Some of my fellow Trump supporters. Stop making accusations of antisemitism about your fellow Americans.

I'd like to see how he ties that in to all this..

after years of drone wars , killing every living thing (women & children too) in his country, he fought back by the only means he had

one can copy paste that very same guerilla tactic to any lesser contingent in modern warfare back to the founding of our own nation


one man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist

Which brings us to WWIII, because the entire world is picking sides as we speak, based on this very perspective

Rise above your bigotry , subscribe to the reality of what and who we are in this fight, what we're fighting for or against, and we might have a chance through it

Keep dividing us, and we'll fall

after years of drone wars , killing every living thing (women & children too) in his country, he fought back by the only means he had

one can copy paste that very same guerilla tactic to any lesser contingent in modern warfare back to the founding of our own nation


one man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist

Which brings us to WWIII, because the entire world is picking sides as we speak, based on this very perspective

Rise above your bigotry , subscribe to the reality of what and who we are in this fight, what we're fighting for or against, and we might have a chance through it

Keep dividing us, and we'll fall
He shouldn't have been allowed in this country in the 1st place.

He was a terrorist that killed innocent Americans for nothing.

I am going to stand for what I know to be right, and if some Americans don't want to be on that side, so be it.

Do you believe in objective morality?
liberal is the last thing i am
I guess I'd ask you and Franklin the same thing. Even if you think the government of Israel is a terrible thing, how can you use that as a justification for mass murder? It is clear the Palestinians will murder and launch rockets until they can wipe the Jewish people of Israel from existence. I'm not sure why 'Israel is a terrible place' is a valid mantra under these circumstances. After such large scale murder from a people that want genocide, I'm having a hard time with the both sides are bad bandwagon.

after years of drone wars , killing every living thing (women & children too) in his country, he fought back by the only means he had

one can copy paste that very same guerilla tactic to any lesser contingent in modern warfare back to the founding of our own nation


one man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist

Which brings us to WWIII, because the entire world is picking sides as we speak, based on this very perspective

Rise above your bigotry , subscribe to the reality of what and who we are in this fight, what we're fighting for or against, and we might have a chance through it

Keep dividing us, and we'll fall
The problem is the 'freedom fighters' want genocide against a country created and recognized by the UN. There is no policy problems, nor even cultural problems. It is simply one side does not believe the other should exist, and will kill until it doesn't.
I'm beginning to conclude that some people simply have little to no grasp of basic logic.

It reminds me of when Obama was president and ANY criticism whatsoever would immediately cause the leftists to cry "racist!!" because they simply could not fathom any legitimate disagreement with him.

Or when Christians say that homosexuality is a sin, and they are immediately accused of "hating gays" even when it is made clear that all people are sinners and mere disagreement does not mean hate.

What I would like to know (from anyone who is even remotely reasonable, but that seems to be a rarity around here recently) is this.... Can the Israeli government EVER do anything wrong? Are they infallible? Is everything we hear on the TV always the truth? Do governments EVER have any subversive people within their ranks, or are all governments always perfect? Thanks. Hopefully I won't get my head bitten off for asking some questions.
Kind of a dumb question.

Of course the government of the Nation of Israel can do something wrong.

But that question is irrelevant.

The actual question (given what Hamas does to them while hiding within the populace of the Palestinians in Gaza) is what other viable options could Israel employ to fight back.
I’ve seen some follow Trump supporters effectively Turn into far left wingers here in this country. Engaging in very divisive Political stances. OK it’s really quite straightforward. If somebody criticizes Israel it’s not antisemitism. If somebody believes that Israel is a terrorist state that’s also not antisemitism. You see there is a dictionary definition here.

If somebody believes Jews are lesser than non-Jews when it comes to humanity… yes that’s anti Semitism.

There is no rise of antisemitism on college campuses. if people here think that pot smoking hippies at college campuses saying “free Palestine” are dangerous “antisemites”… they are living in a fantasy world.

There has always been a criticism of Israeli policy from college students , especially from American Jews who continue to overwhelmingly vote Democrat they’ve done so since the days of WW2.

People can complain falsely about antisemitism in America Until They are red in the face. They will never be right. It is demanded of them if they make such a serious alligation, they must show the person they are accusing of saying that Jews are lesser people compared to non-Jews. That’s it if they can’t do that they got no argument.

Have a nice day.
You are so full of shit it is coming out your ears.
I'm beginning to conclude that some people simply have little to no grasp of basic logic.

It reminds me of when Obama was president and ANY criticism whatsoever would immediately cause the leftists to cry "racist!!" because they simply could not fathom any legitimate disagreement with him.

Or when Christians say that homosexuality is a sin, and they are immediately accused of "hating gays" even when it is made clear that all people are sinners and mere disagreement does not mean hate.

What I would like to know (from anyone who is even remotely reasonable, but that seems to be a rarity around here recently) is this.... Can the Israeli government EVER do anything wrong? Are they infallible? Is everything we hear on the TV always the truth? Do governments EVER have any subversive people within their ranks, or are all governments always perfect? Thanks. Hopefully I won't get my head bitten off for asking some questions.
You believe Sandy Hook was a false flag, too, now dontcha?
you said, across the country, as if you actually saw it

people are anti-semetic

the reason I come down so hard on you, is that there is a problem on campuses across the country. Not simply protests as you describe them, but actual radical hate

Can I suggest you read, there is much political there, and there is probably the best coverage on what is happening on campuses across the USA. You of all people should be alarmed.
David Horowitz is a big-time pro Israel propagandists. And front page mag is a radical website.

You see it in this thread when Jewish people in Israel, commit acts of terror against Palestinians. No pro Israel folks talks about it they act like it doesn’t happen when it does. And then they complain when people say there’s bad people on both sides. It’s unbelievable the logic of these people who call others anti-Semitic with no evidence. I’m not talking about the idf bombing targets and then collateral damage occurs btw ,. I am talking about Jewish terrorism.

And the other argument is when Israel drops bombs on huge apartments they know they will kill kids…. do you understand what these bombs do? They rip apart children and burn them alive they incinerate them.

Most of the criticism of Israel comes from Jews. But the thing is these college campuses are not producing any hatred whatsoever. Many of them are hippies and they’re simply saying things like free Palestine. There is no way to call that antisemitism. I blame the media for brainwashing some people in this thread to call all these people anti-Semitic.

The people demand that if somebody claims somebody else is anti-Semitic or Islamophobic, then show them saying Judaism is a hate filled religion or Islam is a hate filled religion. And that’s it. These things all have dictionary definitions. People want to believe that they can assume what others think or if somebody criticizes Israel each day that is antisemitic ….it’s not.

I respect Judaism and Islam. I have nothing to worry about, and there are people willingly lying in this thread about my positions. It bothers me not in the slightest.
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You are so full of shit it is coming out your ears.
Have a nice night


David Horowitz is a big-time pro Israel propagandists. And front page mag is a radical website.

You see it in this thread with Jewish people in Israel, commit Heynis acts of Tara against Palestinians. Nobody talks about it they act like it doesn’t happen when it dies. And then they complain when people say there’s bad people on both sides. It’s unbelievable the logic of these people who call others anti-somatic with no evidence.

And the other argument is when Israel drops bombs on huge apartments they know they will kill kids…. do you understand what these bombs do? They rip apart children and burn them alive they incinerate them.

Most of the criticism of Israel comes from Jews. But the thing is these college campuses are not producing any hatred whatsoever. Many of them are hippies and they’re simply saying things like free Palestine. There is no way to call that antisemitism. I blame the media for brainwashing some people in this thread to call all these people anti-Semitic.

The people demand that if somebody claims somebody else is anti-somatic for Islam, a phobic, then show them saying Judaism is a hate filled religion or Islam is a hate filled religion. And that’s it. These things all have dictionary definitions. People want to believe that they can assume what others think or if somebody criticizes Israel each day that is antisemitic ….it’s not.
Anybody can claim to be anything on the internet. I don't believe you're American. Certainly not a Trump voter. Definitely not conservative if you think FrontPageMag is "radical."

Are you Muslim?

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