Some here said this didn't happen

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Remember last week, some rw's here said no one boo'd the gay soldier video at the R "debate". Well, here it is again, "not happening".


Eric Alva, a gay Marine veteran who lost a leg during combat in the Iraq War, faced an unfriendly reception from anti-LGBT protesters in San Antonio, Texas, this week, while testifying in favor of an anti-discrimination ordinance....

“Well I just left city council chambers and I feel like crying," he wrote. "I have never seen a city so divided and hateful towards each other. All of mankind should be ashamed. I already spoke and even some of the religious groups even booed me as I spoke. Such disrespect as they preach the word of God."

Eric Alva, Gay Veteran Wounded In Iraq, Booed By Anti-LGBT Protesters

He'll fight for you but you won't fight for him.

I'll bet that most of you haters call yourselves "christians".
He went and fought for your country, he was seriously injured and nearly died, and still people don't think he should be treated like a normal human being.

Ah, emotional appeals. So satisfying, if generally pointless.

It would have been better to just stick to saying, "See? He really was booed.".

Although, to be fair, I didn't read any of the posts this is in response to, so I'll admit it's at least possible I'd see it as more reasonable if I'd read them first.
He went and fought for your country, he was seriously injured and nearly died, and still people don't think he should be treated like a normal human being.


"people"..., just "people" ?? care to put a name on those "people" ? i believe i am a "people" and i have great respect for all our military men and women who flowed my foot steps and have served honorably.

"Shame".., yes it is a shame, a horrible shame that liberals here hate the military and will use every opportunity to spit in their faces.., it is not only a shame.., it is a hateful fucking shame
He went and fought for your country, he was seriously injured and nearly died, and still people don't think he should be treated like a normal human being.


"people"..., just "people" ?? care to put a name on those "people" ? i believe i am a "people" and i have great respect for all our military men and women who flowed my foot steps and have served honorably.

"Shame".., yes it is a shame, a horrible shame that liberals here hate the military and will use every opportunity to spit in their faces.., it is not only a shame.., it is a hateful fucking shame

Many liberals are that brave man in the OP.
Perhaps what he had to say deserved to be booed. Had he not been propagandizing homosexuality he wouldn't have been booed.

Being injured does not automatically make someone a fount of wisdom.
Good. I'd boo too. Fags do not belong in the military especially when you read the Pentgram's report on the number of male on male sexual assaults.
He went and fought for your country, he was seriously injured and nearly died, and still people don't think he should be treated like a normal human being.


Let's just say he shouldn't have ever been there. I missed the part where he was injured so in that sense I wouldn't have booed. See other post.
If he had been up there as a Christian telling people to follow Jesus and stop approving of homosexuality would you object to his being booed? If he had gotten on stage with a prosthetic leg and gave a speech about stopping abortion would it be appropriate to boo?
Come to think of it, I wouldn't have booed in any of your scenarios. I posted that too quickly. Didn't reflect on it enough before my hands wrote something stupid.

Nevertheless, they don't belong in the military and I'm firm on that point.
Good. I'd boo too. Fags do not belong in the military especially when you read the Pentgram's report on the number of male on male sexual assaults.

I guess straight men shouldn't be allowed either if we are going to use that argument.
What we need is an injured veteran to get on stage in full KKK cloak and hood and give a speech on race relations. Then say I'm an injured vet and you have to agree with me.
What we need is an injured veteran to get on stage in full KKK cloak and hood and give a speech on race relations. Then say I'm an injured vet and you have to agree with me.

The sad truth of it is he'd probably be more right.:eek: The avg white male won't say that blacks are killing twice as many whites or the wrongs that are done to us.

Every single day we're forced to hear how we're the bad guy. It is sad....Race relations are a two way street. Two sides.
Liberals just don't get that not everyone in the world
is as in love with abortion,birth control,and homosexuality as they are.
We do realize that this stuff is the cornerstone of the Democrat party.
Liberals just don't get that not everyone in the world
is as in love with abortion,birth control,and homosexuality as they are.
We do realize that this stuff is the cornerstone of the Democrat party.

That isn't the point. The point is, this man lost his leg for his country and losers booed him.
Liberals just don't get that not everyone in the world
is as in love with abortion,birth control,and homosexuality as they are.
We do realize that this stuff is the cornerstone of the Democrat party.

That isn't the point. The point is, this man lost his leg for his country and losers booed him.

But were they booing his service, his sacrifice, or the message he was giving?

Losing a limb in service of the country does not make a person morally correct or give their opinion on all matters extra weight.
Good. I'd boo too. Fags do not belong in the military especially when you read the Pentgram's report on the number of male on male sexual assaults.

I guess straight men shouldn't be allowed either if we are going to use that argument.

I can't feature any scenario where a straight man would rape another straight man and not be gay. Does not compute.

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