Some People Have A Thirst For A Dictator

these are not americans we're dealing with These are low life scum that refuse to speak up when the evidence is right before them We call this scum Republicans
Build an alligator moat with snakes , a wall with skin piercing spikes to keep repubs in the red states
From YOUR link...."The suspect wrote that his views “predate Trump" Next....

Moron.........The shooter's VIEWS "predate Trump".......but NOT his ACTIONS.......

(Who turns the computer "on" for these right wing morons???)

Yes, Trump had 0 to do with the perp’s prejudiced views. And stop with insults they only reveal your desperation.
these are not americans we're dealing with These are low life scum that refuse to speak up when the evidence is right before them We call this scum Republicans
Build an alligator moat with snakes , a wall with skin piercing spikes to keep repubs in the red states

But according to Democrats ‘walls don’t work’
these are not americans we're dealing with These are low life scum that refuse to speak up when the evidence is right before them We call this scum Republicans
Build an alligator moat with snakes , a wall with skin piercing spikes to keep repubs in the red states

But according to Democrats ‘walls don’t work’
Build your fn wall and have Mexico pay for it Anyone that can't see that trump is the worst POS ever to enter our WH is blind
Now the POS wants to arrest members of congress?? Is he fn nutz ? Can't republicans see it?
Now the POS wants to arrest members of congress?? Is he fn nutz ? Can't republicans see it?

Trump Cult Members must wear strong sunglasses to prevent seeing the vivid bullshit spewed by the clown on a daily basis.
The closest we've ever come to a dictator was a democrat, zealously supported by democrats then and now. The only scoundrel to violate George Washington's honorable example. A vile, power-hungry scumbag who pissed on the Constitution, threatened our form of government in the most fundamental ways, threw loyal, innocent Americans into concentration camps in the hundreds of thousands, slaughtered civilians while allowing more American servicemen to die in war than need have been, consigned Jews escaping Nazi Germany to a terrible fate, and supported some of the worst dictators in history at America's expense (in every sense).
Hillary was hoping for a dynasty when she promoted Slick Willie - who actually won. But then she blew it (as he was getting blown?) and produced a daughter (by WHO???) who approaches certifiable insanity. Dynasty?

No. Nomination? Foregone conclusion. Victory? On WHAT planet?
The closest we've ever come to a dictator was a democrat, zealously supported by democrats then and now. The only scoundrel to violate George Washington's honorable example. A vile, power-hungry scumbag who pissed on the Constitution, threatened our form of government in the most fundamental ways, threw loyal, innocent Americans into concentration camps in the hundreds of thousands, slaughtered civilians while allowing more American servicemen to die in war than need have been, consigned Jews escaping Nazi Germany to a terrible fate, and supported some of the worst dictators in history at America's expense (in every sense).

Now that you got THAT out of your system......

The TRUTH doesn't wash off so easily, despite what the democrat party would like.
Hillary was hoping for a dynasty when she promoted Slick Willie - who actually won. But then she blew it (as he was getting blown?) and produced a daughter (by WHO???) who approaches certifiable insanity. Dynasty?

No. Nomination? Foregone conclusion. Victory? On WHAT planet?

"Hillary was hoping for a dynasty when she promoted Slick Willie"

So hillary wanted what the bushes wanted.....and actually had!

how evil of hillary.....

but it was fine for the bushes, though.....absolutely NOTHING WRONG with a republican family wanting more than one member of the family aspiring to the presidency....perfectly fine....perfectly legal....

but when DEMONcRAT does it....

boy that is fkn evil.....

(I'm trying to sound like a am I doing?)
The closest we've ever come to a dictator was a democrat, zealously supported by democrats then and now. The only scoundrel to violate George Washington's honorable example. A vile, power-hungry scumbag who pissed on the Constitution, threatened our form of government in the most fundamental ways, threw loyal, innocent Americans into concentration camps in the hundreds of thousands, slaughtered civilians while allowing more American servicemen to die in war than need have been, consigned Jews escaping Nazi Germany to a terrible fate, and supported some of the worst dictators in history at America's expense (in every sense).

Now that you got THAT out of your system......

The TRUTH doesn't wash off so easily, despite what the democrat party would like.
The TRUTH ? Uke you can't handle the truth The real truth is you have a sick lying pervert in our WH and you refuse to acknowledge it
The closest we've ever come to a dictator was a democrat, zealously supported by democrats then and now. The only scoundrel to violate George Washington's honorable example. A vile, power-hungry scumbag who pissed on the Constitution, threatened our form of government in the most fundamental ways, threw loyal, innocent Americans into concentration camps in the hundreds of thousands, slaughtered civilians while allowing more American servicemen to die in war than need have been, consigned Jews escaping Nazi Germany to a terrible fate, and supported some of the worst dictators in history at America's expense (in every sense).

Now that you got THAT out of your system......

The TRUTH doesn't wash off so easily, despite what the democrat party would like.
The TRUTH ? Uke you can't handle the truth ......

I posted the truth. You seem to be the one having trouble accepting it.
The TRUTH ? Uke you can't handle the truth The real truth is you have a sick lying pervert in our WH and you refuse to acknowledge it

Oh, wow!

That was one hell of a nap.

The Kenyan Candidate vacated the WH several years ago. He's gone. You can get out of bed now.
TRUMP """What can my country do for me??"" Henry you have to be sick to support the moron trump
these are not americans we're dealing with These are low life scum that refuse to speak up when the evidence is right before them We call this scum Republicans
Build an alligator moat with snakes , a wall with skin piercing spikes to keep repubs in the red states

But according to Democrats ‘walls don’t work’
Build your fn wall and have Mexico pay for it Anyone that can't see that trump is the worst POS ever to enter our WH is blind

Oh Oh, someone's butt is flaring up again....LOL Obama was and will be the worst POS to ever enter our WH.
The closest we've ever come to a dictator was a democrat, zealously supported by democrats then and now. The only scoundrel to violate George Washington's honorable example. A vile, power-hungry scumbag who pissed on the Constitution, threatened our form of government in the most fundamental ways, threw loyal, innocent Americans into concentration camps in the hundreds of thousands, slaughtered civilians while allowing more American servicemen to die in war than need have been, consigned Jews escaping Nazi Germany to a terrible fate, and supported some of the worst dictators in history at America's expense (in every sense).

"The closest we've ever come to a dictator was a democrat, zealously supported by democrats then and now."

An unprovable opinion. Yes, being practically insane and probably very conservative you can make up nonsense and truly believe it but it is still nonsense.

" The only scoundrel to violate George Washington's honorable example."

but others have tried, including republicans.

" A vile, power-hungry scumbag "

I have read no historical reports giving this any credence.
i think you're just an angry lunatic.

"who pissed on the Constitution,"
how so?

"who pissed on the constitution"
You must be thinking of trump and republicans.

" threatened our form of government in the most fundamental ways,"

I think I will change my allegiance become a conservative!
They have the freedom to make up the most outrageous lies!

" threw loyal, innocent Americans into concentration camps in the hundreds of thousands,"

at the behest of conservative christian republican American everywhere!

Go ahead....start a thread about how evil it was to throw japanese into concentration camps during WWII and just watch ALL OF THE CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN TRUMP VOTING REPUBLICANS DEFEND IT!

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