Some People Have A Thirst For A Dictator

Oh Oh, someone's butt is flaring up again....LOL Obama was and will be the worst POS to ever enter our WH.

Really, a bit too dark skinned for your ilk?
That is the expected response. A man had the opportunity for greatness in a weary nation. He chose the political path that so many others have done in history and was even worse. Behind the scenes macabre agendas pushed and forced on us all. With an acceptable view on violence no matter the result to any individual. It was all there for him to help brotherhood,. He was set up like a man batting with the bases loaded a three and zero count with the next pitch being grooved to him. And then...…..
Oh Oh, someone's butt is flaring up again....LOL Obama was and will be the worst POS to ever enter our WH.

Really, a bit too dark skinned for your ilk?

No, a bit too un-American. Just like Hillary, she is also too un-American. Get it? I don't go by skin color like you racists. Now, go lick your butt like a good little TDS kitty.
Oh Oh, someone's butt is flaring up again....LOL Obama was and will be the worst POS to ever enter our WH.

Really, a bit too dark skinned for your ilk?
That is the expected response. A man had the opportunity for greatness in a weary nation. He chose the political path that so many others have done in history and was even worse. Behind the scenes macabre agendas pushed and forced on us all. With an acceptable view on violence no matter the result to any individual. It was all there for him to help brotherhood,. He was set up like a man batting with the bases loaded a three and zero count with the next pitch being grooved to him. And then...…..

Natty judges folks by skin color just like Obama did.
these are not americans we're dealing with These are low life scum that refuse to speak up when the evidence is right before them We call this scum Republicans
Build an alligator moat with snakes , a wall with skin piercing spikes to keep repubs in the red states

But according to Democrats ‘walls don’t work’
Build your fn wall and have Mexico pay for it Anyone that can't see that trump is the worst POS ever to enter our WH is blind

Oh Oh, someone's butt is flaring up again....LOL Obama was and will be the worst POS to ever enter our WH.
Leo you belong in the same cage as Trump
Oh Oh, someone's butt is flaring up again....LOL Obama was and will be the worst POS to ever enter our WH.

Really, a bit too dark skinned for your ilk?
That is the expected response. A man had the opportunity for greatness in a weary nation. He chose the political path that so many others have done in history and was even worse. Behind the scenes macabre agendas pushed and forced on us all. With an acceptable view on violence no matter the result to any individual. It was all there for him to help brotherhood,. He was set up like a man batting with the bases loaded a three and zero count with the next pitch being grooved to him. And then...…..

True, true............

Trump: A HC plan on his first day in office that would be BETTER, CHEAPER, and would cover EVERYONE????
Trump: A "beautiful wall" paid in full by Mexico???


Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments
Oh Oh, someone's butt is flaring up again....LOL Obama was and will be the worst POS to ever enter our WH.

Really, a bit too dark skinned for your ilk?
That is the expected response. A man had the opportunity for greatness in a weary nation. He chose the political path that so many others have done in history and was even worse. Behind the scenes macabre agendas pushed and forced on us all. With an acceptable view on violence no matter the result to any individual. It was all there for him to help brotherhood,. He was set up like a man batting with the bases loaded a three and zero count with the next pitch being grooved to him. And then...…..

True, true............

Trump: A HC plan on his first day in office that would be BETTER, CHEAPER, and would cover EVERYONE????
Trump: A "beautiful wall" paid in full by Mexico???


Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments

I DISAGREED with Obama on several issues.....BUT........good lord, in comparison with this moron-in-chief's daily screw-ups, Obama should be proud.....and he probably is (while also laughing at the fat, orange turd.)
Natty judges folks by skin color just like Obama did.

True.....I just don't like orangy people.......LOL

No Natty, you accuse me of not liking Obama because of his skin color with absolutely no proof, that makes you a racist. Get it yet? All you care about is a person's skin color or what you imagine others THINK of skin colors. You are obsessed with skin color as it pertains to a person's opinions of others. That is racist. NOW do you get it? No, Mr. TDS a 'funny face' is not a rebuttal. I win again! :113:
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Benevolent Dictator, Yes. Absolutely. Democracy is the breeding ground for Communism as we can see. When ALL the people are pulling the same weight in the same direction things are better. Its coming because ALL multicult shitholes eventually collapse. I just hope it happens before I die.

"Benevolent Dictator" is an Oxymoron.

Truism: "Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Benevolent Dictator, Yes. Absolutely. Democracy is the breeding ground for Communism as we can see. When ALL the people are pulling the same weight in the same direction things are better. Its coming because ALL multicult shitholes eventually collapse. I just hope it happens before I die.

"Benevolent Dictator" is an Oxymoron.

Truism: "Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Benevolent Dictator, Yes. Absolutely. Democracy is the breeding ground for Communism as we can see. When ALL the people are pulling the same weight in the same direction things are better. Its coming because ALL multicult shitholes eventually collapse. I just hope it happens before I die.

"Benevolent Dictator" is an Oxymoron.

Truism: "Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"

WTF are you even talking about? Your hero Stalin?
these are not americans we're dealing with These are low life scum that refuse to speak up when the evidence is right before them We call this scum Republicans
Build an alligator moat with snakes , a wall with skin piercing spikes to keep repubs in the red states

But according to Democrats ‘walls don’t work’
Build your fn wall and have Mexico pay for it Anyone that can't see that trump is the worst POS ever to enter our WH is blind

Oh Oh, someone's butt is flaring up again....LOL Obama was and will be the worst POS to ever enter our WH.

trump is the worst POS to ever ever the WH and dirtbags who support him are

Of course we all know progressives can't take a joke without crying about microaggressions, like the pansies they are.

Ass kissers DO "excuse" Trump's jokes quite a lot, don't you......Along with accepting "alternate facts" as truth is EXACTLY what makes you ass kissers and cult members..
Americans appear to be repeating the past -- the Ancient Romans had a Republic and their senate became so corrupt and greedy and did nothing but fight each other that a bunch of them threw up their hands and said, Fine--let Caesar rule us! The end of representative government because the elected leaders got out of control.
Sound familiar?
Dictators and kings are easier--we don't have to think, just behave.
The closest we've ever come to a dictator was a democrat, zealously supported by democrats then and now. The only scoundrel to violate George Washington's honorable example. A vile, power-hungry scumbag who pissed on the Constitution, threatened our form of government in the most fundamental ways, threw loyal, innocent Americans into concentration camps in the hundreds of thousands, slaughtered civilians while allowing more American servicemen to die in war than need have been, consigned Jews escaping Nazi Germany to a terrible fate, and supported some of the worst dictators in history at America's expense (in every sense).

"The closest we've ever come to a dictator was a democrat, zealously supported by democrats then and now."

An unprovable opinion. ...

Proven by the facts of history.

" A vile, power-hungry scumbag "

I have read no historical reports giving this any credence.....

If you had studied American History at all, you would know that fdr restructured the balance of power in the form of our Republic drastically toward the Executive Branch.
Benevolent Dictator, Yes. Absolutely. Democracy is the breeding ground for Communism as we can see. When ALL the people are pulling the same weight in the same direction things are better. Its coming because ALL multicult shitholes eventually collapse. I just hope it happens before I die.

"Benevolent Dictator" is an Oxymoron.

Truism: "Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Benevolent Dictator, Yes. Absolutely. Democracy is the breeding ground for Communism as we can see. When ALL the people are pulling the same weight in the same direction things are better. Its coming because ALL multicult shitholes eventually collapse. I just hope it happens before I die.

"Benevolent Dictator" is an Oxymoron.

Truism: "Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely"

WTF are you even talking about? Your hero Stalin?

FU - you really are the enemy of the people, a biddable fool and a supprter of a megalomaniac and you have the audacity to attack my character as one who would support a mass murderer such as Stalin.

You are not only an ignorant fool, you're an asshole too. Trump is Stalin lite - he assassinates the character of anyone who won't support him, someone you clearly emulate.

" A vile, power-hungry scumbag "

I have read no historical reports giving this any credence.....

If you had studied American History at all, you would know that fdr restructured the balance of power in the form of our Republic drastically toward the Executive Branch.

FDR entered the White House in the midst of the Depression. A captain who needed to correct the ship of state with alacrity.

Desperate times require desperate measures. Extreme and undesirable circumstances or situations can only be resolved by resorting to equally extreme action.

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