Some simple facts about our current and future Supreme Court

Acolytes on both sides would have you believe it's always the policies and positions alone that get their candidate elected and to a small degree this is true but here's the real reason most are elected.......

(Note that Tocqueville in his Democracy in America commented that America has a tacit wish for a nobility class and shows this in its justice system by having judges wear robes and be referred to as “your honor”)

I don't recall that anywhere in Democracy in America. In fact, Alexis de Tocqueville said we prefer lawyers in place of nobility, to keep a nobility class at bay. The last thing we wish for is an aristocracy.

In the United States the people do not hate the higher classes of society, but are not favorably inclined towards them and carefully exclude them from the exercise of authority. They do not fear distinguished talents, but are rarely fond of them. In general, everyone who rises without their aid seldom obtains their favor.
(Note that Tocqueville in his Democracy in America commented that America has a tacit wish for a nobility class and shows this in its justice system by having judges wear robes and be referred to as “your honor”)

I don't recall that anywhere in Democracy in America. In fact, Alexis de Tocqueville said we prefer lawyers in place of nobility, to keep a nobility class at bay. The last thing we wish for is an aristocracy.

In the United States the people do not hate the higher classes of society, but are not favorably inclined towards them and carefully exclude them from the exercise of authority. They do not fear distinguished talents, but are rarely fond of them. In general, everyone who rises without their aid seldom obtains their favor.

Who opened the door? Obama has totally disregarded the duties of the Congress.

Hard to "disregard" when Congress does NOTHING......

Has Obama ever asked Congress to pass legislation regarding illegal immigration???
I don't recall that anywhere in Democracy in America. In fact, Alexis de Tocqueville said we prefer lawyers in place of nobility, to keep a nobility class at bay. The last thing we wish for is an aristocracy.

Then go back and re-read Tocqueville.....His comment was (and is) about the fact that we require judges to wear robes....and refer to them as "your honor"......
In 1992, Sen. Biden said Congress “should not name a nominee until after the November election is completed.”

It ain't gonna happen libs so put your dildos and peckers away...

Two things for you and your fellow morons......

First, a nomination WILL take place.....and we on the left WELCOME the catastrophe of senate GOP stalling and doing nothing while campaigning to be re-elected.

Second, IF Biden stated what you wrote, than he was wrong also....
I don't recall that anywhere in Democracy in America. In fact, Alexis de Tocqueville said we prefer lawyers in place of nobility, to keep a nobility class at bay. The last thing we wish for is an aristocracy.

Then go back and re-read Tocqueville.....His comment was (and is) about the fact that we require judges to wear robes....and refer to them as "your honor"......
Dude, I've read that book quite a few times. It's my favorite political science book of all time.

Show me: Democracy in America: TOC

Our judges wear robes and are called "your honor" because of long standing tradition from the Old World.
Well, actually that's exactly the way we want it to continue.

Where others may try to conceal their biases.....You embrace them... Congrats!!!

Of course. I am an American patriot. I want my country great again. I am a firm believer that the will of the majority vote of the people of each individual state should take president over the political bias of nine people in robes.
The government of democracy is favorable to the political power of lawyers; for when the wealthy, the noble, and the prince are excluded from the government, the lawyers take possession of it, in their own right, as it were, since they are the only men of information and sagacity, beyond the sphere of the people, who can be the object of the popular choice. If, then, they are led by their tastes towards the aristocracy and the prince, they are brought in contact with the people by their interests.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 16
Fact 6 Obamas nominees must pass a vetting process by the Senate before being confirmed.

Just like every Justice in the past

Which is why MY preference is,to let Obama nominate whomever he wants, and simply have the Senate vote them down repeatedly.
Obama has appointed well over a dozen circuit and district judges which the Senate voted unanimously in favor of.

If Obama nominates one of these, it will be pretty hard for the Republicans vote against them without looking like raging hypocrites.

This is why McConnell has said he won't even allow the Senate to vote on nominees, thus proving once again just how much the GOP hates the Constitution when it is inconvenient to their political hackery.
In 1992, Sen. Biden said Congress “should not name a nominee until after the November election is completed.”

It ain't gonna happen libs so put your dildos and peckers away...

Two things for you and your fellow morons......

First, a nomination WILL take place.....and we on the left WELCOME the catastrophe of senate GOP stalling and doing nothing while campaigning to be re-elected.

Second, IF Biden stated what you wrote, than he was wrong also....

He said it in near July of 1992, and there was no vacancy.

Worth a minute's watch:

They are chrrypicking - A little further into that 90 minute speech, Biden called for a "compromise" pick -- and when you look at the makeup of the court at the time ( 8 out of 9 POTUS picks by the GOP, with the only Dem pick Byron White - appointed by JFK, whispering to retire) Biden was talking about what would have been a fall election year hearing in his hypothetical, and Biden goes on to say "compromise is the responsible course both for the White House and for the Senate:"

From that same 1992 clip: "If the President consults and cooperates with the Senate or moderates his selections absent consultation, then his nominees may enjoy my support as did Justices Kennedy and Souter. But if he does not, as is the President's right, then I will oppose his future nominees, as is my right."
Obama has appointed well over a dozen circuit and district judges which the Senate voted unanimously in favor of.

If Obama nominates one of these, it will be pretty hard for the Republicans vote against them without looking like raging hypocrites.

So the guy hired to run a department of the Company is automatically qualified to be CEO?..... I don't think so.
Fact 6 Obamas nominees must pass a vetting process by the Senate before being confirmed.

Just like every Justice in the past

Which is why MY preference is,to let Obama nominate whomever he wants, and simply have the Senate vote them down repeatedly.
Obama has appointed well over a dozen circuit and district judges which the Senate voted unanimously in favor of.

If Obama nominates one of these, it will be pretty hard for the Republicans vote against them without looking like raging hypocrites.

This is why McConnell has said he won't even allow the Senate to vote on nominees, thus proving once again just how much the GOP hates the Constitution when it is inconvenient to their political hackery.

Obama has appointed well over a dozen circuit and district judges which the Senate voted unanimously in favor of.

Hmm, Bork was also appointed unanimously, to the United States Court of Appeals.

Didn't fare so well as nominee for SCOTUS, did he?
In 1992, Sen. Biden said Congress “should not name a nominee until after the November election is completed.”

It ain't gonna happen libs so put your dildos and peckers away...

Two things for you and your fellow morons......

First, a nomination WILL take place.....and we on the left WELCOME the catastrophe of senate GOP stalling and doing nothing while campaigning to be re-elected.

Second, IF Biden stated what you wrote, than he was wrong also....

He said it in near July of 1992, and there was no vacancy.

Worth a minute's watch:

They are chrrypicking - A little further into that 90 minute speech, Biden called for a "compromise" pick -- and when you look at the makeup of the court at the time ( 8 out of 9 POTUS picks by the GOP, with the only Dem pick Byron White - appointed by JFK, whispering to retire) Biden was talking about what would have been a fall election year hearing in his hypothetical, and Biden goes on to say "compromise is the responsible course both for the White House and for the Senate:"

From that same 1992 clip: "If the President consults and cooperates with the Senate or moderates his selections absent consultation, then his nominees may enjoy my support as did Justices Kennedy and Souter. But if he does not, as is the President's right, then I will oppose his future nominees, as is my right."

Right, let Obama nominate a Scalia clone, and he'll get approved
One thing you can count on. Liberals will always end up with their own actions coming back to bite them in their collective asses. Biden, Obama, Shummer. All of them. Power corrupts. Just as the Liberal Democrats shoved Obamacare down the throats of the American people. Just as Obama is closing Gitmo. Obama is doing all he can do in his last months to cripple any Republican Presidency that succeeds him. The Liberal Dems have made their own bed. Payback will be swift and painful. Suck it up Liberals. There's a new day dawning and injustices to be corrected.

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