Some good news from Ukraine for all you single men


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I just noticed an ad here on this forum advertising all Ukrainian girls, there's Anna 21 years old, Tatyana 24, Natalya 23 - all nice looking ladies and they're all online even now at 7pm eastern, 3am Ukrainian time. thank your politicians in America and continue bashing Putin please. sorry for interrupting
Google already knows I go for the Asian wimmen so it sends me those types of ads. :D

Not on this site but on others.
Treating strong, independent womyn like pieces of meat. How typical of conservatards.

And you wonder why womyn refuse to vote Wrongpublican.
Treating strong, independent womyn like pieces of meat. How typical of conservatards.

And you wonder why womyn refuse to vote Wrongpublican.

Most of the ones I know get off on showing some leg — political parties notwithstanding.

What's that ummm, thing in your avatar there show when it's lookin' for a good time?
Treating strong, independent womyn like pieces of meat. How typical of conservatards.

And you wonder why womyn refuse to vote Wrongpublican.

Most of the ones I know get off on showing some leg — political parties notwithstanding.

What's that ummm, thing in your avatar there show when it's lookin' for a good time?

Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?
Treating strong, independent womyn like pieces of meat. How typical of conservatards.

And you wonder why womyn refuse to vote Wrongpublican.

Most of the ones I know get off on showing some leg — political parties notwithstanding.

What's that ummm, thing in your avatar there show when it's lookin' for a good time?

Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?

I'd ask Rachel out but my calendar is full for the next few weeks. Anyone who is anti-sexual and see's the manpig for who he truly is, is my kind of girl.
Treating strong, independent womyn like pieces of meat. How typical of conservatards.

And you wonder why womyn refuse to vote Wrongpublican.

Most of the ones I know get off on showing some leg — political parties notwithstanding.

What's that ummm, thing in your avatar there show when it's lookin' for a good time?

Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?

She also thankfully will never have a child from her own bloodline. :badgrin:

(Right now would be a nice time to use a :fishnettedleg: emoticon. Just sayin'.)
Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?
I don't want to rain on your parade of Maddow, but I watched a little bit of her show once or twice and my opinion is as follows: it is very easy to bash the other side, no matter which side you're on you can look like a pro - so does Rush Bimbo or the right when THEY bash the left, but I have not heard Maddow present any kinds of solutions or say anything good much at all about democrats - perhaps because there is nothing good to say - so she focuses on the TURDS. how original is that my friend? good luck with your idol.
Most of the ones I know get off on showing some leg — political parties notwithstanding.

What's that ummm, thing in your avatar there show when it's lookin' for a good time?

Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?

She also thankfully will never have a child from her own bloodline. :badgrin:

(Right now would be a nice time to use a :fishnettedleg: emoticon. Just sayin'.)

Bullshit, prove it. Because I can prove that she almost certainly will.

Parthenogenesis /ˌpɑrθənoʊˈdʒɛnəsɨs/ is a form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization.

Pay special attention to the picture at the top of that Wiki page, along with its caption:

The asexual, all-female whiptail species Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (center), which reproduces via parthenogenesis, is shown flanked by two sexual species having males C. inornatus (left) and C. tigris (right), which hybridized naturally to form the C. neomexicanus species.

That's right, manpig: Mythyr Nature has just declared males obsolete. Soon, parthenogenesis will come to humyn womyn as well, and we too shall cast off the shackles of the male gyndyr and become a 100% fymynyne species.

Imagine it: A wyrld without manpigs.

Treating strong, independent womyn like pieces of meat. How typical of conservatards.

And you wonder why womyn refuse to vote Wrongpublican.

Most of the ones I know get off on showing some leg — political parties notwithstanding.

What's that ummm, thing in your avatar there show when it's lookin' for a good time?

Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?

She, along with all other men and women, wouldn't be around if it weren't for male "piggish" lusts. Women can be pretty darn lustful too...
Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?

She also thankfully will never have a child from her own bloodline. :badgrin:

(Right now would be a nice time to use a :fishnettedleg: emoticon. Just sayin'.)

Bullshit, prove it. Because I can prove that she almost certainly will.

Parthenogenesis /ˌpɑrθənoʊˈdʒɛnəsɨs/ is a form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization.

Pay special attention to the picture at the top of that Wiki page, along with its caption:

The asexual, all-female whiptail species Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (center), which reproduces via parthenogenesis, is shown flanked by two sexual species having males C. inornatus (left) and C. tigris (right), which hybridized naturally to form the C. neomexicanus species.

That's right, manpig: Mythyr Nature has just declared males obsolete. Soon, parthenogenesis will come to humyn womyn as well, and we too shall cast off the shackles of the male gyndyr and become a 100% fymynyne species.

Imagine it: A wyrld without manpigs.


No, three of my six favorite people in life were/are male. My father and grandfather were the most decent, loving, kind and funny humans I have ever known, I still miss them.
Most of the ones I know get off on showing some leg — political parties notwithstanding.

What's that ummm, thing in your avatar there show when it's lookin' for a good time?

Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?

She, along with all other men and women, wouldn't be around if it weren't for male "piggish" lusts. Women can be pretty darn lustful too...

Most of the ones I know get off on showing some leg — political parties notwithstanding.

What's that ummm, thing in your avatar there show when it's lookin' for a good time?

Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?

I'd ask Rachel out but my calendar is full for the next few weeks. Anyone who is anti-sexual and see's the manpig for who he truly is, is my kind of girl.

We all know that no woman wants to have sex with anyone at anytime unless they are overly paid...
Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?

She also thankfully will never have a child from her own bloodline. :badgrin:

(Right now would be a nice time to use a :fishnettedleg: emoticon. Just sayin'.)

Bullshit, prove it. Because I can prove that she almost certainly will.

Parthenogenesis /ˌpɑrθənoʊˈdʒɛnəsɨs/ is a form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization.

Pay special attention to the picture at the top of that Wiki page, along with its caption:

The asexual, all-female whiptail species Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (center), which reproduces via parthenogenesis, is shown flanked by two sexual species having males C. inornatus (left) and C. tigris (right), which hybridized naturally to form the C. neomexicanus species.

That's right, manpig: Mythyr Nature has just declared males obsolete. Soon, parthenogenesis will come to humyn womyn as well, and we too shall cast off the shackles of the male gyndyr and become a 100% fymynyne species.

Imagine it: A wyrld without manpigs.


OMG..I think I just came.. I got so excited at the mere thought of it all.. I'm about to faint.. Catch me baby..
Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?

She also thankfully will never have a child from her own bloodline. :badgrin:

(Right now would be a nice time to use a :fishnettedleg: emoticon. Just sayin'.)

Bullshit, prove it. Because I can prove that she almost certainly will.

Parthenogenesis /ˌpɑrθənoʊˈdʒɛnəsɨs/ is a form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization.

Pay special attention to the picture at the top of that Wiki page, along with its caption:

The asexual, all-female whiptail species Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (center), which reproduces via parthenogenesis, is shown flanked by two sexual species having males C. inornatus (left) and C. tigris (right), which hybridized naturally to form the C. neomexicanus species.

That's right, manpig: Mythyr Nature has just declared males obsolete. Soon, parthenogenesis will come to humyn womyn as well, and we too shall cast off the shackles of the male gyndyr and become a 100% fymynyne species.

Imagine it: A wyrld without manpigs.


Ok, so they sweat a lot, think they know everything, are slobs, and go to the bathroom funny; other than that they are human beings, or very close to it.:eusa_angel:
It won't take week before yous gals are drowning in your own trash....that you don't know what to do with when it's full....
Treating strong, independent womyn like pieces of meat. How typical of conservatards.

And you wonder why womyn refuse to vote Wrongpublican.

Right. Cause pvsi is Republican. And I'm the king of america
Where is [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] ...we might be able to get him a girlfriend and laid. I have $10 to put towards the fund!

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