Some of my fellow Trump supporters. Stop making accusations of antisemitism about your fellow Americans.

Because some Trump supporters on the US message board have falsely said there’s an anti-semitic problem in America. It implies that our own fellow Americans, our neighbors are friends and family Have a problem. It’s no different than claiming that the police are a problem in America. you know the police our fellow neighbors, family, and friends.
Those kids are directly or indirectly supporting Hamas right now which is indeed anti-Semitic one way or another
Because some Trump supporters on the US message board have falsely said there’s an anti-semitic problem in America. It implies that our own fellow Americans, our neighbors are friends and family Have a problem. It’s no different than claiming that the police are a problem in America. you know the police our fellow neighbors, family, and friends.
There is, and it's obviously it's coming from leftist profs and actual jihadis here in America.

The UK is in a particularly bad way.

Are there some Palestinians that don't support Hamas? Sure, but they are not in the majority.
Lisa you’re doing it yet again blatantly, ignoring that Some Israeli Jews have killed innocent Palestinians. The situation goes both ways. That’s really unfortunate behavior by you.
“The situation”.

The situation is that Muslims went house to house, hunting down every single Jewish man, woman, child, and infant to torture to death in the most horrific ways.

That doesn’t go both ways, and your “both sides” mantra is what liberals like you do when you can’t defend the indefensible. It’s all part of your “equity” nonsense.

No moral equivalence between Jews and Muslim terrorists.

Anyway, you have revealed yourself to be a typical liberal and I’d rather not engage with you further. Find someone else, and in the meantime, I will pray for you.
OK first of all, Palestine doesn’t have an organized military like Israel does. And there is an equivalent in Israel to Hamas …. Over the years, some Jews in Israel has committed horrific attacks against Palestinian civilians. There you go it is simply all about common sense and being levelheaded here.

Israel just has bad policies. They have all of the cards in the deck. And so they need to have different policies. They should figure out a one state solution.

You can’t start off on October 7 this situation goes back decades.
You know Israel has many Palestinian and Arab citizens, right?

Oh! You didn't?!

You thought it was all
"The Jooos!" huh?!

"Fellow Trump supporters"? Yeah right. How long are left wing propagandists going to play this game when it seems that about 30% of democrats support the terrorist Hamas regime?
He gave it away, but I admit he had me fooled for quite a while.
You think FranklinRoosevelt FTW is more than one person? It's always possible but the writing style is pretty consistent.
Wow ???

OK it’s a very simple straightforward issue. Anybody is allowed to criticize the Islamic nation of Saudi Arabia or the Jewish state of Israel. … without being called a bigot. It is immature behavior and completely unacceptable to label somebody a bigot with no evidence to back it up just because they criticize a country you might like. Doesn’t matter what you think about that country people are allowed to criticize any country they want.

There’s more Jews, living outside of Israel than inside of it by the way. And there’s tons of Jews, all around the world who criticize Israel.

I can only tell you how I think and if you think I’m antisemitic you’re wrong . Have a nice day.
OK first of all, Palestine doesn’t have an organized military like Israel does

Completely irrelevant . Those scumbags have Hamas. Israel doesn’t have a terrorist force.
And there is an equivalent in Israel to Hamas …. Over the years, some Jews in Israel has committed horrific attacks against Palestinian civilians.
Bullshit. When they get attacked, they fight back. If Hamas happens to hide in the civilian population areas of the Pali’s, the question remains. Nnorder to fight back against those terrorist pussies, where else could IDF fight them?
There you go it is simply all about common sense and being levelheaded here.
You demonstrate neither common sense nor level headedness.
Israel just has bad policies.

Bullshit. Easy for you guys to claim. Obviously not at all easy for you to validly cite.
They have all of the cards in the deck.
Absolute nonsense. No truth in that claim at all.
And so they need to have different policies.

Pablum puke.
They should figure out a one state solution.
They would, but their counterparts don’t agree to anything that would accept the right of Israel to exist as a nation.
You can’t start off on October 7 this situation goes back decades.
I know. Missiles have been launched against Israel from the Islamofascists for many many years.
You think FranklinRoosevelt FTW is more than one person? It's always possible but the writing style is pretty consistent.
You’re right. It’s probably the same guy. What happened is that he was hiding who he really was all along, but the chance to jump onto the antisemitic band wagon following the absolutely horrific massacre of innocent Jews was too tempting, and he gave it away.

I won’t be responding to him anymore.
You folks do know our own revolutionaries were seen as 'terrorists' by the Britt's in the 1700's , right?

You’re right. It’s probably the same guy. What happened is that he was hiding who he really was all along, but the chance to jump onto the antisemitic band wagon following the absolutely horrific massacre of innocent Jews was too tempting, and he gave it away.

I won’t be responding to him anymore.
There's a lot like that. It's been pretty shocking to me, but it is what it is.

I ain't pickin' the side of the obvious Nazis.

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