Somebody had to say it!!! Comic relief for the unvaccinated

Take that list flip and there you go. You think humans control weather! Hahahaha
That's what NASA says. Between America, Europe, Asia, South America, Canada, Africa, we are affecting the climate.

Or we could listen to you.
Nope. In fact, most Biden supporters still believe they are immune from Covid if they're vaccinated. Hence the 700,000 Americans dead from Covid under Biden's administration.
Not immune. Our chances of survival are higher. Fact is, blacks who don't trust government, sickly people and Republicans who don't trust government are the only people who are dying of covid.

Biden can't help sickly people or people who don't get vaccinated because they don't trust the government.

I can name 5 right wing radio talk show hosts who have died of covid. Can you name 5 Democrats who have died of covid? No one? One maybe? I can't think of any.

The pandemic has killed more people in the nation’s Republican enclaves than its Democratic strongholds. They explain the gap by pointing to Republican resistance to vaccines and the GOP’s more cavalier approach to combating the virus in general.

the Pew Research Center found that 33 percent of Republicans had not received a vaccine, compared to 10 percent of Democrats. Another Pew survey that month showed a widening mask gap, with Republicans less likely than Democrats (39 percent vs. 79 percent) to say they wore masks inside stores most or all of the time.

GOP-run states that lifted lockdowns sooner had higher excess death rates than blue states, an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed. Florida and Georgia had more than 200 deaths per 100,000, while New York had 112 per 100,000, New Jersey 73 per 100,000 and Massachusetts 50 per 100,000.

more Americans died in counties that supported Trump than those that backed Biden.

So sickly people, blacks who don't trust government and Republicans who don't trust government are the people dying of covid. The 10% of Democrats who didn't get vaccinated? Blacks.

But it's not like it was, when not getting vacced was very possibly going to kill an old or sick person you lived with.
The vax does not provide immunity nor prevent the spread, but, according to the CDC, it lessens the severity of infection. The bs about killing an old or sick person who is vaxxed was propaganda. I am not disparaging those who feel the need to be vaccinated but I would appreciate the same reciprocal consideration. If you are vaxxed, I am no threat to you.
Hate to be the voice of doom but....

The current popular variant can bypass every vaccine out there. ba.5 is growing exponentially fast....we have no vaccine for it. *currently in the SE*
ba.5 is so infectious over and above omicron that masks are also worthless....only a hazmat bio suit is sufficient.

Then there's another variant that is catching everyone's attention because it's going to be able to bypass every antiviral we currently use.

One last thing and as I read this thread it really breaks my heart. Multiple infections of COVID-19, regardless of strains, seem to have a cumulative effect with cognition, pulmonary, and endocrine systems. Meaning that Multiple infections are slowly killing you but you won't have the mental capacity to notice. It's the reason we keep seeing people with poor impulse control in the media lately. Every infection destroys some cognitive function. (Loss of taste and smell is the big clue)

I know everyone is tired of this pandemic....the Lord knows I am.

But it's not over....this one appears its going to last for 5 years minimum.
I am confused. Because 98% of Republican Federal politicians and Fox News Employees got vaccinated. So how come so many of their listeners got a different message? Oh yea, they pushed anti vax theories. And the biggest liars are the right wing radio shows you cons listen to on the way to and from work.
you really are confused. So you're saying if CNN tells you to jump off a bridge because they did, you'd jump? just curious, no other reason for you to have that type of belief system.
you really are confused. So you're saying if CNN tells you to jump off a bridge because they did, you'd jump? just curious, no other reason for you to have that type of belief system.
Still not ready to admit you are wrong? I mean, if 5 right wing radio hosts who told you saps not to get vaccinated died of covid, wouldn't you wise up and realize you are listening to idiots? And now we know the lying media isn't on tv. The most effective media are the right wing radio shows you guys listen to in your cars. They reach way more idiots than Fox does. Like 10 times more. Now it is very clear where you guys are getting your misinformation.

If a speeding train were coming, you wouldn't get out of it's way if these right wing media's told you it was a hoax or illusion.

We know your belief system. You toe the line on every issue.
Still not ready to admit you are wrong? I mean, if 5 right wing radio hosts who told you saps not to get vaccinated died of covid, wouldn't you wise up and realize you are listening to idiots? And now we know the lying media isn't on tv. The most effective media are the right wing radio shows you guys listen to in your cars. They reach way more idiots than Fox does. Like 10 times more. Now it is very clear where you guys are getting your misinformation.

If a speeding train were coming, you wouldn't get out of it's way if these right wing media's told you it was a hoax or illusion.

We know your belief system. You toe the line on every issue.
why would I admit to something I'm not. prove me wrong. it seems you are confident in your material, present it big dog.

I wish I knew your point.
why would I admit to something I'm not. prove me wrong. it seems you are confident in your material, present it big dog.

I wish I knew your point.
Actually the IT gurus have been saying it all along.
Social media has been extremely complicit with the Democrat's agenda. But the source of the social media push has been both Russia and Iran. The Social Media platforms liked the race baiting and Social injustice stuff but now that Russia and Iran are pushing anti-vax propaganda they are appalled. .

Russia and Iran want to weaken the US by any and every means possible....especially because they know that the USA has some of the best medical technology in the world.. it's certainly the best funded...

So to get people to do the worst things possible to ensure they get sick was definitely on their agendas. That way they have a better chance of "throwing off the yoke of oppression from the USA" . Russia got to invade Ukraine with little opposition from the USA because Biden got elected and the USA military and hospital systems would be under pressure from the pandemic.

That was the goal and they have somewhat succeeded in their goals of stopping any USA interference with their goals.

These countries want a divided USA that is too busy fighting themselves to worry about what they are doing. Meanwhile Iran claims to have Nuclear Missiles and Russia has Ukraine enslaved. (Conscription is slavery)
Not immune. Our chances of survival are higher. Fact is, blacks who don't trust government, sickly people and Republicans who don't trust government are the only people who are dying of covid.

Biden can't help sickly people or people who don't get vaccinated because they don't trust the government.

I can name 5 right wing radio talk show hosts who have died of covid. Can you name 5 Democrats who have died of covid? No one? One maybe? I can't think of any.

The pandemic has killed more people in the nation’s Republican enclaves than its Democratic strongholds. They explain the gap by pointing to Republican resistance to vaccines and the GOP’s more cavalier approach to combating the virus in general.

the Pew Research Center found that 33 percent of Republicans had not received a vaccine, compared to 10 percent of Democrats. Another Pew survey that month showed a widening mask gap, with Republicans less likely than Democrats (39 percent vs. 79 percent) to say they wore masks inside stores most or all of the time.

GOP-run states that lifted lockdowns sooner had higher excess death rates than blue states, an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed. Florida and Georgia had more than 200 deaths per 100,000, while New York had 112 per 100,000, New Jersey 73 per 100,000 and Massachusetts 50 per 100,000.

more Americans died in counties that supported Trump than those that backed Biden.

So sickly people, blacks who don't trust government and Republicans who don't trust government are the people dying of covid. The 10% of Democrats who didn't get vaccinated? Blacks.

So Joe lied?

Yup. And a lot of Republicans died. It was great.

Trump lied and 1 person died. Ashlii Babbott. Biden lied and I'd say roughly 700,000 Republicans died.

You think every Covid death in the US was a Republican? LOL, you're even dumber than I thought, and I thought you were pretty fucking dumb (and racist).
You think every Covid death in the US was a Republican? LOL, you're even dumber than I thought, and I thought you were pretty fucking dumb (and racist).

Old Sickly People
Blacks who don't trust the government
Republicans who don't trust the government.

Blacks only make up at most 15% of the population. So their number of covid deaths was very high per capital but still nothing compared to white unvaccinated Americans.

You could also say some of us died before the vaccine too. I guess there would be some of us in the number pre vaccinate.

Yes, the vast majority of deaths were white conservative Republicans.

I can name 5 republican radio personalities who were anti vax. Unvaccinated and they died of covid. And guys like Herman Cain.

You show me some famous people on our side who were vaccinated and died.
Prove a lot of conservatives died
Dick Farrel was a conservative talk show host from Florida. He was an avid Trump supporter who changed his mind about the vaccine after her fell sick from the virus, but it was too late. He died after a two-week battle on August 4, 2021


Trump killed him just like he killed Ashlii Babbott.
Dick Farrel was a conservative talk show host from Florida. He was an avid Trump supporter who changed his mind about the vaccine after her fell sick from the virus, but it was too late. He died after a two-week battle on August 4, 2021

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Trump killed him just like he killed Ashlii Babbott.
wow now one dude is considered all of conservatives. wow. Just can't make up this fking much stupid. Are you suggesting vaccinated Colin Powel didn't die? really? wow.
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