what to do, "Dude". I merely made suggestions, "Dude". And, your question about the world being flat or round is very silly and pathetic. May I ask your age?
I have no idea as to a time scale. But, I do know that at some point, citizens will say enough is enough. It may not even happen in my lifetime, but, I feel very strongly that at some point, it will happen. Almost everyone has a sense of right and wrong. People, some people, do stand on justice and fair play, even where our government is concerned. I feel that at some point, someone will take the lead, and many will follow. Those that believe that our present corruption and anti-America leadership will go unchallenged forever, obviously hasn't kept informed, and more than likely has their heads buried in the sand.

We can see signs of frustration and anxiety all across this nation. The fact is that citizens aren't happy with government, our injustices in the judicial system, forced poverty and dependency, a forced lower standard of living, non-representation by those elected to ensure America's well-being, and recently, law enforcement agencies. We are not happy campers, to say the least. I do not believe that Americans are willing to take giant steps backwards after fighting for progress and equality for over 200 years. We've come a long way since 1775. We moved to the front of the line in many areas, and now we're sliding ever so slowly to the rear. America has a certain amount of pride, and a willingness to fight for what's right and just. Throughout history, a suppressed people has revolted against injustices, taxation without representation, and corrupt leadership.

As it stands now, we're laughed at by many nations that once feared and respected us. We were once the center of industrialization and innovation. We were the envy of the world. America will not forget its roots, its sacrifices, nor its founding principles. America will stand and be counted at some point in time.

No substance, you sir are a cheap defamer. You pule with the rest of your deluded scum. America gained massive respect just for electing a fine President.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it.
You are entitled to be willfully stupid...its your constitutional right ...and it is my right to mock laugh sneer and smirk at your absolute stupidity...
May I ask your age? So, a difference of opinion automatically means stupid? May I strongly suggest that you try to learn what civil mature discussion, conversation, and debate is, and practice the same? Personal attacks and name calling neither proves one's point, nor does it add to or encourage further discussion. Please try to be civil and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.

Before you call out others, you just might want to read the outrageous lies and ignorance in this post.

FYI - I haven't called anyone "Out".
No substance, you sir are a cheap defamer. You pule with the rest of your deluded scum. America gained massive respect just for electing a fine President.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it.
You are entitled to be willfully stupid...its your constitutional right ...and it is my right to mock laugh sneer and smirk at your absolute stupidity...
May I ask your age? So, a difference of opinion automatically means stupid? May I strongly suggest that you try to learn what civil mature discussion, conversation, and debate is, and practice the same? Personal attacks and name calling neither proves one's point, nor does it add to or encourage further discussion. Please try to be civil and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
Do not tell me what to do dude ... I have the Right to mock you for stubbornly hanging on to a stupid hope that Obama is not American...what is your opinion is the world flat or round?
I didn't tell you what to do, "Dude". I merely made suggestions, "Dude". And, your question about the world being flat or round is very silly and pathetic. May I ask your age?
I am past the age of 60 in fact when I was young the Dead sea was only running a slight fever no one thought anything of it ....they were wrong ...
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it.
You are entitled to be willfully stupid...its your constitutional right ...and it is my right to mock laugh sneer and smirk at your absolute stupidity...
May I ask your age? So, a difference of opinion automatically means stupid? May I strongly suggest that you try to learn what civil mature discussion, conversation, and debate is, and practice the same? Personal attacks and name calling neither proves one's point, nor does it add to or encourage further discussion. Please try to be civil and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
Do not tell me what to do dude ... I have the Right to mock you for stubbornly hanging on to a stupid hope that Obama is not American...what is your opinion is the world flat or round?
I didn't tell you what to do, "Dude". I merely made suggestions, "Dude". And, your question about the world being flat or round is very silly and pathetic. May I ask your age?
I am past the age of 60 in fact when I was young the Dead sea was only running a slight fever no one thought anything of it ....they were wrong ...

That's nuthin'.

In dog years, I'm dead.
You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it.
You are entitled to be willfully stupid...its your constitutional right ...and it is my right to mock laugh sneer and smirk at your absolute stupidity...
May I ask your age? So, a difference of opinion automatically means stupid? May I strongly suggest that you try to learn what civil mature discussion, conversation, and debate is, and practice the same? Personal attacks and name calling neither proves one's point, nor does it add to or encourage further discussion. Please try to be civil and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
Do not tell me what to do dude ... I have the Right to mock you for stubbornly hanging on to a stupid hope that Obama is not American...what is your opinion is the world flat or round?
I didn't tell you what to do, "Dude". I merely made suggestions, "Dude". And, your question about the world being flat or round is very silly and pathetic. May I ask your age?
I am past the age of 60 in fact when I was young the Dead sea was only running a slight fever no one thought anything of it ....they were wrong ...
Thanks. That information helps a lot. It greatly narrows down the possibilities.
We need a Constitutional amendment requiring all Presidents be born in the US
Weeeeeee! Birthers live......and they wants them some revolution!

Run for zee hills! Heat up that butter!!
Really ?? Pleeeeease !

That's what he/she does when he/she has no facts to back up their absurd agendas


Wow talk about projection. You've got it down to an art form.

Where are you facts to back up your absurd notion that Obama doesn't have a US birth certificate?

Where's the birth certificate from the nation you think he was born in? Where is your honest proof of your claims?

Obama's birth certificate has been released. Both in long form and short form. The prior republican governor of Hawaii says she has seen the certificate and it's legal. Same with the current governor of Hawaii.

Most of the nation looks upon you and those like you with distain and disgust. We just can't understand how you all got to be so stupid.
Weeeeeee! Birthers live......and they wants them some revolution!

Run for zee hills! Heat up that butter!!
Really ?? Pleeeeease !

Please what? You don't want violent protest in the streets? You aren't a Birther?

I'm mis-reading your posts?
I was referring to the silly childish nature of your response. Is there something wrong with civil mature conversation and debate? Yes, I would love protests in the streets all across America each and every day of the year until we correct the many wrongs. No, I'm not a "Birther", whatever that is. Do I believe that there are legitimate questions concerning Mr. Obama's birthplace? Yes, I do.

If you believe what you wrote at the end of your post, you're a birther.

Which makes you one who deserves nothing but distain and disgust.

You're too cowardly to even admit you're a birther. Typical of people like you, you have no spine.
Weeeeeee! Birthers live......and they wants them some revolution!

Run for zee hills! Heat up that butter!!
Really ?? Pleeeeease !

Please what? You don't want violent protest in the streets? You aren't a Birther?

I'm mis-reading your posts?
I was referring to the silly childish nature of your response. Is there something wrong with civil mature conversation and debate? Yes, I would love protests in the streets all across America each and every day of the year until we correct the many wrongs. No, I'm not a "Birther", whatever that is. Do I believe that there are legitimate questions concerning Mr. Obama's birthplace? Yes, I do.

If you believe what you wrote at the end of your post, you're a birther.

Which makes you one who deserves nothing but distain and disgust.

You're too cowardly to even admit you're a birther. Typical of people like you, you have no spine.
Thanks. That's very nice of you. Anything else that you'd like to add since you seem to be on a roll here?
You are entitled to be willfully stupid...its your constitutional right ...and it is my right to mock laugh sneer and smirk at your absolute stupidity...
May I ask your age? So, a difference of opinion automatically means stupid? May I strongly suggest that you try to learn what civil mature discussion, conversation, and debate is, and practice the same? Personal attacks and name calling neither proves one's point, nor does it add to or encourage further discussion. Please try to be civil and refrain from name calling and personal attacks. Thanks.
Do not tell me what to do dude ... I have the Right to mock you for stubbornly hanging on to a stupid hope that Obama is not American...what is your opinion is the world flat or round?
I didn't tell you what to do, "Dude". I merely made suggestions, "Dude". And, your question about the world being flat or round is very silly and pathetic. May I ask your age?
I am past the age of 60 in fact when I was young the Dead sea was only running a slight fever no one thought anything of it ....they were wrong ...
Thanks. That information helps a lot. It greatly narrows down the possibilities.
about the Dead Sea ?

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