Some truly unfortunate raw stats on police violence

Your boy shot an unarmed man. A grand jury whitewashed it, but the community isn't buying it.

Like many others you have seized upon the word, unarmed, as a means to condemn Wilson's action. In this, are you suggesting it is impossible for one man to bare-handedly kill or severely injure another?

Do you believe someone under the influence of some drugs is capable of continued violence even after being shot several times -- provided no vital organs have been damaged? Do you believe an enraged psychopath can be similarly de-sensitized to pain? And considering what we know about Michael Brown's pathologically brutal behavior, do you have cause to doubt he was psychopathic?
I cant imagine anyone would want him as a copy given his propesnity towards shooting at anything he considers remotely threatening...
You regard punching the cop in the face and attempting to seize his firearm as "remotely" threatening? Tell us what you think of as moderately threatening.
I cant imagine anyone would want him as a copy given his propesnity towards shooting at anything he considers remotely threatening...
You regard punching the cop in the face and attempting to seize his firearm as "remotely" threatening? Tell us what you think of as moderately threatening.

He wont. Few will. I've asked before. They believe no unarmed person is capable of killing someone. And they believe cops shouldn't be able to use a gun vs anyone who doesn't also possess a gun....ever...under any circumstances.
Pushing back because a criminal who attacked a cop got killed? That makes no sense.

That much? People and police have been killed cause of this stupidity. Some cities have record homicides. People dying is kind of a big deal.

Yes it is. It is too bad the police let these problems go as long as they have.

sorry, maybe you think Jaywalking is a capital offense, but I really don't.

See....that's the problem with you idiots. You always use the most minor and initial cause for a the "for" in the reason the shooting happened.

So...if a person was littering. And got stopped. And the cop asked for ID for the ticket. And driver said no, fuck off. And cop told him 10 times to provide ID and he said no. And cop says exit vehicle and he says no. And cop grabs arm to arrest him....and driver pulls a knife and raises it to stab cop....and cop shoots and kills idiots would say "OH NOW COPS WILL KILL YOU FOR LITTERING! !!"
That is nice. Perhaps you could, you know, start a thread on it considering that this has NOTHING to do with the thread you just tried to take over.

THIS thread is about the small number of shootings and the perception that the media/those trying to capitalize on a few incidents are trying to build around it - not the drug war.
The issue has far less to do with the shootings than with the increasingly anti-cop response to them and the reason for it. And while it might not be readily apparent to those with limited peripheral vision, in the final analysis the drug war has quite a lot to do with the overall problem.

Take a few steps back and look at the big picture. You might be surprised at what you see.
I have. I already stated that I actually agree with you as far as the drug war goes.

That does not change what I stated though. The anti-cop attitude that grabs headlines would exist without that as well.
I think attacking a cop is. The police aren't to blame for all the problems. The problem is too many people choosing to break the law.

I didn't say they were responsible for ALL the problems. They ARE responsible for the problem of police departments routinely violating the rights of black suspects, including dubious arrests, beating confessions out of people, excessive use of force, etc.

And the excuse of "Well, they were bad people because they committed some minor offense", might make you sleep better at night, but most sensible people kind f see a problem here.
I think attacking a cop is. The police aren't to blame for all the problems. The problem is too many people choosing to break the law.

I didn't say they were responsible for ALL the problems. They ARE responsible for the problem of police departments routinely violating the rights of black suspects, including dubious arrests, beating confessions out of people, excessive use of force, etc.

And the excuse of "Well, they were bad people because they committed some minor offense", might make you sleep better at night, but most sensible people kind f see a problem here.

When they are found guilty of those offenses they should be punished. You continue to go after a cop who was cleared.
See....that's the problem with you idiots. You always use the most minor and initial cause for a the "for" in the reason the shooting happened.

So...if a person was littering. And got stopped. And the cop asked for ID for the ticket. And driver said no, fuck off. And cop told him 10 times to provide ID and he said no. And cop says exit vehicle and he says no. And cop grabs arm to arrest him....and driver pulls a knife and raises it to stab cop....and cop shoots and kills idiots would say "OH NOW COPS WILL KILL YOU FOR LITTERING! !!"

Yes, that's what I would say. Except I wouldnt' beleive the cop's story about stabbing unless he's got that on tape.

Hey, guy, remember when that cop shot that guy in the back in SC and he claimed the guy went for his TASER? And I remember, you were on here, defending the shit out of that cop. Until video showed up of the cop shooting the guy in the back and then dropping his Taser on the corpse.

Couple of years ago, we had a Mountain Lion that was loose in the city, and the police shot it. People made jokes if the CPD put a gun in the lion's paw to justify it. Now, it was a funny joke, but I think it's also a sad commentary on how badly the police act sometimes.
When they are found guilty of those offenses they should be punished. You continue to go after a cop who was cleared.

I don't respect the findings. The proceedings were a farce and the intent was to clear the cop from the start.

I think the DOJ would have loved to have found something to quell the unrest. But they couldn't so he is clear.

In a year....about 12-14 million arrests are made. Out of 330 million citizens.
Police state? Thats about 13 out of 330 people. Or....about 4% of people. Now...consider how many REPEAT offenders we's probably more like 1% of people. Chances you have of being arrested for something....very small....and likely completely your own fault.

Now....about 400-500 of those arrests result in offender death. Tragic...yes. But....that's about 0.003%. Most of those are white. And most of those involve officers being shot at first.

TINY number (fact checked by Politifact Fatal police shootings occur in tiny percentage of arrests in U.S. Milwaukee s police chief says PolitiFact Wisconsin

Roughly 1,000,000 law enforcement officers in a cumulative 300 BILLION hours per year of police work. And maybe 10-20 questionable shootings occur a year. Again....tragic....but an EXTREMELY tiny number.'s unfortunate because of two reasons:
1) It's showing that our media is creating an image of a major crisis out of something where there is none
2) It's making a large chunk of our population look like complete morons for believing it

Of course the statistics cited are self-reported by the police departments. And we all know that they can't be trusted as reliable sources of information regarding their own misbehavior, so obviously we haven't learned anything of significance from your post.
Like many others you have seized upon the word, unarmed, as a means to condemn Wilson's action. In this, are you suggesting it is impossible for one man to bare-handedly kill or severely injure another?

Do you believe someone under the influence of some drugs is capable of continued violence even after being shot several times -- provided no vital organs have been damaged? Do you believe an enraged psychopath can be similarly de-sensitized to pain? And considering what we know about Michael Brown's pathologically brutal behavior, do you have cause to doubt he was psychopathic?

Pathological brutal behavior? Because he shoved a clerk into a rack of chips?

Point is, the kid was unarmed, wounded, 100 feet away from Wilson and at least according to some witnesses holding his hands up saying, "Don't Shoot".

There's no evidence from the autopsy he was on drugs.
When they are found guilty of those offenses they should be punished. You continue to go after a cop who was cleared.

I don't respect the findings. The proceedings were a farce and the intent was to clear the cop from the start.

I think the DOJ would have loved to have found something to quell the unrest. But they couldn't so he is clear.

The DOJ realized that civil rights charges are very difficult to prove. Heck, they couldn't even nail those four cops who beat Rodney King with blatant videotaped evidence. Two of them got off and two of them got a slap on the wrist.

Not to worry, Officer WIlson will be called to account on a civil trial, and they are going to nail him to the wall on that one. He'll be paying Brown's family for the rest of his life.
Like many others you have seized upon the word, unarmed, as a means to condemn Wilson's action. In this, are you suggesting it is impossible for one man to bare-handedly kill or severely injure another?

Do you believe someone under the influence of some drugs is capable of continued violence even after being shot several times -- provided no vital organs have been damaged? Do you believe an enraged psychopath can be similarly de-sensitized to pain? And considering what we know about Michael Brown's pathologically brutal behavior, do you have cause to doubt he was psychopathic?

Pathological brutal behavior? Because he shoved a clerk into a rack of chips?

Point is, the kid was unarmed, wounded, 100 feet away from Wilson and at least according to some witnesses holding his hands up saying, "Don't Shoot".

There's no evidence from the autopsy he was on drugs.

You realize a cop needs to pursue the criminal right? He didn't shoot a 100 feet, he pursued him and when he charged shot him.
When they are found guilty of those offenses they should be punished. You continue to go after a cop who was cleared.

I don't respect the findings. The proceedings were a farce and the intent was to clear the cop from the start.

I think the DOJ would have loved to have found something to quell the unrest. But they couldn't so he is clear.

The DOJ realized that civil rights charges are very difficult to prove. Heck, they couldn't even nail those four cops who beat Rodney King with blatant videotaped evidence. Two of them got off and two of them got a slap on the wrist.

Not to worry, Officer WIlson will be called to account on a civil trial, and they are going to nail him to the wall on that one. He'll be paying Brown's family for the rest of his life.

Unlikely. That would be a horrible message to send to criminals.
You realize a cop needs to pursue the criminal right? He didn't shoot a 100 feet, he pursued him and when he charged shot him.

Well, according to Liar Wilson, yeah. I'm really not believing anything that racist POS says.

If he didn't think he could take the guy without shooting him, he probably shouldn't have chased him. He probablyshould have waited for backup, used his taser or done a lot of other things. YOu know, the things they do when they arrest white people without killing them.

Unlikely. That would be a horrible message to send to criminals.

I think it would send a wonderful message to cops.

We need massive reform of our police departments.
You realize a cop needs to pursue the criminal right? He didn't shoot a 100 feet, he pursued him and when he charged shot him.

Well, according to Liar Wilson, yeah. I'm really not believing anything that racist POS says.

If he didn't think he could take the guy without shooting him, he probably shouldn't have chased him. He probablyshould have waited for backup, used his taser or done a lot of other things. YOu know, the things they do when they arrest white people without killing them.

Unlikely. That would be a horrible message to send to criminals.

I think it would send a wonderful message to cops.

We need massive reform of our police departments.

Let a dangerous criminal run free? You can't be serious.

Since he was cleared he is clearly not a liar. Stop making things up, you have no basis for your claims.
JoeB131 is simply too dumb to have this discussion with.
Let a dangerous criminal run free? You can't be serious.

Since he was cleared he is clearly not a liar. Stop making things up, you have no basis for your claims.

You mean that dangerous jaywalker?

Wilson was fired. They knew he lied.

JoeB131 is simply too dumb to have this discussion with.

You were the piece of shit who defended the SC cop that shot the man in the back.
Let a dangerous criminal run free? You can't be serious.

Since he was cleared he is clearly not a liar. Stop making things up, you have no basis for your claims.

You mean that dangerous jaywalker?

Wilson was fired. They knew he lied.

JoeB131 is simply too dumb to have this discussion with.

You were the piece of shit who defended the SC cop that shot the man in the back.

No the dangerous criminal who just attacked him. Cops can't just let criminals walk away. That's how innocent people get killed.

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