Some of us see dark days ahead


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
I am not here to argue politics. I no longer have time for that.

I am here merely to help and spread an 'alarm'---time to organize like never before.

In many cities we have already ceded the streets to the leftwingers...this needs to be stopped.

If the democrats gain control you will see some very bad things begin to happen very quickly.

Standing alone you will be defeated, they will take your guns.

When I speak of organizing I am referring to armed miitia groups.

If your local sheriff knows his constituents are armed and organized he will not be so prone to work with federal thugs sent to your front door to take your guns.

Fail to organize and the same thing that happened in Australia will happen here.
I am not here to argue politics. I no longer have time for that.

I am here merely to help and spread an 'alarm'---time to organize like never before.

In many cities we have already ceded the streets to the leftwingers...this needs to be stopped.

If the democrats gain control you will see some very bad things begin to happen very quickly.

Standing alone you will be defeated, they will take your guns.

When I speak of organizing I am referring to armed miitia groups.

If your local sheriff knows his constituents are armed and organized he will not be so prone to work with federal thugs sent to your front door to take your guns.

Fail to organize and the same thing that happened in Australia will happen here.
Good Lord! Another militia guy. This ain't new dude. It used to be worse, by a long shot.

There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware

I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind

What a field-day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, hooray for our side

It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away

Buffalo Springfield 1966
My family and friends have had a plan for many years. As far back as the 1960s with all the troubles then ,dad and mom told us what to do and where to go. The troubles today are not as bad as those in the 1960s but it could escalate to that point quickly .Learn to self reliant as possible.
"What is objectionable, what is dangerous about extremists is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.”
― Robert F. Kennedy Words that ring truth about ANTIFA, and all the extremist around today. Let us not let there propaganda cause us to be like them.
I am not here to argue politics. I no longer have time for that.

I am here merely to help and spread an 'alarm'---time to organize like never before.

In many cities we have already ceded the streets to the leftwingers...this needs to be stopped.

If the democrats gain control you will see some very bad things begin to happen very quickly.

Standing alone you will be defeated, they will take your guns.

When I speak of organizing I am referring to armed miitia groups.

If your local sheriff knows his constituents are armed and organized he will not be so prone to work with federal thugs sent to your front door to take your guns.

Fail to organize and the same thing that happened in Australia will happen here.
All local
Meatspace baby

Don't worry about large ...
the large....larger will come but communicate with the like minded near you ...
.....errrr yep

Yes, of course, when (not "if") the Dems win both the Executive Mansion & both Houses, many bad things will happen.

Good people have really only two choices: Move to a better state or even country, or do the best that one can under the circumstances. There are no other alternatives.

Crime, for example, will skyrocket under the Biden-Harris administration as very, very, very bad individuals become emboldened as never before. And if one takes steps to protect him-, herself, the victim (not the perp) will become the target of the law's ire!
I am not here to argue politics. I no longer have time for that.

I am here merely to help and spread an 'alarm'---time to organize like never before.

In many cities we have already ceded the streets to the leftwingers...this needs to be stopped.

If the democrats gain control you will see some very bad things begin to happen very quickly.

Standing alone you will be defeated, they will take your guns.

When I speak of organizing I am referring to armed miitia groups.

If your local sheriff knows his constituents are armed and organized he will not be so prone to work with federal thugs sent to your front door to take your guns.

Fail to organize and the same thing that happened in Australia will happen here.
It must be tough to live with so much self generated fear....Have a good day.
Yes, of course, when (not "if") the Dems win both the Executive Mansion & both Houses, many bad things will happen.

Good people have really only two choices: Move to a better state or even country, or do the best that one can under the circumstances. There are no other alternatives.

Crime, for example, will skyrocket under the Biden-Harris administration as very, very, very bad individuals become emboldened as never before. And if one takes steps to protect him-, herself, the victim (not the perp) will become the target of the law's ire!
Crime has risen during Trump and you think someone else can stop what humans do naturally?
I am not here to argue politics. I no longer have time for that.

I am here merely to help and spread an 'alarm'---time to organize like never before.

In many cities we have already ceded the streets to the leftwingers...this needs to be stopped.

If the democrats gain control you will see some very bad things begin to happen very quickly.

Standing alone you will be defeated, they will take your guns.

When I speak of organizing I am referring to armed miitia groups.

If your local sheriff knows his constituents are armed and organized he will not be so prone to work with federal thugs sent to your front door to take your guns.

Fail to organize and the same thing that happened in Australia will happen here.

The time for the organization of any civilian resistance corps has passed us by. The hour is too late for that. The best course of action at this point in time is to get your families OUT of any democrat run urban or suburban areas and to more remote republican governed rural locations. We are staying at a rented escape from before until well after the election. IF all turns out well enough we will return home. If not, we will continue on to safer, greener pastures.

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