Some Countries Still Care about Presidents Birth Certificate

Another lying birther. You don't even have the guts to admit it. You seem to be ashamed of the fact that you are a birther.

Your ID from Columbia has been exposed as the forgery it is by many sources.

Here's one of them. Notice that bar code on that ID? Those bar codes didn't exist on their ID in 1981. They started putting those bar codes on their ID in 1996. I don't recall any bar codes on any products until the mid to late 80s.

Seriously you have got to come up with something original. All your old accusations have been proven for the lies they are. Barack Obama's Columbia University Student ID

The Foreign Student Identification Card of Barry Soetoro-Fiction!

Obama's 'Foreign Student' ID Found? It's a Hoax

You're making it way too easy to show what a fool you are.
FYI - The student ID is only one area that has been put out there for consideration. Do you have other information to disprove the rest of it? Also, calling me a fool does nothing to prove your point. Name calling and personal attacks are both immature and silly school yard talk.

What about all the other areas that have been called into question? Is the college ID all that you can say that is phony and fabricated??

You insist that Obama's school records are locked away from everyone but you don't acknowledge that happens to everyone's records. My school records are locked private. So are yours. So are the bush boy's. So what's so sinister about his records being treated the same way everyone else's records are treated?

The college ID has been proven to be a forgery.

The full transcript from that conversation with Obama's grandmother has proven your claim that she said he was born in Kenya.

What other ridiculous claims have you made?

I don't know how you can still believe the lies but it's your choice. You choose to show what a fool you are with your posts.

You also choose to show yourself as a coward by not answering any of the questions that have been asked.

You're nothing but a birther. No different from the 9-11 crazy people.
I do NOT insist, and have never insisted, that the records were locked away, and only Mr. Obama's records were locked away. I was merely stating was has been mentioned.

If someone calls you a racist bigot here on the boards- and then I call you a racist bigot- can I say I was 'merely stating what has been mentioned' and have no responsibility for what I posted about you?
If you say that someone else said it, and that you were merely repeating it, sure.

But if I only say that after you call me out on it?

So if I post
Sonny Clark is a bigot

And then you complain to me that you aren't a bigot- am I not responsible if I point to someone else calling you a bigot first?

I think I would be.

Perhaps a better example- if I called John Boehner a convicted felon- am I not responsible if i can just find where someone has claimed John Boehner is a convicted felon?

I think I would be.

I take responsibility for the posts I make.

Not only my own specific opinion- but when I am posting someone else's opinion.
Here they are-

Quoting you:
Why would the president of the United States have his/her college records sealed and labeled "off limits"?

Why would the president of the United States use a foreign student ID, with a different name ( Barry Sorrento ) to get into college?

Why doesn't anyone that attended college at the same time as Mr. Obama remember him?

You have not actually dealt with any of your claims- other than to provide the image of the faked college ID.

You have not responded to any of the evidence that your claims are bogus.

You claimed that no one remembers Obama from college- and I have shown that to be completely false.

I have asked you numerous times to stand behind your claims- and then you just claim to 'have questions'.
Question #1 - Yes, that is a question that has been around for several years. It is a question that I repeated here hours ago.

Here is what you 'asked'- not someone else- you:
Why would the president of the United States have his/her college records sealed and labeled "off limits"?

And my question to you still stands:

Why would Birthers believe that President Barack Obama's college records 'sealed and labeled 'off limits' when Bush's and Clinton's- and every previous President's college records were treated the same way?(Bush's Yale records were illegally released, but Bush's Harvard records remain as 'sealed' as Obama's).

I say 'Birther' because that is a generic term- but why do you believe this?

If you don't believe it- why did you post it?

Do you not take any responsibiilty for your own posts?
I take full responsibility for anything that I post. Yes, I did repeat a question concerning college records that has been floating around for several years. And, what I have said stands. I also question the "why" it is done. Anyone's college records shouldn't be top secret. I don't care who else has their college records sealed. My question was why the college records of Mr. Obama were sealed. Do you know why they were sealed, or that anyone's records are sealed?.

No- you didn't repeat a question- you posed a question- that included a claim that President Obama had his college records sealed and labeled 'off limits'.

I pointed out that every President- and in fact every persons college records are sealed. Mine are. Clinton's are. Bush's were illegally leaked.

And that is the key word there- illegally leaked- college records are protected by both University policy(why should I be able to ask them to confirm what your grade in home ec was?)

The law is called FERPA

A 1974 federal law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(“FERPA”), requires schools to enact and enforce policies to safeguard the
confidentiality of students’ “education records.”1

You made the claim that Obama had his records sealed. But his records are sealed as per FERPA.

Like all of our college records.
I made no claims. I have NOT made any claims. I simply repeated the questions and claims that have been made for years now. Those are NOT my claims. I did not originate the questions concerning his birth certificate, nor the questions concerning his college days, or his college ID card. Obviously, you have some problem with "have NOT made any claims". What claims have I made that I have originated? Have you read where I am the one that originated the claims concerning Mr. Obama? If so, WHERE? Again, I take full responsibility for anything that I say, or have said.

Here is your exact quote again:

Why would the president of the United States have his/her college records sealed and labeled "off limits"? Why would the president of the United States use a foreign student ID, with a different name ( Barry Sorrento ) to get into college? Why doesn't anyone that attended college at the same time as Mr. Obama remember him? What is Mr. Obama hiding, and why is he hiding it?

These are your words- your claims- not someone elses. No one else in this thread made those claims.

Some people refuse to refer to the man as President Obama.
I didn't know that it was a requirement to address him as president Obama.

It isn't. It's just standard form. It isn't wrong to refer to the president as "Mr _______". It just isn't normal.

Some news organizations choose to use "Mr" on second reference. But they always use "President" on first reference. You should as well.
Some people refuse to refer to the man as President Obama.
I didn't know that it was a requirement to address him as president Obama.

It isn't. It's just standard form. It isn't wrong to refer to the president as "Mr _______". It just isn't normal.

Some news organizations choose to use "Mr" on second reference. But they always use "President" on first reference. You should as well.
Why should I ?? If it's not a requirement to do so, then why should I do it?
Some people refuse to refer to the man as President Obama.
I didn't know that it was a requirement to address him as president Obama.

It isn't. It's just standard form. It isn't wrong to refer to the president as "Mr _______". It just isn't normal.

Some news organizations choose to use "Mr" on second reference. But they always use "President" on first reference. You should as well.
Why should I ?? If it's not a requirement to do so, then why should I do it?

Why wouldn't you? It's standard form.
Some people refuse to refer to the man as President Obama.
I didn't know that it was a requirement to address him as president Obama.

It isn't. It's just standard form. It isn't wrong to refer to the president as "Mr _______". It just isn't normal.

Some news organizations choose to use "Mr" on second reference. But they always use "President" on first reference. You should as well.
Why should I ?? If it's not a requirement to do so, then why should I do it?

Why wouldn't you? It's standard form.
I had rather use Mr. Obama.
Some people refuse to refer to the man as President Obama.
I didn't know that it was a requirement to address him as president Obama.

It isn't. It's just standard form. It isn't wrong to refer to the president as "Mr _______". It just isn't normal.

Some news organizations choose to use "Mr" on second reference. But they always use "President" on first reference. You should as well.
Why should I ?? If it's not a requirement to do so, then why should I do it?

Why wouldn't you? It's standard form.
I had rather use Mr. Obama.

Why would Birthers lie about such things?

Why would Birthers believe that President Barack Obama's college records 'sealed and labeled 'off limits' when Bush's and Clinton's- and every previous President's college records were treated the same way?(Bush's Yale records were illegally released, but Bush's Harvard records remain as 'sealed' as Obama's).

Why would Birthers believe that the President of the United States used a foreign student ID to get into college- when there is absolutely no record of that happening- other than the fevered imaginations of Birthers?

Why would Birthers lie about no one who attended college with President Obama remembering him- when there are numerous interviews with fellow students from Occidental College and Columbia and Harvard? What drives Birthers to make these lies?

Why do Birthers insist on treating President Obama differently than every previous Birthers- and why do Birthers lie?
OK. I get it now. So, everyone is not being honest. Everyone is fabricating all of their information. And, it's all about hate and dislike for Mr. Obama.

Yet you didn't address any of the questions- did you?

See you made a bunch of unsubstantiated accusations- and I challenged you to address them- so lets go over again:

Why would Birthers believe that President Barack Obama's college records 'sealed and labeled 'off limits' when Bush's and Clinton's- and every previous President's college records were treated the same way?(Bush's Yale records were illegally released, but Bush's Harvard records remain as 'sealed' as Obama's).

I say 'Birther' because that is a generic term- but why do you believe this?

Why would Birthers believe that the President of the United States used a foreign student ID to get into college- when there is absolutely no record of that happening- other than the fevered imaginations of Birthers?

I say 'Birther'- but I mean you- why do you believe this?

Why would Birthers lie about no one who attended college with President Obama remembering him- when there are numerous interviews with fellow students from Occidental College and Columbia and Harvard? What drives Birthers to make these lies?

I say Birther- because Birthers have made this lie for years- and you are either lying- or you are a gullible Birther who just believes what he has been fed. Which is it?

And finally:

Why do Birthers insist on treating President Obama differently than every previous President?

And by Birther- I mean you.
Again, I am NOT a "Birther", period. I did say that I had questions. Also, I do NOT treat anyone differently. I have spoken up about every president since DDE. I have written much about Bush I and Bush II, as I did about Clinton, and others. I show no favoritism. I said that I believe that legitimate questions have been raised concerning Mr. Obama's origin of birth. For one, it's well known, and has been documented and publicized, that the state of Hawaii did not keep very good records of births until some time after Mr. Obama was born. That fact can be readily researched. Also, experts that have examined the document, have expressed concerns that portions may have been altered. All I'm saying, is that there are some legitimate questions that could very easily be verified if the right parties would cooperate.

Really? Who are the "experts" that expressed concern about the birth certificate?

I bet anyone that he will not give a single name and instead encourage me to look it up myself.
10 Facts That Suggest Obama 8217 s Birth Certificate Is Fake Mr. Conservative
Obama Birth Certificate Confirmed Forgery According To Top Experts
Obama s College Classmate 8216 The Obama Scandal Is at Columbia 8217

To nobody's cannot name one expert who questions Obama's birth certificate...just as predicted.

And you can save the "it's in the links" argument. If you had the names you would produce them.
Some people refuse to refer to the man as President Obama.
I didn't know that it was a requirement to address him as president Obama.

It isn't. It's just standard form. It isn't wrong to refer to the president as "Mr _______". It just isn't normal.

Some news organizations choose to use "Mr" on second reference. But they always use "President" on first reference. You should as well.
Why should I ?? If it's not a requirement to do so, then why should I do it?[/QUOTE
Some people refuse to refer to the man as President Obama.
I didn't know that it was a requirement to address him as president Obama.

It isn't. It's just standard form. It isn't wrong to refer to the president as "Mr _______". It just isn't normal.

Some news organizations choose to use "Mr" on second reference. But they always use "President" on first reference. You should as well.
Why should I ?? If it's not a requirement to do so, then why should I do it?

Indeed- its not a requirement for President Obama to answer any Birther 'questions'- as you point out- why should he?

IF you have any 'legitimate' questions of your own- then ask them- one per post- and I will answer them.

But only if they are what you yourself personally have doubts about- not what you are parroting from Birthers.
Some people refuse to refer to the man as President Obama.
I didn't know that it was a requirement to address him as president Obama.

It isn't. It's just standard form. It isn't wrong to refer to the president as "Mr _______". It just isn't normal.

Some news organizations choose to use "Mr" on second reference. But they always use "President" on first reference. You should as well.
Why should I ?? If it's not a requirement to do so, then why should I do it?[/QUOTE
Some people refuse to refer to the man as President Obama.
I didn't know that it was a requirement to address him as president Obama.

It isn't. It's just standard form. It isn't wrong to refer to the president as "Mr _______". It just isn't normal.

Some news organizations choose to use "Mr" on second reference. But they always use "President" on first reference. You should as well.
Why should I ?? If it's not a requirement to do so, then why should I do it?

Indeed- its not a requirement for President Obama to answer any Birther 'questions'- as you point out- why should he?

IF you have any 'legitimate' questions of your own- then ask them- one per post- and I will answer them.

But only if they are what you yourself personally have doubts about- not what you are parroting from Birthers.

Indeed- its not a requirement for President Obama to answer any Birther 'questions'- as you point out- why should he?

IF you have any 'legitimate' questions of your own- then ask them- one per post- and I will answer them.

But only if they are what you yourself personally have doubts about- not what you are parroting from Birthers.
I see- you are just parroting Birther lies, speculation and innuendo.

You can't actually think about these things for yourself- you want to claim you aren't responsible for your actions- that you can't be challenged on the claims you made.

You are a birther.

I have spent enough years debunking Birthers- and what is constant is all that you have are lies, speculation and innuendo.
What lies have I stated? What lies have I told? .

Here they are-

Quoting you:
Why would the president of the United States have his/her college records sealed and labeled "off limits"?

Why would the president of the United States use a foreign student ID, with a different name ( Barry Sorrento ) to get into college?

Why doesn't anyone that attended college at the same time as Mr. Obama remember him?

You have not actually dealt with any of your claims- other than to provide the image of the faked college ID.

You have not responded to any of the evidence that your claims are bogus.

You claimed that no one remembers Obama from college- and I have shown that to be completely false.

I have asked you numerous times to stand behind your claims- and then you just claim to 'have questions'.
I have just addressed them and answered them. Scroll down and you'll see my answers.

All you did was say that it's been floating around. You didn't answer the questions.

The reason for it is all you stated has been proven as the lies they are. Yet you still cling to the lies. Yet you still don't give any real and honest replies.

You're a birther and too cowardly to admit it and honestly answer any questions.
I answered each and every question, and even numbered the questions and my answers. Didn't you see them? Want me to copy them and paste them for you to see? Yes, I did answer the questions. Can't you read and understand what you read? Yes, all of those claims have been floating around for several years. And, yes, on some of the issues, I also have questions as to whether those claims are true or false. I do NOT believe that everyone is making this stuff up, nor fabricating lies. I disagree that all of it has been proven to be lies. I challenge you to show where and when all of it was proven to be lies. Please show where experts without any bias, has examined all the information, and has determined all claims to be totally false. FYI - Every reply that I give is honest, and a true representation of what I have said and what I believe to be the case.

What have I not been honest about? Please tell me what it is that I have not been honest about.

I saw your non answers.

Posting the following isn't answering any question.

Yes, that is a question that has been around for several years. It is a question that I repeated here hours ago.

You're nothing but a cowardly birther. And you can't even admit what you are.

Which is why I have nothing but distain and disgust with you and people like you.

However what you think about Obama makes absolutely no difference at all. You just don't matter nor do your stupid lies about him.

Obama is the president. He was born in Hawaii in August 1961. No amount of lies will make that not true. No amount of lies is going to negate the fact that he's the president and will be until January 2017.

You don't have to like it. You do have to accept it.
Wow, I'm surprised that so many took to the streets to protest. See America, you can do it too.


A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes, Arrests, One Death

It appears that only in less-developed nations do the people care about Presidential birth certificates. As GlobalVoices reports, clashes broke out between police and the opposition in Gabon stemming from questions about the legitimacy of President Ali Bongo Ondimba. The publication of a book disputing the origins of the President (claiming him to be Nigerian) has led opposition parties to challenge the authenticity of the birth certificate of the head of state which has sparked widespread protests. The protests left 1 dead and many injured and arrested. As local media note, "if the government continues to refuse to negotiate, things could go very wrong."

As Global Voices reports,

Clashes broke out between police and the opposition in Gabon on December 20 stemming from questions about the legitimacy of President Ali Bongo.

A recent book called “New African Affairs” by French reporter Pierre Péan alleged that President Ali Bongo has Nigerian origins. The book was slammed by the authorities, accusing the reporter of inciting racial hatred in Gabon.

A hundred people were arrested. At least one man died without having now possible to establish in what circumstances. Several photos and videos circulating, showing the wounded in the face, on the roof of a car.

A Presidential Birth Certificate Controversy Leads To Clashes Arrests One Death Zero Hedge
We'll get there. Slowly, ever so slowly, the American people are taking to the streets for a variety of reasons. I still believe that we'll have to hit the proverbial "rock bottom" before enough people join in to make a difference, and bring about much needed change. In America, the corruption and abuse of power are embedded so deep, that many have accepted it as status quo. But, times are changing, and many citizens are feeling and experiencing the harsh reality of a system gone awry. Yes, Mr. Obama has many questions to answer concerning his origin of birth, and other equally important questions. Remember, the president of the United States is put in place by the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Those that want to continue their control, decide which puppet to put in the oval office.

Why would the president of the United States have his/her college records sealed and labeled "off limits"? Why would the president of the United States use a foreign student ID, with a different name ( Barry Sorrento ) to get into college? Why doesn't anyone that attended college at the same time as Mr. Obama remember him? What is Mr. Obama hiding, and why is he hiding it?

Yes, other countries have riots, protests, and civil unrest, and we're certainly not exempt from the same. Given the right circumstances, I can easily see America taking to the streets and demanding change, answers, and much needed representation. Many citizens are very close to the edge, and need only a slight push to get them actively involved and angry enough to take their frustrations to the nth degree. Remember, a cornered animal will try to fight its way out.

"First think we do, we kill all the lawyers."
What lies have I stated? What lies have I told? .

Here they are-

Quoting you:
Why would the president of the United States have his/her college records sealed and labeled "off limits"?

Why would the president of the United States use a foreign student ID, with a different name ( Barry Sorrento ) to get into college?

Why doesn't anyone that attended college at the same time as Mr. Obama remember him?

You have not actually dealt with any of your claims- other than to provide the image of the faked college ID.

You have not responded to any of the evidence that your claims are bogus.

You claimed that no one remembers Obama from college- and I have shown that to be completely false.

I have asked you numerous times to stand behind your claims- and then you just claim to 'have questions'.
I have just addressed them and answered them. Scroll down and you'll see my answers.

All you did was say that it's been floating around. You didn't answer the questions.

The reason for it is all you stated has been proven as the lies they are. Yet you still cling to the lies. Yet you still don't give any real and honest replies.

You're a birther and too cowardly to admit it and honestly answer any questions.
I answered each and every question, and even numbered the questions and my answers. Didn't you see them? Want me to copy them and paste them for you to see? Yes, I did answer the questions. Can't you read and understand what you read? Yes, all of those claims have been floating around for several years. And, yes, on some of the issues, I also have questions as to whether those claims are true or false. I do NOT believe that everyone is making this stuff up, nor fabricating lies. I disagree that all of it has been proven to be lies. I challenge you to show where and when all of it was proven to be lies. Please show where experts without any bias, has examined all the information, and has determined all claims to be totally false. FYI - Every reply that I give is honest, and a true representation of what I have said and what I believe to be the case.

What have I not been honest about? Please tell me what it is that I have not been honest about.

I saw your non answers.

Posting the following isn't answering any question.

Yes, that is a question that has been around for several years. It is a question that I repeated here hours ago.

You're nothing but a cowardly birther. And you can't even admit what you are.

Which is why I have nothing but distain and disgust with you and people like you.

However what you think about Obama makes absolutely no difference at all. You just don't matter nor do your stupid lies about him.

Obama is the president. He was born in Hawaii in August 1961. No amount of lies will make that not true. No amount of lies is going to negate the fact that he's the president and will be until January 2017.

You don't have to like it. You do have to accept it.
Very good. Just curious, was all of that meant to impress someone? Feel better now? Got all of it off your chest? So, when someone disagrees with you, you go off the deep end and start name calling and personal attacks? Obviously, your medication isn't working.
Here they are-

Quoting you:
Why would the president of the United States have his/her college records sealed and labeled "off limits"?

Why would the president of the United States use a foreign student ID, with a different name ( Barry Sorrento ) to get into college?

Why doesn't anyone that attended college at the same time as Mr. Obama remember him?

You have not actually dealt with any of your claims- other than to provide the image of the faked college ID.

You have not responded to any of the evidence that your claims are bogus.

You claimed that no one remembers Obama from college- and I have shown that to be completely false.

I have asked you numerous times to stand behind your claims- and then you just claim to 'have questions'.
I have just addressed them and answered them. Scroll down and you'll see my answers.

All you did was say that it's been floating around. You didn't answer the questions.

The reason for it is all you stated has been proven as the lies they are. Yet you still cling to the lies. Yet you still don't give any real and honest replies.

You're a birther and too cowardly to admit it and honestly answer any questions.
I answered each and every question, and even numbered the questions and my answers. Didn't you see them? Want me to copy them and paste them for you to see? Yes, I did answer the questions. Can't you read and understand what you read? Yes, all of those claims have been floating around for several years. And, yes, on some of the issues, I also have questions as to whether those claims are true or false. I do NOT believe that everyone is making this stuff up, nor fabricating lies. I disagree that all of it has been proven to be lies. I challenge you to show where and when all of it was proven to be lies. Please show where experts without any bias, has examined all the information, and has determined all claims to be totally false. FYI - Every reply that I give is honest, and a true representation of what I have said and what I believe to be the case.

What have I not been honest about? Please tell me what it is that I have not been honest about.

I saw your non answers.

Posting the following isn't answering any question.

Yes, that is a question that has been around for several years. It is a question that I repeated here hours ago.

You're nothing but a cowardly birther. And you can't even admit what you are.

Which is why I have nothing but distain and disgust with you and people like you.

However what you think about Obama makes absolutely no difference at all. You just don't matter nor do your stupid lies about him.

Obama is the president. He was born in Hawaii in August 1961. No amount of lies will make that not true. No amount of lies is going to negate the fact that he's the president and will be until January 2017.

You don't have to like it. You do have to accept it.
Very good. Just curious, was all of that meant to impress someone? Feel better now? Got all of it off your chest? So, when someone disagrees with you, you go off the deep end and start name calling and personal attacks? Obviously, your medication isn't working.

IF you have any 'legitimate' questions of your own- then ask them- one per post- and I will answer them.

But only if they are what you yourself personally have doubts about- not what you are parroting from Birthers.
I have just addressed them and answered them. Scroll down and you'll see my answers.

All you did was say that it's been floating around. You didn't answer the questions.

The reason for it is all you stated has been proven as the lies they are. Yet you still cling to the lies. Yet you still don't give any real and honest replies.

You're a birther and too cowardly to admit it and honestly answer any questions.
I answered each and every question, and even numbered the questions and my answers. Didn't you see them? Want me to copy them and paste them for you to see? Yes, I did answer the questions. Can't you read and understand what you read? Yes, all of those claims have been floating around for several years. And, yes, on some of the issues, I also have questions as to whether those claims are true or false. I do NOT believe that everyone is making this stuff up, nor fabricating lies. I disagree that all of it has been proven to be lies. I challenge you to show where and when all of it was proven to be lies. Please show where experts without any bias, has examined all the information, and has determined all claims to be totally false. FYI - Every reply that I give is honest, and a true representation of what I have said and what I believe to be the case.

What have I not been honest about? Please tell me what it is that I have not been honest about.

I saw your non answers.

Posting the following isn't answering any question.

Yes, that is a question that has been around for several years. It is a question that I repeated here hours ago.

You're nothing but a cowardly birther. And you can't even admit what you are.

Which is why I have nothing but distain and disgust with you and people like you.

However what you think about Obama makes absolutely no difference at all. You just don't matter nor do your stupid lies about him.

Obama is the president. He was born in Hawaii in August 1961. No amount of lies will make that not true. No amount of lies is going to negate the fact that he's the president and will be until January 2017.

You don't have to like it. You do have to accept it.
Very good. Just curious, was all of that meant to impress someone? Feel better now? Got all of it off your chest? So, when someone disagrees with you, you go off the deep end and start name calling and personal attacks? Obviously, your medication isn't working.

IF you have any 'legitimate' questions of your own- then ask them- one per post- and I will answer them.

But only if they are what you yourself personally have doubts about- not what you are parroting from Birthers.
Fair enough, great. Thanks. Question #1 - How would you explain what several experts found when examining the birth certificate? They found, after using sophisticated software, that some lines were altered. They showed, by using layers and over-lays, that information had been removed and replaced with the desired information. This was verified by more than one expert. They even included a video showing the process used. To me, it looked authentic and above board. I can research and find it for you so that you can see it for yourself. To me, in my opinion, there's enough there to at least question.

Question #2 - Articles has been released that points out that at the time of Mr. Obama's birth, the hospitals in Hawaii were not operating with the latest record keeping systems and procedures. Their systems were not updated and brought up to speed until several years after his birth. Therefore, some have said that the original records were transcribed onto what was released as his original birth certificate at a later date. Can you verify or explain away this information with some data or facts that would either disprove this or verify it?

Question #3 - Where did the information come from that insisted that Mr. Obama was a foreign student, used a different name, and was here in this country on a student visa?

Those are my questions, no one else's. Those are question that I have. Those are points that I have concerning many articles and tidbits on the internet, and on national TV. Many of the people that put forth those issues were well respected members of journalism, experts on documents, and those that researched the record keeping methods of medical facilities in Hawaii at the time Mr. Obama was born. Yes, I have questions. Yes, I'm curious. Yes, I feel the same way about the JFK assassination. Yes, I feel the same way about Mr. Bush's reasons to go into Iraq. Where were the weapons of mass destruction?

I question everything. I'm curious about everything. I don't believe everything I hear or read. I look for answers. I don't accept things just because a thousand other people accept them. I use my own reasoning and logic to determine what's real and what's not. I read between the lines. I pay more attention to what's not said as opposed to what is said. I'm not trying to be difficult or a hard ass. I just don't fully understand some of the information concerning Mr. Obama. Is it so wrong to question something that you're not sure of?
All you did was say that it's been floating around. You didn't answer the questions.

The reason for it is all you stated has been proven as the lies they are. Yet you still cling to the lies. Yet you still don't give any real and honest replies.

You're a birther and too cowardly to admit it and honestly answer any questions.
I answered each and every question, and even numbered the questions and my answers. Didn't you see them? Want me to copy them and paste them for you to see? Yes, I did answer the questions. Can't you read and understand what you read? Yes, all of those claims have been floating around for several years. And, yes, on some of the issues, I also have questions as to whether those claims are true or false. I do NOT believe that everyone is making this stuff up, nor fabricating lies. I disagree that all of it has been proven to be lies. I challenge you to show where and when all of it was proven to be lies. Please show where experts without any bias, has examined all the information, and has determined all claims to be totally false. FYI - Every reply that I give is honest, and a true representation of what I have said and what I believe to be the case.

What have I not been honest about? Please tell me what it is that I have not been honest about.

I saw your non answers.

Posting the following isn't answering any question.

Yes, that is a question that has been around for several years. It is a question that I repeated here hours ago.

You're nothing but a cowardly birther. And you can't even admit what you are.

Which is why I have nothing but distain and disgust with you and people like you.

However what you think about Obama makes absolutely no difference at all. You just don't matter nor do your stupid lies about him.

Obama is the president. He was born in Hawaii in August 1961. No amount of lies will make that not true. No amount of lies is going to negate the fact that he's the president and will be until January 2017.

You don't have to like it. You do have to accept it.
Very good. Just curious, was all of that meant to impress someone? Feel better now? Got all of it off your chest? So, when someone disagrees with you, you go off the deep end and start name calling and personal attacks? Obviously, your medication isn't working.

IF you have any 'legitimate' questions of your own- then ask them- one per post- and I will answer them.

But only if they are what you yourself personally have doubts about- not what you are parroting from Birthers.
Fair enough, great. Thanks. Question #1 - How would you explain what several experts found when examining the birth certificate? They found, after using sophisticated software, that some lines were altered. They showed, by using layers and over-lays, that information had been removed and replaced with the desired information. This was verified by more than one expert. They even included a video showing the process used. To me, it looked authentic and above board. I can research and find it for you so that you can see it for yourself. To me, in my opinion, there's enough there to at least question.

I have always been bemused by these claims.

You do realize that the image that was posted on the internet is not a legal document- right? It is an image- a scanned image- of a certified photocopy of the original birth certificate.

So lets work backwards
Image on internet.
Hardcopy scanned of physical certified photocopy
Physical certified photocopy shown to reporters- handled by reporters- even photographed by reporters.
Physical certified photocopy made by the State of Hawaii- and sent to President Obama.
Original Birth Certificate on file in Hawaii.

Which of those documents are relevant?

Ultimately there are two legal documents- the original birth certificate on file in Hawaii- and the certified photocopy of the original birth certificate.

Those are the documents that matter.

Who do we know for certain that have seen the hardcopy certified photocopy? Several reporters including Savannah Guthrie- who took a photo with her cell phone, and Jake Starkey(?) who confirmed he had seen the BC.

So we have at least two witnesses who have seen the actual legal document that could be presented in court as proof of anyone's place of birth.

Then we have the original on file- and the making of the photocopy. The State of Hawaii has consistently said that the original BC is on file- and that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- and that the President had posted a copy of the certified photocopy online

Vital Records Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth

Here is what the State of Hawaii specifically said:


HONOLULU – The Hawai„i State Health Department recently complied with a request by
President Barack Obama for certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth,
which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “long form” birth certificate.
“We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to
President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawai„i,” Hawai„i
Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. “I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in

On April 22, 2011, President Obama sent a letter to Director Fuddy, requesting two
certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth. Also on that day, Judith Corley,
the President‟s personal attorney, made the same request in writing on behalf of the
President. (Letters from President Obama and Ms. Corley are attached).
On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama‟s request, Director Fuddy personally
witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the
authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the

So let me tell you- I ignore the Birthers claim that the image on the internet is a forgery. I just ignore them- because Birthers have never seen the legal photocopy that reporters have seen and posted photo's of- and Birthers have never seen the original BC that the State of Hawaii is on file and that is the same as the one posted online, and says that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

Birthers carefully try to dance around this- but the bottom line is this:
The State of Hawaii has confirmed that the Birth Certificate we have seen is authentic and that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

Oh did I forget mention that the former Republican Director of Health also confirmed it- in 2008 and 2009?

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai‛i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”

So why do you care about claims about 'layers' on the image posted online?

Reporters have shown us photo's of the same image they saw of the certified photocopy.
The State of Hawaii has confirmed it is authentic.

Why do you believe some self proclaimed experts who started off believing that the BC was a forgery- and managed to confirm their own bias?
Question #2 - Articles has been released that points out that at the time of Mr. Obama's birth, the hospitals in Hawaii were not operating with the latest record keeping systems and procedures. Their systems were not updated and brought up to speed until several years after his birth. Therefore, some have said that the original records were transcribed onto what was released as his original birth certificate at a later date. Can you verify or explain away this information with some data or facts that would either disprove this or verify it?

Barack Obama's birth certificate is signed and dated by the doctor that attended his birth.


Signed and dated- dated in 4 places- both typed and hand written. Why would the doctor lie about the date?
Question #3 - Where did the information come from that insisted that Mr. Obama was a foreign student, used a different name, and was here in this country on a student visa?

I have no idea- Birthers make crap up. Sorry- I can't help you figure out Birther fantasies- that is a question you should ask Birthers.

Barack Obama had a nickname of Barry that he used until he was in college. That of course is not unusual. We have lots of Presidents who have had nicknames. Birthers like to call Obama Soetoro- which was his step fathers name. There is only one document that calls Barack Obama 'Barry Soetoro'- and that is a registration page for a school in Indonesia- signed by his step father.

Why did his step father call him 'Barry Soetoro'? I don't know- and since the step father and Obama's mother are both dead- no one is alive who could say why.

But what Birthers who bring that up ALWAYS fail to say is that that registration says that 'Barry Soetoro' was born in Hawaii.

So ask yourself- why do Birthers use that document to question Obama's name- but ignore that document when it comes to place of birth?
I answered each and every question, and even numbered the questions and my answers. Didn't you see them? Want me to copy them and paste them for you to see? Yes, I did answer the questions. Can't you read and understand what you read? Yes, all of those claims have been floating around for several years. And, yes, on some of the issues, I also have questions as to whether those claims are true or false. I do NOT believe that everyone is making this stuff up, nor fabricating lies. I disagree that all of it has been proven to be lies. I challenge you to show where and when all of it was proven to be lies. Please show where experts without any bias, has examined all the information, and has determined all claims to be totally false. FYI - Every reply that I give is honest, and a true representation of what I have said and what I believe to be the case.

What have I not been honest about? Please tell me what it is that I have not been honest about.

I saw your non answers.

Posting the following isn't answering any question.

Yes, that is a question that has been around for several years. It is a question that I repeated here hours ago.

You're nothing but a cowardly birther. And you can't even admit what you are.

Which is why I have nothing but distain and disgust with you and people like you.

However what you think about Obama makes absolutely no difference at all. You just don't matter nor do your stupid lies about him.

Obama is the president. He was born in Hawaii in August 1961. No amount of lies will make that not true. No amount of lies is going to negate the fact that he's the president and will be until January 2017.

You don't have to like it. You do have to accept it.
Very good. Just curious, was all of that meant to impress someone? Feel better now? Got all of it off your chest? So, when someone disagrees with you, you go off the deep end and start name calling and personal attacks? Obviously, your medication isn't working.

IF you have any 'legitimate' questions of your own- then ask them- one per post- and I will answer them.

But only if they are what you yourself personally have doubts about- not what you are parroting from Birthers.
Fair enough, great. Thanks. Question #1 - How would you explain what several experts found when examining the birth certificate? They found, after using sophisticated software, that some lines were altered. They showed, by using layers and over-lays, that information had been removed and replaced with the desired information. This was verified by more than one expert. They even included a video showing the process used. To me, it looked authentic and above board. I can research and find it for you so that you can see it for yourself. To me, in my opinion, there's enough there to at least question.

I have always been bemused by these claims.

You do realize that the image that was posted on the internet is not a legal document- right? It is an image- a scanned image- of a certified photocopy of the original birth certificate.

So lets work backwards
Image on internet.
Hardcopy scanned of physical certified photocopy
Physical certified photocopy shown to reporters- handled by reporters- even photographed by reporters.
Physical certified photocopy made by the State of Hawaii- and sent to President Obama.
Original Birth Certificate on file in Hawaii.

Which of those documents are relevant?

Ultimately there are two legal documents- the original birth certificate on file in Hawaii- and the certified photocopy of the original birth certificate.

Those are the documents that matter.

Who do we know for certain that have seen the hardcopy certified photocopy? Several reporters including Savannah Guthrie- who took a photo with her cell phone, and Jake Starkey(?) who confirmed he had seen the BC.

So we have at least two witnesses who have seen the actual legal document that could be presented in court as proof of anyone's place of birth.

Then we have the original on file- and the making of the photocopy. The State of Hawaii has consistently said that the original BC is on file- and that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii- and that the President had posted a copy of the certified photocopy online

Vital Records Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth

Here is what the State of Hawaii specifically said:


HONOLULU – The Hawai„i State Health Department recently complied with a request by
President Barack Obama for certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth,
which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “long form” birth certificate.
“We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to
President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawai„i,” Hawai„i
Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. “I have seen the original records filed at the
Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the
department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in

On April 22, 2011, President Obama sent a letter to Director Fuddy, requesting two
certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth. Also on that day, Judith Corley,
the President‟s personal attorney, made the same request in writing on behalf of the
President. (Letters from President Obama and Ms. Corley are attached).
On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama‟s request, Director Fuddy personally
witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the
authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the

So let me tell you- I ignore the Birthers claim that the image on the internet is a forgery. I just ignore them- because Birthers have never seen the legal photocopy that reporters have seen and posted photo's of- and Birthers have never seen the original BC that the State of Hawaii is on file and that is the same as the one posted online, and says that President Obama was born in Hawaii.

Birthers carefully try to dance around this- but the bottom line is this:
The State of Hawaii has confirmed that the Birth Certificate we have seen is authentic and that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

Oh did I forget mention that the former Republican Director of Health also confirmed it- in 2008 and 2009?

“I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, Director of the Hawai‛i State Department of Health, have seen the original vital
records maintained on file by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama
was born in Hawai‘i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement
or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.”

So why do you care about claims about 'layers' on the image posted online?

Reporters have shown us photo's of the same image they saw of the certified photocopy.
The State of Hawaii has confirmed it is authentic.

Why do you believe some self proclaimed experts who started off believing that the BC was a forgery- and managed to confirm their own bias?
OK. I understand your point. Now, next question please. I believe that asked 3 questions. Would you mind going to number 2 now? Thanks. I will tie all of it together once you're finished, if that's OK with you.
[. Is it so wrong to question something that you're not sure of?

It is never wrong to ask the questions.

I think it is wrong to blindly repost others questions as your own without questioning them first- without doing any research of your own on the claims.

It has been 6 years since President Obama was elected. It has been 3 years since he showed voters copies of his certified birth certificate.

If you still have 'legitimate' questions regarding his birth certificate you have either been too lazy to research it yourself, or unwilling to accept the facts.

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