Someone wants to use the 14th Amendment to fix the 2024 election for Dems.

So you think we Conservatives should just bend over and take whatever diseased laws you Communists impose?

You can revolt and go to jail like a 1000 J6 idiots. Then Trump will love you long time too.


And that's still not an insurrection. Insurrection is a violent uprising against the government.

Sure he has, someone else said that “seditious conspiracy” was the same as insurrection, and we can’t certainly get to seditious conspiracy with Biden… let’s see..

or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States

So, by failing to secure the borders one could say that Biden is guilty of opposing the law of the United States, and by not abiding by the laws, he is hindering the execution of them.

Also, this is the new age of “interpretation” so, we can just interpret it as we wish.

So, Biden would be disqualified to hold office..
Really? CRT, faggotry, and other far Left perversions being taught instead of staying on the basics (Three Rs), no discipline, no character development. Shall I continue?
Continue to explain what the hell you’re talking about, fool.
That is inaccurate, stupid.
Continuing: Ever since the Feds took control of the schools in 1978, as payola to the teacher's unions by Jimmah Cahtah for their 1976 endorsement, educational quality has been circling the toilet bowl with no end in sight. In my time (mid to late 80s) the fad was "Outcome Based 'Education'". Then we had W with his "Common Core" and NCLB garbage. Kids being dumbed down to the lowest common denominator.
Sure he has, someone else said that “seditious conspiracy” was the same as insurrection, and we can’t certainly get to seditious conspiracy with Biden… let’s see..

So, by failing to secure the borders one could say that Biden is guilty of opposing the law of the United States, and by not abiding by the laws, he is hindering the execution of them.

Also, this is the new age of “interpretation” so, we can just interpret it as we wish.

So, Biden would be disqualified to hold office..

You could say that if you're insane, which you are.
They did what you originally claimed couldn't be done.

Then you switched your argument to they could do it.

Furthermore, despite you pointing out there were cases that didn't favor the plaintiff, you utterly failed to show the judges in those cases ruled improperly.

This isn't a binary solution set situation, suits could be before, after, way after.
The cheating which you acknowledged can't be demonstrated with any evidence. Millions of voters who did nothing wrong lose their ability to vote for Trump because of your feelings?

There is evidence something screwy went on, just not enough to overcome the protectors of the system or the fellow travelers like you.

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