Some good news from Ukraine for all you single men

< Biatch slaps the dummy > WTF? Don't speak that blasphemy in the presence of a "GIN-U-WINE wymn of great intellect!!

Careful, I have no issue hitting a woman. Women were not designed for their intellect. They were designed to carry out basic tasks and routines.

I've got a revolver that sayz it will be the last fucking time you ever hit a woman Opie.
That's right, manpig: Mythyr Nature has just declared males obsolete. Soon, parthenogenesis will come to humyn womyn as well, and we too shall cast off the shackles of the male gyndyr and become a 100% fymynyne species.

Imagine it: A wyrld without manpigs.

Naw, Women would STILL hate on each other, they can't help it. Anyone who has worked in an office dominated by Wimmen knows this.
The Wimmen World Leaders would still nuke the whole planet, just for different reasons:

Female President: "You see that Norwegian Queen bitch? How DARE she wear the same shoes as me? Ready the Bombers! We're going to DefCon 1!"
That's right, manpig: Mythyr Nature has just declared males obsolete. Soon, parthenogenesis will come to humyn womyn as well, and we too shall cast off the shackles of the male gyndyr and become a 100% fymynyne species.

Imagine it: A wyrld without manpigs.

Naw, Women would STILL hate on each other, they can't help it. Anyone who has worked in an office dominated by Wimmen knows this.
The Wimmen World Leaders would still nuke the whole planet, just for different reasons:

Female President: "You see that Norwegian Queen bitch? How DARE she wear the same shoes as me? Ready the Bombers! We're going to DefCon 1!"

ROFLMAO!! It's true.. I wish I had rep left MS ;-)
That's right, manpig: Mythyr Nature has just declared males obsolete. Soon, parthenogenesis will come to humyn womyn as well, and we too shall cast off the shackles of the male gyndyr and become a 100% fymynyne species.

Imagine it: A wyrld without manpigs.

Naw, Women would STILL hate on each other, they can't help it. Anyone who has worked in an office dominated by Wimmen knows this.
The Wimmen World Leaders would still nuke the whole planet, just for different reasons:

Female President: "You see that Norwegian Queen bitch? How DARE she wear the same shoes as me? Ready the Bombers! We're going to DefCon 1!"

ROFLMAO!! It's true.. I wish I had rep left MS ;-)

got it for ya :lol:
Treating strong, independent womyn like pieces of meat. How typical of conservatards.

And you wonder why womyn refuse to vote Wrongpublican.

Right. Cause pvsi is Republican.

You mean he isn't? Prove it.

And I'm the king of america

I suspect you may have intended this statement to be interpreted as sarcasm. If you truly don't mean this, prove that you aren't.
Thank you lib. for anyone to claim that I am not a conservative is idiotic beyond argument: I buy 98% of my clothes at thrift store, I have my freezers stuffed with road kill deer, and part of the reason why I closed my bar was because I was outraged that not only I can not get money for empty beer bottles, not only they don't pick up the empty beer bottles for free, not only do I have to drive to the land fill to place the beer bottles into the recycling bin, but I also have to PAY to place those beer bottles there. And I am not ashamed to admit those things about myself, because I have no respect for the people who would laugh at me, it's like chickens squaking and they consider themselves republican LOL. republican Christian lmao. :lol::cuckoo:
< Biatch slaps the dummy > WTF? Don't speak that blasphemy in the presence of a "GIN-U-WINE wymn of great intellect!!

Careful, I have no issue hitting a woman. Women were not designed for their intellect. They were designed to carry out basic tasks and routines.

Right, cause the women should be scared of you.

BTW i have some swamp land to sell you
Right. Cause pvsi is Republican.

You mean he isn't? Prove it.

And I'm the king of america

I suspect you may have intended this statement to be interpreted as sarcasm. If you truly don't mean this, prove that you aren't.
Thank you lib. for anyone to claim that I am not a conservative is idiotic beyond argument: I buy 98% of my clothes at thrift store, I have my freezers stuffed with road kill deer, and part of the reason why I closed my bar was because I was outraged that not only I can not get money for empty beer bottles, not only they don't pick up the empty beer bottles for free, not only do I have to drive to the land fill to place the beer bottles into the recycling bin, but I also have to PAY to place those beer bottles there. And I am not ashamed to admit those things about myself, because I have no respect for the people who would laugh at me, it's like chickens squaking and they consider themselves republican LOL. republican Christian lmao. :lol::cuckoo:

Like I said, not conservative.

Conservatives arent worried about the animals making them world leaders.
I've got a revolver that sayz it will be the last fucking time you ever hit a woman Opie.

Ah, so you're one of those truly uppity types. The ones who are beter dealt with via mail bomb or similar tools.

:lol: if you have to use a mail bomb to deal with a woman, you truly are pathetic. I know you are joking...but you sound like a pussy teaper threatening to use woman as human shields.
:lol: if you have to use a mail bomb to deal with a woman, you truly are pathetic. I know you are joking...but you sound like a pussy teaper threatening to use woman as human shields.

It's not a matter if having to. It's just easier that way. Less muss and fuss that way.

I have no problem dealing with women, when I can find them. I just refuse to waste my time dealing with the feminists that make up the vast majority of American females these days.
Hyr astounding intellectual, irrefutable political theories, and staunch commitment to hyr lybyryl principles.

Myss Maddow is no piece of meat, conservatard. She's a strong, independent, anti-sexual, and highly intelligent womyn who requires the lusts of no male. She's so far above your male piggishness that you can't even comprehend it, can you?

She also thankfully will never have a child from her own bloodline. :badgrin:

(Right now would be a nice time to use a :fishnettedleg: emoticon. Just sayin'.)

Bullshit, prove it. Because I can prove that she almost certainly will.

Parthenogenesis /&#716;p&#593;r&#952;&#601;no&#650;&#712;d&#658;&#603;n&#601;s&#616;s/ is a form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization.

Pay special attention to the picture at the top of that Wiki page, along with its caption:

The asexual, all-female whiptail species Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (center), which reproduces via parthenogenesis, is shown flanked by two sexual species having males C. inornatus (left) and C. tigris (right), which hybridized naturally to form the C. neomexicanus species.

That's right, manpig: Mythyr Nature has just declared males obsolete. Soon, parthenogenesis will come to humyn womyn as well, and we too shall cast off the shackles of the male gyndyr and become a 100% fymynyne species.

Imagine it: A wyrld without manpigs.


So...when you buy a freezer, do you carry that beast into the house yourself...or do you have a deliveryMAN do it?

Hell...try slinging an 8D truck battery sometime! I'm sure a strong womyn like you will have no trouble with one...they're only about 115lbs...if you get a light one! (The ones in the bus I drove were 155lbs each.)
I've got a revolver that sayz it will be the last fucking time you ever hit a woman Opie.

Ah, so you're one of those truly uppity types. The ones who are beter dealt with via mail bomb or similar tools.

:lol: if you have to use a mail bomb to deal with a woman, you truly are pathetic. I know you are joking...but you sound like a pussy teaper threatening to use woman as human shields.

No...he's just a garden-variety sociopath.
She also thankfully will never have a child from her own bloodline. :badgrin:

(Right now would be a nice time to use a :fishnettedleg: emoticon. Just sayin'.)

Bullshit, prove it. Because I can prove that she almost certainly will.

Pay special attention to the picture at the top of that Wiki page, along with its caption:

The asexual, all-female whiptail species Cnemidophorus neomexicanus (center), which reproduces via parthenogenesis, is shown flanked by two sexual species having males C. inornatus (left) and C. tigris (right), which hybridized naturally to form the C. neomexicanus species.

That's right, manpig: Mythyr Nature has just declared males obsolete. Soon, parthenogenesis will come to humyn womyn as well, and we too shall cast off the shackles of the male gyndyr and become a 100% fymynyne species.

Imagine it: A wyrld without manpigs.


So...when you buy a freezer, do you carry that beast into the house yourself


Hell...try slinging an 8D truck battery sometime! I'm sure a strong womyn like you will have no trouble with one

You're probably correct, but we'll likely never find out; I don't drive a truck as I'm not a male chauvinist pig.

I'm not certain what the purpose of your post was, other than a failed attempt at "flyrtyng," AKA verbal rape.
Bullshit, prove it. Because I can prove that she almost certainly will.

Pay special attention to the picture at the top of that Wiki page, along with its caption:

That's right, manpig: Mythyr Nature has just declared males obsolete. Soon, parthenogenesis will come to humyn womyn as well, and we too shall cast off the shackles of the male gyndyr and become a 100% fymynyne species.

Imagine it: A wyrld without manpigs.


So...when you buy a freezer, do you carry that beast into the house yourself



Hell...try slinging an 8D truck battery sometime! I'm sure a strong womyn like you will have no trouble with one

You're probably correct, but we'll likely never find out; I don't drive a truck as I'm not a male chauvinist pig.

Plenty of women drive trucks, including my wife. (I recall seeing that for new trucks, it's almost 50/50.) Also: an 8D isn't for a's a huge commercial battery. The one I dealt with was in one of these:

I'm not certain what the purpose of your post was, other than a failed attempt at "flyrtyng," AKA verbal rape.

Basically, I'm laughing at you!
So...when you buy a freezer, do you carry that beast into the house yourself




You're probably correct, but we'll likely never find out; I don't drive a truck as I'm not a male chauvinist pig.

Plenty of women drive trucks, including my wife. (I recall seeing that for new trucks, it's almost 50/50.)

"Your" wyfe (she isn't your property, by the way, but we'll get into that later) has been brainwashed by vyrbyl rypysts like you into believing that such activity is the norm. I do not blame hyr for hyr actions; instead, I do the lybyryl prygryssyve thing and blame you.

Also: an 8D isn't for a's a huge commercial battery.

I never said what it was for. Thanks for displaying your raging syxysm, though. Maybe it'll awaken even more people to the realities of the Wrongpublican War on Womyn.

I'm not certain what the purpose of your post was, other than a failed attempt at "flyrtyng," AKA verbal rape.

Basically, I'm laughing at you!

And you even admit that you find rype to be humorous. Most male chauvinist pigs aren't quite that upfront about their prevailing syxysm, but you breaking that trend does nothing to justify or diminish your clearly backwards, bigoted wyrldview. You should be ashamed of yoursylf.

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