Some don't understand about a personal relation with Jesus

Any crank can be put on "a lie detector test on national TV" and generally pass.

I don't care if you are embarrassed, and your type can never make anyone wet his pants, Ha Shev.
Any crank except your imaginary friend Jesus who is always a no show.
Check and mate!

Maury Povich and Jerry Springer proves you lie and are just affraid. Just wear depends and you should be good to go.
HaShev----I am intrigued by your allegation that Jesus has something to do with the murder of John the Baptist. Can you expand on that idea?

Salome was Jesus relative, friend, follower who sent John to be beheaded and that's when he stole John the righteous' followers.
The surviving followers of John became the Mandeans a sect of Sabeans who claim Jesus was an evil false prophet who had John murdered in order to take hold of his followers. Remember Jesus followed John first. They also burnt a book created by a woman they deemed evil, could this be the central source known a "Q"?

if they BURNED Q how did they write all them thar 'gospels'? I never really understood why SALOME wanted John's head
Through surviving copies or memory, which would explain why there is so many contradictions and errors.
Fakers? That's how you reply to the question about love by spewing ad hominem bitter hate?
You just slaped Jesus with your backhanded remark in 2 ways,
1)shows your teaching meaningless when you have to lie and spew vile to avoid the subject you raised .
2)Because Jesus was a failed emulation of me, even said he was trying to be like unto me, less fulfilled, failed, that makes him less then what you without merit or reason call faker and you'd be calling him a liar and faker.

I dare you to put your money where your mouth is and find out just who I am, brave up and put me on a lie detector test on national TV and either embarass me or wet your pants.
Only you spew ad hom hate, Ha Shev. The term "faker" is not hateful speech, my son. Jesus loves all, including you, an impostor messiah.

Busted you just admited Jesus was Lucifer.
Lucifer comes first as the imposter which he admited being in Rev 1:13 and 22:16.
You just claimed me Michael your nemesis admitting you are the Satanists.
Luke we didn't know that already, but the first step to recovery and Teshuva is admitting this. Now recognize your lies, you can't have all those verses on Jesus' hate without refutation and continue lting without
calling Jesus a liar & the image created for Jesus a great lie. Checkmate!
You killed your king boxing him and yourself in a corner by and through your own insistance to lie.
Do you always lie? Good heavens, little buddy, you are a faker.
You are held to that very same standard reflected back towards your imaginary friend;
So; "Jesus Do you always lie? Good heavens, little buddy, you are a faker."

The difference is I provide sources, you just make blanket comments to smokescreen a topic and hope people are to stupid to notice. Basically you are insulting their intelligence.

Sources for Lying Jesus:
Luke 24:44-45 shows he's ordering them to fraudulently plagiarize the OT to make him out to be in scripture.

In John 20:1-17 He tells Mary to lie for him and tell them he ascended to his father when he descended to hell instead
-acts 2:27,1peter 3:19.

John 4:24-27 the woman said Messiah would tell us all things and Jesus said it was he, yet never told them anything of the how why where’s when secrets, never said who satan was nor REQUIRED SECRETING THE WISDOM OF THE NAME OF GOD.

Jesus lies {John 7:8-10} "Go to the feast yourselves; Iam not going up to the feast" and after his brothers were gone "he alsowent up, not publicly but in private"
"...this evil and adulterousgeneration seeketh after a sign; and there shall NOSIGN be given to it..."(Matt 12:39, Mk 8:12, Lk11:29). And then Jesus (See Mk 3:21)goes and does just the opposite of what he said when"And MANY OTHER SIGNS truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are NOT written inthis book:"(John 20:30).

He lies by saying he's emulating "son of man" in rev 1:13 yet claims to be the nemesis of the Evening Star(son of man) in Rev 22:16.

jesus said:
"... and whoever says, `You fool!' shall be liable to the hell of fire." mat 5:22
Then jesus goes on to say:
"You blind fools!..." mat 23:17

He also said you guys are fools for christ so was he lying or are you fools?
Ha Shev can go crap in the corner, and make little idols to himself, for all I care.

He is dung in comparison to Jesus.
You just took a dump on Jesus, because your faith calls him the scarab and scarabs are dung beetles. If you ever watched the discovery channel amazong planet they document what the dung beetle does.
They roll balls of dung gradually growing the BS larger and larger. Sort of like how your replies keep growing your BS bigger and bigger, burrying your arguments in a pile of manure.
Not one iota of refutation because you can't explain why Jesus was a liar and admitted being the imposter. In fact you guys can't explain why you ignore his words when he says you will come in his name calling him the christ and deceiving many even the elect.

More Jesus lies not in the previous list;
the wailing wall (temple wall still stands) is proof he lied in Matt 24:2.

Returning quickly lie, kingdom to come before they die lie, end times in their day and age lie.
Fakers? That's how you reply to the question about love by spewing ad hominem bitter hate?
You just slaped Jesus with your backhanded remark in 2 ways,
1)shows your teaching meaningless when you have to lie and spew vile to avoid the subject you raised .
2)Because Jesus was a failed emulation of me, even said he was trying to be like unto me, less fulfilled, failed, that makes him less then what you without merit or reason call faker and you'd be calling him a liar and faker.

I dare you to put your money where your mouth is and find out just who I am, brave up and put me on a lie detector test on national TV and either embarass me or wet your pants.
Only you spew ad hom hate, Ha Shev. The term "faker" is not hateful speech, my son. Jesus loves all, including you, an impostor messiah.

Busted you just admited Jesus was Lucifer.
Lucifer comes first as the imposter which he admited being in Rev 1:13 and 22:16.
You just claimed me Michael your nemesis admitting you are the Satanists.
Luke we didn't know that already, but the first step to recovery and Teshuva is admitting this. Now recognize your lies, you can't have all those verses on Jesus' hate without refutation and continue lting without
calling Jesus a liar & the image created for Jesus a great lie. Checkmate!
You killed your king boxing him and yourself in a corner by and through your own insistance to lie.
dayum, I haven't read this many contradictions since the last time I read the Nicene Creed.
You just took a dump on Jesus, because your faith calls him the scarab and scarabs are dung beetles. If you ever watched the discovery channel amazong planet they document what the dung beetle does.
They roll balls of dung gradually growing the BS larger and larger. Sort of like how your replies keep growing your BS bigger and bigger, burrying your arguments in a pile of manure.
Not one iota of refutation because you can't explain why Jesus was a liar and admitted being the imposter. In fact you guys can't explain why you ignore his words when he says you will come in his name calling him the christ and deceiving many even the elect.

More Jesus lies not in the previous list;
the wailing wall (temple wall still stands) is proof he lied in Matt 24:2.

Returning quickly lie, kingdom to come before they die lie, end times in their day and age lie.
How about I feel like I'm fixin to die rag:
The image catches the issue quite well.

So if you're down and out and you start seeing visions of a guy in a dress who has less money than you do, you've just been saved?
Is that like the street gangs who prey on the runaway girls and treat them nice before prostituting them?
The image catches the issue quite well.

So if you're down and out and you start seeing visions of a guy in a dress who has less money than you do, you've just been saved?
Is that like the street gangs who prey on the runaway girls and treat them nice before prostituting them?
Thank you for your personal testimony to the truth of the OP.
The image catches the issue quite well.

So if you're down and out and you start seeing visions of a guy in a dress who has less money than you do, you've just been saved?
Is that like the street gangs who prey on the runaway girls and treat them nice before prostituting them?
Thank you for your personal testimony to the truth of the OP.
So Jesus preys on the down and out at their most vulnerable point in life? Man, that's WHACKED! :lol:
Why didn't Jesus not let the person fall that far down in the first place?
The image catches the issue quite well.

So if you're down and out and you start seeing visions of a guy in a dress who has less money than you do, you've just been saved?
Is that like the street gangs who prey on the runaway girls and treat them nice before prostituting them?
Thank you for your personal testimony to the truth of the OP.
So Jesus preys on the down and out at their most vulnerable point in life? Man, that's WHACKED! :lol:
Why didn't Jesus not let the person fall that far down in the first place?
You validate the OP every time you post.
The image catches the issue quite well.

So if you're down and out and you start seeing visions of a guy in a dress who has less money than you do, you've just been saved?
Is that like the street gangs who prey on the runaway girls and treat them nice before prostituting them?
Thank you for your personal testimony to the truth of the OP.
So Jesus preys on the down and out at their most vulnerable point in life? Man, that's WHACKED! :lol:
Why didn't Jesus not let the person fall that far down in the first place?
You validate the OP every time you post.
Ok, you're being sarcastic about the meme. Got it.
The image catches the issue quite well.

So if you're down and out and you start seeing visions of a guy in a dress who has less money than you do, you've just been saved?
Is that like the street gangs who prey on the runaway girls and treat them nice before prostituting them?
Thank you for your personal testimony to the truth of the OP.
So Jesus preys on the down and out at their most vulnerable point in life? Man, that's WHACKED! :lol:
Why didn't Jesus not let the person fall that far down in the first place?
You validate the OP every time you post.
Ok, you're being sarcastic about the meme. Got it.
Every post you make in this vein validates the OP. You have no clue at this point.
Spiritual revelation is personal. It applies to the individual and cannot be expected to be imposed upon others. It seems that, generally, people are not satisfied until one vision of the transcendent is held in common. They apparently lack the courage of their convictions, and seek to convict others.
So if you're down and out and you start seeing visions of a guy in a dress who has less money than you do, you've just been saved?
Is that like the street gangs who prey on the runaway girls and treat them nice before prostituting them?
Thank you for your personal testimony to the truth of the OP.
So Jesus preys on the down and out at their most vulnerable point in life? Man, that's WHACKED! :lol:
Why didn't Jesus not let the person fall that far down in the first place?
You validate the OP every time you post.
Ok, you're being sarcastic about the meme. Got it.
Every post you make in this vein validates the OP. You have no clue at this point.
Says the guy who thinks that hallucinating about a gay guy in a dress is going to help you in any way. I bet that kid still slept on that bench that night. :lol:
And tell me this, why does Jesus only approach people when they are at rock bottom? Because desperation would make someone agree to almost anything?

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