Some of my fellow Trump supporters. Stop making accusations of antisemitism about your fellow Americans.

I’ve seen some follow Trump supporters effectively Turn into far left wingers here in this country. Engaging in very divisive Political stances. OK it’s really quite straightforward. If somebody criticizes Israel it’s not antisemitism. If somebody believes that Israel is a terrorist state that’s also not antisemitism. You see there is a dictionary definition here.

If somebody believes Jews are lesser than non-Jews when it comes to humanity… yes that’s anti Semitism.

There is no rise of antisemitism on college campuses. if people here think that pot smoking hippies at college campuses saying “free Palestine” are dangerous “antisemites”… they are living in a fantasy world.

There has always been a criticism of Israeli policy from college students , especially from American Jews who continue to overwhelmingly vote Democrat they’ve done so since the days of WW2.

People can complain falsely about antisemitism in America Until They are red in the face. They will never be right. It is demanded of them if they make such a serious alligation, they must show the person they are accusing of saying that Jews are lesser people compared to non-Jews. That’s it if they can’t do that they got no argument.

Have a nice day.
Name-calling and demonization, a deceptive display,
Propaganda tactics I see along the way,
Used to discredit, to tarnish and defame,
But fear not, friends, for I won't play this game.

Ignore the whispers, the venomous attack,
For those who resort to it, their motives lack,
They aim to distort, manipulate people's views,
But try to rise above, stay strong and true.

In the face of falsehood, I'll hold my ground,
Let reason and fairness be my resounding sound,
For rhyme and reason will prevail in the end,
I won't be swayed by those who only pretend.

Together truthtellers will stand, united and aware,
Rejecting the propaganda, showing they care,
Name-calling and demonization won't win,
Liars won't rise above, let the truth begin...
The point is that it is Trump supporters accusing people of being antisemitic simply for criticizing in Israel. Or saying free Palestine. So they’re accusations are against logic

There’s probably 10 neo Nazis in America, and those are right wingers who are actual anti Semitic people who have Nazi symbols and their homes and things like that.

You're lying your ass off, leftie zombie. The Jew hating death to Israel crowd are YOU. Bidenistas. You're fooling no one with your antisemitic crap, Jew hater
I support Mr. Trump

And so the point is that anybody who believes antisemitism is a problem in America, is echoing the far left, who believes that racism against blacks as a problem in America. Those types of accusations is an unfair, blanket criticism toward the American people in general and that’s not right, our neighbors, teachers, friends, and family members are overwhelmingly, not bigoted people.

It’s getting very tiring, explaining logic and common sense to a few people in America who believe that our country is racist….

What's getting tiring is endlessly pointing out to Jew haters like you that Israel is defending herself and avoiding civilians while Palestine TARGETED civilians. Yet you scream every time Israel kills a civilian (maybe a civilian) while Hamas targets them and you say nothing, over and over and over
Can you give an example, from the website?

The problem with the website is they don't demand Jews across the world immediately run into the ocean and drown themselves as they were supposed to at the end of WWII as FranklinRoosevelt_FTW and other Jew haters says they should have. But it's not too late. Jews need to realize they are the garbage of humanity and commit mass suicide now, huh Franklin?
I love Muslims. I’m a proud Catholic ..Look at all the far left fanaticism we have in America. Men going to the women’s bathrooms, men dancing naked in front of children. They don’t have that in Saudi Arabia Where Jared Kushner just visited by the way.

Just take a step back that’s all. Israel is a country like any other, and is open to being criticized or supported.

Fox News is the biggest proponent of the pro Israel propaganda machine. Now there’s good people in Israel but there’s also bad people. And just remember who was it who fired Tucker Carlson? It was Fox News. Who fired Dan Bongino?? it was Fox News. So Fox News doesn’t always have our back.

I for one admire your standing up and condemning Israel for going to picnics while they were being murdered by Palistinian terrorists. Stupid Jews, brought it on themselves. Huh, Adolf?
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You're lying your ass off, leftie zombie. The Jew hating death to Israel crowd are YOU. Bidenistas. You're fooling no one with your antisemitic crap, Jew hater
Exactly! The leftists are out en force, spewing their Jew-hate. They think they are getting away with it by couching It as “it’s just Israel I hate.…” but they reveal their antisemitism with every post.
Exactly! The leftists are out en force, spewing their Jew-hate. They think they are getting away with it by couching It as “it’s just Israel I hate.…” but they reveal their antisemitism with every post.

It's out of the Democrat playbook, and never works. FranklinRoosevelt_FTW says to Trump supporters, I'm an anti-semite and I'm one of YOU!!!!!! Trying to sucker in a Trump supporter to agree with him. Didn't work, obviously. Franklin and the Bidenistas are the Jew haters. They just believe leftist propaganda no matter how many times they shoot blanks like this trying to prove it
I for one admire your standing up and condemning Israel for going to picnics while they were being murdered by Palistinian terrorists. Stupid Jews, brought it on themselves. Huh, Adolph?
I am not Jewish. I don't have any Jewish friends or relatives and I'm not particularly fond of Jewish politics (collectively) in this country.

But I support Israel with all my heart. They have put up with too much crap from those 'people' around them. You'd think they'd get the hint after the IDF kicked their asses for them in the last 15 Wars they've had to fight.

Is Israel perfect? No, no Country is 'perfect'. We all have faults, some more than others. But I can't think of too many that went into another Country with their sole purpose to be to murder INFANTS, RAPE -- Not just women, but young girls. To behead toddlers, to kidnap civilians to use as hostages.

We haven't seen anything this horrible since the National Socialists had to be put down -- Hard.

Even then, FDR had enough sense to keep their atrocities out of t e public eye for Military reasons.

Israel has long held back because of what happened to them, the Jews, during WW2. Time to get over that, IMO.

The IDF should eradicate Hamas. And if anybody gets in their way, eradicate them as well. In fact, if they were to kill every military-age male in Gaza, I wouldn't lose any sleep.

And if some civilians are killed? Too bad. What kind of woman raises a son to be Hamas? What kind of Father? What kind of sister or brother tolerates scum like this?

Jews just want to live in peace and these scumbags won't let them.

As to Hamas sympathizers? They're no better than Hamas.

'Queers' for Palestine? Seriously?

There are no queers in Palestine but dimocrap scum have them holding placards to support their buddies in Hamas
The problem is that Biden is straddling the line between full support of Israel and trying to keep his Jew-hating Muslim base content.
It is not a 'Muslim Base'. There is no such thing. It's his dimocrap base.

There is around 1.3% of the US Population that is Muslim and many of them are converts and many, many more despise groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

Got nothing to do with Muslims. It's all dimocraps. I'm not just being hyperbolic when I call dimocraps 'The Scum Of The Earth'

They really are. certifiable scum
I am not Jewish. I don't have any Jewish friends or relatives and I'm not particularly fond of Jewish politics (collectively) in this country.

But I support Israel with all my heart. They have put up with too much crap from those 'people' around them. You'd think they'd get the hint after the IDF kicked their asses for them in the last 15 Wars they've had to fight.

Is Israel perfect? No, no Country is 'perfect'. We all have faults, some more than others. But I can't think of too many that went into another Country with their sole purpose to be to murder INFANTS, RAPE -- Not just women, but young girls. To behead toddlers, to kidnap civilians to use as hostages.

We haven't seen anything this horrible since the National Socialists had to be put down -- Hard.

Even then, FDR had enough sense to keep their atrocities out of t e public eye for Military reasons.

Israel has long held back because of what happened to them, the Jews, during WW2. Time to get over that, IMO.

The IDF should eradicate Hamas. And if anybody gets in their way, eradicate them as well. In fact, if they were to kill every military-age male in Gaza, I wouldn't lose any sleep.

And if some civilians are killed? Too bad. What kind of woman raises a son to be Hamas? What kind of Father? What kind of sister or brother tolerates scum like this?

Jews just want to live in peace and these scumbags won't let them.

As to Hamas sympathizers? They're no better than Hamas.

'Queers' for Palestine? Seriously?

There are no queers in Palestine but dimocrap scum have them holding placards to support their buddies in Hamas

Jew hatred is a bizarre thing. What's really weird are all the Jews vote election after election for Democrats who want them at the bottom of the ocean, like FranklinRoosevelt_FTW . None of them ever explain a rational alternative to Israel for Jews after WWII. You look at the antisemitism around the world today and see why they had nowhere to go. They still don't
It is not a 'Muslim Base'. There is no such thing. It's his dimocrap base.

There is around 1.3% of the US Population that is Muslim and many of them are converts and many, many more despise groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

Got nothing to do with Muslims. It's all dimocraps. I'm not just being hyperbolic when I call dimocraps 'The Scum Of The Earth'

They really are. certifiable scum

Nicely put. I have quite a few Muslim friends and work closely with Muslim's on my teams and trust them as much as anyone else I know for sure. The Democrat party just attracts hate. It's their product. That's why Nazis and the KKK relate to them, just like the hate filled Muslims
Jew hatred is a bizarre thing. What's really weird are all the Jews vote election after election for Democrats who want them at the bottom of the ocean, like FranklinRoosevelt_FTW . None of them ever explain a rational alternative to Israel for Jews after WWII. You look at the antisemitism around the world today and see why they had nowhere to go. They still don't
What’s even weirder that Jews who vote for Democrats are the Jews who are gathering with the Jew-haters and Hamas supporters in massive protests.
What’s even weirder that Jews who vote for Democrats are the Jews who are gathering with the Jew-haters and Hamas supporters in massive protests.

Self hating Jews are a leftist thing, sadly. Leftists believe anything Democrats tell them, including to fall on a sword and blame yourself. Democrat party is a religion

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