Some of my fellow Trump supporters. Stop making accusations of antisemitism about your fellow Americans.

It's what's done every day on this rock Lisa

An army of savages go on a hunt to break into hundreds of houses with the intent torture to death 1400 men, women, children, and infants every day?

Look at how you antisemites downplay antisemitism: Nothing to see here, folks. Happens every day.
My point is, you folks need to gain some perspective vs. calling everyone an anti-semite ~S~
We call it as we see it. Someone who says that its no big deal when 1400 innocent Jews are hunted down like animals and set on fire or having their heads cut off is an antisemite.
An army of savages go on a hunt to break into hundreds of houses with the intent torture to death 1400 men, women, children, and infants every day?
100X's that Lisa

all of it real, little of it we read

You’re right. It’s probably the same guy. What happened is that he was hiding who he really was all along, but the chance to jump onto the antisemitic band wagon following the absolutely horrific massacre of innocent Jews was too tempting, and he gave it away.

I won’t be responding to him anymore.
I don't know his heart or how he thinks. But he takes strong offense at being labeled antisemitic even when it is explained to him why his comments and most especially his obsessive behavior re defending Palestine and condemning Israel come across as antisemitic. And he definitely has a blind spot re what Israel and the Jews there are up against and ignores what others tell him and never rebuts it.

But oh well. You know and I know that those wired a certain way are incapable of considering anything other than what they have decided to think/believe about something. And they are entitled to think/believe whatever they want however wrong. We've lived all our lives in the same world with them and that is something that probably will never change.
Can the Israeli government EVER do anything wrong?
Not according to the USofA
Are they infallible?
They thing so
Is everything we hear on the TV always the truth?
well i gave up TV, so i'm ill equipped to opine....
Do governments EVER have any subversive people within their ranks, or are all governments always perfect?
obviously subversive , which doesn't serve the majority, ergo imperfect representation

It’s throughout this board there are those like Lisa and others Lord long rod, , the duke and others who are Trump supporters and they are falsely accusing people of being anti-Semitic.
you said, across the country, as if you actually saw it

people are anti-semetic

the reason I come down so hard on you, is that there is a problem on campuses across the country. Not simply protests as you describe them, but actual radical hate

Can I suggest you read, there is much political there, and there is probably the best coverage on what is happening on campuses across the USA. You of all people should be alarmed.
No, you need to quit making Anti-Semitic statements if you’re mad about getting called out on it.
hardly Lisa



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